
The Original Doppelganger

Reborn as a member of the Mikaelson family and twin brother of the bastard son of Esther, the hybrid Klaus Mikaelson wasn't enough I just had to be a Doppelganger too (I own nothing of the vampire diaries/ Originals only things I claim are my MC And OC's)

Nerdy_stoner · 电视同人
33 Chs

Vampire That Hunts Vampire's (PT2) (Edited)

(Mikael POV)

Walking into the town square I look around and see hundreds of people milling about, but what caught my eye was..... A tall, buff man, in his thirties, with dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes in dirty rags. He was pleading with the guards to believe him.

"He came out of nowhere I'm telling you he appeared out of the air, he... He bit into my son's neck and killed him. Please sire, you have to avenge him."

The guard that I assume is in charge sneered.

"Shut it you, poor fool. There is no such beast as you have described... Eyes changing a bloodshot color and black veins on the bottom eyelids.... I will not waste men on a fairy tale, leave now."

"Excuse me."

I say to them as I walk closer, and I look at the man and say.

"I may not be a guard, but I do believe you. Tell me what you saw, and I'll get your revenge."

He doesn't seem to think I do at first, but he begins telling me what happened while they were out hunting. When a man came, he was young apparently, he only looked around 17 to 19. What he told me lined up with what I knew my children could do, but when I asked.

"What does he look like?"

"Black curly hair, angelic face, but he showed no emotion at all."

That caught my attention as he continued

"When he appeared, everything went quiet and there wasn't a sound in the forest. He asked questions that were off like... have we ever thought about becoming something more? or... what we thought death was like before? Before he said that, it's like going to sleep and when you awaken you are born anew... My son was only 11. It was one of the first times I took him with me. He... He was awed by the man. Then faster than I could blink, the man knocked me into a tree and was holding my son by the neck. The sick monster's true face came out when he bit into my son's neck, drinking from him. Then feeding my son the monster's own blood. Before running away with my son's body."

My eyes widen. I should have seen this coming. Of course there would be a way to make more of us. I look seriously at the man and say.

"What is your name? And if I avenge your son, will you help me in hunting my own monsters?"

"My name is Jack. If you avenge my son and allow me to bury him, I will help you hunt God himself."

Days later we were walking in the forest around where Jack and his son were attacked. When I saw a set of tracks and rushed along the tracks, trailing what I believe was one of my children's creations.

We came across a child who was sitting, looking at a tree like it was his whole life. He didn't even say anything to Jack when he called out to what was once his son. The child immediately tried to attack us with a powerful leap of his little body to close in on me. I dodged and spun out of the way of its tiny bodies every swing. Until I was behind him, and I tried to restrain the child. He was like a crazed animal. With no reasoning or rational thinking of any kind just instincts and bloodlust. While I was trying to restrain him, Jack, seeing what his son had become. Sped in front of the child and stabbed him in the heart with a wooden stake. Taking him from me as tears fell from his eyes. Whispering apologies to him for what he did, and why he had to.

It was hours later when we finally found a large clearing, with a single tent in the center. I used my supernatural hearing and heard at least 3 people. All males; two older and one that sounded like a teenager.

"I still don't know what you were thinking kid. Not even a month since we have been traveling and you decided to turn some punk child... Why?"

"I agree with him. That was a stupid decision. Who do you think you are? our creator? That you can take anything you want."

The two older males were trying to talk sense into the younger one, who when he replied, was in an emotionless voice. Like he didn't care if the world were to end in that second.

"I don't see the problem. The child seemed like they were in awe of what I had to say, so I gave a gift to the brat."

"And forcing him to shut off his own emotions. Then sending him on his way, alone. What do you call that?"

"I was bored what else was I supposed to do when I came across them."

I took that moment to speed inside the tent. Shoving my arm inside one of the older men's back. Wrapping my right hand around his heart and pulling my arm back as the man falls to the ground with a scream of pain. His body started to turn stone grey, with his very veins drying up and blackened. I dropped the heart and said.

"I think you have met my children. Tell me where they are?"

The other older man tried rushing at me and I front-kicked him in the chest. Hearing a crack as his body sails towards the back of the tent. Tearing a hole in it as he vanished from sight. I looked at the younger one who asked curiously.

"Who are you?"

He looked at me like I was an interesting animal until I said my name and I saw a hint of fear.


He tried to run to the hole out the back of the tent, but was punched in the face by Jack's fist, who showed his true face. While his other hand was holding the severed head of the other older man.

if you liked the chapter leave me a power stone. have a nice day

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