
The Perfect Doctor(English Version)

It all started by being a best friend We enjoy each other’s company and we just love being together. We do things like typical best friends, we bond, play, share stuff, eat together, and pretty much everything. Until one day, I feel like I am falling in love with her. But is this right? We’re best friends. What if I confess? But what if she doesn’t feel the same way? I don’t wanna ruin everything. I might end up losing her. And I don’t want that to happen. So years go by until I couldn't take it anymore but I was still scared. So I chose to turn my feelings toward the other girl. But one day, on my 16th birthday. She just disappeared and never saw her again. My name is Ethan Lopez-Smith. I am a CEO and a Cardiologist and a certified Millionaire. People loved me because of my great elegance and being helpful to the less fortunate especially in matters of health. And because of my charm and being good-looking, some even say that I heal not only illnesses but also their hearts. The reason they called me “The Perfect Doctor” --------- My name is Penelope Garcia-Thompson and I am a Neurosurgeon CEO of the Thompson Hospital Medical Center. Together with my family, we really did everything just to get into this position. From just a Clinic to a Hospital. Being a Doctor is in our blood. My Father is a Neurosurgeon and my Mom is once a Pharmacist and my brother is a Pediatrician. I studied in States, but that was not the original plan in the first place. Even my family was surprised by my sudden decision. Because everything changed when I first met my Childhood Bestfriend. We met when we were just 10. I got attracted first by his aqua-blue eyes. A very good-looking guy who is ready to protect me from the people who tries to oppress me. He’s just my everything. He was always right there every time I needed him. And one thing that I love about him is that he always made sure that I am happy. He cooks for me, plays with me, and watches my favorite movies with me. I really love the guy. But all has changed. When I found out about his girlfriend. Do you know how hurtful it is? When the person who takes care of you and protects you all the time. The person who’s with you in sorrow and joy. And the person you chose to spend the 5 best years of your life with, has suddenly got another love interest. Hmm. Okay. Maybe I am just a fool? Hoping for a person to love you back. Or maybe it is just my faith, our faith...

sunjaystories · 现代言情
38 Chs





This is what I was afraid of. That I would ruin her day or much worse, as well as the mood of their whole vacation here. I can feel that Penelope has a hunch that it is me. That's why she felt like I was always hiding from her. I think I have to go away from her in the meantime and think hard about how or when will I reveal myself to her. And I will make sure that that day would really happens. It is just a matter of time.

Here we are now under the roof and shelter while waiting for the rain to calm down. I asked Lucas a favor about my plan. "Bro, can I have a favor from you? Can you please take care of them for me? And besides, just continue their tour tomorrow even if I'm not there."

"What do you mean? Are you leaving?" Lucas said, confused by what Ethan said.

"You know what, bro, Things can't be solved if you'll just continue to walk away and hide from her. I respect your decision to keep everything a secret for now, but the question is. Until when? You said you love her? So why hide, bro?" Lucas asked a little bit upset about his friend.

"Yes, bro. I love Penelope and I'm sure of that. The time will come when she'll know about it. I just need more courage so I thought in the meantime, I'll stay away first. I just want her to enjoy her vacation here without thinking about anything else." replied Ethan.

While Lucas and I were talking, suddenly someone calls him on the phone...

Ring! Ring! Ring!


Calling Lucas Lee

Ring! Ring!

"Hello, Lucas? What's the plan? Are we just going to spend the night here on Enchanted Island? Because looks like the rain will not stop sooner or later. It is dangerous to ride the yacht as of this moment and return to the main resort." Mica said worriedly.

"Oh sorry, I forgot to say. Can you just tell me where you are now? I'll go there so we can go to the villa together." Lucas replied.

"Okay, Lucas. Be careful. Baby. See you!" Mica whispered.

Call Ended...

I approached my beshie to tell her about what Lucas have been told, Sigh! it's good that she's getting better now. She also stopped crying. My beshie calmly agrees that we will spend the night here and will just wait for Lucas. Because yeah, it is so dangerous if we tried to go back from the main. We might end up in heaven instead. Char(Kidding)!



The reason why we got here at Enchanted Island is not just only because of the sunset viewing but because some of our activities tomorrow are located here like Kayak sailing, Parasailing, scuba diving, and more. And here on this island as well, there are lots of people because It has nightlife and various activities. We also have a spa, hot spring, and lots of instagrammable places which is really good for couples.

Right now I am convincing my friend, Ethan to not go back to the main and just come with us. "Come on Ethan, you know you can't go back there to the main it's pretty dangerous. Just come with us to the villa. I'll take care of you. Because the villa we're going to is bigger than the villa you live in and it's a twin villa. So you can come with us without them seeing you." Lucas explained and begged.

"Okay bro, I trust you. Fine, I'll go with you guys." Ethan agrees and smiled.

"Of course bro, I got you! You know that, Let's go?" Lucas said and high fives Ethan.


After that crazy moment, Mr. Lee came and bring us to this, wow! A big villa. Much bigger than the villa at the main that we stayed in. I am really so amazed at this island as everything here is new to me. Because I have never visited this island since its renovation almost a year. Lucas and I invested a lot in this one, the reason why I worked so hard the past year. And seeing the result right now, OMG! it's all worth it.

So we're here now inside the villa and I am looking around and amazed by the design once again. But as I look around, I can't stop thinking about why Mr. Smtih is not here. Because Lucas arrived alone and didn't mention Mr. Smith even once. What just happened to him? Did he just leave? But Hmp! Never mind I'm not affected at all. Who does he think he is? And maybe the reason why he can't remove his mask is that he has a lot of boogers and his mouth stinks. Hahaha! Eww! Whatever. And oh, I just found a vodka here in the pantry. And OMG! Thank God, there is a lot of ice in the fridge. I really need this tonight. Perfect!

I started drinking it alone for almost half an hour then suddenly...

"Oh, beshie. You're there. And why are you drinking alone? You didn't call me and look! OMG! It's already half? Beshie, It seems like less than an hour when I left." Mica asked in surprise when she saw that Penelope had finished half a bottle of vodka by herself.

"Because it's delicious beshie. Can you blame me? *gulp *gulp." replied Penelope as she sipped the bottle of vodka.

"Oh, you're crazy, Did you just chug it out? Really? You're gonna get wasted tonight, girl. OMG! like OMG!" Mica worried about her friend.



We arrived safely at the villa and we arrived at the right time because it suddenly rained heavily. And Mica also knows that I'm here at the villa and only it's Penelope who doesn't know. I am now here on the other side of the villa. Lucas has also lent me the master keys so that I won't be in trouble if I need anything inside this house.

"Alright Mics. I'll take care of my friend. Check your beshie first to see what he's doing." Lucas said to Mica.

Mica left immediately and Lucas and I stayed here in the parking lot because he was explaining each room here. The tunnels and the room where I will stay.

"Okay bro, so that's it. By the way, here so you don't worry about Ms. Thompson." Lucas handed the duplicate of the Master keys to Ethan. Then he also added. "Anyways bro, Mics texted me that they were drinking in the living room. And she wants me to join them. So, bro, I'm gonna leave you now. But don't worry you can check on us, I already told you about the other stair, right? there is a way to the second floor and right there, you can see us. We're just in the living room and you can probably see us from the second floor. Alright, bro, I have to go now. See you, bro!" Lucas said and explained.

An hour later...

I have freshened up and am ready to sleep but when I lay down. Hmm? it seems that it's impossible for me to sleep because they are singing so loud downstairs. Looks like they were having fun. Damn! I wanted to join so badly because I could hear their laughter as well. But I remembered what Lucas told me. Maybe I'll peek at them from the bottom. I hope I don't get noticed. But just for a moment because I just wanna take a look at what they were doing right now.]

So I am successful at going to the second floor from the secret staircase. Anyways, I am looking for my hiding spot so I walk silently.

(Penelope singing in the background)

"So go on, go on

Come on, leave me breathless

Tempt me, tease me

Until I can't deny this

Loving feeling"

(Penelope singing in the background)

While I was peeking and hiding here by the table on the second floor, I didn't notice that there was a cat.

Cat just suddenly starts growling!

*Cat growls!* And almost bit me!

Oh, sh*t! I stepped on his tail! And I immediately overturned the table so they couldn't see me.

Penelope heard that noise from the living room and said. "OMG! You cat. I know my voice isn't so beautiful, but don't make me look like that. Stop making some noise and growl. Look if you won't stop there is something coming at you."

(Penelope continued singing)

"I can't lie

From you, I can't hide

And I'm losing the will to try

Can't hide it (can't hide it)

Can't fight it (can't fight it)"

So the cat left and I just continued peeking at them. And oh, Penelope looks wasted, she is blushing too much. Oh no, how can they get to the 2nd floor? Because that's where their bedrooms are located. I think they probably need me later and from what I see here with Lucas, his eyes are getting pretty smaller. And for sure, Mics as well. No way, they were all wasted. And wow! Did they just drink these 4 bottles of vodka? Hmm... And while I was watching her on the 2nd floor, suddenly something sounded like something had fallen and I looked to my left and it was the cat once again! Holly Molly! A rat was chased and because of that it dropped the furniture on the side, luckily that flower vase was made of plastic but it grabbed their attention. And it's also timing that Penelope was still singing.

And for no reason, the cat went here at the table where I am hiding. And I saw with my two eyes that Penelope had picked up something that was about to throw in the direction where I and the cat were.

"OMG! You cat! So you can't just listen and be patient about my freaking voice. So here's FOR YOU!" Penelope said angrily holding a whole Bangus(milkfish) to throw at the cat on the 2nd floor hiding at the table where Ethan is hiding as well.



Oh shi*t! The surroundings are gradually getting darker...

Oh no! "BLAG!!!