
The Painted

Ever since I remember I have always been intrigued by antiquated places. The kind of places that are abandoned with no trace of the human touch yet are crowded by the shadows of the past. The ancientness, the haunting yet captivating stillness that is shrouded in mystery has always called to me. The distant voice that sounds deceptively familiar echoes in the hallways travelling room to room with every intention of being heard and so I followed the echo taking me home. To a place that I have spent decades living in and yet don’t know how to find. It belongs to the deepest and darkest corner of my mind. To a place that is secluded from everyone like a hidden treasure in the heart of a majestic mountain or a lost shrine of an ancient and forgotten God, a place that I cannot enter yet know of its existence or at least I thought I could not until that morning…

The_Last_Phantom · 奇幻言情
36 Chs

Who Is He?

It felt like someone was banging on the walls of my head at this point.

"Coming!?" yelling I dragged my limbs forward in a zombie-like state muttering swear words under my breath yet the person behind the door seemed unfazed or rather deaf to my voice.

Taking a deep breath, I pulled the door open in a hurry to silence the source of the noise.

"Ms Arnette? What brought you here this early in the morning" I tried to hide it but the annoyance in my voice was very clear.

"You don't look very good" she grimaced as she examined my appearance from head to toe.

"Are you sick?" she voiced concerned laced with a hint of fear as she took a few steps away from the door or me to be specific.

"I was so worried. I thought something happened to you. I was about to call the police you know you didn't answer any of my calls and weren't opening the door."

Without waiting for my answer she rambled on, pacing in front of me as she squeezed hand sanitizer on to her hands.

"I'm not sick, I just had a few sleepless nights, so I was trying to make up for that" I eyed her begrudgingly.

"Oh really, sorry" she smiled awkwardly as she stepped inside and made herself comfortable on the couch "I did send a message yesterday informing you that I was stopping by".

I tried think of the last time I saw my phone as I nodded my head slowly "yeah of course I did get your message" I rubbed at my arms nervously.

"Would you like to drink something? Coffee or tea maybe?"

I tried to sound more welcoming while I secretly hoped and crossed my fingers that she wouldn't, there was nothing edible left in the house.

"No, I'm fine really. Come sit here you must be exhausted" she smiled warmly at me before she gestured to the surrounding.

'Damn I really must be looking bad right now' I was feeling more self-conscious than usual today.

"This place already looks unrecognisable to the last time I saw it" she looked around in wonder "you did a great job".

"I didn't really do a lot, I just cleaned the place" I scratched my head "I was thinking of a little renovation maybe, if that's okay".

"Yeah of course" she answered absentmindedly as she stared at a family portrait hung amongst the many on the wall.

"So, this is them huh?" she whispered, almost inaudibly.

"Who?" I questioned frowning.

"The first owners of this house" she seemed deep in thought "there isn't a lot of information about them out there but apparently the father loved his son so much he built this mansion just for him".


"I guess at the end all that wasn't enough because the son ended up killing both his parents in cold blood" she shook her head in disapproval.

"Which one?"

"Hmm, they only had one" she turned back, checking the time on the clock.

"I should get going, I have to visit the town before I leave.

I feel better now that I know you are okay" she headed for the door but paused before turning around "do you want to visit the town with me?".

"Yeah sure, I need to go shopping as well" I nodded "can you please wait for me in the car?"

"Okay!" she waved back, and I watched as the door clicked close almost soundlessly behind her.

Turning back my attention to the faded photograph I hovered my hand over the almost invisible silhouette of the fourth person in the frame "then, who are you?"