

Anna2810 · 奇幻言情
86 Chs

Refrain from killing each other

"You guys look well for someone who are going on a suicide mission." the commander said as the three officers came to a stop infront of them, he then looked at azriel who stood behind zayne.

"I heard you are getting married after this mission" he said, smirking. Azriel clenched his jaw and asked

"Is it? How come I didn't know that I was getting married sir?" both the commander and colonel Zhou laughed at this. But shiyu was too busy looking at colonel Liang to pay any attention to them. She stood right infront of song lin. Since they have different colonels commanding their groups, zayne and his gang stood to the left with zayne infront of them and song lin, shiyu stood to the right.

"Anything useful?" colonel Liang asked as she looked at song lin. Shiyu felt her muscles tense, but she just nodded and handed over the pen drive to the colonel.

"What's in this?" she asked without touching it.

"Information on some of the deals between triumvirate and other companies and some information about Justin herondale." Song lin felt the alpha members eyes on her. Seems like sam didn't tell them anything she thought.

Colonel Liang tilted her head and asked

"Whom did you jump?" the commander cleared his throat and asked

"Jumped?" shiyu hid her smile.

"Head of their intelligence team mam" was all song lin replied. That earned a whistle from colonel Zhou.

"They really got some talent" he commented as he looked at miss Liang. But she was staring at song lin, her eyes narrowed as she said

"the more desperate you are, the more mistakes you will make." she paused, the lines around her mouth tightened as she asked "No suspicions?"

"I made it look like a robbery." some of the tension left the colonels face.

"You robbed him?" the commander asked, astonished. Song lin just nodded.

What's with her? zayne thought silently. She stood like a rock since the colonel entered the room. That time in the base, she was like this too. Her whole posture seemed tense like a bow string pulled taut.

Commander Zhuang sighed and leaned against the wall.

"Can't you both reconsider your decision? I really don't want to send them on this mission." he said looking at both the colonels. But they both kept quiet.

Song lin generally wouldn't talk anything in miss Liang's presence. She would always keep quiet responding only when asked. But she asked

"Won't you have a look at it mam?" shiyu tensed. She should've asked instead of song lin. Nothing good ever comes out when song lin talks to colonel. As if proving what she just thought, colonel Liang leaned forward and whispered in song lin's ear

"Now that there are others here, you can't wait to show off can you? well, what more can I expect from a trash like you." song lin fisted her hands, nails digging in to the skin.Leaning back the colonel said loudly

"You don't need to tell us anything about your mission. If in case the government finds out about us, we shouldn't know anything that will be useful to them." song lin nodded, her eyes on the ground. zayne glanced at her side ways. Just what in the hell did the colonel tell her? he thought.

"And one more thing, if in case you fail and the our government finds out about this just tell them it's an order from us. That way you'll be atleast able to keep your jo--"

"No sir" song lin and zayne said in unison. Commander raised his brows. Zayne ignored song lin and said

"Even if we fail, we'll not let this get to you." shaking his head, colonel Zhou said

"But if--"song lin interrupted him saying

"Its not out of respect sir. If we lose our job its fine but if you lose yours there will be no one to stop such things, because we are not in a position to order others. You are. You are the only one who cares." commander and colonel Zhou pursued their lips, having nothing to say but colonel Liang is looking at her with such disgust in her eyes that it's hard to ignore her and stand there like a rock. She's probably thinking that song lin's putting on a show.

"Alright then" the commander said, and they turned to him.

"Since this is your first time working together, it won't be easy to trust each other." lin shiyu was sure, everyone had that thought in their mind. Looking pointedly at zayne and song lin, the commander declared

"You will have to proceed in accordance with Ji zue's orders" song lin refrained herself from cursing out loud. She already guessed it was going to come to this. Gods, zayne is going to be unbearable from now on. She's sure he had that stupid smirk on his face right now.

"But" the commander added looking at song lin "Since you will not be able to get any help from the military, you don't have to behave according to your ranks either." their heads whipped up at that. Colonel Zhou laughed and said

"What he means is that, you have to obey zayne only in work related things but it would be best if you refrained from killing each other since you'll be short on members." Zayne clenched his jaw while song lin sighed in relief.

"You look really relieved captain song" the commander said, a ghost of smile appeared on his face. She kept her face as innocent as she can. That made him laugh

"Actually colonel Liang is the one who requested this. When I first asked her about this case, that was the only condition she had." song lin and shiyu whirled towards her, but she looked away. Then her phone rang, she spoke quietly for a second and hung up. She bowed to the commander and nodded at colonel Zhou, lastly she faced song lin and shiyu.

"Don't die girls, it'll be such a hassle to train others again." they saluted her, chins high, backs straight. She nodded and left the room.