
The Original Doppelganger

Reborn as a member of the Mikaelson family and twin brother of the bastard son of Esther, the hybrid Klaus Mikaelson wasn't enough I just had to be a Doppelganger too (I own nothing of the vampire diaries/ Originals only things I claim are my MC And OC's)

Nerdy_stoner · 电视同人
33 Chs

What Is Death (Edited)

(Erik POV)

Standing across from Elijah while I smile, and I watch Lilly punch Elijah in the chest. He lands on his back and goes skidding to the side of the dirt road. As I watch her speed away, with Rebekah right behind her, I say.

"Oops, sorry Elijah. I should've taken your warning. Don't worry, Lilly is the least of your problems... See despite my warning to not betray Klaus again. You compelled Aurora just as I was this close to forgiving you."

While holding up my fingers barely separated from each other. Looking him up and down with a smirk as I continue.

"But I was keeping from doing so. Waiting for the moment you would betray my twin again. When I finished compelling dear Juliette's guards I took her, Finn, his lover, and Kol to Aurora's room. When we entered, Aurora thought she was Rebekah. I siphoned that bit of compulsion away and sent her to Klaus. I'm sure he is looking for revenge right about now. Our brother can be quite a vindictive animal."

"Do you have any idea what he did? Erik, he killed Mother."

Elijah asks seriously and I snort before saying.

"I knew Elijah..... I could have stopped him but..... Why would I? Mother went crazy in her grief of Henrik... She drained Tatia of her blood just a dried husk.... that's all that was left. Esther deserved to be put to rest. Hopefully she stays there. Still doesn't give you the right to do what you did."

Elijah looks at me like he can't believe what I said. Before rushing at me. I wait until his fist is about to hit me, then freeze him mumbling a spell and say, as I send him flying away with the flicking of my pointer and middle fingers to the side.

"I'm not lost to my rage this time Elijah.... I knew if I fight you with my rage or my emotions. While I would probably win, I wouldn't be able to kill you that... That is not what I want, but you have to pay... So I turned my emotions off.... Now 'brother'... I don't care if I kill you."

Just then Klaus comes walking down the opposite way of the same dirt road that Lilly and Rebekah ran away in.

"Ahh, there he is. I'm sure this will be fun. Brothers... look what I found."

Behind Klaus came Aurora, who sent a glare at Elijah, then Finn and Kol both looking at Elijah like he was a whole new person.


Elijah looks at me holding a broken branch of white oak smiling at him like he is my newest toy. Then to Klaus who looks like a vengeful demon glaring at him. Standing up and looking at our siblings Kol, who was looking on with sadness and confusion, like he still couldn't believe it. And Finn looked like he was both sorrowed and conflicted. Then Elijah says.

"Do they know wh-"

"They know enough Elijah. They know you killed, not just my lover, but my unborn child. They know Esther drained her of all her blood. They know you compelled Aurora to get revenge on Klaus."

I say cheerfully. Then Klaus, not giving Elijah time to respond to me, rushes him in a blur. Elijah tries raising his arms to defend himself from an enraged Klaus. Only for me to appear beside him grabbing his left wrist and then slam my forearm against his elbow. Breaking it while Klaus stomped the outside of Elijah's right knee. With two loud snaps of bones followed by a yell of pain, Elijah falls to the ground.

Klaus then grabs him by the throat raising him in the air with me behind Elijah. When Elijah sends his full strength in his right fist and punches Klaus in the solar Plex, sending him away. Then with another resounding snapping of Elijah's broken arm and knee healing, he spins to punch me in the face, but I duck under his swing.... stabbing him in the chest with the broken branch of white oak. Scraping against his heart. Breaking the very tip off next to his heart, Elijah screams in pain and begs.

"AARRRGGGHHHHH.... Please, brothers... Don-"

I bite him in the neck tearing out a chunk of his throat. Then kick him as hard as I can in the stomach. While my hybrid face shows and I roar.


Sending him into Klaus who catches him by the back of his neck. And slams him face-first into the ground. Before forcing Elijah into a kneeling position he is gurgling trying to look at Klaus.

"...it.... wasn't..... fo-"

Letting his vampire face show for a second Klaus cuts him off saying.

"I loved you, brother... You were one of my three pillars growing up...But you have betrayed not just myself by compelling Aurora..... but you betrayed my twin when you..... KILLED MY BROTHER'S CHILD."

With that Klaus snaps Elijah's neck dropping his body to the side. As I walk up to Elijah's body and with the white oak. Then while mumbling carve a rune into his forehead. To force him into the darkest corners of his mind. With only the phantom voices of his victims with the branch of white oak. Before running my hand over where I tore out his neck, mumbling to myself as I cursed the wound to never heal. Then I moved my hand over Elijah's chest and froze the tip of white oak that was scraping against his heart in place. So it doesn't move any further and is constantly causing him pain.

"I will be keeping Elijah with me..... He will be useful in what I need to do."

I continue while I look at Klaus, Kol, and Finn.

"All 3 of you should grab the others and go. Juliette and I will meet you in Italy after we are done... Go now brothers we wasted enough time here."

I say as I lift Elijah onto my shoulders and speed away. Going towards the throne room.

(Finn POV)

As I watched Erik speed away with Elijah I said.

"Do you think he will kill him, brothers?"

Klaus just huffs saying.

"I don't care at the moment..... Let us be off. I'll grab Lilly and Rebekah, you two go get Sage and get to the stables and I'll meet you there."

Before speeding after Rebekah and Lilly's scent with Aurora following him I turned to Kol who said.

"Let us go, brother."

(Lilly's POV)

I used my supernatural speed, which was on another peak compared to Rebekah, who I heard yelling out to me but I kept running. Rushing into the forest that was in the distance of Castle De Martel. I kept running until I was surrounded by the trees of the forest. I dropped down and couldn't take the lies of the last year the person I thought I loved. Killed my half-brother's child and instead of telling me or any of us... Erik held it inside of himself bottling it up...


Hearing the snap of twigs, I stand spinning around and see a huge man with dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Wearing traveling clothes and a cloak. Before his eyes changed showing his vampire face as he hissed at me. in response I let my hybrid face show roaring and we sped at each other.


But before I could reach the giant of a man, I was grabbed by the neck. Looking from the arm to a face I never thought I'd see again. As I'm forcibly turned towards the face of my father's killer and whispered.


He smirks letting his vampire face show as he bites into my neck and the other man bites into the other side of my neck. Before I can scream, Mikael stabbed me in the heart with a wooden stake. The last thing I see is Rebekah in the distance. Silently running away. Back the way we came.

if you liked the chapter leave me a power stone. have a nice day

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