
The Path of the Gray Dragon [English]

[New link] : https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-path-of-the-gray-dragon_19800040406425605

TheDragon1231 · 奇幻
19 Chs




The sun was at its highest point in the celestial sky. It's rays passed in the window of a wooden house, which struck the face of a dragon with gray scales.

That gray-scale dragon was lying on a bed with bandages on the left side of his head, which had dry spots of blood. His right eye slowly opened while getting used to the sunlight.


The door to the room opened, revealing the figure of a light-yellow-chest and light blue-scaled dragoness, who entered with new bandages and a little clay jar containing something to clean the wounds. She was wearing a short-sleeved white cloth shirt and brown cloth pants.

She began to remove the bandages soiled with blood without realizing that the wounded dragon had already regained consciousness.


The dragon was surprised to see that the gray-scale dragon was slightly awake.

"Oh. You woke up."

"What..?" He spoke in a dry voice.

He tried to lift his upper body, but was stopped by the light blue scale dragoness, who gently laid him back down.

"Don't strain for now. You need rest to regain strength. Let me change your bandage for now."

She carefully proceeded to change the bandage for a cleaner one. When the dressing change was finished, she got up and went to the door. Before leaving, she looked at the gray dragon lying on the bed.

"I'll bring you some food. I'll be right back." She walked in and closed the door.

The gray-scale dragon stared at the right wall. His neck made her uncomfortable due to the position he was in, this due to the shape of the horns that he had on his head.


He looked at his hand, as if he did not know what it was or why his hand had such a color.

Minutes of silence in the room is what they had. The wooden door of the place was opened, the dragoness had returned with a tray with a round plate with pieces of meat and a small bowl full of water.

"Let me help you."

She put the tray on a dresser next to the bed, on which was a pendant with a reddish crystal. She proceeded to help the gray dragon to be in a correct position to be able to ingest the food.

"Here. It's lamb meat."

She grabbed the plate and helped him eat the half-cooked lamb.

The gray-scale dragon chewed on the meat it had been given, savoring the meat as if it hadn't eatensomething in days. After finishing the meat, the light blue dragoness passed him the bowl of water and helped him drink.

"...Thank... you." He spoke, thanking for the food.

"No problem." She said with a slight smile the light blue dragoness "One question, is that yours?"

She pointed to the reddish crystal on the dresser.

He turned his gaze to the crystal and when he saw it he replied.

"...I do not know ¡AGH!"

A stabbing pain hit the head of the gray dragon. He squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his teeth trying to bear the pain that came from nowhere.

When the pain stopped, the dragon was panting. Those few seconds of pain felt like an eternity, like multiple needles piercing his scaly skin.

"H-hey are you okay?" She asked worried "I'll go get something for the pain."

She left the gray dragon alone again, who only saw his shaking hands, but this time with a scared expression, as if anything was impossible.

"I- What have I become ...?"

His gaze was fixed on his back, seeing the pair of gray wings and blue membrane. He ran her hands around his head, feeling two horns on either side of it and three small spikes running from his forehead to his horns.

He pulled off the blanket that covered him and saw only a sword-tipped tail between his legs. He was stunned, scared, confused by his current appearance.

"Something happens?" She asked the dragon upon returning and seeing the attitude of the male of her species.

"W- What am I?" He asked with a scared expression.

"The blow you gave yourself affected your memory a lot ... You are a dragon"

"Dragon ..." He said in a low tone, trying to process the information "But how did I end up like this

?!" He thought.

"By the way. My name is Gladis, I am an ice dragon." She introduced herself.

"Ice?" He asked confused.

"Yes. We dragons are divided into several types according to the type of element with which we are born or inherited. Four of them are the most common: fire, ice, earth and electricity. Others such as wind and shadow are few those that remain. " She explained "My mother told me that there are some who are born with variations of the element of one of their parents and the probability increases if they are two of different types, but I have not seen one yet."

"I understand... And... Uhm..." With that last he pointed with a claw at the bandages on his head.

"Oh that. It was 3 days ago. I was with my parents coming back from the capital and a storm caught us in the middle of the road. When we were hiding, we found you in the middle of the forest with a serious head injury. My mother treated your wounded and we brought you to town. And that was with you. " With that last, she pointed to the reddish crystal.

The gray dragon turned its gaze to the crystal and he tried to reach.

"I wouldn't recommend grabbing it. My father tried and his hand got hurt ..."

She fell silent when he saw that the gray dragon grabbed the crystal without the same happening to the father of the ice dragon.

"But how..."

"Uh? What should happen?"

"N-No, nothing. Forget it." She remembered something at the last minute "Right, drink this. It's headache medicine."

She showed another little jar made of clay, which contained the medicine of a greenish color. She brought it close to the snout of the dragon that was in front of her, who after drinking it showed an expression that would bring a slight smile to the dragoness.

"A bit bitter, no?"