
Chapter 66

After classes ended, the four of us walked to the karaoke place. Once we reached our destination, Cyrus waved us goodbye and went off to the Materia company building. We went inside the building where our other classmates were already at the counter.

"Don't worry about paying. It's my treat," one of our classmates said.

We all went inside one of the karaoke rooms and took our seats. They began singing. Momo also joined in.

Soon, a staff arrived with glasses of clear liquid. At first I thought it was water, but when I sniffed it, I recognized the scent.

"Alcohol?" I was surprised. "We're not even at legal drinking age yet."

Our classmates laughed. "Don't worry about it. We're good friends with the owner, so we can order alcoholic drinks."

I became worried.

"Don't worry, Beatrice. I can take your glass if you don't want to drink," Gene said.

"You like drinking this, Gene?"