

"your majesty; th-th- the crown prince offended him" reported a man that came from the shadows "who"aked the man on the throne "the ye family's eldest son "the man said "WHAT EXECUTE THAT SON OF A BI***" "but your majesty its your son" "SO WHAT!!! IT'S YE XUAN THAT HE OFFENDED IF I DON'T KILL HIM; IAM TO DIE DO YOU WANT TO SEE THAT?!! " "wh-no your majesty!! but is he that scary? " !!sigh!! "you don't know that person; he is more than scary!! do you know where I got that devine grade pill? it's from that place!! but they all call him master !!" "what!! sorry your majesty but am going to execute him now!! shadows!! bring the crown prince for execution now IT'S MY FIRST NOVEL SO (DON'T JUDGE ME TOO MUCH MC IS (OP) 15first chapters (foundation)

Ndugga_Muhamud · 奇幻
29 Chs

I don't like being used!! so; scram!!

As ye xuan was looking at them; he saw that the old man that was referred to as old yang was looking at him with hesitation and complicated expression on his face; it seemed like he wanted to say something but again hesitated to say it;so he asked

"What is it that you want to say old man? "

"I-l was wondering if young master ye could help me; I and my wife here were attacked some years ago by by three devil generals; we fought against them but my wife was injured by there poison; we looked for the antidote for hundreds of years but all the medicines we get can only prolong her life but after seeing the pill that was given to the beast emperor; I have a feeling that it can cure her illness; I will do anything for it's exchange; please "after saying that; the old man was going to kneel down but was stopped by ye xuan.

"Old man yang; y-you --" the old woman that was referred to as old Yin couldn't help but stammer in her speech; they have been together for a fifty hundred years ;experienced many life threatening situations ;but she didn't expect that the old man could go to such length just to save her life.

"Yin; we have been together for a very long time; I can't allow you to die just like that; even if it means sacrificing my life "said old man Yang as he started recalling the past.

When he was just fifty years old; at that time he was only in the Origin core realm; he was besieged by his enemies from the 'City hall ';during that time; it was one of the most powerful organization in the blazing city and it was the faction of the city lord; they had framed him that he was the one that stole the Heavenly Fire crystal.it was the main ingredient for the Heavenly Fire pill that was used to cure the Netherworld poison ' ; they were going to take it to the grade five alchemist that was coming in two weeks to enter into his good books

He was working as the aid of the city lord; but even he didn't know who stole the crystal; yet was framed for stealing; they chased after him for days but one day when he was running away; he found a beautiful lady surrounded by devils ;she was wearing a white dress but as she was fighting; blood was spilled all over it so it had a shade of red in it. she was in the soul fusion realm but the devils had a devil that equals with an Origin qi realm ;together with there ruthless means of attack ; she was naturally at a disadvantage.

He came and started attacking all of them by himself and in few minutes; he had killed them all. As he was introducing himself; he felt many powerhouses coming into their direction; he was going to escape but he couldn't leave the lady behind because she was injured .he told her that she can leave because the enemies were not going after her but she refused; she even told him that she wouldn't leave unless she pays him for his saving grace; he was helpless against her so they started running together; but they didn't have the chance of going far before his enemies caught up to them.

He wanted to tell them to leave the lady alone because she knew nothing all that was happening but he saw her removing a teleportation scroll from her spacial ring; then they disappeared; that's when he knew that she came from a powerful organization. as they moved to there journey together; they got to know each other; that's when he knew that she was from the 'Pill king pavilion ';he was shocked because that was one of the most powerful organization in the world; there name resounded from everywhere.

As they continued with their journey; there relationship deepened; from strangers to friends; it reached a time where he couldn't decide where to run to because he didn't want to separate with her; but he didn't know wether they will accept him in the 'Pill king pavilion ;one day as they were walking in a forest; they came across a fruitiuos encounter and got two natural flames of heavens and earth; one was the 'heavenly yin flame ' and the other was the 'heavenly yang flame '; but in between refining the two flames; they had to balance the yin - yang; after what happened in that cave; there relationship deepened to the point that they had done everything that can be done by a couple; what was missing was only a wedding; after they reached the pill king pavilion; he was shocked at how busy it was; many people came in and out of the building; he and his girlfriend (cough -cough) took him to the reception and he was surprised because as soon as they knew that he had a special flame; he was immediately accepted in the organization; After he was accepted in the pill king pavilion; he no longer had to worry about his troubles from the blazing city; he had a momentary peace .but it didn't last long because rumours started being in public that he and Yin Ke'er were in a relationship; and they had already done the deed; he really didn't know who and where the rumors started from; but in few days; everyone was looking at him like an enemy

That was also a beginning of his new trouble with the people of the pill king pavilion; all the people looked at him as if the were looking at a fool; it didn't stop there; even some elders reacted to the rumours ;it even resulted in to a meeting; they had bestowed Yin Ke'er to the 'Thousands sword sect ';but the new youth in the sect had actually had s*x with her? what the hell is that?

And what came out of the meeting was as expected; they decided to kill him to stop the rumors ;but he was notified by Yin Ke'er and warned him to escape quickly; he moved out of the pavilion and started his second run. One day as he was on his run; he was attacked by devils and ran away with serious injuries;he was on the verge of death ;his injuries were getting worse and worse; but as he had already lost all his hope;he was saved by Yin Ke'er; but after she saved him; he spent two years without hearing anything about her; one day; he was in the city when he heard that she was going to be wedded by Chen An; the genius of the Thousands sword sect; he was so angry that he felt like going to the mountains of the Thousands sword sect and kill that person but he knew that he was not powerful enough to fight all the people alone; so he used some methods and entered the pill king pavilion at night and came to the room of Yin Ke'er but didn't find her there ;As he was looking for her in other places; he heard servants saying that she was locked in the pill king's ninth peak; he felt all his energy drained; that was where all defected pills were thrown; it was extremely poisonous; how could a person be alive if thrown there?.

After twists and turns; he was able to get to the ninth peak; As he looked at the locked door; he got to the back of it and entered using a back door and came into the mountain ;as he looked up the arena; he saw a person chained up; tears threatened to come out of his eyes; the person that was chained was the woman he loved.

As he was in his thoughts remembering what happened during that time; he heard Ye xuan's voice saying

"I don't want anything from you; you can take that pill; I have many if them anyway " after saying that; he tossed a pill to him

"Thank you young master Ye for your saving grace; if you come across a problem one day; I will be at your service " said old man Yang as he caught the pill with care; he even used his divine energy to levitate it to Old Yin and told her to eat the pill

After eating the pill; she felt all her injuries healing quickly; there was even some remnant energy in her body; she sat down and started operating her cultivation technique in order to digest all the energies; after a few minutes; a powerful aura was released from her body;

!peak pseudo divine realm!

That's right; she had advanced to the peak of pseudo divine realm; and her injuries that were killing her were all gone

As Ming Ao looked at the old woman; then looked at ye xuan; then he remembered the words that he said 'I have many of them anyway ' ;he felt like it was his time; he had been in the middle stage of the pseudo divine realm for a very long time; he thought that if he used his chances well;he might be able to advance to the peak of the realm or even ascend.

"Young master Ye; I also was attacked by devils and got injuries; can I also get an honor to have a pill? "

"You think that I don't get what you want; if it comes to alchemy; am heads above you so I can see that you have no injury that requires a divine pill ;I don't want being used; better scram before I kill you " said Ye xuan as he looked at him angrily

(I think we can update daily if we can get at least three pwr stns daily; not so?; well; someone told me that we should fear three things in the world (God) (parents) and finally (Arsenal) hahahaha; thanks for the support)