

Klaus_Hughs · 奇幻
3 Chs


"This kid might look like nothing but he is sure heavy."

Two man who looked like guards were ambling up the stairs together where one man was carrying what looked like a luggage bag or some sort of suitcase. But something was different, it had no wheels so it couldn't be a suitcase.

(1)"You're just crying because you're too weak to carry him... Hahaha"

(2)"Shut up... I saw you when he did that thing earlier, you were shivering with fear, I could have sworn I saw tears running down that ugly face of yours... Hahaha"

(1)"Well I wasn't the one who cried HELP!!! HELP!!! I can't think of a more pathetic thing to do. It's your fault that we have to carry this kid up to the Upper Floors. If it wasn't for you I'd be enjoying my break spending time with my wife and kids."

(2)"Through a telephone??"

(1)"Well atleast it's something man. Considering the conditions we live in, I'd say I'm lucky to even speak to them. I wish I could pay my family a visit but I'm predicting that I'll not even make it to the gate before I'm nothing but dust..." The man uttered these words while shedding a tear.

(2)"Uhm... Sorry man, but look on the bright side. You can finally be able to pay for your family's expenses by sending them enough money every month and bearing in mind how much we earn, I'd say 500LD. per month is enough to keep them financially stable for that month."

The man stops. He looks back to the man(2) behind him with tears on his eyes. "You don't get it do you? The average employee of this camp pays about 1000LD. Lower class employees earn about 400LD."

(2)"I don't get your point here..."

"I wasn't finished. The amount of years that you have been working here and the amount of time you put into your work have an influence on your earnings. For example, you have been here for 8 years, meaning you earn a lot of money right?

Wrong, the average amount of hours you put in your work is 4-5 hours a day. And that makes your salary.....


"Now let's get back to me, I am still a newbie to this job as you know I started working her 2 years ago. However, my working hours greatly exceed yours with an average of 12-13 hours a day. You're thinking this will help me gain more than you right?

Wrong again, although I may put in a significant amount of time to my work I only earn


(2)"Ohhh man, this isn't fair at all. You should be getting a lot more money from the work you do. You know you're practically risking your life each day by working here and putting on extra hours is insane. But...

Look at this on my perspective, your family just needs 500LD. for the month right? 300LD. for the school fees for your older kid and R200 which will be for groceries and other expenses."

(1)"I wish it was still like that my friend but... My daughter is turning six next year"

(2)"Ohh no..."

(1)"Yeah you know what that means, Daddy has to find a new job to pay for two schools. I have to find a new job by the end of this year otherwise my children will not have what I've always dreamt of... a future" The man sat down for a while to wipe tears off his chubby face. His friend felt really bad for him and wished he could do something but judging his condition, he can't help him in any way. He's just going to have to find a new job before next year which is nearly impossible for his qualifications.

(1)"Anyways how's that load doing over there," the man asked pointing at the bag the second man was carrying.

Man(2) smiled a little and lifted the bag off the floor once more and was ready to trudge up the seemingly endless stairs. "You're talking about this guy? He's as light as a feather... Hahaha. I can't believe he hasn't awaken yet. The Boss must have knocked him out real bad."

(2)"That's the Boss for you. I heard that he was once called for an ambush at the Court of Scarlett. There were 10 hired heavy armed men with bodies 2× bigger than his. Everyone for sure thought he was a goner. But instead of the heavy armed man coming out with Boss's head, the Boss came out with a bag...

That bag contained all the 10 men's heads. No one's seen or witnessed this but it is still much considered to be true judging upon Mr Stock's power."

"All 10 of their heads!!?? That is no regular human being right there, that is a real living diety. Mr Stock is the real deal. But, do you wanna hear something..."


(1)"There's someone much stronger than him..."

(2)"What!!? Someone stronger than the boss!!? He must be of royalty or something..."

(1)"Ohhh he's not from a royal family. His actually closer than you think. He's one of the inmates of this very Camp"


"Yeah, they say he goes by the name Mr Loc, he is the strongest person in this whole Camp. I don't know how he was locked up, but they did it, they locked that man up alone."

(1)"Well I have truly heard it all, first this little rascal makes a big rackus then I hear that we're keeping someone stronger than the Boss here. Today's been one weird day."

"Who are you calling a rascal?"

The man carrying the bag immediately let go of the heavy bag as the voice from the bag uttered those words. Fear started taking over these men once more.

"Ouch... You bastard. You're going to pay for that derely. Let me out of this bag!!" Sage shouted as the bag started moving back and forth on the spacey steps.

(2)"Wait, as long as he is in that bag, he can't touch us nor hurt us"

(1)"Yeah you're right as long as he's in that bag, we're as safe as a tortoise under its shell."

The men said picking up the bag containing Sage. They were about to finish this journey of steps they were assigned to carry the body up to. Although they have not reached the top, they could already apprehend the noises from the cells of the Upper Floors.

"What's all that noise?"

"Now kid this is what you've been hoping for. This is the real Outcast Camp!!!!" The men said as they finished the flight of stairs finally.

The sound of inmates screaming and crying filled the whole hall up and this was no regular hall. This hall was factory sized. It was no joke, there were many inmates here. Fingernails screeching on the hard iron bars of the cells. Inmates screaming like maniacs, screaming like lunatics. You could swear this was a Mental Asylum.

(2)"Which cell is he supposed to go to again? Cell..."

(1)"It's Cell 2,468. Mr Stock said we should settle him on the Cell specifically."

The men went on for the search of the Cell 2,468. Believe it or not, this Camp has over 6,000 cells which make it the biggest Camp/prison in the whole of Gragen Island.

(2)"Found it"

As man(2) was about to open the cell named Cell 2,468, the first man quickly ceased the man from doing that.

(1)"STOP!!! Are you dumb? This cell has an inmate in it already, what if the inmate chooses to do something to us when we open the cell? We should first do something about him."