
The Original Seeker

Bai Mo, you evil bastard! “Only the weakling will care about race and lineage, that’s because they need to see something that is similar to themselves to feel safe. And they need to use another life to continue their dreams; But the sun doesn’t need another sun, and the eternal one doesn’t need another to realize his own dreams.” A story of a lone seeker constantly searching for a way forward.

AzraelAzazoth · 奇幻
11 Chs

Chapter 2: daily

The next day, Bai Mo got up and opened his eyes and found that his eyesight seemed a little better than the day before. Of course, Bai Mo himself was wondering if it would be an illusion, but as an old bookworm who is addicted to novels, he still feels his own eyes. So a little sensitive.

So, guided by the probably tangible benefits, Bai Mo, a fan of online novels, began his life of "training qi" in the morning, afternoon and evening.

   Before each meal, I prepare enough food for several people, and then absorb the gas generated by the heating stone until I feel that I can't absorb it. In order to avoid being watched in the dining hall again, Bai Mo directly bought three meals and went to the dormitory to eat.

After a week passed in this way, Bai Mo really felt the dramatic improvement in his eyesight. From the original mild myopia, people at 6, 7 meters away could not see his face, and now it's more than 10 20 meters away. Can easily recognize the appearance of the person on the other side.

   Of course, Bai Mo, who was deeply influenced by the thoughts of guilt in the novel, has never told others about the changes in the past half a month, but just sticks to this life silently every day. The parents, who are most likely to care about his physical problems, unfortunately both died in a car accident when Bai Mo was 12 years old. They left a house in Bai Mo, which was enough for the insurance money of Bai Mo's house for most of his life and a sum of money in the form of trust. The legacy given to Bai Mo

   During this time, Bai Mo did not stop his research on "Lingshi".

Using his material expertise and private use of laboratory equipment when there is no one, Bai Mo discovered that as "spirit stone" has been used many times, it has not turned into ashes or turned to ashes as described in many fantasy novels. Even disappeared directly.

At first Bai Mo thought that his "cultivation base" was too weak, and he could not even eat a piece of "spiritual stone", but after accurate measurement with laboratory instruments, he found that the stone has almost no change in volume or appearance, but it is heating up. The green that appears is getting lighter and shallower, so Baimo guessed that the existence of green at high temperature is the essence of "Aura". However, when he wanted to further explore the essence of "Aura", he found that it was just a graduate student who wanted to explore. The essence of Reiki obviously still thinks too much.

  The labor and useless exploration of the essence of "Reiki" made Bai Mo begin to focus on his own changes.

Bai Mo found that as the "training of Qi" continued, his eyesight became better and better. Not only did the original myopia improve, the effective distance of observation also increased, and the resolution was greatly improved. After months of "training", Bai Mo can now clearly see the human face 150 meters away, and can distinguish the expression of the human face. This is obviously beyond the limit of normal human vision.In the past half month, Bai Mo found that his physique had also improved slightly. From his original sub-health state, he had to rest for more than half an hour after running for a kilometer, and his physique had become a very weak chicken after running for a thousand meters. Normal human body energy can be restored in eight minutes.

   However, new problems emerged. Bai Mo found that although the quality and appearance of the "Ling Stone" had not changed, gradually, with each heating, less and less "Aura" appeared, and he needed to start looking for a new "Ling Stone". Immediately, Bai Mo picked up Professor Zhao's idea, after all, he was also the original source of the stone.

At first, Bai Mo also thought of sneaking into Zhao Jiasen's house and stealing the ore with a little crooked way. But then, with his physique of a normal person, it is estimated that even the community security may not be able to win, let alone lack of action The thief's experience and skills, no matter how far you look, you can only look at it.

"How can Professor Zhao give me all the'ling stones' in his hand without causing him to be suspicious? How can I say that he is also an old professor of materials science, and his sensitivity to the nature of materials is not generally high, as long as With a little bit of breath, he would easily be associated with the particularity of this material, and the special nature of'Aura' would be easily explored by him. After all, heating is not an unpopular treatment method. It has not been discovered before. Because Professor Zhao first took the most conservative treatment when he got the new materials."

"Professor Zhao is not bad, and it is definitely impossible to buy it with money, and it will also arouse his suspicion-buying a stone for no reason, this stone is not beautiful, and it is not a gem. Don't confess."

   "Only if there is a little doubt in the last experiment, then take some samples from him. The next step is to think of a more reliable reason."


After some thoughts, Bai Mo finally came up with a plan that seemed to have no logical loopholes. He replaced him with a person with upper-middle IQ and middle-lower EQ. To come up with such a complete plan, he would have to plan a plan. Most of the day, now it only takes half an hour to get it done.

   Of course, Bai Mo, who was a little excited and a little nervous at this time, did not realize that his planning ability had improved a lot. It seemed that the fluctuating emotions concealed his true perception of his situation.

"Hello mentor, regarding the sample you asked me to test last time, I feel that because the sample size is too small, and some destructive tests have not been completed, it may be because of this that I did not find any special properties." Picked up the phone and sent a WeChat message to Zhao Jiasen.

Zhao Jiasen also felt that his intuition was fine. With his experience and intuition as a professor of materials science, he always felt that this material should have some special properties, otherwise he would not collect some humble black stones beside the volcano for no reason. It is only possible that the special properties of this material will only become apparent under certain conditions.

   Zhao Jiasen feels that if he can find out this nature and publish it in an authoritative journal, his academic status in the field can be raised to the international cutting-edge level, and it will also be famous for the country. After all, as a scientist his age, he doesn't lack anything. Li is already very difficult to impress him. The only thing he pursues is his name. Of course, if he knows the special nature of "Lingshi", he is also absolutely sure. It will not be published, but unfortunately there is no if in this world.

   Zhao Jiasen, who saw WeChat, put down the phone in his hand.

"It's a pity that I'm currently collaborating with people from the National Institute of Materials Research to study GX-5, a material that is the core of a new engine. I don't have much free time to study the properties of that new material. After all, studying the properties of new materials is also It's not a day or two. I can only rely on casting a net to exhaustively. Since a graduate student is interested in being a research coolie, let him explore the way first. Anyway, the first author of the results is my name. ."

   Then he replied.

"Xiaomo, I will ask my assistant Yuehai to send you another sample in the past two days. You will test that sample first. I will be busy during this period. If it is not enough, I will contact Yuehai directly. Hai is good, he will try his best to help, of course, if you have any special findings, he will notify me immediately so that I can arrange further experiments."

"It feels like I've made such a detailed plan in vain. It turns out that Professor Zhao didn't put down this material. He still felt that there was something in it. He threw the pot to me when he didn't have time. No wonder I just mentioned it and he agreed to it. The ore was brought over to me to continue the experiment, but I had a lot of excuses to cheat him, but it's okay, if you talk less, you will have fewer problems."

"Professor Zhao is still an academic contractor in the final analysis. We leave the work to our graduate students, and use the title of the first author of the paper to exploit the work of our graduate students. But it doesn't matter. I don't care about this anyway. , It's better to actually get the spirit stone and be able to practice." Bai Mo thought.

   The next day, the assistant Yuehai took the materials to Bai Mo's usual laboratory.

   "Brother Yuehai, good morning."

   "Junior Brother Bai Mo, good morning, this is the experimental material that Professor Zhao asked me to bring you. You have to work hard, if you make any discoveries, our entire laboratory will be honored."

   "Brother, you are polite, everyone is striving for the development of materials science, and I will trouble you to bring materials here this time."

   "It's okay, no trouble, the teacher also said, if you have any questions in the follow-up, please contact me across the sea."


   After some boring politeness, Bai Mo escorted Yuehai out of the laboratory.

   After returning to the laboratory, the students in the same laboratory surrounded Bai Mo and asked with a grin: "When did Lao Mo hook up with Brother Yuehai? He is Professor Zhao's most trusted assistant."

   "It's not that I continue to be a scientific research migrant worker. Brother Yue also brought the experimental materials for Boss Zhao and continued the last new material performance test experiment."

   Hearing about the performance test of the new material, the people around immediately lost their interest and all returned to their seats to work. Everyone in the laboratory knows that new material performance testing is the most boring experiment, which is to constantly repeat and constantly try different reaction conditions, which is completely a mechanical operation of face-to-face.

   Bai Mo didn't say anything, after all, he also knew what everyone was thinking, and this kind of boring chore would not be of interest to him before.

It's also fortunate that Bai Mo is a series of online novels. There is no barrier to the concept of cultivation. It can even be said to be accepted in an instant. In Bai Mo's eyes, this drudgery has become incomparable beauty. .

   After getting the new "spiritual stone", Baimo directly threw the first "spiritual stone" that was basically used up to the laboratory to replace the newly obtained materials.