
The Orange Flash of Westeros

After Naruto defeated Madara and the 10-tailed beast, Kami sent him to his new destiny in Westeros. Found by Robert and Ned, Naruto will face the battles for the 7 kingdoms. Now the Stags, Wolves and Lions must deal with the Fox as Naruto will shift the game for the Iron Throne. Story written by choejhulk9 who is a great author with several great stories that you should check it out. Unfortunately this story was abandoned.

Hyuga_Tobirama · 漫画同人
13 Chs

Chapter 7: Rise of A New King

Days had passed after Naruto was crowned new King of the 7 Kingdoms. The city was in content and cheered and praised their new ruler. Ravens flew in from various parts of the Kingdom as lords of houses gave praise to the new ruler and would be coming to see him, should he defend the city from Stannis. Even though the city was praising their new King, there were serious matters to attend to. The city was preparing to fight against Stannis and his fleet. The walls around the city were reinforced as best they could be and supplies were stocked to the shelters.

The soldiers were given their duties of manning the walls as archers or preparing traps for the enemy. Naruto would go himself to inspect the areas and make sure everything was fine and that the soldiers were in good condition. He also made sure the people were ok and assured that he wouldn't let anything happen to them. Naruto worked with the armorers and smiths of the city to develop seal arrows, arrows that had seals on them so when they were shot they would do different things such as burst into flames, freeze into ice or multiply. Naruto had clones work overtime to stock the walls with enough seal arrows to stand a week long siege, hopefully they wouldn't need to.

Naruto worked with Ser Barristan on the traps near the mud gate. They set up several spike pits, so unlucky soldiers would fall to their doom. They would take advantage of the secret tunnels and place archers there to thin out Stannis's troops and when necessary, flank them and attack.

Naruto was now in the council room with Brienne, Barristan, Cleaber and Kurama as the best smith in the city had created a set of armor for Naruto and Kurama. The smith worked tirelessly with Naruto on creating a set of charka armor for Naruto and Kurama. Naruto found out that by feeding charka into the hot metal ore when it's being crafted, helped to enhance the metal's strength and durability and make it lighter. It was as strong and durable as Naruto's sword and couldn't be pierced by a spear or sword, they tried tests and had a dozen bent and broken spears afterwards.

For Kurama, Naruto and the smith created a set of crimson red armor for his face, legs and body. The metal covered Kurama's paws and added super sharp claws for extra ripping power. The body part covered from Kurama's shoulders to his tail and was decorated with metal sketching of Kurama and the leaf symbol. The head piece fit over Kurama's face so it didn't obscure his vision and had a sharp point on the forehead so Kurama could stab the enemies. (Think of Kurama's armor like the armor a horse would wear in a battle but Crimson red and spikier)

Naruto's armor was plated at different joints around his body giving him greater maneuverability then a standard plate armor suit would and the chakra made the armor much more lighter than standard steel so Naruto didn't sacrifice his speed at all. It was crimson Red and orange with a black basic color. His vambraces were spiked so they could catch a sword and stab into a man. His chest plate had Kurama's face painted on and a replica of Naruto's headband on his belt as well. His legs were encased in the chakra steel with spiked heels blades and metal boots that would do some serious damage if he kicked someone. (Think of Naruto charka armor as a the armor from Kingdom's Hearts Birth by sleep that Terra wears but with a base black cover, and dark crimson and orange. With Spike Metal vambraces on his arms and the helmet designed to resemble Kurama's face)

"Magnificent if I do say so myself. What do you guys think?" Naruto asked.

"Very impressive, your grace." Brienne said as she looked at the armor.

"Yes, beautifully crafted and it will give the men some assurance that their King will be better protected." Barristan said.

"Yeah, well I don't exactly need it but it never hurts to be too prepared. What do you think, Kurama?" Naruto asked.

"Not bad. It's a bit more flashy then what I'm use to but it should look badass when I'm wearing it and slaughtering Stannis's troops." Kurama said.

"Well, we've prepared as best we can for this attack. It's up to fate on how we succeed." Naruto said.

"I have no doubts we will win, your grace." Barristan said.

"Right. Now I suggest we all try to get some rest before Stannis arrives." Naruto said as they all left and Naruto returned to his room. Naruto put his sword on his bed as he grabbed a pitcher of wine and poured himself a cup. He went to his window and looked out into the city as the sun was gone and the sky turned dark. He held his jade necklace as he hoped that wherever Tsunade and his parents were right now, they would be proud of who he had become and what he was doing.

Naruto heard a knock on the door and turned to see Margaery walk in. "Margaery, is there something I can help you with?" Naruto said.

"No, I just wanted to see you. Loras is getting rested for the battle and I wanted to see how you were doing." Margaery said as she walked in and Naruto moved from the window.

"I'm alright. Would you like a cup?" Naruto said as he poured another cup and handed it to her.

"Thank you, your grace." Margaery said as she took a sip.

"There is no need to call me that. I may be a king but I don't much care for honorifics." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"It seems that the crown hasn't changed you at all, Naruto." Margaery said with a smile.

"No, just made my work as Regent official." Naruto said as he looked outside.

"Are you alright?" Margaery asked.

"I'm fine. It's just that…this is always the worst part…waiting for the battle." Naruto said as Margaery walked over to his side.

"You've fought in a war before?" Margaery asked.

"I have…and it's the waiting that is the worse. Not knowing when the first attack will come…sitting around as they draw closer." Naruto said as Margaery turned Naruto's head towards her.

"You will win this battle, of that I have no doubt." Margaery said as Naruto smiled and held her hand that was on his face.

"Thank you. And when we win this battle, I will repay your family for your aid. For your help and comfort." Naruto said as Margaery lightly blushed. They locked eyes as the two drew in closer. Their lips moving closer and closer as the two couldn't deny their attraction towards one another. Just before their lips could touch, the bell tower went off: Stannis was here.

Naruto went to the window and saw his men mobilizing and the bell tower ringing as torches lit up the city. "Stannis is here. Margaery head to safety, wait here until we return." Naruto said as Margaery nodded.

"Do not fall on the battlefield." Margaery said as she moved to leave but Naruto grabbed her hand, puller her close and kissed her. Margaery was momentarily shocked but returned the kiss with equal passion.

Naruto separated as he held his forehead to hers. "Stay safe and know that I will return." Naruto said as she smiled and left. Naruto looked at his armor and got suited up.

Naruto summoned a clone to help him into his armor. He strapped on his vambraces and shoulder plates as he buckled his chest armor around his body and slipped on his boots. Naruto adjusted the armor and got his sword and strapped it on his belt. He left his room to see Brienne, Barristan, Cleaber, Loras and Kurama all in their armor waiting for him.

"Let's go defend our home." Naruto said as they left the castle for the walls of Blackwater bay.

Davos and his son Mathos were on the lead ship of Stannis's fleet heading towards the bay. They heard the sounds of the bells from the tower go off as they neared the city.

"They want to play music, then lets play. Drums." Davos told Mathos.

"Drums!" Mathos yelled as the drums of the ship played, signaling the men to get into position.

Naruto, Brienne, Barristan, Cleaber, Loras and Kurama walked out of the Red Keep and into the city to see the men get into position. Some men saluted as Naruto walked by and Naruto saluted back. Naruto saw a horse run in, panicked and moved in front of it, grabbed the reins and pet it's head.

"Easy, boy. Easy." Naruto said as the horse calmed down.

"Thank you, your grace. Poor thing got spooked." One of the men said.

"It's not a problem. Happens to the best of us." Naruto said as the man took the horse to the stables.

Naruto and his group walked up the wall to the bay as his men stood attention. "Attention for the King!" The captain said.

"At ease, men." Naruto said as he joined them on the wall and looked out into the bay. They looked out into the bay to see nothing but the ocean and the stars illuminating the sky.

"SIR, STANNIS'S FLEET 3 LEAGUES AND CLOSING!" One of the men from the tower yelled as Naruto nodded.

"All right, men! This is it! WE FIGHT WITH EVERTHYING WE'VE GOT!" Naruto yelled as his troops cheered. "Give the signal, commence phase 1!" Naruto yelled as Ser Cleaber nodded.

"COMMENCE PHASE 1!" Cleaber yelled as the archers got into position and one of the men gave a signal using a torch. The men near the docks understood and sent a ship sailing right for Stannis's fleet.

Davos looked out into the bay to see only a few ships by the walls. "Where are the rest of their ships?" Davos asked.

"It was wise to attack at night. We took them by surprise." Mathos said.

"There are no secrets where Naruto Uzumaki is concerned." Davos said as they saw the wall drawing closer and closer.

"There they are." Barristan said as Stannis's ships came into view by the bay.

"All right, this is it. Archers to your marks and stand by!" Naruto said.

"Archers! To your marks!" Cleaber shouted as the men got into position.

"Wait." Naruto said as they saw their ship sailing closer and closer to Stannis's fleet.

"There's only one ship." Mathos said as he saw one ship sailing towards them.

Davos went to the side of the ship and saw it coming. "ARCHERS! STAND TO!" Davos yelled as they got into position. "KNOCK!" Davos yelled as they grabbed their bows and arrows and the spear gunners loaded the launchers. "DRAW!" Davos yelled as they pulled their bows back and readied to fire. "HOLD!" Davos said as the ship drew in closer.

Davos saw the ship sail beside them with no one onboard and a stick keeping the wheel in place. "There's no one on board." Davos said in confusion.

Mathos went to the back of the ship to get a better view as the ship passed. Davos then saw that at the back of the ship, there was a green liquid spilling out into the sea and recognized it as Wildfire.

"Wildfire. Steer clear! Steer clear!" Davos shouted as the ship tried to turn away.

Naruto saw that the ship was close enough and was time to enact phase 2. He grabbed a bow and arrow with a red seal which meant the arrow would burst into flames. He pulled the arrow back as hard as he could and aimed high. He then let go as the flaming arrow sailed through the air, over Stannis's ships and hit the Wildfire, which began to spread.

"MATHOS! GET DOWN!—" Davos was cut off when the Wildfire exploded and killed Mathos and pushed Davos with such force that he flew off his ship and into the bay. The rest of the Wildfire exploded taking a large portion of Stannis's ships with it as a great green explosion filled the night with bright green light. Many shielded their eyes as the explosion was so bright. The Wildfire spread to other ships, catching the wood and men on fire as they screamed in pain and dove into the ocean to escape the burn.

The Wildfire and the broken and destroyed ships created a blockade preventing Stannis's ships from going any further. Stannis's men watched in horror as the Wildfire spread and their comrades were dying. Stannis was unsympathetic and needed to find another way to the city.

"Prepare to land. The boy has played his little trick. He can only play it one." Stannis ordered.

"Your grace, the Wildfire, we're too far from the gate. Fire…their archers…hundreds will die." His Guard said.

"Thousands." Stannis said as he moved to the long boat. "Come with me and take this city!" Stannis yelled as his men cheered and climbed into the long boats.

Stannis and his men rowed in the long boats by the hundreds to reach the beach. They rowed with great haste to reach the beach as Naruto saw them do exactly what he expected them to do. Now for phase 3.

"They're coming ashore. Just like we planned." Cleaber said.

"Ser Barristan, gather the archers and move towards the mud gate just as we planned. Tell them to kill any men that touches solid ground, but do not move from their cover." Naruto said.

"Yes, your grace." Barristan said as he left.

"Now we rain fire on them." Naruto said as Cleaber nodded.

"Archers, ready!" Cleaber yelled as they got into position. "Load blue arrows!" Cleaber yelled as the archers drew blue seal arrows. "DRAW!" Cleaber yelled as they drew back their bows. "LOOSE!" Cleaber yelled as they shot a volley of arrows at Stannis's men. The arrows flew through the air and when they hit something they exploded in a burst of ice, freezing anything they touched. Some hit the water, creating ice spikes which some boats hit and the men were forced to ditch. Others managed to hit boats and freeze them while others hit men and froze them solid.

"Another volley of ice!" Naruto yelled as Cleaber nodded.

"DRAW! LOOSE!" Cleaber yelled as the archers launched another volley of ice arrows and they hit their targets.

"Fire red arrows!" Naruto said as the archers loaded red seal arrows.

"DRAW! LOOSE!" Cleaber yelled as the archers shot red seal arrows which bursts into flames as they hit something. Men were hit with the flame arrows and caught on fire as the sky was filled with fire arrows. They men fired again as they kept firing and Stannis finally managed to touch ground. Some of his men were killed with arrows, while other fell into the spike pits that were laid out. Others took cover by the spiked obstacles and forced to run down the paths that weren't blocked but hit with arrows, just like Naruto planned. Some managed to make it through the volley of arrows as they ran up the wall. Others carried ladders to climb and tried to run to the wall.

"Load yellow arrows!" Naruto said as the archers load yellow seal arrows.

They fired at the charging forces as the yellow seals activated and made one arrow into three. The yellow seal arrow was a shadow clone seal arrow which multiplied anything into three. Now a larger swarm of arrows hit the enemies as more died. Stannis and his men continued to press forward, using shields and other people to avoid the arrows. Stannis and his men managed to get to the wall as archers shot more arrows and tossed rocks or bricks down on them.

"To the mud gate, go now!" Stannis yelled.

"First and Second Squads, to the gate!" A captain yelled as they ran to the gate.

"They're going to the gates now!" Brienne said.

"Alright, Cleaber stay here and keep the pressure up. We do not lose this wall." Naruto told him.

"Yes, your grace." Cleaber said.

"Kurama keep a birds eye view of the wall, should any man climb it, you act. Then when the wall is secured, come find me." Naruto said.

"Got it, kit." Kurama said.

"Commence phase 4. Men, you know your tasks!" Naruto said as he and Brienne went to the mud gate with a group of soldiers.

"I want to thank you, Brienne. For being by my side during this." Naruto said as they walked to the gate.

"There is no thanks needed. I should thank you…for letting me fight for a just King." Brienne said as they arrived at the gate. The archers on top of the gate were firing below as the archers near the secret entrances were firing as well and thinning out the group of soldiers attacking the gate.

But more and more were coming as they weren't giving up. Naruto decided to face them on the battlefield so he created about 50 clones and had them jump the gate and charge. The clones jumped over the gate as arrows zoomed past them and engaged Stannis's troops. The clones drew their swords and attacked Stannis's troops, hacking and slashing their way as the enemies fought back. More of Stannis's troops were killed as one or two clones were killed by an arrow or by a throwing axe. As the clones dispatched the men, more and more long boats came to ashore with more men charging at the clones. Some clones went through hand signs and used jutsu's like Great Breakthrough or Dragon Flame Jutsu to cut them down while other clones use rasengans to dispatch more and more troops.

Another large garrison of troops arrived via the land and flanked the clones as they put up a fight. Soon the clones were beginning to poof away but more of Stannis's men were falling. Speaking of Stannis, he was still by the wall as his men were able to get two ladders up on the wall. He climbed it as he fought and killed a few soldiers but was kicked back by Cleaber. Kurama then jumped down and landed on the wall as he tore apart and clawed soldiers. Stannis saw the fox and charged at him, swinging his sword down but it bounced off the armor Kurama had on. Kurama then used a tail and knocked Stannis off the wall and onto the beach. Stannis groaned in pain as his men helped him up and took him to the mud gate.

"All right, time for phase 5." Kurama said as he ran to Naruto.

Naruto's clones were almost gone as Stannis's lands troops had finally arrived and helped the sea troops take out the clones. Some of Stannis's men began to bring the battering ram up as the last of Naruto's clone dissipated. Naruto knew they were coming to the gate but all of Stannis's men were now exactly where they needed to be. Naruto saw Kurama land near him.

"Kit, Stannis is rejoining his men here. Let's end this." Kurama said.

"Right, time for phase 5!" Naruto shouted as he got on Kurama and Brienne and Barristan got on horses as well. Naruto then looked at one of the men. "You know the plan, count to 10 and we end this." Naruto said.

"Yes, your grace!" The man said as Naruto, Brienne and Barristan joined Loras.

Stannis's troops continued to push the gate as the archers did not let up. The men were able to get the battering ram at the gate and began to ram it. Stannis arrived and saw his men pushing the gate and smiled, he had won. Once that gate was down, the city was his. He then saw a flaming arrow sail high in the sky. Then he heard a loud rumbling as it got louder and louder as he saw that a large force was coming towards him.

"CHARGE!" Naruto shouted as led the Calvary charge on Kurama. A horde of men on horses charged at Stannis's men as they stomped over the soldiers, and sliced their swords and killed more and more enemies. While Naruto led his group from the side, another group charged from the secret entrance so Stannis's men were hit on two sides. Loras rode on his horse, slicing and stabbing Stannis's men as Brienne and Barristan did the same. Naruto sliced and slashed at the enemy on the back of Kurama as the fox, clawed, chomped and stabbed all the enemies who came near him. The Calvary charge tore through a large portion of what remained of Stannis's army as the men on the ground knew they were out numbered and out strategized. They were being pushed from the gate and towards the water and that's where they ran.

"RUN!" "RETREAT!" "FALL BACK!" The men shouted as they ran towards their long boats and rode back to their ships.

"STAND AND FIGHT! STAND AND FIGHT! NOOOO!" Stannis shouted as his men dragged him away from the battle and to safety. Naruto saw that they had killed all of the troops and what remained were retreating from the battle.

"KURAMA, send them a goodbye gift!" Naruto shouted as Kurama charged a tailed-beast bomb and launched it at the ocean, causing a huge explosion and some of Stannis's ships to explode. The force of the explosion was so great that it send a wave of water that carried the ships away.

"The battle is over! WE HAVE WON!" Naruto shouted as everyone cheered. Kurama gave a loud roar as everyone cheered and was happy as Naruto looked to the sea and saw the ships leaving. Stannis was still alive, but his army was gone.

Line Break xxxxx

Back with Robb in the Riverlands, he was in his tent talking with his mother about his latest moment with Talisa. He bed her and he was in love…but he was promised to someone else.

"Walder Frey is a dangerous man to cross." Cat told him.

"I know." Robb said.

"And you mean to do it anyway?" Cat asked.

"I love her." Robb said.

"I know that seems important to you.—" "It is important to me." Robb told him mother.

"Your father didn't love me when we married. He hardly knew me. Or I him. Love didn't just happen to us. We built it slowly over the years, stone by stone. For you, for your brothers and sisters, for all of us. It's not as exciting as secret passion in the woods, but it is stronger. It lasts longer." Cat told him.

"And that will be what's in store for me with one of Walder Frey's daughters? What you and father had?" Robb asked.

"Why not? Because she's not beautiful, because she's not exotic or exciting—" "I know your arguing just to argue, because you arranged it." Robb said.

"And you agreed to it. You gave him your word." Cat told him. "Treat your oaths recklessly and your people will do the same. If your father lives his life for on—" "My father is dead." Robb said, interrupting his mother. "And after what you tried to pull with Tyrion Lannister, you don't get to tell me what I shouldn't do." Robb said.

"No, you may be right. But Naruto raised you as well. When Ned brought him to Winterfell, he raised you like you were his brother, he trained you and for everything I am grateful for, the one lesson I know that Naruto taught you was to never go back on your word." Cat said.

"Naruto also taught me to follow my heart. That above all else, do what I feel is the most important. And that's what I'm going to do." Robb said as he left the tent.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Essos, Menma led Daenerys, Kovarro and Jorah to the house of the undying. It was a place that was separated from the rest of the city by a large collection of trees and bushes, to give the warlocks their privacy. They walked up the steps with Menma leading them as Daenerys spoke to Kovarro.

"Should he try anything stupid, kill him." She told him as he nodded.

They walked up to the main steps of the tower and saw no one around. "Where are the guards?" Jorah asked.

'The warlocks don't need them. They kill with sorcery, not steel." Menma said.

"Let them try." Daenerys said as they walked up the steps.

"Stay close." Menma said as he led them to the base of the tower.

"Is this a riddle?" Daenerys asked.

"No… a challenge." Menma said as he walked around and Daenerys followed. Jorah followed them as he motioned Kovarro to stay put. Daenerys and Menma walked around the tower and were out of view for a split second and Jorah saw them vanish and saw he had walked around to the point where they started. "KHALEESI!" Jorah yelled as he lost her.

Menma and Daenerys found a secret door that led them into the tower. But it was pitch black with only one torch.

"Take the torch, we'll need it." Menma said as he drew his sword.

Daenerys took the torch off the wall and her someone call her name. "You trying to frighten me with magic tricks?! You want me?! Here I am , you afraid of a little girl?!" Daenerys shouted.

"That's Jorah. The warlocks only allow those they choose to enter the House of the Undying. I'm afraid we're on our own." Menma told her.

Daenerys then heard the cry of her dragons. "They're here! Where are they?!" Daenerys asked.

"This way." Menma said as he led her through the darkness. "Keep the torch high." Naruto told her as they walked up the tower. They then came upon a door where the screeching of the dragons seemed to be coming from. Menma kicked the door open and walked in and saw a table but nothing else.

Daenerys followed him as the screeching of the dragons stopped. She looked around and tried to find a clue when she heard a dragon cry. She followed the noise to one of the doors in the chamber and entered it as Menma tried to stop her.

"Daenerys wait!" Menma shouted but the door slammed shut and when he opened it, he saw a brick wall.

Menma then saw that all of the doors in the room had disappeared and he was left alone in the dark. Menma channeled energy into his sword causing it to glow blue and give him some illumination. He then saw that part of the room began to morph and disappeared to show a snow covered forest. He walked forward as he kept his sword ready. His feet crunched against the snow as he kept walking. He then stopped as he knew what this vision was. It was a vision of the future, the future enemy that the 7 Kingdoms would have to unite to fight or the entire world would fall. He heard that loud screech of something that had not been heard of for thousands of years: The White Walkers.

With Daenerys, as soon as she opened the door she was hit with a bright light. She shielded her eyes as she walked forward and when she walked through and her eyes adjusted themselves, she couldn't believe what she saw. It was the throne room at King's Landing, the iron throne was right in front of her. But the most interesting thing was that the room was filled with people, talking and discussing matters of importance. Some turned to her and bowed their head.

"Good evening, my lady." A man said.

"You look lovely as always, my lady." Another said as Daenerys, nervously smiled, confused at what was going on.

She looked around to see that the throne room was decorated with beautiful tapestries and had 4 banners hung up. One banner she recognized as her family banner with the 3 headed dragon. Another she saw was a Direwolf which was House Stark and the third was a flower, so house Tyrell. The last one she didn't not know, it was a fox with nine tails and a leaf symbol in the center. She was very confused, why were these four banners here.

Then a knight in golden armor approached her. She saw that the man in the armor was Jorah. "Khaleesi, there you are. I've been looking for you. Your husband was wondering where you went off." Jorah said as she followed him, confused.

"My husband?" Daenerys asked.

"Yes, it's your daughter's name day. They were waiting for you." Jorah said.

"My…daughter?" Daenerys said as she saw a child of 9 with white hair, like her but with streaks of blonde in it. She looked like a mini her.

"Mommy!" Her daughter shouted as she ran up and hugged her mother. Daenerys hugged back, shocked that it felt real. She hugged the girl close as she started to smile. "There you are. We were worried about you. Dad was going to send some knights go look for you." The girl said.

"Did you lose track of time, feeding the dragons?" Daenerys heard as she looked up and saw a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing the crown. She blushed as she saw how handsome the man was. She saw he was holding a young boy, of about 6, who had white hair with blonde streaks. She then saw two other women come in, both holding their children's hands.

"No—I just…" Daenerys couldn't seem to get a word out that she was so confused at what was happening.

"Well, now that you're here. The festivities can begin." The man said as the children cheered.

Daenerys smiled but heard her dragons screeching. She looked to see a door down the hall and the screeching was coming from there. Daenerys felt her daughter tug on her dress. "What's wrong, mommy?" The girl asked.

"I have to go." Daenerys said.

"Why?" the girl asked.

"It's alright sweetie. Your mother has a special gift for you and she has to go get it." The man said as he held his daughter.

"Ok, but hurry back, Mommy. I don't want to start without you." The girl said.

"Hurry back." The man said as Daenerys nodded and walked to the door. She slowly walked towards the door as she turned back to see her husband and her children smiling. She quickly shook those thoughts from her head and opened the door.

She had appeared back into the room she was before. She saw the same table she saw before but saw her dragons on the table, tied in chains.

"They miss their mother." She heard and she turned around and saw Pyat. "They want to be with you."

"Do you want to be with them?" Pyat said as another duplicate appeared in the room. "You will be. When your dragons were born, our magic was born again. It is strongest in their presence. And they are strongest in yours. You will be with them. Through winter, summer, winter again. For a thousand seasons, you will be with them." Pyat said as chains appeared on her arms. "And we will be with you, when time comes to an end."

"Welcome Home, Daenerys Stormborn." Pyat said.

"This is not my home. My home is across the sea where my people are waiting for me." Daenerys said.

"They will be waiting a long time." Pyat said.

"No, they won't." They heard as Menma appeared and killed two duplicates. "She's going home, and you will burn in fire."

"Dracarys." Daenerys said as Drogon shot out a small ball of fire which hit Pyat. The other two soon followed and all three dragons were breathing fire and roasting Pyat alive, until he withered in pain on the ground. Menma walked up to the body and stabbed the corpse in the head…just to make sure. He then used his sword and cut Daenerys free as she freed her dragons.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in King's Landing, the people had returned to the streets and were celebrating that the city was never breached and that their king kept them safe. People drank and were merry as the City watch joined the festivities as well. Everyone deserved a small reprieve after the attack. With Naruto, he had assembled everyone in the throne room to discuss what happened and to offer his own condolences for the men who were killed in the battle and to offer his thanks as well.

Naruto stood up from the throne with Kurama sitting beside him as he addressed the people in this room. "We all stand here today, alive and safe because we all gave our hearts for this city and for the Kingdom. King's Landing is safe and Stannis Baratheon has fled back to Dragonstone, but he too shall be brought to justice for his crimes, and the dead shall have their peace." Naruto said as everyone clapped.

"Grand Maester Pycelle, send a raven to every lord in the 7 kingdoms telling them of their new King and that Stannis Baratheon is considered an enemy of the crown as well as Melisandre of Ashai." Naruto said.

"Yes, your grace." Pycelle said.

"Ser Cleaber, please step forward." Naruto said as Ser Cleaber did. "I thank you for you services in preparing for and defending King's Landing against Stannis. Your keen intellect and strategy is impressive. I would like to thank you for your help by asking if you would like to join my personal King's Guard." Naruto said.

"It would be an honor, your grace." Cleaber said as Naruto smiled.

"Rise, Ser Travan Cleaber of the King's Guard." Naruto said as everyone clapped and Cleaber took his place next to Ser Barristan and Brienne. "Morton Kell, please step forward." Naruto said as Morton Kell, a captain of the City watch stepped forward and took a knee.

"Captain, I would like to thank you for your bravery and leadership during the battle. I am pleased to tell you that you are now the commander of the City Watch. Protect and fight with honor." Naruto said.

"Thank you, your grace." Morton Kell said as everyone clapped.

"Ser Barristan, please step forward." Naruto said as Barristan took a knee.

"Ser Barristan, you have been a trusted friend and advisor ever since I ruled as Regent. You have protected my back, gave me counsel and helped me to bring King's Landing to the pristine position and state it is now. I give you the newly rebuilt castle of Harrenhal, with all it's lands and incomes. To be held by you should the time come to step down and retire and by your sons and grandsons from this day, until the end of time." Naruto said as everyone was shocked and Ser Barristan had a great smiled on his face. (With Naruto, he changed up the King's Guard so that it is larger and if a person wanted to retire or was too injured to continue, the person could leave)

"You honor me beyond words, your grace." Barristan said as he got up and moved to Naruto's side. "I shall now have to acquire some sons and grandsons." Barristan joked as everyone chuckled.

"Brienne of Tarth, please step forward." Naruto said as Brienne took a knee. "For your bravery in the heat of battle and your loyalty through these dark and dangerous times, I now name you the first female knight. With all the rights and privileges that any Ser may have, you now have too. Rise, Dame Brienne of Tarth." Naruto said as everyone clapped and Brienne had the biggest smile on her face.

"You honor me beyond words, your grace. I shall serve you with honor." Brienne said as she got up and went to his side.

"Ser Loras of House Tyrell, please step forward." Naruto said as Loras took a knee. "Your house has come to our aid in defending King's Landing. The Whole realm is in your debt, none more so than I. I promised you Stannis's head as justice, but should your family ask anything else of me, ask it and it shall be yours." Naruto said.

"Your grace. My sister Margaery…her husband was taken from us before…" Loras began to choke up as he remember Renly. "she remains innocent. I would ask it that you find it in your heart to do us the great honor of joining our houses." Loras said as everyone whispered. Naruto looked at Margaery who was looking at him.

"Is this what you wish, Lady Margaery?" Naruto asked.

"With all my heart, your grace." Margaery said as she stepped forward. "I have come to love you, during my time here in King's Landing. Tales of your courage and wisdom have been proven true from what I have seen. Your compassion and purity of heart have stolen my mine and keeps it only for you."

"It would be an honor to return your love and I do. Ser Loras, I will gladly wed your sister. You will be my queen, and I will love you from this day until my last day." Naruto said everyone clapped and cheered that the King would soon be married. Brienne, Barristan, Cleaber and Pycelle all clapped and cheered that the protector of the city who has given all he can to protect it, is now getting a small piece of happiness. Kurama smiled as Naruto was going to be married to someone who genuinely had feelings for him and vice versa. Naruto looked at Margaery who smiled at him and winked as she blushed. Naruto's reign as King was only just beginning as he now had to tackle something he wasn't sure he was completely confident in: marriage.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Qarth, Xaro was sleeping peacefully in his bed with a woman. Sleeping in bliss and ignorance until he felt something pulled from neck. He awoke and sat up to see a hooded man holding his key and Daenerys with her men and holding her dragons in his room. The woman next to him woke up and Daenerys saw it was Doreah, she had betrayed her.

Doreah saw Daenerys and tried to come up with a lie. "Khaleesi, please. He said you never leave Qarth alive, I—" "Come." Daenerys said as she left.

Xaro stood up as Jorah and Menma drew their swords and pointed it at him. Xaro and Doreah were bound and dragged down to Xaro's impenetrable vault. Menma inserted the key, and turned it, aligning it with the locks and opened it. He pushed open the vault as Daenerys walked in to see nothing, Xaro was lying about his wealth.

"Nothing." Daenerys said as she saw the empty vault. She then turned to Xaro. "Thank you, Xaro Xhoan Daxos. Thank you for teaching me this lesson." Daenerys said as she ordered her men to put them in the vault and shut the door, leaving them in there forever. They pleaded and begged but Daenerys didn't care, they crossed her and would pay. Jorah took the key out and handed it to Daenerys. She then handed it to Menma who crushed it in his hands.

They then moved back to Xaro's house and took anything that was off value but nothing was. Jorah saw that all of his gold looked real but was fake. The man was a enormous liar. "It's all a lie." Jorah told Daenerys.

"Looks real enough to me. Real enough to buy a ship?" Daenerys asked.

"Aye, a small ship." Jorah said as she nodded to him and left. "Take all the gold and Jewels!" Jorah told the Dothraki.

Daenerys walked down the hall holding her dragons, happy that she was reunited with her children. "Well done, Daenerys Targaryen." She heard as she turned to see Menma leaning against the wall.

"Thank you, for your help." Daenerys said.

"Don't mention it." Menma said as he got off the wall.

"Will you come with us? You've proven to me that you are a capable warrior and helped me free my dragons." Daenerys said.

"I have some business to take care off but we will meet each other again." Menma said as he saw that she was a little concerned. "Your expression, does this have to do with what you saw at the House of Undying?"

"How did you know?" Daenerys asked.

"Because I saw something as well." Menma said.

"They're just illusions, though right. Illusions made to mess with your mind." Daenerys said.

"Not illusions, those were visions. Visions of what the future holds for you." Menma said as he left.

"Do they come true?" Daenerys asked.

"That depends." Menma asked.

"Depends on what?" She asked.

"Whether or not you want them to." Menma said as he left.

Back on the rocks of Blackwater Bay, Davos Seaworth was waking up, having been thrown from his ship by the explosion of the Wildfire, he drifted in the water until he came ashore on one of the large rocks. Davos blocked the sun with his hand, as his eyes adjusted to the light.

He was weak, thirst and hungry having been on the rock for a while as he looked out into the bay that led to the island of Dragonstone and to the Narrow Sea. He finally spotted a ship in the bay and needed to signal it before it left.

He stood up on the highest point of the rock and began waving his arms, trying to get the boats attention. He then used his shirt to wave at the ship. "HELP ME!" Davos yelled as the horn on the ship blew. They saw him.

The ship sent a small long boat with two men to get Davos. "Who are you?" One of the men asked.

"I was in the battle…at Blackwater…I was a captain…and a knight." Davos told the man.

"Aye ser, and serving which king?" The man asked.

"The one true king of Westeros, Stannis Baratheon." Davos said as the man smiled and threw him a rope.

Davos was brought to the ship and found that his pirate friend was the captain. His friend told him that ever since Stannis lost the battle for King's Landing, he had become reclusive, seeing only the Red Woman who has taken over his mind and whispered into his ear. She had twisted his mind to the point where she burns alive any man or woman who speaks out against her. Burning innocent men and women who she says are followers of the darkness. And to add salt to his wound, after the ravens were sent out from King's Landing telling everyone that Stannis had his brother killed with dark magic in order to take the throne, Stannis lost his bannermen. Every lord who supported him now left and were going to appease to the new king and only his fanatic religious followers supported him.

Line Break xxxxx

With Robb, his men were getting more anxious and impatient about sitting around and wanted to fight. Robb decided to move them up on the River road, and set up camp at the Golden Tooth, about 60 leagues from Casterly Rock and Lannisport. Naruto told him not to engage and keep the Lannisters on the defensive but that was getting tougher by the day as his men just wanted to wipe them out, especially Karstark and Bolton.

Jaime Lannister was still their prisoner as he attempted to try and escape by causing a disturbance and strangling Karstark son with his chains. He almost made it out but one of the men found him as he was running away and bound him again. Karstark was furious after that and wanted Jaime Lannister's head but Cat and Robb dissuaded him from doing that…but Karstark wanted his vengeance and he was going to get it.

After a few more days of camping and preparing his troops, Robb and Cat got a raven that the Lord of House Tully, Cat's father had passed away. So, Robb decided to pull back his forces to the Riverlands so he and his mother could go to the funeral. Many of his men said they shouldn't leave their position but Robb pointed out that Naruto was literally down the road and could retake the position in 20 minutes if he wanted to. Robb and his men left to the Riverlands but his army was beginning to break apart as time went on.

With Daenerys, she and her group were on the ship that Jorah found for her and were sailing for Astapor. Daenerys loved it as she felt the wind blow in her hair and the crisp ocean air rush against her face. She smiled as she saw her three dragons fly around the ship, diving in the water to catch fish and spread their wings. The dragons had grown from their small size and were growing faster and faster as time went on. She saw Drogon dive into the water and fly back out with a fish in his mouth. He threw the fish in the air, roasted it with his fire breath and ate it.

Drogon then flew down on the ship railing as Daenerys pet his head. "They're growing fast." Jorah said.

"Not fast enough. I can't wait that long." Daenerys said as she watched Drogon fly away. "I need an army."

"We'll be in Astapor by nightfall. Some say the unsullied are the greatest soldiers in the world." Jorah said.

"The greatest slave soldiers in the world, distinction means a good deal to some people." Daenerys told Jorah.

"Do those people have any better ideas on how to put you on the Iron Throne?" Jorah asked.

"It's too beautiful a day to argue." Daenerys said as he heard another Dothraki puke. She saw all the Dothraki were suffering from horrendous boat sickness. They were woozy and puking over the sides of the ship.

"Your right. Another lovely day on the high seas." Jorah said as they saw how miserable the Dothraki were.

"Don't mock them. They're the first Dothraki who've ever been on a ship. They followed me across the poison water. If they do others will and with a true Khalasar." Daenerys said.

"The Dothraki follow strength above all, Khaleesi. You'll have a true Khalasar when you prove yourself strong. And not before." Jorah told her.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in King's Landing, the city had gotten back into it's normal groove as merchants and smiths got back to work and the city had calmed down after the battle of Blackwater bay. Smith masons and architects worked with the City Watch fix some walls that had taken some damage during the siege and to fix the beaches. After the festivities of victory had died down, the people heard that their King Naruto would be marrying Lady Margaery of house Tyrell and they were ecstatic.

The people were glad that their King was going to have a Queen, even more so that it was Lady Margaery. During Margaery's time in King's Landing, she had gone down to the city and helped the people anyway she could. She walked through the city and talked with the people, she helped families and people in need and was a lot like Naruto since he often went down to the city to talk to the people. Many people thought that the 2 were perfect for each other because they both cared deeply for the people and even though they were nobles, they didn't act like it.

Speaking of Margaery, she was walking through one of the alleys of Flea Bottom with her handmaiden. Flea Bottom wasn't correct in it's description since Naruto helped to refurbish and clean up the city. Even in the poorest districts, the streets were clean, and no sewage spills occurred thanks to Naruto's new plumbing system they were able to install with the help of a few dozen clones. The people living in Flea Bottom may have been commoners but didn't live like it. They had plenty of food and clothing, warm beds and clean water as the streets and houses were cleaner they then have ever been. And with Naruto's clones, he was able to refurbish and repair a lot of the old buildings and homes in a day which would normally take months.

Margaery walked down the alley as people nodded and bowed to her as she passed by and she smiled and waved back. She was on her way to one of the orphanages that was here, she had stopped before on her visits and wanted to see the children again. She walked in the entrance as she heard the children laughing to a story being told. She walked in to the central court yard where she saw all the children had gathered, including some of the workers as they huddled together to listen to a story. And the story teller was none other than the King, Naruto.

Margaery was surprised to see him here, and not at the Red keep, working on papers. He was dressed in a very modest jacket and pants with his sword around his waist. Margaery saw that Kurama was there to as he was laying on the floor, resting with some of the children laying on him like a giant fluffy pillow. She smiled as she saw how engrossed the children were with his story.

"And so, after we stopped on the island of ice to shoot some scenes for the movie, we knew something was wrong. We saw that as soon as the cameras began to role and the actors played out the scene, three ninja appeared on the ridge. Wearing advanced Chakra armor, they slid down the snow slopes and attacked us. We all split up with Sakura staying behind to protect the princess. They had us on the defensive as their armor made our weapons bounce off." Naruto told the children as they were so engrossed in one of his stories from his Shinobi career.

"One of the female snow ninja created ice prisms as Sasuke blew fire at her but the ice was so strong that it deflected right off. I was then got off guard by one of the Shinobi and punched through an ice wall as Kakashi created a giant water dragon to push the enemies back. Then the lead Shinobi enemy created a giant ice tiger as it froze the water dragon in place. One of the men then tried to get the princess but I tackled him out of the way as Kakashi then created a giant ice whale to push the enemy back so we could escape onto the ship." Naruto said as the children wanted to hear more. "And the rest will be continued next week." Naruto said as the children didn't want the story to end. "I'll continue the story next time, but you children have to make sure that you are diligent with your studies, ok?"

"Yes, Mr. Naruto." The children said. (Naruto worked with the orphanages to have the children go to classes to understand the history of the 7 Kingdoms and the workings of all the houses, like the nobles do with their children)

"Good, because when you get older, you'll get the chance to do anything you guys want to, and a big part of that will be to make sure you guys learn everything you can now." Naruto said as the children nodded and Margaery smiled as she saw Naruto acting like a father.

"Mr. Naruto, did all of that really happen?" One of the children asked.

"Yes, it did. All of those adventures turned me into the man I am today." Naruto said as he saw Margaery and smiled. "Oh, kids look. It's Lady Margaery." Naruto said as the children turned and smiled.

"Hello, Lady Margaery!" The children said as Margaery walked in and sat down next to Naruto.

"Hello everyone." Margaery said as she smiled at Naruto.

"Lady Margaery, is it true that you and Mr. Naruto and going to be married?" One of the girls asked as Naruto and Margaery blushed a little.

"Yes, it is true." Margaery said.

"Then that means you'll be a queen, right?" The girl asked.

"Yes, she will. She will be Queen of the 7 Kingdoms, but she's already a queen to me." Naruto said as Margaery blushed as Naruto smiled at her.

Margaery talked with the kids, brought them new toys and some extra food, mostly sweets, before she and Naruto left.

"I'll be back next week." Naruto told the owner of the orphanage.

"I know the children cannot wait to see you again. Thank you for coming, your grace. And I wish you and your queen all the happiness in the world." The owner said as Naruto smiled.

"Thank you." Margaery said as she and Naruto walked down the alley back to the main street while Kurama decided to go out to the woods for a little hunt. They passed smiths and merchants as people bowed and waved at Naruto and Margaery as they waved back.

"It seems that the people of King's Landing are all ready accepting their new Queen." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"Yes, but I think I have your reputation to thank for that." Margaery said.

"I don't think so. I heard you walked through the city before the attack, helping people, talking to them, making sure they were happy. Something a true Queen would do." Naruto said as Margaery blushed.

"Naruto, you flatter." Margaery joked.

"As your future husband, it is my duty to do so. After all, a man's first responsibility is to his family." Naruto said as he took her hand and kissed it like a gentleman.

"An honorable King and a true husband, it seems that the 7 gods have blessed me." Margaery joked as they walked through the streets.

"Speaking of which, now that we are engaged, I wanted to know your thoughts on the wedding." Naruto said as they hooked arms.

"Really, I thought men don't trouble themselves with such thought and leave it to others to see it done?" Margaery asked.

"Most men wouldn't, but I'm not most men." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"Of that, I have no doubt. Well, if we are talking about the wedding, I would like to have it without the worry of the war over our heads." Margaery said as Naruto nodded.

"As would I. But with Stannis's forces defeated and pushed back to Dragonstone, he is no threat. Whatever forces he will try and amass, they are no match for mine." Naruto said. "But he will stand justice for what he has done and it will be soon."

"And the rest of the war?" Margaery asked.

"Well, Robb Stark and the North have complete reason to fight the Lannisters and will continue to do so. In order to end this war, it will either be by a peace treaty or by continued battle. Something I would hope to avoid, if possible." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"I thought men love battle and war?" Margaery joked.

"Not all men. The Lannisters have to pay for their crimes but not at the cost of the lives of innocent people." Naruto said as Margaery smiled and leaned on his shoulder.

"You truly are a king, Naruto. A kind and king of valor." Margaery said as Naruto smiled.

"And you will be an adored and wonderful Queen." Naruto said as he kissed her cheek.

"Well, I can't wait for you to meet the rest of my family, but as is custom of the wedding, do you have family that can attend the wedding?" Margaery asked.

"No direct family in Westeros, no. But the Starks are my family, in all but blood. Though with the war, it may prove difficult to get them to come." Naruto said. "My informants tell me that Robb is at Riverrun to attend the funeral of his grandfather. I will ride to meet him, and discuss with him some matters of importance. And perhaps get him to attend the wedding as well."

Line Break xxxxx

At Dragonstone, Davos was rowed ashore by a longboat from the pirate ship. The longboat then quickly returned to the ship as Davos saw how dismal and depressed Dragonstone looked. The island had gone down the drain after the defeat at Blackwater bay and now that Stannis's forces were drastically drained because he lost his bannermen when the raven was sent out that Stannis had his brother killed. Stannis now only had the men who were fanatical in their dedication to the Lord of light.

Davos walked up the caste of Dragonstone and walked in to Stannis's meeting room to see him staring out at sea with the Red Woman next to him.

"Your grace." Davos said as Stannis turned to see him and was surprised that he was alive.

"I heard you were dead." Stannis said.

"Not yet. I had hope to speak to you alone, your grace." Davos said.

"We are alone." Stannis said as the Red Woman was not moving. Davos then walked up to him.

"Your grace, you are the rightful king, not only by blood. You are an honorable man, a just man. And there is still a war to fight." Davos said.

"I am fighting." Stannis said.

"By burning men and women alive?" Davos asked.

"How would you punish the infidels, Ser Davos?" Melisandre asked.

"I do not judge people by the gods they worship, if I did I would have thrown you into the sea before you ever set foot on Dragonstone." Davos said.

"I'm not your enemy." Melisandre said.

"You are my enemy. And your Stannis's too, but you've clouded his mind to the point where he can't see it." Davos said.

"Enough." Stannis said.

"Sorry, your grace, but you need to hear this. Maester Cressen told me that a loyal servant tells the hard truths and with everything that has happened, you need to hear it. Because of this woman, and her creation of…that demon…your brother is dead and everyone knows you ordered it. Now Naruto Uzumaki has declared himself King of the 7 Kingdoms and labeled you the kinslayer. All of the houses that flocked to us have now turned to him." Davos said.

"Stannis has no need for un-loyal men and infidels when the Lord of light offers him protection." Melisandre said.

"If that were true, then we would have taken King's Landing. But here we are, alone on an island with our army gone and the new King after our heads." Davos said.

"Was it me you fought on Blackwater bay? Did I set your ships ablaze? I wasn't there when the Wildfire killed our men by the thousands. I could have saved those men. You would have taken the city, Stannis would be sitting on his rightful throne, and you would stand beside him. But I wasn't there, because you convinced your King to leave me behind." Melisandre said.

"If you weren't here, we wouldn't be in this situation." Davos said as Melisandre saw he was still reeling from the memories of the battle.

"You can still hear them screaming? Don't despair, Ser Davos. What I told your son is true…death by fire is the purest death." Melisandre said as Davos grabbed a dagger and tried to stab her but the guards restrained him.

"That woman is evil! She's the mother of demons!" Davos yelled.

"Take him to the dungeons, lock him in a cell." Stannis said.

"Your grace!" Davos yelled.

"You have chosen the darkness, Ser Davos. I will pray for you." Melisandre said as Davos was taken away.

Line Break xxxxx

With the Mother of Dragons, her ship had pulled into the harbor at Astapor: the home of the Unsullied, the greatest slave army in Essos and a major slave trading city. Jorah told her she could buy her army to take the iron throne but it would be an army of slaves and she had her issues with that.

When she arrives, she is given a tour of the Unsullied barracks by the owner, Kraznys mo Nakloz, and his slave girl Missandei who is acting as a translator since Kraznys speaks in old Valryian. They walk through the barracks to the main area as Kraznys is saying something and Missandei translates.

"The Unsullied have stood her for a day and a night with no food or water. They will stand until they drop, such is their obedience." Missandei told Daenerys.

"They may suit my needs. Tell me of their training." Daenerys said as Missandei translates.

"The Westerosi woman is pleased with them, but speaks no praise to keep the price down. She wishes to know how they are trained." Missandei told Kraznys.

"Tell her what she should know and be quick about it. The day is hot." Kraznys said.

"They begin their training at 5. Everyday they drill from dawn to dusk until they have mastered the short sword, the shield and the three spears. Only one boy in four survives this rigorous training. Their discipline and loyalty if absolute. They fear nothing." Missandei said.

"Even the bravest men fear death." Jorah said.

"The knight says even brave men fear death." Missandei told Kraznys.

"Tell the old man he smells of piss." Kraznys said.

"Truly, maste—" "No, not truly. Are you a girl or goat to ask such a thing?" Kraznys told her.

"My master says the Unsullied are not men. Death means nothing to them." Missandei said as Kraznys looked at Daenerys.

"Tell this ignorant whore of a Westerner to open her eyes and watch." Kraznys said as he went to one of soldiers.

"He begs you attend this carefully, your grace." Missandei told Daenerys.

Kraznys then walked up to one of the soldiers and cuts off his nipple as Daenerys told him to stop but Missandei told him that Men don't need nipples and the soldier didn't cry out in pain and was obedient.

"To win his shield, an Unsullied must go to the slave market with a silver coin, find a newborn and kill it before it's mothers eyes. This way, my master says, he makes certain that there is no weakness in them." Missandei said as Daenerys was horrified.

"You'd take a baby from it's mother's arms, kill it as she watches and pay her troubles with a silver coin?" Daenerys asked, horrified at the idea.

"She is offended. She asks if you pay the coin to the mother, for her dead baby." Missandei told Kraznys.

"What a soft mewling fool this one is." Kraznys said.

"My master would like you to know that the silver is paid to the babies owner, not mother." Missandei told Daenerys as she tried to swallow that horrible truth.

"How many do you have to sell?" Daenerys asked as Missandei translated and Kraznys held up 8 fingers.

"Tell the Westerosi whore she has until tomorrow." Kraznys said.

"Master Kraznys asks that you please hurry. Many other buyers are interested." Missandei as she and her master left.

Daenerys and Jorah left and walked to the docks as she tried to process what she just witnessed and what she was told about the Unsullied. "8,000 dead babies." Daenerys said, disgusted.

"The Unsullied are a means to an end." Jorah told her.

"Once I own them, these men—" "They're not men. Not anymore." Jorah corrected her.

"Once I own an army of slaves, what will I be?" She asked.

"You think these slaves will have better lives serving Kraznys and men like him or serving you." Jorah said as they saw a little girl playing with a ball. They walked up to her as she ran away and missed that a cloaked and hooded figure was following them. "You'll be fair to them. You won't mutilate them to make a point. You'll won't order them to murder babies. You'll see them properly fed and shelters. A great injustice has been done to them. But you will undo it." Jorah said as Daenerys smiled as she watched the girl play ball. The girl then rolled the ball over to Daenerys.

Daenerys then picked it up and looked at the girl who motioned her to twist it open. She smiled as she twisted it open but the cloaked figure knocked it out of her hand and the girl hid behind some boxes. Daenerys was accidently pushed to the ground when Jorah tried to restrain the man but she saw that the top of the ball had come off to reveal a manticore. An extremely poisonous scorpion-like insect.

Daenerys froze a little in fear as she saw the poison insect and backed away, very slowly. The manticore then scurried towards Daenerys as she backed away but the cloaked figure stabbed the manticore with a dagger before it could get to her. The figure, Daenerys and Jorah looked to the see the child step out from the boxes and glared with a blue mouth and teeth, like Pyat Pree. The child ran to the water as the figure chased after her but when he got to the water, the child was gone.

The figure, Daenerys and Jorah turned to see the child looking at them from the archway and walked away. "The warlocks." Daenerys said as the girl had some features that resembled Pyat. The warlocks most likely want Daenerys dead after she her dragons killed Pyat. She then turned to the cloaked and hooded figure. "I owe you my life, Ser."

"Don't mention it. I'll just add it to the tab." The figure said as he removed his hood to reveal that it was Menma. Daenerys has a small smile, seeing the man who helped her come back.

"Menma, it's good to see you." Daenerys said.

"It is a good thing I found you. If I didn't, you'd be dead. That's three you owe me." Menma joked as Jorah walked up and shook Menma's hand, thankful for the save.

"What brings you to Astapor?" Jorah asked.

"My business in Qarth was done and I figured I could use some more excitement, so I tracked you guys down." Menma said.

"Does that mean you'll help us?" Daenerys asked, hoping to have some extra muscle and a skilled warrior by her side.

"If things stay exciting, why not?" Menma said with a shrug of his shoulder.

Jorah then pulled Daenerys to the side to talk to her. "Khaleesi, are you sure. We know nothing of this man and to have him with us is dangerous." Jorah told her.

"He's proven his skill and he seems willingly to help us. I can't say why but there is something about him…that says we can trust him. But should he try something stupid at all…kill him." Daenerys told Jorah who nodded as they looked to see Menma staring at the sky.

Line Break xxxxx

Back with the Lannisters, Tywin had ordered a meeting with his kin and generals about their current status in the war. After his meeting with Naruto, Tywin had his daughter and his grandson on lockdown. He then left Lannisport in control of Tyrion for the time being while he returned to Casterly Rock. Tywin needed to know if they had the forces to make a stand in this war now that the Greyjoys supported them or if he should…try for peace. Tywin had difficulty with that last one, mainly because of the pride of the Lannister House complex and if surrendering would be the best thing…he might take it.

Tywin watched as his kinfolk and bannermen walked in and sat down at the table. Tywin took one more sip of his wine before he set it down and turned to his men.

"You're all probably wondering why I called you here. I need to know how our forces are now that we've added the Greyjoys to our forces." Tywin said.

"A mistake if there ever were one, my lord. The Greyjoys stick to their ships and haven't been heeding any commands to dock their ships and have all their forces join ours. The most we get are a few ships with men who'd rather drown then step on solid ground." One of the men said.

"He is not wrong in this Lord Tywin. The Greyjoys are not worth what Lady Cersei has paid them. They take our food and barely fight, we've tried to organize their men and send them out but they refuse too." Kevan Lannister said.

"My daughter was an idiot to even go to them for aid. Lord Balon is an incompetent man and is blinded by his own foolish ambition. Break our treaty with the Greyjoys, send them back to their islands where they can do what they want. Naruto will soon deal with them." Tywin said.

"Would Naruto Uzumaki have reason to attack the Greyjoys?" One of the men asked.

"They attacked him at the peace talking and they would seek to invade the Stark's home, people he considers family. You bet your weight in gold he will go after them." Tywin said.

"But what about us, Lord Tywin?" One of the men asked.

"I don't know. He has his gripes with two of my children and we've tried to have him killed several times. Those are not things a man simply forgets." Tywin said.

"Well, Lord Tywin. If he does act, we cannot fight a war on two fronts. The Starks may have pulled back to Riverrun for Lord Tully's funeral but their numbers will grow with Tully support. And now that Naruto Uzumaki is King of Westeros, many of the houses have flocked to him after he defeated Stannis at Blackwater. Stannis was pushed to Dragonstone and any men he had, pledged fealty to Naruto after it was revealed that Stannis had his brother killed. And now that Naruto will marry Margaery Tyrell, he will have the Reach behind his back." One of the men said.

"Perhaps we could send assassins, to kill him and that girl before they marry." Ser Amory Loch said.

"Oh yes, send an assassin to kill the King of Westeros and his future bride." Tywin said in a condescending tone. "The problem with that plan is that we can't find a skilled enough assassin to kill him and no one would be stupid to attack him with his fox protecting him! And you murder his future bride, then he'll slaughter us!" Tywin told Loch. "I thought I kept you around for more than your brute strength, I was wrong. Leave." Tywin ordered as Loch seemed confused. "OUT!" Tywin yelled as Loch got up and left.

"Lord Tywin, what is our plan?" Kevan Lannister asked.

"I'm not sure." Tywin said with a heavy heart.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in King's Landing, Naruto was in his study, signing some papers about incoming trade deals with ships from Dorne and Pentos. He was diligently working through his papers and also reading some notes that were sent by lords that were pledging their fealty to him as their new king. Naruto shook his head at how easy nobles and lords were flocking to him since Stannis killed his brother. These were the very men who were working to kill him and now they were sucking up to him to try and win favors: idiots.

Grand Maester Pycelle then walked into the room, holding some more papers. "Your grace, some more papers for you to sign. Some trading agreements, pledge papers and status of the other kingdoms." Pycelle said as Naruto got up and took the bunch of papers.

"Thank you, Maester Pycelle." Naruto said as Pycelle nodded and moved to leave but Naruto stopped him. "Pycelle. It seems that through everything we've been through, I've never properly thanked you for your service."

"None needed, your grace." Pycelle said.

"You have helped me a great deal since I became regent and now king. I know being Grand Maester under Robert couldn't have been easy, but thank you for your help." Naruto said.

"I will admit, it wasn't easy and with the Lannisters and their expansion in King's Landing, I found myself under their control…but when you pushed them out, I will admit that it was a little strange. But as time went on…it felt good to serve a just ruler." Pycelle said with a smile.

"I'm glad, and I know that your ties with the Lannisters are done with, correct?" Naruto asked as Pycelle chuckled.

"Yes, your grace. I serve the new King of Westeros." Pycelle said as Naruto smiled. Pycelle left and opened the door to see Loras.

"Oh, forgive me, Grand Maester Pycelle. Your grace, my sister invites you to take the air with her and our grandmother, the Lady Olena in the gardens. May I escort you to them?" Loras asked.

"Yes, give me a second." Naruto said as he put his papers on the desk and created a clone to do them. "Let us go."

Loras escorted Naruto through the gardens to where he would meet Margaery and his future grandmother-in-law. They walked through the gardens as the flowers were in bloom and the weather was nice. They saw Margaery talking to one of the handmaidens but she then turned to see Naruto and Loras and smiled.

"You're such a dear." Margaery told Loras.

"I'll take my leave. Your grace." Loras said as he left.

"Come." Margaery said as she hooked her arm with Naruto and they walked to one of the sitting areas in the garden. Several handmaidens saw them and bowed as they saw the two walk through and Naruto saw Lady Olena. One of the strongest matriarchs in Westeros.

"Naruto, it is my honor to present my grandmother. Lady Olena of House Tyrell." Margaery said as Olena smiled and Naruto did as well.

"Kiss my hand, child." Olena said as Naruto kissed her hand. "It is so good of you to visit me and my foolish flock of hens. We are very sorry for your losses."

"Thank you, my lady. And I expressed the same sorrow for your men and Renly's death." Naruto said as he looked at Margaery who smiled. "He was very gallant and a good friend."

"Gallant, yes. And charming and very clean. He knew how to dress and smile and he somehow got the implications that it would make him a good king." Olena said as Naruto chuckled.

"Renly was brave and gentle, Grandmother. Father liked him and so did Loras." Margaery said.

"Loras is young and good at knocking men off horses with his stick. That does not make him wise. As for your fat-head father." Olena said.

"Grandmother! What will Naruto think of us?" Margaery said with a chuckle.

"He might think we have some wits about us. One of us, at any rate." Olena said as she then looked at Naruto. "It was treason, I warned them. Renly has an older brother, how can he possibly have any claim to that ugly iron chair. He should have stayed well out of this, if you ask me. But once the cow has been milked, there's no squirting the cream back up her utters, so here we are." Olena said as Naruto chuckled. Olena reminded him a little of Tsunade and his mother, a woman who was smart and didn't care to speak her mind: Naruto respected that.

"Well, it seems that fate had other plans with Stannis killing Renly and having no claim to the throne." Naruto said.

"Oh dear, that man has gone crazy. Listening to some hokum religion and making deals with witches to try and take the throne. Well…at least the Kingdoms will be run by a man who seems to know what he is doing." Olena said as Margaery and Naruto chuckled.

"Thank you, Lady Olena." Naruto replied.

"No thanks needed. I only speak the truth. From what I've seen here at King's Landing and from reports from the other Kingdoms…you know what you are doing. A man of honor and wisdom…they're rare to find now." Olena said.

"Yes, Naruto is one of a kind." Margaery said as Naruto smiled at her.

"And a man you should keep your hands on at all times." Olena told Margaery. "Now that Stannis is pushed to his island and Naruto is king, woman will flock to him like men do with a whore." Olena said as Naruto chuckled and Margaery looked at her grandmother.

"Grandmother!" Margaery said.

"Shall we have some lemon cakes, Naruto?" Olena asked.

"Lets." Naruto said with a smile as Olena turned to a servant.

"Are you going serve us the food or do you mean to starve us to death?" Olena asked as the servant quickly put food on their table as Olena stood up. "Come sit with us. I'm much less boring then these others. Do you know my son? The Lord of Highgarden." Olena asked as they sat down at their table as Naruto pulled out Margaery and Olena's chairs and sat down next to Margaery.

"I haven't yet had the pleasure." Naruto said.

"No great pleasure, the ponderous oaf. His father was an oaf as well. My husband, the late lord Luther. He managed to ride off a cliff whilst talking. They say he was looking up at the sky and paying no mind to where his horse was taking. And now my son is doing the same, but he got lucky as he is riding a very clever fox." Olena said as Naruto chuckled.

"You flatter." Naruto said as he took a sip of water.

"I only speak the truth. If my son had the brains to make peace with you long before he decided to plead to Renly, you may have decided to become King earlier and this war might be over." Olena said.

"Perhaps, but one of my main goals is to see this war end and have the 7 Kingdoms return to peace." Naruto said as Olena looked at him.

"One of your goals? Pray tell, what are the others?" Olena asked as she ate some lemon cakes.

"Well one of them would be to help rebuild my family name. I am the only surviving member of my family lineage and I need to build my family house." Naruto said as Olena nodded.

"And the other?" Olena asked.

"Well, the other would be to be the perfect husband to Margaery and eventually…a father." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"You truly are one of a kind, Naruto." Olena said as the three enjoyed their little lunch.

End of Chapter 7