
The Perfect Doctor(English Version)

It all started by being a best friend We enjoy each other’s company and we just love being together. We do things like typical best friends, we bond, play, share stuff, eat together, and pretty much everything. Until one day, I feel like I am falling in love with her. But is this right? We’re best friends. What if I confess? But what if she doesn’t feel the same way? I don’t wanna ruin everything. I might end up losing her. And I don’t want that to happen. So years go by until I couldn't take it anymore but I was still scared. So I chose to turn my feelings toward the other girl. But one day, on my 16th birthday. She just disappeared and never saw her again. My name is Ethan Lopez-Smith. I am a CEO and a Cardiologist and a certified Millionaire. People loved me because of my great elegance and being helpful to the less fortunate especially in matters of health. And because of my charm and being good-looking, some even say that I heal not only illnesses but also their hearts. The reason they called me “The Perfect Doctor” --------- My name is Penelope Garcia-Thompson and I am a Neurosurgeon CEO of the Thompson Hospital Medical Center. Together with my family, we really did everything just to get into this position. From just a Clinic to a Hospital. Being a Doctor is in our blood. My Father is a Neurosurgeon and my Mom is once a Pharmacist and my brother is a Pediatrician. I studied in States, but that was not the original plan in the first place. Even my family was surprised by my sudden decision. Because everything changed when I first met my Childhood Bestfriend. We met when we were just 10. I got attracted first by his aqua-blue eyes. A very good-looking guy who is ready to protect me from the people who tries to oppress me. He’s just my everything. He was always right there every time I needed him. And one thing that I love about him is that he always made sure that I am happy. He cooks for me, plays with me, and watches my favorite movies with me. I really love the guy. But all has changed. When I found out about his girlfriend. Do you know how hurtful it is? When the person who takes care of you and protects you all the time. The person who’s with you in sorrow and joy. And the person you chose to spend the 5 best years of your life with, has suddenly got another love interest. Hmm. Okay. Maybe I am just a fool? Hoping for a person to love you back. Or maybe it is just my faith, our faith...

sunjaystories · 现代言情
38 Chs





I was sitting here in my bed after that bathroom incident. I am still in disbelief at what just happened because I don't really expect that anyone will use that bathroom except mine of course because it's a bit at the far end here on the 2nd floor and the one bathroom near their room is the one I know they use often.

I'm not actually worried that Penelope saw me, I'm just worried about the fact that she saw my body. It's very embarrassing, she just saw everything on me as in everything and for sure she saw what I was hiding because I saw her eyes where she was looking at that time. It was too late when I realized and covered it. Sigh! (Ethan shaking his head) it is what it is.

It was the wrong timing tho, as I also decided that I will now reveal to Penelope my true self and will not hide anymore. I know this face reveal will help her enjoy the vacation here and lessen the awkwardness between us. Well, I hope so. After that embarrassing moment... Damn it!

After an hour. I was finally ready. Lucas and I decided to let him welcome me and introduce me to the villa.

I was already outside the villa, I passed the parking lot. And waiting for Lucas' signal to formally enter the villa.



An hour later, after that incident, Mr. Lee told me who that guy is and I am so shocked that it is actually Mr. Smith?! Omg! He also told me that he will come to the villa right here, right now. Omg girl! I know this is going to be awkward. I feel so embarrassed!

"No way, Ms. Thompson so you finally see him? It is actually a surprise but I am curious how you guys saw him?" asked Lucas who had no idea of what just happened.

"Nevermind Mr. Lee. Where is he?" Penelope asked. But suddenly my beshie Mica laughs so hard!

"Hey Mics, why are you laughing so hard?" Lucas asked curiously.

"I am sorry. I just can't hold it. Hahahaha! Because my beshie told me earlier that she saw a snake in the bathroom."

"Snake?" Lucas asked confused.

"Yes, a snake! That's how she describes it. She saw Mr. Smith in the bathroom naked! Hahaha! At least, beshie you didn't get bitten by that snake?! Hahahah!" Mica said who is bursting into a laugh, Lucas was shaking his head and smiling.

"Oh my god, really? Man, I can't imagine what my friend is feeling right now. The timing is so ridiculous. I hope it is not going to be awkward between you guys. Crazy! Hahaha!" Lucas said with a laugh while Penelope was getting red and felt so embarrassed.

After a while when we got moved on from the situation, Mr. Lee finally went out to call Mr. Smith who he said was just waiting outside.

A few minutes later...

"Hello, Mics and Ms. Thompson although I know that you guys already know him but this time he finally decides to make you see him without anything in his face to hide or something. I know you all waiting for this, please welcome again, my good friend, best friend, a businessman, and a doctor."

Omg! I am so nervous...

"The Perfect Doctor himself. Dr. Ethan Smith!"



The moment Lucas mentioned my name was the signal for me to go inside and finally the wait is over.

I am here now in front of Ms. Penelope Thompson. Shaking her hand and I can feel the nervousness because her hand is very cold. Even Mica is surprised because I never revealed it to her all she knows is that I am Mr. Smith but not a Perfect Doctor.

Penelope was just staring at me, I didn't know what was on her mind during that time but she was just speechless. And even though we had some talk during our lunch I can feel that she was still in shock and can't look right into my eyes. I am hoping that she was just okay.

Hooh! It's really fulfilling that I finally had the courage to reveal myself to her without a cap, glasses, and a mask. Finally!

But after we eat together, just a few minutes Penelope immediately went to the second floor all that way to their room and Mica followed immediately.

"Congratulations bro, I am so proud of you," Lucas said and proudly shook Ethan's hand.

"Thanks, bro, but I don't know if it helped. Yeah, she talks but you can feel the awkwardness." Ethan said sadly.

"Well, maybe she's still adjusting, or (Lucas smiled) she was still thinking about what just happened earlier," Lucas responded.


Yeah, I know that Mr. Smith finally revealed himself and I am so shocked that he actually was the famous Doctor. And I now fully understand why he hides so badly, especially in public places. But yeah, I am still not satisfied with all of what I saw. There is still a question boggling in my mind. From all of the Ethan Smiths' that I've ever met. This Perfect Doctor has a close resemblance to my childhood best friend. From the eyes, charm, and presence. I know that was my best friend but there is one more thing to prove to me about him.

The mole under his nose.

I've been secretly a fan of this guy(The Perfect Doctor). I even bought all of his magazines, and newspapers, I even watched some interviews about him because I have a strong feeling that he was the one that I was looking for. And the only thing that I want to know about him was the mole. Because a long long time ago, Ethan and I loves watching the star, the sunset, and watching a movie. And during those times I just lay on his lap, that's how close we were. And with my position, of course, I can see his nose and find out about that mole.

My beshie Mica caught me staring blankly at the and suddenly taps me. "Beshie? Beshie what's the problem." Mica's concern for her friend.

"Ah. I'm fine don't worry about me beshie. I am just shocked, maybe I'll just wait for the moment to finally sink in that Mr. Smith was the famous doctor. I just can't believe that after a very long time, I finally met that guy. The only person who has a very much close resemblance to Ethan." Penelope explained.

"Yeah, I know. I am so surprised as well. He is handsome, isn't he? He is truly indeed a Perfect Doctor." Mica replied. Then suddenly... "But beshie, I just want to ask what his snake looks like?"

"Omg, beshie! You're really such a fool!" Penelope shocked by what her beshie just said and throws a pillow at her laughing. "What a stupid..."