
The Over-Break System

After Suddenly Dying due to a Nuclear Strike in World World Three, our Main Characters, two brothers, find themselves standing before the two Deities whose Religious Artifacts they wore upon death. The Two Deities give them a choice, enter the Cycle of reincarnation as usual, without their memories, or Reincarnate into a world of their choosing while keeping their Memories. However, Option 2 carries a high cost; if they die…that’s the end of the line; they are wiped from existence. This is a gripping tale of Battles, Bloodshed, and Mental trauma from their past lives told in a different style than typically seen in a Webnovel or Light Novel. A tale where two brothers are set up against impossible odds in a world where they truly only have each other to rely on. But… are their lives truly their own or have they become playthings and chess pieces in a grander, Divine plan. ((THIS STORY IS WRITTEN IN A VERY SPECIFIC WESTERN FORMAT, WHERE CERTAIN CHARACTERS WILL BE HIGHLIGHTED IN CERTAIN WAYS MORE THAN OTHERS! AT ITS CORE, THIS STORY DOES HAVE 2 MAIN CHARACTERS, EVEN IF EARLY ON, IT DOES NOT SEEM THAT WAY!)) Commissioned Cover Art Made By https://www.instagram.com/xx_crimsonx_xx/ Check out the discord DISCORD, https://discord.gg/j4VNbvNC6u--

ScotchTy · 奇幻
677 Chs

Opening Ceremonies (6)

In a flash of golden light, Cynrik replaced his battle dress with the sleek, tight-fitting golden uniform. With a tug, he then adjusted the sleeves and fingerless gloves before reaching up with both hands, pulling the uniform hood up to cover his head, and turning to face the curtain leading to the Arena. 

'Anyway, after throwing my attack, I sunk back into what I call the Shadow Realm, an alternate reality space that I have access to. And before you complain about me being reckless, my Ravens and I concealed our presence with multiple stealth skills and continuously jumped back and forth unseen.' Sensing Headmaster Rivia walking up and standing beside him, Cynrik continued his explanation.

'So unless someone present had a skill similar to the ocular skill Brance and I have, it should be impossible to catch sight of our proper appearance; this can also be applied to any surveillance cameras.'