"Is it wrong to kill, is wrong to steal, is it wrong to covet thy neighbor's wife, is it wrong to..." Be it Gods or Demons, Beast or Man; all have fallen. In their despair, they shall hope, in their victory, they shall fall, in their success, we shall rise. Welcome to my Order, welcome to The Order of Chaos. *** Disclaimer: I do NOT own this picture
Ten Minutes Ago.
After dashing off the ceiling of the house as Ella dodged arrows and daggers alike, Aurelia's golden eyes surveyed her surrounding. Trying to catch a wisp of Arcana in the air, her nose suddenly twitched, and the ground beneath her feet trembled.
Two?! She thought as Morningstar whipped through the air, cutting apart a firebolt aimed at her head, while a magical force blast erupted around her, tearing apart the ivory vines from taking her life.
Rubble erupted, casting a fog of dust and debris around the battlefield. But in a matter of seconds, Aurelia lept out of the mist toward where the fire bolt originated. She Eyed the man about a hundred meters away; a vibrant smile appeared on her face as she stared at the man locked within her sight,
Long blonde hair trailed over his sickly skin, with a scarred face painted with markings. Surrounded by a nebula of Arcana that pooled, filling the skies with a destructive force, sweat dotted the young fallen brow.
Almost pausing her movement, Aurelia pushed down her apprehension and pushed ahead. With the Sword of Morningstar and Staff of Eldrich in hand. Seven small fire bolts erupted in tandem, blazing a fearsome heat; they bolted towards the scarred man.
Cracking a smile, Argon bellowed into laughter as his cloak dropped, revealing a sinister scythe carrying a dark aura that made Aurelia's skin crawl.
Moving faster than the speed of sound, Argon weaved with ease; as he pulled the scythe from his back, eruptions erupted and exploded from the powerful force of Aurelia's Zero spells.
"You're good! Let's see if I can't add you to my collection. A pretty little head like yours will be more than welcome."
Aurelia's feet had never stopped as she arrived near the assassin crackling in laughter. Cleaving her sword towards Argon, the assassin arched his scythe with both hands. Morningstar clashed against the center of the Sythe's shaft, sending a web of cracks beneath the ground.
"You're as strong as a tiered beast!' The scarred assassin bellowed, unable to stop laughing. "But if you think that little strength is enough, your dead wrong! AH!!!"
Pushing Aurelia back with brute force, a gleam of surprise flickered through her heart as she stared at the man whose arms began to bulge to the size of a bear.
"What the Hell?!" Aurelia shouted, taking a few steps back in utter astonishment.
"Be careful, my Queen," Eldritch cried, " His body has been altered by something!"
Acana blazing, Argon flicked like a bolt of lightning, arriving at Aurelia in a blink of an eye; the sounds of dings rang like rain as a battle erupted. Flickers of light seemed to twist and turn as Morningstar shone with golden light, clashing against the dark violet Arcana.
"GOOD! GOOD! GOOD! GOOD! GOOD! GOOD! " Argon bellowed, howling to the moon, and slammed his scythe down, bringing Auralia to her knees as she met his blade head-on. Blood leaked from her knees, pressing against the ground, but a smile was the only thing Argon met as she lifted her head to meet his.
"Aurelia is going to cut you up! Chop-Chop-Chop!" She sang, activating the imperial sutra.
The air around the young fallen began to change as two ethereal wings flickered behind her back, faded and almost surreal to look at. Aurelia's aura began to darken, and the gold within her eyes began to flicker with a glimmer of necrotic essence.
Blades grinding against each other, the Fallen pushed up, standing on equal ground with the assassin.
"DIE!!!" The Fallen howled as her sword became like the reaper's blade, carrying forth a destructive power that demanded death. Morningstar had seemed to awaken, coming to life with a power that rivals the stars in the Myriad of the Heavens; the moon itself appeared to dim as a Goddess came alive.
Basking in a golden glow of Gods and Demons alike, Aurelia's sword whipped against Argon's shaft, blasting him off his feet, and through buildings, with ease.
Skipping arose the ground; Argon's blood stained the floor as he plunged his scythe into the earth, tearing up the cobblestone. He peered up to see the smiling demon in front of him piercing his sword towards his head.
"SHIELD!" He chanted as a magical barrier appeared.
Repelling her back and off the ground, Aurelia could only laugh, " This is so fun, unlike those damn monsters from that world. Let's go! GO GOOOOO!!!!"
Lost in her battle lust, Aurelia darted forward the moment the magical spell Shield faded away as it was only good against a single attack. Argon met with aurelia blade once more, this time pouring all his power into his strikes.
Amazement tainted his soul as he began to notice something trailing behind aurelia's sword, spreading out like a web; unease built itself into his soul as he faced Aurelia's sword technique, Chasing Daybreak - Rain.
Unsure what these thin arcane strings were, Argon's expression contorted. When all of a sudden, Aurelia spoke. "Rain"
And like clockwork, the thin strings of arcane whipped towards him, falling like rain, blood spilled over the ground, staining the fallen cheeks, "CHOP-CHOP-CHOP! She sang like a child watching something unique happen.
Managing to keep himself from losing an arm with spells and skill, Argon was on his knee by the time he managed to get out of Aurelia's Rain.'
Coughing up a mouthful of blood, he groaned, lifting his eye to Aurelia," Amazing. You indeed are powerful." he praised, staggering back to his feet," But you are a Godless. Nothing will ever change that."
He spat out a few teeth. And from his pores, Azure Arcana seemed to ripple off his bulky body. "Grant me your power, Lady Azalea! So I may carry forth your mission!"
"Oh? So the fun isn't over, huh? Aurelia still has tons of Arcana left." She joyfully said, pointing her Golden Sword towards the Azure aura carrying properties of Immortal Qi. "Show me the power of a god, and let me show you the power I will use to take it!"
A hungry gleam filled Aurelia's eyes as she lifted the Staff of Eldritch, preparing herself to cast any spell needed.
"Bring it!"