
Meeting The Dipsons (Part 2)

Taking a bus was always the most common way of getting to places but due to the discovery of Ethanium, which has more energy than a nuclear reactor, scientists were able to develop another not-so-expensive way of transportation.

The Seetles were now the most common way of getting around after the discovery of Ethanium, they were super fast and it only required Ethanium to move. The Seetles were for the average person, the richer ones had their own private vehicles which were way faster and more expensive than the Seetles. Those were the Glist, the Glists require more Ethanium energy which is why it is faster and more expensive.

Jake was currently in a Seetle with all the stuff he wanted to take to his father's house, he couldn't take every single thing he owned since the luggage would be too much so he selected the ones he still wanted to keep. Getting to his father's house would take at least six to seven hours, so Jake was currently resting his head on the back of his chair with his eyes closed when he heard a voice "Sorry, is this seat taken?" she asked pointing to the seat next to him.

He opened his eyes and looked up at her. She was clearly more beautiful than his cheating girlfriend, with an average height, waist length hair as black as his, curves in the right places and emerald green eyes. Although Jake noticed all her features he paid no attention to them, he currently had a lot on his mind and adding his last girlfriend to his problems, he won't be ready for another girl any time soon. "No it's not" Jake answered her question and she sat in the only seat next to him. "Thanks. I've been waiting for a Seetle for like ten minutes. I'm Catherine by the way but you can call me Cat." After answering her question, Jake had gone back to closing his eyes but upon hearing her speak again, he opened them back. "Nice to meet you Cat, I'm Jake", he said rather plainly which surprised Cat because he wasn't trying to get her attention or anything and was just talking to her casually.

"You too. So where you headed?" "Ansteria" he answered, "Really? I'm headed there as well. I left the city a few days ago to visit my dad." "So do you live alone in Ansteria?" Jake asked, wanting the conversation to keep going to ease his mental exhaustion.

"No. I live with my aunt and cousin Cassandra but I just call her Cass or Cassy. We're like best friends. Are you going to meet someone?" "Kind of. I'm moving in with my dad, my mom just died and I can't stay on my own yet." "I'm so sorry, " she said looking truly sorry "are you and your dad close?" "No, not really. He left my mom when I was five, never knew why. Anyway, why do you stay with your aunt and not your dad?" "I go to school in Ansteria. My dad visits sometimes when he's less busy. Does your dad live alone?" "No he... "


The bus had finally arrived at Ansteria, and after talking for up to five hours, Jake and Cat exchanged contacts, said their goodbyes and went separate ways.

Jake walked past two streets before getting to the front door of the Dipsons house. He dropped part of his luggage and knocked on the door. The time was already half past seven so his father and step brother should be home. The door was opened by a tall, lean man who had an unshaved beard with a low cut hair style. Jake probably got his height from him. "Jake", said the man who was his father Andrea, " come in. Welcome to our home, let me help you with your bags. Sky, Jake's here."

Coming down the stairs was a shirtless young teen. Sky was nothing like Jake, he had short blonde hair, a body adorned with hard abs and looks that made girls stare. "Hey bro. Nice to finally see you" he said while stretching his hand out for a handshake which Jake shook, after seeing his half brother, he had to say, he was impressed. "Yeah you too." "Okay let's put these bags in your room and have dinner" Andrea said after bringing the bags in.