
The Original Doppelganger

Reborn as a member of the Mikaelson family and twin brother of the bastard son of Esther, the hybrid Klaus Mikaelson wasn't enough I just had to be a Doppelganger too (I own nothing of the vampire diaries/ Originals only things I claim are my MC And OC's)

Nerdy_stoner · 电视同人
33 Chs

Capturing A Nexus Vorti (Edited)

(3rd POV)

Seen on the Other Side, where all dead supernatural go after death, is two women. The first is Qetsiyah, the creator of the Other Side, and the first witch to make the immortality spell. The second is the doppelganger Tatia.

Both women are sitting Infront of a grave. As Qetsiyah, listens to Tatia telling Qetsiyah, about her life, then meeting Erik, the time they shared. Looking at the face of Tatia, you could see the love she still held for Erik.

Along with the loss, and grief that accompanies that love. While the face of Qetsiyah seems conflicted, with a hint of jealousy, before she cut Tatia off, who was talking about her death.

"What if I could... Help you?"

Tatia's head, whips towards Qetsiyah, as she asks wearily.

"How could you help me?"

Qetsiyah just smiled, while a twinkle appears in her eyes.

(Juliette POV)

Standing in the woods, in slight shock, at who is Infront of me. Erik's oldest sibling, Freya Mikaelson, and in her arms is a child, no older than two. When Lilly mentioned that the child, had the same scent as Erik, I look closely at him.

And I am lost, looking into the different colored eyes of the Two-year-old. One eye was the same green as Erik's, while the other eye, was an amber color. I am pulled from my thoughts as we heard, a powerful roar coming from Erik, Followed by an explosion.



Without truly thinking about what I was doing, I acted on instinct, just knowing that the most important thing I could do for Erik is getting his child and sister away from Dahlia. Spinning Freya around, then lifting her up in my arms. Who in turn, clutched the child, to her chest even more securely, as I yell too Lilly.

"Lilly, we need to get them both out of here, now."

"I'm right behind you. I don't think Erik will be needing our help after all."

With that we vamp speed back towards the village. When we arrive, while passing the Long-House of the Jarl, a blur of grey and dark brown speeds past us, towards where Erik's roar came from.

(Klaus POV)

I am feeding off a woman, inside our new Villa, in Italy, when I felt a sudden intense rage well up inside me. Making me gasp, pushing the woman away, as I fall to one knee clutching my chest.

This feeling isn't coming from me. I haven't felt this connection since the night we abandoned Erik, to father. When it passes, I push myself up, speeding towards where Finn, Kol, and Rebekah are looking over Elijah, trying to find a way to heal him from the curse Erik put on his neck and chest. Keeping them from healing and keeping the broken piece of white oak securely in place. Without having to wait for the curse, to dissipate with time, as I enter the room, I tell them.

"I felt Erik."

Causing all three to snap their heads in my direction, as Aurora, came speeding into the room.

(3rd POV)


Erik, who's whole body is covered by fire of red and dark orange, burning away his leather armor. Vamp speeds into Dahlia's guard, while pulling back his flame, covered fist, and muttering.


As he punched at Dahlia, aiming for her solar plex. Dahlia tries to send Erik flying back with her own spell.

When Dahlia raised both her hands, Erik's own hand glowed red, underneath the flames. Then when his fist came in contact with Dahlia's hands, just as her spell was about to shoot at him, he absorbed the magic, while he released his magical empowered flames of Hell Fire.


Dahlia, barely able to cover her body from the Hell Fire, is sent flying backwards into one of the trees, as her clothes catch fire from the heat, she just experienced.

Dahlia looks up at Erik, with her half-burnt face, showing her completely black eyes and sinister veins slithering from her neck to her temples, on each side of her head, that are the same black color. Then Dahlia, waves her blackened, burnt right hand, and the flames, burning her clothes, extinguished itself.

Erik rushes towards Dahlia, as she stands and snaps the fingers of her severely burnt left hand, sending a fallen branch of wood, at Erik's heart. He grabs it with his left hand, instantly igniting it, then throwing it right back at her. As she muttered to herself, the branch stabbed into her leg and a second later, Erik had both his hands, glowing a bright red without any flames, wrapped around Dahlia's throat, with closed eyes.

When Erik, opens his fiery, red eyes, they held a note of victory, as he said.

"Goodbye auntie."

And siphoning away the link between not just Freya, but with Harald, while spreading the Hell Fire, back to his hands, causing Dahlia to scream in pain.


Sending a desperate, magical pulse of power in all directions around her. With enough force, to not just send Erik, flying back, landing on top of the body of Jack, but also knock the old trees over. Breaking some of the trees, and completely uprooting others.

Before she could do anything else, a blur of grey and dark brown, is seen stopping behind Dahlia, revealing the old Jarl, of the village. Then he whispers, into her ear.

"This is for my daughter, you evil bitch."

Just as Erik appears in front of Dahlia while muttering a spell, holding her in place with his left hand, and his right was gripping a rune engraved, paragon diamond, that began to slightly shine. The Jarl, stabs Dahlia, with a dagger, in her heart. Dahlia fell to the ground, while looking back at the Jarl, whispering.


As her body turned to stone, with one last powerful blast of her magic, that was absorbed by the diamond. Changing its color black, in the likeness of a black diamond, but darker.

(Jack POV)

When I wake up with a gasp, I look around and see I am lying on a table, in the main room of the Jarl's Long-House. Right next to my head is a black diamond, that looks like the paragon diamond, I was carrying. looking around I see Lilly and Juliette, sitting next to a blonde woman as they ask her questions, while answering the woman's own questions. When I hear her name being said.

Freya, so that means we won? looking from them, I see the old Jarl, standing next to Erik with a smile that seems to make him look ten years younger. While looking at what was in Erik's arms, a young child, no older than two. With dark almost black, brown hair, who is being clutched to Erik, like he would never let the child go, while whispering.

"I'm so sorry, Harald."

Over, and over, so I ask.

"What exactly happened?"

I know in the show it never said she released a Nexus Vorti, but in lore if you kill Silas, or Amara, they release a Nexus Vorti, and I always thought of Dahlia as a lot more dangerous/powerful then Silas, If you liked this chapter, leave me a Power Stone. Have a nice day.

Nerdy_stonercreators' thoughts