
The Original Doppelganger

Reborn as a member of the Mikaelson family and twin brother of the bastard son of Esther, the hybrid Klaus Mikaelson wasn't enough I just had to be a Doppelganger too (I own nothing of the vampire diaries/ Originals only things I claim are my MC And OC's)

Nerdy_stoner · 电视同人
33 Chs

A Personal Promise (Edited)

(Erik POV)

I look at Kol with a deadpan expression on my face and say.

"You just had to sire all those people didn't you, little brother?"

He smirks at me and says.

"I couldn't help myself, Rik. I just had to let my mischievous side shine."

I shake my head with a small smile on my face and tell him.

"A. Never call me Rik, it's Erik. Do I have to teach you our language again? And B. Father is after us, you wanker.... What do you think your little gang of baby monsters will do when they come face to face with him?"

He turns serious and says.

"A. They will buy us all more time. By the time he even finds them, we will be dust in the wind. and I'm guessing you and Nik have a plan in place already. And B. Just as Klaus is Nik, you Erik will always be Rik, to those of us who know you."

I sigh as the rest of my siblings laugh Klaus says.

"Yes, we have a plan, but it requires us to... To split for a while Finn, Kol, and Erik in one group and Rebekah, Elijah, and myself in the other. If you have anything you want to take, grab it now."

I nod and lightly glare at Elijah and say.

"You will be making your first sired in the form of Tristan De Martel and compel him to believe he is you and send him on his way with Lucien. Who Klaus, will compel to believe he is Klaus Mikaelson. Rebekah and Lilly, I want you two to find anyone who looks similar to Rebekah and do the same as Elijah compelling them to believe she is Rebekah Mikaelson. Finn, Kol our job is simple we turn any we see and compel them to lie in wait for Mikael to enter the throne room... If they get hungry, they can feed off of each other and they will survive long enough to face him."

They all nod and rush off to their rooms to pack.

(Elijah POV)

I reach my room with Lilly, and we pack our things quickly. In a matter of minutes, 3 bags are packed and we exit our room to see Rebekah with her own bags packed and a servant compelled next to her, and the man said.

"I will take your bags to the stables outside the gates of the castle and will be waiting for you all my lord my ladies."

With that, we drop our bags at his feet and split from each other. Lilly and Rebekah, going to town. I head for the heir's chambers. Once I reach there I knock, and Tristan opens the door with a confused expression. I don't hesitate and grab him by the throat feeding him my blood then snapping his neck and dragging him back into his room and waiting for him to awaken and see his sister Aurora with watery eyes.

(Finn POV)

I am returning to my room, and I see Sage. I am both saddened and delighted that she will be with me forever. As I get closer, I say.

"Sage, we need to pack as fast as possible and then meet with Erik for our escape plan."

She nodded and rushed into the room. I followed after her when we were done. We met with Kol who was being followed by a servant with glossed-over eyes.

(Klaus POV)

I reach Aurora's room in seconds and enter looking for her. Minutes later she enters and looks at me with what seems to be an I'm higher than you look and says.

"Can I help you, Klaus?"

I look at her and tell her.

"We are leaving tonight. I want you to come with us to be-"

Aurora scoffed and snidely replied.

"Run.... you mean from your monster of a father. Your whole family is nothing but monsters... My god, what was I thinking? I never loved you. I could never love you... It's like I'm seeing you for the first time and..... You're a vile thing to my eyes. No woman would ever love you...you killed your own mother be-"


I screamed at her.., After I finished, I disappeared from her view never seeing the tears leave her eyes as they glossed over.

(Lilly POV)

I never thought I would have a brother, much less an older brother. He came in my darkest moment and saved me. He brought me to those he calls siblings. Because like me they are his half siblings. And I found love in the 'Noble' brother all because Erik saved me when he didn't have to. Now he asked me to create a sired vampire and compel them to believe they are Rebekah, as a distraction for us to disappear. It is easier said than done. We have been here for hours. I'm knocked out of my thoughts as Rebekah said.

"Elijah, what are you doing here?"

Looking behind me I see my lover and he spoke.

"I already have a girl to be compelled to believe they are you, sister. Lilly, find one for you..... any that you can."

We both look at him oddly before nodding and I look around. I see a woman a few years older than me, but with the same hair color and close to the same eyes. I feed her my blood and break her neck. When she wakes up, I compel her to believe she is me when I am done. Elijah, Rebekah, and I go meet everyone else at the stables outside the castle.

(Erik POV)

I watch all my siblings rushing away and I turn around and look at Juliette. I ask.

"Are you sure you want to come with me love? You could go with the others until the next part of the plan. This is going to get bloody"

She nodded to me and said.

"I have been a princess for my whole life, but a part of me felt empty that part was filled by you. Let us do the like we always should together."

I smile and speak.

"Always and Forever my love."

Before we rush to the guard's quarters of those who came with Juliette to Castle De Martel. I open the first door and we rush in biting down on the first guard's neck I see. I forcing my blood into his system right before his last breath and held the other one by the neck feeding him my blood too and snapping his neck. Then unsheathing both their swords cutting my thumbs along the edges. I threw one to Juliette. Just in time to see the other 18 guards running into the room I smirk and say.

"Who dies first?"

Showing my hybrid face and Juliette right next to me shows her vampire face. We rushed into the guards and continued slicing and stabbing them all. 5 minutes later.... all 20 guards were dead, and they died with my blood in their system. While Juliette waits for them to awaken, I leave to fulfill a promise I made myself when I first arrived in this castle.

Walking down the lord's hallway where the chambers of my target are. I don't bother knocking.... no, I kick the door in. Thanks to my hybrid strength. the door blows off its henges. I walk in to see the old disgusting Count De Martel trying to force himself on a young woman. (Barely older than Rebekah or Lilly) Before I came, he jumped away. I vamp speed over to him then I plunge my hand into his chest and smile at him. As he has blood starts to leak from his mouth. I say, as I pull back with the still-beating heart of the Count handing it to him.

"Thank you for allowing my family and I to stay... But I find you to be the worst this world has to offer."

he has just enough awareness to look at what is in his hands. and back at me before dropping like a rock. Looking at the girl, I compelled her to forget this ever happened and run away from this castle with any gold she found in this room.

As I'm returning to Juliette, I bump into Finn, Sage, and Kol.  They follow me to where the dead guards are.

if you liked the chapter leave me a power stone. have a nice day

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