
The Overseer Of The Void.

"Creation begins from its opposite—the void."

The_Unknown_5688 · 奇幻
3 Chs


From this life,I learnt the boundary between good and evil is non-existent, and that justice is nothing but lies.

Why do I say that?Welp, I was very naive, hoping that being a good civil servant obeying every law would reward me. I waited and waited, living from paycheck to paycheck.

You know what I was rewarded? Nothing but a big slap in the face from life and betrayal from my wife. All I did was for nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

I could still remember what happened. That day, I was trying to find our daughter. Just then, she came up with all smiles and said,"Hey dear, you know, I feel like our marriage isn't working. I am divorcing you and finding another man.You are too poor for my taste."

Hearing that, I was flabbergasted. Why? What did I did wrong? I tried to provide for her yet she still leave me?

"Hey what about our daughter?"

"Don't worry, she will be with me and you will be paying child support. Isn't it great?"

This was the moment I wanted to smash this bitch's face. However, before I could respond, she left.

After a month, I tried to fight our custody of my daughter but failed miserably due to my ex-wife's husband backing. Even when I tried to find my daughter, I was prohibited due to a god damn protection order and was fined.Of all things to go wrong, why me?It should be for that ungrateful lying bitch!She stole everything I had!

After that incident,not only did I lose both money and the custody of my daughter, but also the chance to see her.

I lay on the dirty cardboard, staring up at the cracked ceiling of my apartment. Since that day, I've only had nightmares. I constantly dreamt about my devilish wife stealing my daughter.I could hear her scream but I couldn't help...

From that day, I was depressed. I drank lots of booze and gained lots of debts.I couldn't even get a rest due to the nightmares. Life was just hell.

I finished the bottles of booze and reached out to grab another. Seeing there is none left, I went down to the nearby convenience store.It was dark and barely anyone lived here.

While I went down the stairs, I felt a sudden feeling of weightlessness. Before I realized, my head hit the corner of one of the stairs as I fell down.

"Is this what I get? A pathetic death?Seems like I had nothing left..."

[Void series and mana... Acquired Successfully.]

"I shouldn't have been so blind..."

[Lie detection skill ... acquired successfully]

[Upgrading is possible...Lie detection skill has been upgraded into World of transparency.]

[Extra skill-Colourless mana.... Acquired Successfully.]

"Just let me die a quiet death..."

These were the final words I spoke before leaving this world.