
The Orange Flash of Westeros

After Naruto defeated Madara and the 10-tailed beast, Kami sent him to his new destiny in Westeros. Found by Robert and Ned, Naruto will face the battles for the 7 kingdoms. Now the Stags, Wolves and Lions must deal with the Fox as Naruto will shift the game for the Iron Throne. Story written by choejhulk9 who is a great author with several great stories that you should check it out. Unfortunately this story was abandoned.

Hyuga_Tobirama · 漫画同人
13 Chs

Chapter 8: Riverrun and the Red Wedding Part I

Here is the eighth Chapter of the Orange Flash in Westeros. Naruto makes a decision and rides to Riverrun to help Robb deal with Walder Frey before he returns to King's Landing and has to stop a wedding.

The Orange Flash in Westeros

Riverrun and the Red Wedding

Back in Essos, after Menma saved Daenerys from the manticore, he offered to stay behind and protect her and she accepted. Daenerys couldn't figure out why…but something about him made her feel safe and…somewhat happy. Daenerys, Jorah and Menma were walking along the walk of punishment in Astapor.

"The walk of punishment is a warning, Daenerys." Menma told her.

"To who?" Daenerys asked.

"To any slave contemplating doing what these slaves did." Menma told her as she stopped in front of a slave chained up.

"Give me your water." Daenerys told Jorah.

"Khaleesi, this man has been sentenced to death." Jorah told her.

Daenerys walked up to the slave and offered him a drink. "Here, drink." Daenerys told him but the slave shook his head no, which shocked her.

"Leave this place tonight, Daenerys. Leave tonight, please." Menma told her.

"What is she to do for soldiers?" Jorah asked.

"We can find other soldiers, but this is a price too high." Menma said.

"Is it we already, Menma." Jorah said. "If you want to sit on the throne your ancestors built you must win it. That will mean blood on your hands before it is done." Jorah told Daenerys.

"The blood of my enemies, not the innocent." Daenerys told him.

"Have you ever fought in any wars, Menma?" Jorah asked.

"I have, some time ago." Menma told them.

"Have you ever seen a war where innocents didn't die by the thousands?" Jorah asked.

"No, but in this case, it may not even have to come to war." Menma said which caught Daenerys's attention.

"What do you mean?" Daenerys asked.

"While I was in Qarth, I spoke with some informants of mine in Westeros. They keep me informed of what goes on in the 7 Kingdoms. Any secret or twisted tale, they can find and I will know." Menma said.

"Your point being?" Daenerys asked.

"You don't need an army to go home. Robert Baratheon is dead, and with him, any lingering animosity towards your house. After Robert Baratheon's death, any lingering idea or thought about killing you was immediately silenced." Menma said.

"Why?" Daenerys asked.

"Because of the new King. It seems a lot has changed in Westeros. Robb Stark continues to fight the Lannisters but Stannis Baratheon was defeated at Blackwater Bay. He lost his men and soon will be brought to justice for his crimes, and a new king has been crowned, Naruto Uzumaki." Menma said.

"The orange flash?" Jorah asked.

"I see you've heard of him. Yes, after his rule as regent and Stannis killing his brother, Renly, Naruto Uzumaki decided that no Baratheon was worthy of the crown and decided to rule as King, to ensure peace and stability in Westeros." Menma told them.

"And your point?" Daenerys asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki holds no animosity towards you or your family. He won't send assassins after you, or kill you if you should head back home." Menma said.

"What makes you say that?" Daenerys asked.

"I happen to know Naruto Uzumaki. Some time ago." Menma said.

"You know him?" Jorah asked as he reached for his sword.

"Relax, Jorah. I haven't seen the man in years. He wasn't the only one to appear years ago, I came along as well. He stayed in Westeros while I came to Essos." Menma said as Daenerys looked at him.

"How can you be so sure of what he would do?" Daenerys asked.

"Because we're more alike than either of us would care to admit. Naruto Uzumaki is a gentle, compassionate yet strong man. He only fights to protect people, never to kill…and he doesn't hold animosity towards you. In fact, he and Ned Stark opposed King Robert's decision to kill you and Naruto was the one who cancelled all efforts to find you. He has distaste for killing people he doesn't know." Menma said as Daenerys thought for a second, she didn't know if he was telling the truth, but…something in his eyes told her that he was.

"Would he give me the crown should I return?" Daenerys asked.

"That is a question I cannot answer, but you both are able to return home, if you wish to." Menma said as Daenerys looked around at all the slaves in Astapor. "But…" Menma said as Daenerys looked at him. "we can help innocent people while we remain here." Menma said as Daenerys smiled, he just gave her an idea.

Daenerys, Jorah and Menma walked back to the Unsullied quarters to speak to Master Kraznys.

"All? Did this one's ears mishear, your grace?" Missandei asked.

"They did not. I want to buy them all." Daenerys said.

"She wants to buy them all." Missandei told Kraznys.

"She can't afford them. The slut thinks she can flash her tits, and make us giver her whatever she wants." Kraznys said.

"There are 8,000 Unsullied in Astapor. Is this what you mean by all?" Missandei asked.

"Yes. 8,000. And the ones still in training as well." Daenerys said.

"If they fail on the battlefield, they will shame Astapor." Master Greizhen said.

"Master Greizhen says then cannot sell half-trained boys. If they fail on the battlefield, they will bring shame upon all of Astapor." Missandei said.

"I will have them all or take none. Many will fall in battle. I need the boys to pick up the swords they drop." Daenerys said, keeping up the ruse that she still needed them for war.

"The slut cannot pay for all of this. Her ship will buy 100 Unsullied, no more, and this because if love the curve of her ass. What is left will buy her 10. I will give her 20 to stop her ignorant whimpering. Her Dothraki smell of shit, but may be useful as pig feed. I will give her 3 for those. So, ask this beggar queen, how will she pay for the remaining, 7,877?" Kraznys said in Valyrian.

"Master Kraznys says you cannot afford this. Your ship will buy you 100 Unsullied, because Master Kraznys is generous. The gold you have left is worth 10. But good Master Kraznys will give you 20. The Dothraki you have are not worth what they cost to feed, but good Master Kraznys will give you 3 Unsullied for all of them. Master Kraznys asks how you propose to pay for the remaining 7,877 Unsullied?" Missandei translated. Daenerys looked to Menma and he nodded.

"I have dragons. I'll give you one." Daenerys said as Missandei translated.

"3 dragons." Kraznys said in common tongue.

"1." Daenerys replied.

"2." Kraznys said.

"1." Daenerys said again.

Kraznys spoke to the other master and then spoke to Missandei. "They want the biggest one." Missandei said.

"Done." Daenerys said.

"Done." Kraznys said.

"I'll take you as well, now." Daenerys said, looking as Missandei. "You'll be Master Kraznys' gift to me. A token of a bargain well struck."

"She asks that you give me to her, as a present. She asks that you do this now." Missandei said as Kraznys nodded.

Daenerys, Menma, and Jorah left as Jorah talked to her. "Khaleesi, I know that you're doing this because it's right, but what is something goes wrong?" Jorah asked.

"It won't. If it does, then we'll have to act." Menma said, putting his hand on Jorah's shoulder. "Relax, she's got this."

"Are you sure?" Jorah asked as Daenerys walked with Missandei. "The Targaryens ruled Westeros for centuries, you don't think just because Naruto Uzumaki is kind hearted that he will make her Queen?"

"I can't answer that, but she will get to go home, and prevent the death of thousands of innocent people if she were to start another war." Menma said as Jorah looked at Daenerys. "You care for her, don't you?"

"I do…but she does not feel the same for me." Jorah said.

"I know the feeling, loving someone who doesn't feel the same. But we stand by her side to protect her." Menma said.

"I still don't like this, it's too risky." Jorah said as Menma nodded.

"If you were her, would you just really walk away and leave them here?" Menma said, referring to the slaves. He then walked as Jorah thought for a second and joined him.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in King's Landing, Naruto and Ser Barristan were in the Sept of Baelor with Margaery and Lady Olena. The four were walking around and discussing matters about the upcoming wedding.

Naruto showed Margaery around the Sept while Lady Olena and Ser Barristan talked about the wedding ceremony.

"The ceremony is traditionally held in the main sanctum, which seats 700 comfortably." Ser Barristan told Lady Olena.

"There appears to be a good deal of room elsewhere on the premises for everyone else." Lady Olena said.

"Of course, my lady. And we'll keep the doors open so that everyone can watch the ceremony. While the Sept may be small, everyone who wants to can attend." Ser Barristan said.

"And our wedding will not just be a special ceremony for a few hundred. All of the city will share in the celebration." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"A lovely idea, Naruto." Margaery said as she hooked her arm with his. "Come, show me the rest of the Sept."

"Of course." Naruto said as the two explored the rest of the Sept.

"One of kind, that boy." Lady Olena said, watching Naruto show Margaery around.

"Indeed. In my years, I have never met a man as humble…passionate yet strong in my life." Barristan said.

"And protected as a king. I reckon you've protected your fair share of men during your years." Olena said.

"Indeed, I've protected Aerys Targaryen and watched as the voices in his head drove him to madness. Then had to still my resolve as Robert rebelled and became King. For years, I watched as he became a changed man, better at fighting a war and winning a crown then actually ruling it. But…Naruto is different. A just king…a King of valor." Barristan said.

"Indeed, a King of Valor and a Queen of compassion, it seems those two were made for each other." Lady Olena said as she saw how close Naruto and Margaery were.

"And here lays the bodies of the Targaryen House. Did you know that Robert wanted them burned and thrown in the Blackwater, but he was convinced otherwise." Naruto said.

"Well it's a good thing he didn't." Margaery said.

"Indeed, despite his animosity towards their house, they did build Westeros and the very place we're standing in. They laid the foundation for Westeros and many people only remember the bad parts of their reign." Naruto said.

"And how do you feel about the Targaryens?" Margaery asked.

"I hold no animosity or ill intent against them. You cannot judge their whole house and their kin by the actions of one mad man-years ago. The Targaryens were a pivotal house in Westeros before they were destroyed, many people forget that." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"Indeed." Margaery said as they heard noise. Naruto looked outside through a window and saw the people of King's Landing outside, shouting for Naruto and Margaery.

"It seems we have been followed." Naruto joked.

"Come, let us go greet our people." Margaery said as Naruto smiled.

"Open the doors, please." Naruto said as the City watch guards in the Sept opened the doors. Lady Olena and Barristan turned to see Naruto and Margaery walk out and wave at the people.

"Lady Margaery!" "King Naruto!" "Gods Bless you, King Naruto!" "Bless you, Lady Margaery!" The crowd shouted as the two waved back and smiled. Naruto smiled as he looked at Margaery and held her hand as the two waved at the people.

Line Break xxxxx

In Riverrun, a funeral was being held for the now decease Hoster Tully, Lord of Riverrun and Catelyn Stark's father. Everyone of importance in Riverrun was in attendance as well as other nobles who Lord Tully knew.

Lord Tully's body was put on a pyre boat with his shield and sword with him and the House Sigil on the boat. Robb and Brynden Tully pushed the boat out into the river as the slow current carried the boat away. Brynden Tully or Blackfish as he was called is the younger brother of Hoster Tully and Uncle to Cat, Lysa and their brother, Edmure.

The boat sailed out and eventually flowed in the small current. Edmure then stepped forward with a bow and a quiver of torch arrows. He pulled out one arrow, lit it in using a torch and pulled back. He looked at the boat and fired but it missed and went into the water. He drew another arrow as Cat shook her head at her brother's idiocy, this was not the time to mess up and he knew that.

Edmure lit and fired another arrow and shot it up but it came short of the boat. Everyone saw he missed twice and it was beginning to get awkward. Edmure fired a third but it missed again as Blackfish had enough. He grabbed Edmure's bow and arrow and pushed him back. He lighted the arrow and looked at the wind current to anticipate how he should aim. He pulled back and fired and tossed the bow back to Edmure. The arrow hit it's mark as the pyre boat was ignited and Hoster Tully left this world.

After the funeral pyre boat send off, Robb was in the banquet room for a meeting with Edmure and Blackfish.

"If I may, nephew, I encountered a situation with one of my lieutenants at the Stone Mill which may have some bearing—" "Why don't you shut your mouth about that damned mill?" Blackfish said, interrupting Edmure.

"And don't call him nephew. He's your king." Blackfish said.

"Robb knows I meant him no disrespect—" "You're lucky I'm not your king. I wouldn't let you wave your blunders around like a victory flag." Blackfish told Edmure.

"My blunder sent Tywin's Mad dog scurrying back to Casterly Rock with his tail between his legs. I think King Robb understands that we're not going to win this war if he's the only one winning any battles. No, there's plenty of glory to go around." Edmure said.

"It's not about glory!" Robb shouted. "You're instructions were to wait for him to come to you."

"I seized an opportunity." Edmure said.

"What value was the mill?" Robb asked.

"The Mountain was garrisoned across the river from it." Edmure said.

"Is he there now?" Robb asked.

"Of course not. We took the fight to him. He could not withstand us." Edmure said, confidently.

"I wanted to draw the Mountain into the west, into our country where we could surround him and kill him. I wanted him to chase us, which he would have done because he is a mad dog without a strategic thought in his head. I could have that head on a spike by now. Instead, I have a mill." Robb said as Edmure felt like an idiot while Blackfish chuckled.

"We took hostages. Willem Lannister, Martyn Lannister." Edmure said.

"Willem and Martyn Lannister are 14 years old." Robb said.

"Martyn is 15, I believe." Blackfish said.

"We have Jaime Lannister and Tywin hasn't sued for peace. Do you think he will sue for peace because we have his father's brother's great-grandsons?" Robb asked.

"No." Edmure said.

"How many men did you lose?" Robb asked.

"208. But for every man we lost the Lannisters—" "Those are men who could be alive now instead of rotting in the ground!" Robb shouted.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Edmure said.

"You would have. Right here today at the gathering if you had been patient." Robb said.

"We seem to be running short of patience here." Blackfish said.

"A problem we need to fix." Robb said.

Talisa went to the dungeons where the two Lannister boys were being held and was tending to their small wounds on their hands. She was wrapping some bandages on one of the Lannister boys hands with a guard standing watch.

"Your Robb Starks Wife." Martyn said.

"Hold still." Talisa said.

"Is it true what they say about him?" Martyn asked.

"I don't know. What do they say about him?" Talisa asked.

"That he can turn into a wolf at night." Martyn said.

"True." Talisa said.

"And he eats the flesh of his enemies." Martyn said.

"True." Talisa said as the two Lannister boys looked at each other in worry. "You're a Lannister, aren't you?"

"Martyn Lannister." Martyn said, introducing himself.

"Martyn Lannister. You've nothing to fear. My husband doesn't eat children. Unless it's a full moon. It's not a full moon tonight, is it?" Talisa asked a guard who shook his head no. "See? Nothing to fear." Talisa said.

Line Break xxxxx

Naruto was in his room, reading over some papers and getting a pack ready for a trip. He was going to Riverrun, to see Robb and Cat and possibly…end this war quicker. If Naruto could get Robb to agree with him, then this war was one step closer to ending. Stannis was all but defeated and wasn't a threat and Naruto would deal with the Greyjoys soon. He had Pycelle sent a raven to Lord Balon, saying that he should surrender immediately and pay for his crimes to attempting to invade the north a second time and stand the King's Justice. And when Naruto was able to get Robb on his side, Stannis would be taken care of.

He was sharpening his sword as he heard a knock on his door. "Lady Tyrell, my king." The guard said.

"Send her in." Naruto said as the guard opened the door and Margaery walked in. "Margaery." Naruto said with a smile as he went up and the two shared a brief kiss. Since they were to be married, the two often kissed, sometimes brief, other times long but always full of passion. "What brings you here?"

"I heard you are off to Riverrun. I thought I would come by before you leave." Margaery said as Naruto smiled.

"Thank you. I ride for Riverrun to talk to Robb Stark, and hopefully…" Naruto said as he finished cleaning his sword and it had a nice shine to it. "bring us one step closer to ending this war." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"I have no doubt you will find a way." Margaery said.

"And while I'm gone, I trust you to look after the people." Naruto said.

"Of course, but you do have a clone here, don't you?" Margaery asked. When they got engaged, Naruto talked with Margery about what he could do and explained his abilities. She was still shocked when she saw them but amazed as well.

"I do, but the clone is much more for signing papers and looking over documents. I prefer a more hands on touch when it comes to the people and I hope you will look after them." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"As I always do." Margaery said as she looked at his sword.

"Have you ever held one before?" Naruto said as he held his sword closer.

"No, I have not." Margaery said as she saw the nice shine and beauty of the design.

"Come." Naruto said as he held the sword out. Margaery grabbed the hilt with two hands since the sword was heavy for her. Naruto was behind her and held her hands together as Margaery marveled at the sword.

"A thing of beauty, the finest sword in Westeros. Stronger than Valyrian Steel and lighter as well. Kyubi has always had my back." Naruto said as Margaery looked at him.

"And now, so will I, in life and in death." Margaery said as Naruto smiled and the two shared a kiss. Then a knock came from the door as the guard spoke.

"My lord, it's Ser Barristan and Grand Maester Pycelle." The guard said as Naruto nodded to Margaery and sheathed his sword.

"Send them in." Naruto said as the door opened and Ser Barristan and Pycelle walked in.

"Your grace, my lady." Ser Barristan said as Naruto and Margaery nodded. "Forgive the interruption but Grand Maester Pycelle received a raven from Dorne."

"Dorne?" Margaery asked.

"Yes, my lady. The Martells sent a raven requesting when to visit King's Landing to meet the new king." Pycelle said as he handed the letter to Naruto. Naruto read it over and thought for a second.

"Well, it seems as a good time as any. Perhaps with the Martells, I can reach more of an understanding than Robert could have, and give them some much needed peace of mind. Pycelle, reply to this message and tell them I would like their arrival to the city in 4 months. That will bring them here at the same time as the Royal wedding and a perfect time to speak to them." Naruto said as Pycelle nodded.

"Of course, your grace." Pycelle said as he left.

"Ser Barristan, gather the men, we leave as soon as we are ready." Naruto said.

"Yes, your grace." Barristan said as he left.

"Stay safe and look after the people while I leave." Naruto told Margaery.

"And return to me in one piece." Margaery said as they shared one more kiss and Margaery left.

Naruto buckled his sword on waist and placed the last of his clothes and supplies in his bags as Kurama jumped in through the window. "Hey kit." Kurama said.

"Hey, enjoying the freedom?" Naruto said.

"Yeah, but I think I should go back now. I'm starting to feel a little wear in my step for being out for so long." Kurama said.

"No problem. I can handle things while you're gone. There shouldn't be any real problems." Naruto said.

"All right. After about a few days, I should be good to come back out." Kurama said as he turned to energy and absorbed back into Naruto's body.

Naruto shook his head to get the cob webs out. "Kurama, you there?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, and I already miss being outside." Kurama said as Naruto chuckled.

Naruto grabbed his bag and went down the red keep to the stables where Ser Barristan, Brienne, Cleaber and the other King's Guard and a small group of 15 other soldiers were getting their horses ready.

"Is everyone ready for the trip?" Naruto asked as he strapped his gear to his horse.

"Yes, your grace." Brienne said.

"All the men are rested and ready to travel and to fight should the need come." Cleaber said.

"Good. It's a five day trip to Riverrun from here and lets hope we don't run into too many bandits." Naruto joked as everyone got on their horses and left the city for Riverrun.

Line Break xxxxx

Some time had passed in both Essos and Westeros as Naruto left King's Landing to Riverrun to speak to Robb Stark. In Essos, Daenerys, Missandei, Jorah, Menma and Daenerys's Dothraki walked into the large training courtyard in Astapor where Daenerys was going to collect her army of 8,000 Unsullied.

The group walked into the courtyard towards Master Kraznys as many other noble lords were in attendance to see a real dragon. As Daenerys was making her way over, Master Kraznys began to speak and Missandei translated.

"The master says they are untested. He says you would be wise to blood them early. There are many small cities between here and there, cities ripe for sacking. Should you take captives, the masters will buy the healthy ones and for a good price. And who knows? In 10 years, some of the boys you send them may be Unsullied in their turn. Thus all shall prosper." Missandei translated as Daenerys walked over to the cage that held her Dragon, Drogon.

She looked to Menma who smirked and winked at her and she nodded back. She opened the cage as many were trying to get a look as Drogon screeched and took flight with a chain attached to it's leg and Daenerys held the other end.

Daenerys walked forward and gave the chain to Master Kraznys who smiled. Kraznys then gave Daenerys the Unsullied whip.

"Is it done, then? They belong to me?" Daenerys asked as Kraznys replied and Missandei translated.

"It is done. You hold the whip." Missandei said as Daenerys walked to her army. She winked to Menma who turned to Jorah and nodded.

"Unsullied." Daenerys said in Valyrian, which shocked Missandei. The Unsullied then stood at attention. "Forward March!" Daenerys shouted as the Unsullied marched forward. "Halt!" Daenerys said as they stopped. She smirked as they obeyed her.

Kraznys saw that the dragon was being extremely stubborn and wouldn't come. "Tell the bitch her beast won't come." Kraznys told Missandei.

"A dragon is not a slave." Daenerys said in Valryian, shocking Kraznys.

"You speak Valryian?" Kraznys asked.

"I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, of the Blood of Old Valryia. Valryian is my mother tongue." Daenerys said to him as Missandei smirked. She then turned to the Unsullied. "Unsullied! Slay the masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who holds a whip, but harm no child. Strike the chains off every slave you see!" Daenerys shouted.

The Unsullied then began to kill some of the whip masters that were near them as Master Kraznys shouted out for them to stop but they wouldn't listen. Two guards behind Menma and Jorah drew their sword but Jorah quickly turned around and slashed the neck of one of the guards while Menma threw a dagger and hit the guard right it the eye, killing him.

Daenerys then turned to Kraznys. "Dracarys." She said as Drogon let loose a huge burst of flame and burned Kraznys alive. The Unsullied then marched and killed the rest of the guards and the nobles in the courtyard as Drogon flew around and burned nobles and guards alive.

When the brief fight was over, smoke and smell of dead bodies filled the courtyard. Daenerys looked at the outcome and the evil slavers were killed. Menma brought her a horse and she smiled as she got on. He then went over to Jorah and pat his shoulder, "See, nothing to worry about." Menma said as Jorah chuckled.

Daenerys then spoke to her 8,000 Unsullied soldiers. "Unsullied! You have been slaves all your life. Today you are free. Any man who wishes to leave may leave, and no one will harm him. I give you my word. Will you fight for me? As free men?" she shouted to them.

For a few seconds there was a brief pause of silence but then one soldier stabbed his spear into the ground, over and over, making a rhythm. Others soon followed and then all of the Unsullied had pledge to fight for Daenerys. Jorah and Menma smiled as they marched out of the city.

Menma and Jorah got Missandei a horse and rode behind Daenerys. Daenerys tossed the whip onto the ground as she led her 8,000 Unsullied force and whoever else wanted to come away from Astapor to their next destination in her effort to free slaves. Menma smiled as he saw how much she was changing and that she was fighting to help the people…but there was still a large road ahead of them and who knows what lay before them.

Line Break xxxxx

9 days traveling along the Kings road until they came upon Crossroads Inn where it was a straight day's worth of riding to Riverrun. They were about 2 hours away from Riverrun when Naruto and his group came upon something that made his stomach turn.

Naruto stopped as they saw threw woman hanged in the middle of the road with a sign next to their dead bodies that said "Laid with Lions".

"Even in war, innocents are killed." Naruto said.

"Your grace, this is not your fault." Brienne said.

"Even men who fight for a just cause resort to horrific acts." Naruto said.

"War is ugly your grace and it always will be." Barristan said.

"Hopefully this one will be over soon." Naruto said as he got off his horse. "Let's get these woman down." Naruto said as Brienne, Barristan, Cleaber and a few more men got off their horses to help. They then saw 15 soldiers walking down the road and saw Naruto and his group lowering the dead woman down on the ground.

"Whoa! What's your business here?" The lead soldier asked.

"Burying innocent woman." Naruto said as he lowered the dead girls to the ground and one of the soldiers unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Naruto. Naruto's men reached for theirs but Naruto motioned them not to.

"These whores aren't innocent. They slept with Lannisters. That's a punishment, deserving death." The solider said as he pointed his sword at Naruto.

"That's a matter of opinion." Naruto said, not scared of the sword.

"Who are you?" The soldier asked.

"Just some soldiers passing through to a meeting with family." Naruto said.

"Wait! That woman is a soldier?!" The soldier asked as Naruto nodded. Then all the soldiers laughed while Naruto and his men were not amused, especially Brienne.

"If your quiet finished—" Naruto was cut off as the men continued laughing.

"All right, you men can go when you're done." Naruto said as he grabbed a shovel.

"Whoa! Who do you fight for?" The soldier asked Naruto.

"Not for the Lannisters if that's what you're asking. And you?" Naruto asked.

"Lord Bolton of course. The finest man in the North." The soldier said.

"Not the finest if his men hang innocent girls. I hope you gave them quick deaths." Naruto said.

"Two of them we did, yeah." The soldier said as Naruto clenched his fists in anger.

"And the third?" Naruto asked.

"Oh she was begging for us to kill her when we got through with her." The soldier joked as Naruto tried to keep his cool but the laughter from the troops about killing innocent girls was getting to him.

"I suggest you and your men leave now before something happens." Naruto said.

"Like I'm going to take orders from some Lannister wannabe. Why don't you hand over anything of value you have or Lord Bolton will hear and you'll be in some serious—" The soldier was cut off as Naruto unsheathed his sword and slashed the soldiers throat, causing blood to fly out. He stabbed the second soldier in the heart, then blocked the third soldiers slash and kicked him away. Naruto then threw a kunai and hit the fourth soldiers in the head, killing him. Naruto blocked a sword slash from the third, push the soldier back, slashed the back of the soldiers knee and then decapitated him. He then disappeared in an orange flash and quickly killed the rest of the guards.

"Pieces of trash." Naruto said in anger as he sheathed his sword.

"Your grace, I'm not so sure that was wise." Cleaber said.

"Maybe…but was necessary." Naruto said.

"Lord Bolton won't be happy we killed his men." Barristan said.

"Well Lord Bolton and his men should more focused on fighting the war not hanging innocent girls." Naruto said as he and his men buried the woman in the ground and the 15 soldiers as well.

After the little spat and the burial of the women, Naruto and his group continued on towards Riverrun. After a day of traveling, the group had finally arrived at the Tully House and saw Robb's army camped out along the town and surrounding area. Many of the Stark or Northern soldiers who met Naruto during his years in Winterfell nodded and welcomed Naruto. Naruto and his group rode down the road of the town as many people ran outside to see the new King of King's Landing. Many smiled and waved as Naruto did so as well.

Naruto then saw the Tully house and saw Robb and Cat outside waiting for him. Naruto also saw several of the Northern Lords and a woman next to Robb that he figured was Robb's wife. Naruto stopped and got off his horse as a stable boy came up and took it away. Naruto walked up to Robb as Robb smiled.

"Your grace." Robb joked as Naruto laughed and the two hugged.

"It's good to see you Robb!" Naruto shouted as he and Robb hugged.

"And you as well. Welcome to Riverrun." Robb said as Naruto smiled.

"Cat, it's good to see you again." Naruto said as he hugged her.

"Glad to see you are alive and well." Cat said.

"There are many things you must know but first." Naruto said as he walked to Talisa. "You must be Talisa?" Naruto asked.

"An honor, your grace." Talisa said as she curtseyed while Naruto chuckled.

"You are a Stark now and Robb's wife. You are family." Naruto said with a smile as he hugged her and Talisa was at first shocked but hugged back as Robb smiled.

"Welcome to Riverrun. I'm glad you came." Robb said.

"So am I. We have much to discuss." Naruto told Robb who nodded. Naruto then looked to Ser Barristan. "Set your horses at the stables and get some food and rest. I'll send for you if I should need to." Naruto said as they nodded.

"Should we talk first?" Robb asked.

"Not yet. There is someone I want to meet." Naruto said as Robb understood.

Robb had some guards escort Naruto to the dungeons of the House. The guards escorted him to one of the heavily isolated cells that held Robb's prisoner, Jaime Lannister, the King Slayer.

The guard opened the door and Naruto saw Jaime Lannister, chained up and sitting against the wall. His hair had grown out and he was dirty, he barely looked like the King Slayer Naruto beat the crap out of 2 years ago.

"Leave us alone." Naruto told the guard who nodded. The guard closed the door and the King Slayer looked up to see Naruto staring at him.

"Well…you certainly have changed from the boy I met a while ago." Jaime said in a smug tone.

"Even captured as a prisoner you never cease with the attitude. I'll give you this, your attitude never knows when to stop." Naruto said.

"So, how goes it in King's Landing? Tearing your hair out at the trouble and putting your cock in the hungry whores that come with power?" Jaime said with a chuckle.

"I'm not Robert. It seems your years of fucking your sister behind the King's back has clouded your judgment." Naruto said which raised Jaime's eyebrow.

"I don't know what you speak of." Jaime said.

"Please, there is no need to deny it now. Everyone knows the truth, King Slayer. How you have fucked your sister for years behind the King's back…how Joffrey, Tomnem and Myrcella are your children…and you tried to kill Bran Stark twice because he found out the truth. Everyone in the 7 Kingdoms knows it now…even your father." Naruto said which Jaime was shocked about.

"You lie." Jaime said.

"Oh he does…so does your brother. I told them when I met with them a few months ago…in an attempt to end this war faster. I must admit…your father didn't believe me as your sister managed to sway his opinion on the truth. But…your own words managed to convince him. I must admit, I don't know how he will react should he see you again but everyone knows who and what you are…a child killer and man of incest. Enjoy your time here in this cell…because soon you shall be on trial and your honor and charm won't save you." Naruto said as he left and Jaime struggle in his chains to get free.

Naruto walked through the dungeons and he then saw some guards outside another door. The guards moved out of the way and Naruto walked in to see two Lannister boys, no older than 14 in the cell.

"Who are you?" Martyn asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said.

"The Orange Flash?" Willem asked.

"Yes. I see you heard of me. What are your names?" Naruto asked.

"Willem Lannister, this is my brother, Martyn." Willem said.

"You are both squires, aren't you?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, my lord." Martyn said as Naruto smiled.

"Don't worry, you both will be home soon." Naruto said as they smiled and he got up. He then walked to a guard.

"Ensure they are cared for and no one except for Talisa or Robb may come in." Naruto told a guard who nodded.

After Naruto's trip to the dungeons, he traveled up to the main banquet room where Robb, Cat, Edmure, Lord Karstark, Lord Bolton and Blackfish were waiting for him. "Sorry, for the wait. Wanted to pay a visit to an old friend." Naruto joked as everyone nodded.

"It's quite all right." Robb said.

"Thank you all for coming, and thank you Edmure, Lord Brynden, for allowing my men and I to stay here." Naruto said.

"The honor is ours, Lord Naruto." Blackfish said as Naruto nodded.

"I'm glad to see you all alive and well. You've done well, Robb. Your campaign in this war is impressive." Naruto said.

"Thank you, Naruto." Robb said.

"And I thank you for keeping Jaime Lannister alive and relatively unharmed. He has many crimes that he must pay for…and so does the rest of his family." Naruto said.

"We should have killed him, instead of keeping him prisoner. In wars, we kill our enemies…not keep them alive." Lord Karstark said.

"I understand your anger, Lord Karstark, believe me I do. I'm sorry for the loss of your sons. But just killing Jaime Lannister would not be equal justice to what he has done. Let him stand trial for his crimes…in front of King's Landing and the people who once heralded him as a great knight." Naruto said as this raised Lord Karstark's attention.

"Let him be humiliated in front of the whole kingdom…let the people watch as his honor is stripped from him and when it comes times for him to die…you shall have the honor of taking his head…and furthering the honor and glory of House Karstark." Naruto told him as Karstark had a small smile. Naruto was able to play it smart and get Karstark to agree with him.

"All right, thank you Lord Naruto. My sons will have equal justice." Lord Karstark with a smile.

"Which brings me to one of the reasons I came here today. The war of 5 Kings has come to its end. Stannis Baratheon's army is broken and he is isolated on Dragon Stone. Balon Greyjoy's efforts to take the North has failed and he has retreated to the safety of his islands. And the Lannisters have retreated to Casterly Rock and Lannisport, surrounded and outnumbered." Naruto said as everyone nodded.

"Then let us combine forces and lay siege to their cities." Lord Bolton said.

"No…a siege to those two cities would only cost more lives that we want to save." Naruto said as Lord Bolton didn't like that Naruto disagreed with him and that he saw that Robb seemed to consider what he was saying.

"So what do you propose…we just wait them out?" Edmure asked.

"No, the longer this war exists…the more the 7 Kingdoms suffer. Boys are taken from their families…crops and towns are laid siege to and innocent woman are killed for helping men on both sides." Naruto said as he looked at Lord Bolton. "To end this war, the Lannisters must admit defeat and sign a treaty that will end this war for good."

"That's your proposal? A treaty?" Lord Bolton asked.

"Yes." Naruto said.

"What makes you think that Tywin Lannister will even agree to meet let alone sign a treaty?" Cat asked.

"Because I've already met with him before." Naruto said which raised their attention.

"When?" Robb asked.

"It was before I was crowned King. I met with Tywin and Tyrion, because Tyrion wanted to speak about possibly ending this war. Granted our meeting was interrupting when Cersei ordered her men and some Greyjoy mercenaries to kill me but they were taken care of." Naruto said.

"So, why do you think he would agree to meet us after the meeting went so horribly?" Robb asked.

"Because he knows he truth. The truth about his children, the incest, the attempted murder of Bran Stark, the several attempts on my life as well as Ned's, and he knows that he can't win this war. Tywin Lannister is backed into a corner in this war, a corner he knows that he cannot overcome, so his only choices at this point is either to agree to this treaty…or his destruction." Naruto said as everyone nodded.

"I say we just go with his destruction and take his land." Lord Bolton said.

"We are not fighting this war to conquer territory. We took it to get justice for the death of Ned Stark and for the Lannisters to pay for their crimes. We do not need to continue this war and kill innocent people." Naruto said as Lord Bolton sneered. Robb thought for a moment before he spoke.

"Naruto's right. I started this war to bring justice to the Lannisters and to honor my father's death. I have done so and if this treaty would do that…then this war doesn't need to continue." Robb said.

"My king, think about this for a moment. We have the numbers, we can easily defeat—" "I will hear no more on this matter. It is settled." Robb said as Lord Bolton reluctantly nodded.

"Good. Now another matter. Now that Robb is king in the north, we must unite the 7 Kingdoms." Naruto said.

"How do you propose we do that?" Cat asked.

"An alliance between the king of the north and the King of King's Landing so that another war doesn't start. Robb will continue to be King in the North and have dominion of lands North of the Neck…with consultation from me before any drastic action takes place." Naruto said as Robb stood up.

"You speak of a fealty oath?" Robb asked.

"No…a partnership…a brotherhood. The North wants to rule on it's own…I understand that. But you will prosper should you have ties with the rest of Westeros. I imagine for us a bond that will keep us connected…the King in the North and the King of the 7 Kingdoms." Naruto said.

"Robb should give an oath of Fealty?" Cat asked.

"I will as well. So that we understand that we don't rule over one another but rule side by side…as I believe your father would want." Naruto said as he held his hand out and Robb looked at it for a second before he smiled and shook Naruto's hand.

"Now, our families will remain at each others sides." Robb said.

"Ha, the King in the North and the King of Westeros! By the gods, I never thought I'd ever see this day." Blackfish said.

"Robb…we are one step closer to ending this war and going back to our normal lives." Naruto said as Robb smiled.

"But there are issues that must be dealt with before we push the treaty to the Lannisters." Cat said.

"What are you talking about Cat?" Naruto asked.

"Walder Frey." Cat said as Robb walked around and Naruto was confused.

"What do the Frey's have to do with this?" Naruto asked.

"While you were in King's Landing, we were pushing the war from the North. In order to keep the Lannisters on the defensive…we needed a pact with the Freys to get our army into position pass the Twins and for more men." Robb said.

"In exchange for his help, I agreed that Robb would marry one of Walder Frey's daughters or granddaughters, and that Arya would marry one of his sons as well." Cat said.

"And now that Robb married Talisa, the contract with Walder Frey is now broken." Naruto said as Cat nodded.

"And they're not happy about it. Walder Frey is a dangerous man to cross and we now have to make amends for breaking the oath that we swore." Cat said.

"To be honest, I never understood why Ned tolerated Walder Frey. The man is a coward, conniving weasel whose over fertility would make the gods turn a cheek in disgust." Naruto said as Cat was shocked.

"Naruto." Cat said.

"He speaks the truth, my niece. The Frey's aren't exactly the most loyal and trustworthy of people." Blackfish said.

"Be that as it may, Walder Frey has control over a vital part of the Westeros and is a liege lord, nonetheless." Cat said.

"Well let's make him happy and get this over with. He may be a liege lord but I'm certain as King of Westeros, I may be able to help." Naruto said as Robb smiled.

"Thank you, Naruto." Robb said.

"Think nothing of it. What is family for?" Naruto said as Robb and Cat smiled.

"Walder Frey is sending two members of his family here to discuss about how we can make amends." Cat said.

"All right, that should be fine." Naruto said.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Essos, Daenerys and her army of Unsullied and followers had camped in a valley near a stream to rest and to discuss their next move. The Unsullied were moving into formation or organizing supplies for camp. Daenerys, Jorah, Missandei and Menma rode ahead to meet with the Unsullied soldiers who were the leaders of the army.

The Unsullied leaders gathered as Missandei and the others got off their horses. Naruto helped Daenerys off hers as she smiled and looked at her soldiers. "These are the ones?" Daenerys asked.

"Yes, Khaleesi. The officers." Missandei said as they stood attention.

"You did not choose this life. But you are free men now. And free men make their own choices. Have you selected your own leader amongst your ranks?" Daenerys asked as the soldiers moved to the side and let one stand before them as the soldier stepped forward. "Remove your helmet." Daenerys said as the soldier did and stood before Daenerys.

"This one has the honor." The soldier said.

"What is your name?" Daenerys asked.

"Grey Worm." Grey Worm said.

"Grey Worm?" Daenerys asked as Missandei whispered to him.

"All Unsullied boys are given new names when they are cut—Grey Worm, Red Flea, Black Rat. Names that remind them of what they are—vermin." Missandei said as Daenerys and Menma were disgusted by this.

"From this day forward, you will choose your own names. You will tell your fellow soldiers to do the same. Throw away your slave name. Choose the name your parents gave you, or any other. A name that gives you pride." Daenerys told them.

"Grey Worm gives me pride. It is a lucky name. The name this one was born with was cursed. That was the name he had when he was taken as a slave. But Grey Worm is the name this one had the day Daenerys Stormborn set him free." Grey Worm said as Daenerys smiled.

Daenerys gave them orders for their continuing march towards the next city. Jorah talked with Missandei about the workings of the Unsullied army so he knew what they should do and what tactic to follow should the need arise. Menma was off to the side, letting his horse drink some water as he was working on a new weapon contraption to use. He was figuring out some workings on his new weapon as he took a sip of water and turned to see Daenerys and Missandei walk towards him.

"Does something call for my aid, Daenerys?" Menma asked.

"None of immediate attention. I was just wondering what you were doing?" Daenerys asked.

"Nothing. Just working on a new device for fighting. A holster for a knife that would be attached to my leg and could be thrown with a kick." Menma said as he showed her the holster and pressed the trigger which sent the knife flying through the air and hit a tree.

"Impressive." Daenerys said.

"I try my best." Menma said as he went up and took the knife back. "Are we prepared to march onward to the next city?"

"Yes, after Jorah consolidates with the rest of the forces, we should be prepared to move." Daenerys said.

"Perfect." Menma said as he saw Daenerys had something on her mind. "Is there something else I can help you with?"

"Not help me with but a question. Why are you here with us?" Daenerys asked as Menma raised an eyebrow.

"I wasn't aware that I needed a reason to help someone." Menma said as he strapped the holster to his leg.

"You'll have to forgive my lack of gratitude. In my experience, men only help others for a prize or for profit. So what do you hope to gain from helping me?" Daenerys asked.

"Nothing." Menma said as he stood up and went to his horse and made sure it was ready as Daenerys followed him.

"Nothing? You honestly expect me to believe that you will help me free slaves from their masters and kill possibly hundreds or thousands of soldiers and you will do this for nothing?" Daenerys asked, sarcastically.

"Believe whatever you want, Daenerys Targaryen, but it is the truth. I'm sorry your faith in men has wavered but not all men do good deeds to expect payment. Look at Jorah, he fights for you and doesn't really expect anything else in return." Menma said as Daenerys looked at him.

"Jorah swore an oath to protect the last dragon. His loyalty has never been questioned, he has proven himself." Daenerys said.

"If you wish to continue this quest to free slaves and to return home and would feel safer if I were to leave,…then by all means, I shall." Menma said as he got his horse ready to leave.

"I never figured you for a coward." Daenerys said.

"Coward, no. But I do not like remaining among company that does not trust me." Menma said.

"Trust is a luxury I cannot afford." Daenerys said.

"If that is true, then you will find ruling much more difficult." Menma said.

"What do you mean?" Daenerys asked as Menma smiled.

"Have you had any experience ruling a city or kingdom?" Menma asked as Daenerys didn't seem to have an answer. "If you wish to return to Westeros and possibly rule…you will have a long and difficult path ahead of you. Ruling 7 kingdoms and ensuring that the people are safe and cared for is no easy task." Menma said.

"I have the right and force." Daenerys said.

"Sheer force and right of birth does not make an affective rule. Look at King Robert, he had the force to take King's Landing but his rule was horrible. He ruled through fear and many of the people resented him. Trust…honor…loyalty…and a good heart. Those are the qualities of a good ruler." Menma said as he prepared to get on his horse as Daenerys looked at him.

"What do you know of ruling?" Daenerys asked.

"I've known my fair share of rulers." Menma said.

"Could you…provide lessons and aid?" Daenerys asked as Menma smiled at her.

"It would be my pleasure." Menma said as Daenerys had a grateful smile on her face.

Line Break xxxxx

Back at Riverrun a couple of days had passed since Naruto arrived and now Lord Frey envoys had arrived. Naruto, Robb, Cat, Edmure, Blackfish, and Ser Barristan gathered in the banquet hall as two envoys from Lord Frey arrived to discuss terms. The men were Lothar, Walder Frey's son and his great-grandson, Black Walder. They arrived and sat in the dining hall as Robb spoke first.

"Thank you for riding here so quickly. I know travel isn't easy in these times." Robb said.

"The roads are crawling with cutthroats and bandits. But when the King in the North summons us, we come." Black Walder said.

"Our father has instructed us to tell you that his alliance with the North can continue if his terms are met. Lord Frey requires a formal apology for your violation of your sacred oath to marry one of his daughters." Lothar said.

"Of course. He deserves as much. I was in the wrong." Robb said.

"As restitution for this betrayal, he demands Harrenhal and all it's attendant lands." Black Walder said.

"That will be impossible, I'm afraid, Lord Black Walder." Naruto said as they looked at him. "As Harrenhal belongs to Ser Barristan and is under governance by me until Ser Barristan is ready to retire." Naruto said.

"I thought the Kingsguard was for life?" Lothar asked.

"I've made some changes since I became King. But with Harrenhal belonging to Ser Barristan, I can offer Lord Frey control of Dragonstone when Stannis is brought to justice and gold compensation for his troubles." Naruto said as Black Walder and Lothar thought for a second.

"Seems reasonable." Black Walder said.

"And there's something else." Lothar said.

"We will do whatever we can to give Lord Frey what he needs." Robb said.

"Not what, whom." Black Walder said as he and Lothar looked at Edmure.

"What?" Edmure asked as they looked at him and realized what they wanted from him. "No."

"Our father requires Lord Edmure to wed one of his daughters—Roslin." Lothar said.

"How old is she?" Edmure asked.

"19." Lothar responded.

"Could I see her first?" Edmure asked.

"You want to count her teeth?" Black Walder asked.

"Those are Lord Frey's terms. But should King Naruto choose to marry one of his daughters instead of Edmure, then he has no need for the other terms." Lothar said as everyone looked at him.

"I'm afraid that would not be possible. I am already set to marry Lady Margaery of House Tyrell." Naruto said as Lothar nodded and Edmure had a look of jealousy and Lothar nodded.

"We depart for the Twins in the morning. We need an answer before we leave and a wedding not more that a fortnight thereafter, or this alliance is at an end and the North will be in trouble." Black Walder said.

"Your father does realize we're in the middle of a war?" Blackfish asked.

"Father is old. It will put his heart at peace if he could see her wed to a good husband." Lothar said.

"And his recent experience has made him wary of long engagements." Black Walder said.

"He has every right to be. Please excuse us while we discuss it." Robb said as they left.

When they left, Edmure spoke. "Why should I let that old ferret choose my bride for me? At the very least, I should be offered the same choice you were. I'm his liege lord." Edmure whined like a boy as he stood up and Naruto shook his head.

"He's a proud man and we've wounded him." Robb said.

"I didn't wound him. My answer is no." Edmure said as Blackfish stood up.

"Listen to me and listen very carefully. You—" "The laws of gods and men are very clear." Edmure said. "No man can compel another man to marry."

"The laws of my fist are about to compel your teeth." Blackfish said.

"It's all right. You heard him." Robb said as Blackfish sat down and Robb spoke to Edmure. "If you refuse, our alliance with the Freys is dead and our trouble will only begin."

"He's wanted me for one of his daughters since I was 12. He's not going to stop wanting it now. When I say no, he will come back and offer me a daughter of my choosing." Edmure said.

"Your willing to risk having this war continue and our lives for a chance at a prettier wife?" Cat asked.

"If that's how you feel then convince the King to marry one of the Frey girls and put all of this to rest." Edmure said, pointing at Naruto as Blackfish kicked his leg.

"Don't talk to the king like that." Blackfish warned him.

"As I said Lord Edmure, I am set to marry Margaery of House Tyrell soon. I cannot break my oath to her…no matter what." Naruto said.

"You are the king, you can do whatever you want. Break your marriage with her, marry one of the Frey girls, end this war of the kingdoms faster and be back in Kings Landing soon. And if the Tyrell's are upset at the decision, then I can marry Margaery." Edmure said as Naruto, Barristan and Blackfish chuckled.

"You assume she would actually want to marry you." Naruto joked.

"We are doing this to prevent further war!" Robb shouted getting Edmure to stop complaining. "We have no time to haggle. You said you wanted to make amends for the Stone Mill."

"You recall that heroic engagement?" Blackfish mocked him.

"I had something less permanent in mind." Edmure said.

"If we don't do this…this war will continue. The Freys may seek to join the Lannisters if we say no and the Lannister then will not stop fighting. We cannot risk that. We can end this war sooner rather than later." Robb said as Edmure thought for a second.

"I'll marry her." Edmure said, finally caving.

"You're paying for my sins, Uncle. It's not fair or right. I'll remember it." Robb said.

Line Break xxxxx

Back to Casterly Rock, Tywin was looking over a war map of the 7 Kingdoms. He was looking over the map, seeing his forces stuck at Casterly Rock and Lannisport. He was surrounded by the Stark Troops to the North, who were now at Riverrun, very close to his position. He then had Naruto's troops near King's Landing and the forces of the Storm Lands who were loyal to Naruto and the troops of House Tyrell. He was backed into a corner and there was no hope for help.

The Greyjoys were useless, Stannis was pretty much defeated and Dorne would never help a Lannister at all. Tywin Lannister was going to lose, there was no doubt about that. All that mattered was if he chose to die in one final battle…or if he would agree to a peace treaty.

Meanwhile, back at King's Landing, Margaery was enjoying her time in the city, helping to plan the wedding with her grandmother and working with some of the guards and workers to help prepare for the expected flood of guests for the royal wedding. With Naruto, or rather his clone, he was busy working on papers and plans for the Kingdom. He had gotten letters from lords asking to come to the wedding, other lords for private meetings…blah, blah and blah. Same old stuff he had gotten for days.

Naruto not only dealt with the wedding plans but also was working on plans to deal with Stannis and Balon Greyjoy. Naruto had a captain from the docks secure ships at the tip of Blackwater bay and report should Stannis try anything…sail away or sneak on land, Naruto wanted to know. He knew that Stannis wasn't a threat at all, he had no army to fight back, no army of ships to storm the city and no bannermen to support him. Naruto first needed to secure the alliance with Robb and then finishing the Lannisters before he finally dealt with Stannis and the Red Woman. Stannis lived on an island and Naruto could easily cut him off from the land. In terms of serious matters that needed to be dealt with, Stannis was not in his top 10…because he wasn't that big of a problem.

With Balon Greyjoy, Naruto would work out something else. If Tywin and Tyrion wanted to accept a peace treaty and try to sue for peace, then helping to stop Balon Greyjoy would be the perfect first step in trying to heal the wounds of the war and fighting. Casterly Rock and Lannisport were the perfect cities to launch ships and take over the Iron Islands. Balon Greyjoy needed to pay for his crimes, he had started a rebellion years ago and was punished for it but he started another one against the North and they needed to pay…but Naruto would let the Robb Stark and the Northerners to deal the punishment.

Back with the real Naruto, he and his group were readying their horses for the trip back to King's Landing. Naruto and Robb agreed to their oaths of fealty and partnership so the 7 Kingdoms could be ruled in peace and the Northerners would technically rule themselves with consulting and working with Naruto as he ruled the rest of the 6 Kingdoms. Both worked out trade agreements between the North and the rest of the Kingdoms and would come to each others aid should something happen.

Naruto tightened the saddle on his horse as his men did the same and some restrained Jaime Lannister to a horse and got the 2 Lannister boys a horse as well. "Well, it's been an interesting time here, I will admit. Enjoy the wedding at the Twins and give Bran, Rickon, Sansa and Arya my love." Naruto said as Robb and Cat nodded.

"Goodbye and be careful on the roads." Robb said as he and Robb bro hugged and Naruto then hugged Talisa and placed a hirashin marker and seal on her shirt…just in case.

"I will be careful." Naruto said as he then hugged Cat.

"Be careful, Naruto." Cat said.

"I will, and you be careful as well. Keep an eye out at the Twins." Naruto said as he got on his horse. "Remember, the royal wedding is in 4 months, I hope to see you there."

"We will be there." Robb said with a smile as Naruto nodded.

"All right, men. Let's head home." Naruto said as they rode back to King's Landing.

As they left, Lord Bolton walked away as one of his men walked up to him. "Is everything ready?" Lord Bolton asked.

"Yes, my lord. Locke and his men were dispatched yesterday and will meet Lord Naruto on the road to King's Landing. His orders were to capture the King and the Kingslayer and when he does, he will send a raven to Lord Tywin at Casterly Rock." The man said.

"Perfect. I've already sent a raven to Lord Walder. The man is easy to turn to my side…especially after what Robb Stark did to his vow. Now, once Locke does his part, he'll send a raven to me and everything else will fall into place." Lord Bolton said as they walked away.