
The Orbed Star

DeadlyBean2019 · 游戏衍生
2 Chs

Chapter 1

"WHO WANTS FRENCH TOAST?" A voice yelled, echoing through the hallways of the mansion. A few monsters and humans got out of their rooms, while other doors remained closed. The first one to make it to the kitchen was a skeleton girl with rainbow hair, she wore all black and white, and seemed to have been awake for quite a while. "ME!" 

Honey looked over, almost surprised at how fast she got there, but nonetheless put down a plate of french toast in front of her as she sat down. Most would be surprised at this sight; a papyrus who looked much like sans, cooking as many walked in to eat. Yet to the residents of this mansion, it was a normal day. 

    Another one of these residents was a human girl with brown and blue hair, wearing a yellow and black themed outfit with tints of blue, her eyes matching her name. "Hey Hazel, you're on mail duty this week!" someone called out from the table before she sat down to eat. Pushing her chair back in she let out a sigh. "Aw crap, I forgot about that.." Some snickering was heard as she grabbed her jacket and went outside. 

    A few people at the table chatted as Honey finished up the big plate full of toast. "I'm just saying Ice, breakfast could be later in the day, so I can get my rest" A redhead woman with green eyes said to the skeleton in front of her. He wore white and blue jacket with a dark blue scarf. He just shrugged as he continued to eat his meal with the others as the woman went on about it. Others at the table consisted of a brown dyed haired girl, with blue and purple highlights, and wings. Not only these but a few different skeletons, one with a snarl, and the other eating their brother's food happily, along with a mint haired kitsune girl. The last one at the table could barely be seen as a child sat on the big chairs. She was a little human girl with skeleton hands and ginger hair with different colored eyes. This table was very strange but was a family nonetheless...

    As all of this was happening, outside a man in a white Cream suit, matching hat, and purple flower in his pocket walked up to the front door just as Hazel went out. Behind him on the side of the mansion was a cream colored limo with matching bodyguards watching from what looked like afar. The man opened his mouth to speak but stopped for a moment as soon as Hazel turned around to look at him. This lasted for a few seconds as Hazel stood there awkwardly. Suddenly, as if nothing happened, the man started to speak. "Vy hello young lady, vat might vu pe doing out here?"

    Hazel raised an eyebrow, "I live here? Are you here for someone, I can go get them if you want?" she said before shaking her head "Look, if you're some creepy stalker of someone living here, then leave me out of it." 

    "Oh don't vorry young one. Arh! I am put ein man of trade. Vu liffe here nein? Zen vy are vu houtzide hinstead of peing vith all of your friends? Like your kood friend NightMare. Vy are vu not vith her hmmmm?" The man asked as he got closer. 

    "Because- you know what, why am I even talking to you?" She said as moved around him. As soon as she did the door she was once infront of opened. A blur of rainbow hair popped into view as G stood in the frame of the door. "Hazel? What's taking so long to get-!" she paused seeing the situation in front of her. 

    "Vy hello young child." The man said as he turned away from Hazel to look at G. 

    "I'm no child" G responded as she moved over to Hazel and nudged her arm, giving her a 'you okay?' look. Hazel nodded in reply before they both looked over at the man once more. 

    "Vy are vu vorried mein young one? I am of nein threat to vu or your friend." he said as he made a subtle, two fingered motion behind his back, unbeknownst to the two before him.

    Hazel rubbed her arm awkwardly as she spoke up once more. "So, why are you here?" 

    "Oh how rude of me. Arh! Mein name is Keith Malstorm. Now your turn."

    "Hazel" "G" they replied. Hazel remained unsure about the situation as G's eyes turned yellow as she glared at the newly introduced man. 

    "Vell now zat ve haffe hintrotuced hourzelffes let us talk about vy I am here today." About five to eight men in black suits similar to Keith's step forward. They all wear similar garb and many are wearing deep purple to black hats. All are incredibly buff and can barely fit into their suits without ripping the fabric, much unlike the ones near the limo. 

    Backing up a bit Hazel and G were frazzled by the situation. "What… what is going on? It's too early for this!" Hazel whisper-shouted at G. 

Before Keith spoke again, the door opened once more. "First Hazel now you G, what is-" Honey paused as he looked around. "What's going on? Who are you all?" he asked as he shut the door behind him. 

Keith's expression did not change, it was unknown if he was glad or displeased another person came into the equation as he continued on, " Oh do not be halarmed, zeze are zimbly zome friends of mine. Arh! Now, I recognise zat vu tvo are cloze friends vith zat NightMare inzide nein? vell, sche took zomezing of mine zat I vould like back."

Honey teleported next to G and Hazel as they held different expressions. "What is it?" G asked for the three as tensions rose. It was at this point Hazel knew they were not just going to have a chat, G and Honey already knowing. G's eye glowed brighter as Honey's left eye started to glow. Hazel grabbed onto her necklace as Keith moved over to the side as he spoke. "Money. Arh! Ein vile ako NightMare vas in need of zome DIRE Hazistance. Vell, I lent her zome money broffited zat sche vould pay me vat is mine und ein small fee. Arh! Zadly, Night vas unable to pay me back vat I had giffen her."

"What does this have to do with us?"

Keith turned his head down, his hat hiding his face within a shadow. "Vell zeeing vat vu are cloze friends vith zis "NightMare" I belieffe vu can help me get vat is mine. Arh! Broffited zat vu are villing to collect her for me? Now. Ve can do zis zee eazy vay, or, ve can do it zee hard vay." The goons began to advance as Keith turned around presumingly to grab something. Quickly G got into a fighting position as Hazel took off her charm, it turning into a scythe. Gaster blasters soon were summoned behind them as the three were ready to fight. After all this isnt the first situation they were needed to fight in. However unlike this one, the fight ended as soon as it started. The goons stopped.

In confusion G and Hazel let their guard down for a moment as Honey remained vigilant. "Wait- What is going on?" Hazel asked as she looked around at the men which had formed a circle around the three. Soon a few spread apart to let Keith through before they all turned their backs on the three. 

"Vell zis may not be vat vu had in mind of vat vould happen hmm?" he asked with a sly smirk. The three stood there dumbfounded as he continued, raising his right hand which held a glowing orb. "Do vu know vat zis is? Do vu know vat it can do? Zis fantasdic contrabzion can do many zings young one, put zee one zing I vat it to do now.... ha... vell..... vu may not like....."

The orb began to glow brighter than before in Keith's hand as huge ringing noise blasts across the small area they were in, Hazel, G, and Honey all felt eminence pain in their heads, their weapons desummoning or falling to the ground. It rings and bangs like a sledgehammer being slammed to their foreheads before they eventually go unconscious. It was unknown at the time why no one heard it from inside of the mansion, but it was ignored by the man and goons as he motioned them to pick them up and bring them to the car. They had done it so swiftly that it seemed like they had done this many times before, and most likely had. 

Before even a minute passed, they had left . . .

(I do not own any characters mentioned, but have gotten permission from the owners, all parts of the story made through roleplay and edited into a book)