
The Orange Flash of Westeros

After Naruto defeated Madara and the 10-tailed beast, Kami sent him to his new destiny in Westeros. Found by Robert and Ned, Naruto will face the battles for the 7 kingdoms. Now the Stags, Wolves and Lions must deal with the Fox as Naruto will shift the game for the Iron Throne. Story written by choejhulk9 who is a great author with several great stories that you should check it out. Unfortunately this story was abandoned.

Hyuga_Tobirama · 漫画同人
13 Chs

Chapter 6: Blackwater Bay

Here is the sixth chapter of the Orange Flash in Westeros. Naruto has now made new allies and will use them to defend King's Landing from Stannis. Naruto must make decisions about how to deal with the Lannisters and his future in the 7 Kingdoms.

The Orange Flash in Westeros

Blackwater and a the beginning of the end of the War

Back in Essos, Daenerys was talking to Xaro as the party had come to an end. "So tell me, how long has your man servant been in love with you?" Xaro asked.

"He's not my man servant, and he's not in love with me." Daenerys said. "He's my advisor…and my friend."

"Unlikely. I could almost always tell what a man wants." Xaro told her.

"And what about what a woman wants?" She asked.

"Much more complicated. You, for example. What do you want?" He asked.

"To cross the Narrow Sea, and take back the Iron Throne." She said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I'd promised my Khalasar that I'd protect them and find them a good home." She replied.

"You want to conquer the 7 kingdoms for the Dothraki?" He asked.

"I want them because they're mine by right. The Iron Throne is mine and I will take it." She said.

"Ah, a conqueror." He said.

"And how did you get this? Did someone give it to you?" She asked.

"No. I come from nothing. I hit the docks like a piece of cargo except someone normally cares what happens to Cargo." Xaro said.

"So you wanted more than you had and you took it. You're a conqueror too just…less ambitious." She said as he laughed. "What do you want? The Gates of the city you bled for me. Why?"

"I will show you why." He said as he led her to his vault. He unsheathed his sword and begun to strike the vault door but the metal was not showing any signs of weakening. "The metal on the vault is made of Valyrian stone. The hardest steel does not make a mark. I offered the greatest locksmith in Qarth their weight in gold if they could break into it. I made the same offer to the greatest thieves, they all went home empty handed. The only thing that can open this door, is this key." Xaro said as he showed Daenerys the key around his neck.

"And behind the door?" Daenerys asked as Xaro chuckled. "And it could all be mine?"

"All? Let us say half. More than enough to buy horses, ships, armies, enough to go home." Xaro said.

"All I have to do?" she asked.

"Is marry me." Xaro said as Daenerys chuckled.

"Is that a romantic proposal?" She asked.

"I already married once for love, but the gods stole her from me. I come from nothing, my mother and father never owned a pair of shoes but marry me and I will give you the 7 Kingdoms. And our children will be princes and princesses. See…I have more ambition then you thought. The time is right, Daenerys Targaryen, first of your name. Robert Baratheon is dead." He told her as she smiled.

She went back to her room to feed her dragons and get them ready for bed as she and Jorah talked about what Xaro told her and what he offered her to take the Iron Throne.

"You want to cross the Narrow Sea with an army you bought—" "The 7 Kingdoms are at war with one another! 4 false kings and a ruling Regent destroying the country." Daenerys told him.

"To win Westeros you need support from Westeros." Jorah told her.

"The Usurper is dead. The Starks fight the Lannisters, the Baratheons fight each other." She said.

"According to your new friend who earned your trust by cutting his hand?" He asked.

"The time to strike is now! We need to find ships and an army or we'll spend the rest of our lives rotting away at the edge of the world." She said.

"Rich man do not get rich by giving more then they get. They'll give you ships and soldiers and they'll own you forever. Moving carefully is the hard way, but the right way." He said.

"And it I listened to that advice outside the gates of Qarth we'd all be dead by now." She said.

"I know the opportunity before you seems like that last one you'll ever have but you must—" "Do not speak to me like I'm a child." She told him.

"I only want—" "What do you want?! Tell me." She said to him.

"To see you on the Iron Throne." He replied.

"Why?" She asked.

"You have a good claim. A title, a birthright. But you have something more than that. You may cover it up and deny it but you have a gentle heart. You would not only be respected and feared but you would be loved. Someone who can rule and should rule. Centuries come and go without a person like that coming into the world. There are times when I look at you, and I still can't believe you're real." Jorah said, as Daenerys understood his feelings towards her but she didn't feel the same.

There was a brief moment of awkward silence as Daenerys tried to get him out so she could think. "So what would you have me do as my advisor?" she asked.

"Make your own way. Find your own ship, you'll only need one. The allies we need are in Westeros, not Qarth." He told her.

"And how do I get this ship?" She asked.

"I'll find it for you. Sound ship with a good captain." Jorah said as Daenerys turned to him.

"I look forward to meeting him." She said.

"Khaleesi." He said as he left.

The Next day had come as Cat arrived back in Robb's camp. Robb was walking through his camp as his soldiers smiled at him. Robb then sees Talisa, sitting on a stump and walks over to talk to her.

"Lady Talisa." Robb said.

"Your grace." Talisa said. "I'm not sure I'm a lady. Westeros customs are still a bit foreign to me."

"It's hard to keep all the rules straight. But…if I remember my lessons, a woman of noble birth is always called a lady. Unless she's a queen, or princess. I could find someone who knows." Robb joked.

"Why are you so sure that I'm of noble birth?" She asked.

"Because it's obvious." Robb said.

"What if I told you that my father sold lace on the long bridge? And that my mother, brother and I lived with him above our shop." Talisa said.

"I'd call you a liar." Robb replied.

"Not very noble to accuse a lady of dishonesty." Talisa said as Robb pointed out she confirmed she was a lady. "I always thought I was a brilliant liar."

"Better at amputations I'm afraid." Robb said as the two enjoyed each other's company. They spoke about the future movement of Robb's forces and Robb even asked for her company at dinner but that was when his mother arrived.

"Robb." Cat said.

"Mother." Robb said, happy to see her again. He hugged her close as he introduced her to Talisa. "Mother, this is Lady Talisa. She's been helping with the wounded and has been very helpful."

"Lady Talisa." Cat greeted her.

"Lady Stark." Talisa replied. Talisa then left as Cat looked at her son and smiled.

"I've missed you." Robb said.

"Yes, you look positively worried." Cat joked.

"You surprised me, that's all." Robb said. "Didn't think I'd see you today."

"I wish that you were free to follow your heart." Cat said. "You have inherited your father's responsibilities, and I'm afraid they come at a cost. You…are promised to another. A debt that must be paid."

"I know." Robb said.

"Well, I also have some good news. Naruto is returning to King's Landing with a force of the Tyrell's and some Baratheons. He now has the means to aid us in this war, once he deals with Stannis." Cat told him.

"Good." Robb said.

"How was the defense of the North?" Cat asked.

"Good. Theon is remaining up North with Ser Rodrik and Bran to keep a watch over the North. They were able to repel the attacks by the Greyjoys, but something tells me that they will try again." Robb said.

"Well, hopefully they've given up. Now I have another message straight from Naruto and Jaime Lannister is to remained unharmed while he is our prisoner. Naruto has plans for him." Cat said as she handed him the note Naruto gave her. Robb read the note and a smile began to appear on his face.

Dear Robb,

Well done on your progress and victories against the Lannisters. Your father would be proud. Even though hearing the news of your declaration to become King of the North has caused some more problems, I'm proud of how far you've come. But even though you want to be King in the North and have the North under a separate rule, you have to understand that will cause a lot more problems in the future. Now that you have declared yourself a separate kingdom, the other 6 will flock to do so as well and I can't govern a nation that is completely divided: I need to maintain a sense of order and hierarchy.

Believe me, I understand why the Northerners would want to separate themselves but there are ways for you to achieve what you want and to remove the possible problems we could face in the future. A treaty and alliance between the king of the North and the King of Westeros could solve that. But until there is a time that it seems peaceful enough for me to leave King's Landing and come to see you in person and not as a clone, that will have to wait. I have to deal with Stannis's attempt to take the throne for himself but he will never be King. I also have plans for the Lannisters and for my plans to work, unfortunately for us, Jaime Lannister must stay alive.

Believe me, there is nothing that I would like more than to see him dead but that will have to wait. Keep him alive…for now and don't let anyone near him. He is a crafty and cunning liar and will do anything to escape. Look after your troops and your people. A King's first responsibility is to his people. Do not engage Casterly Rock or Lannisport, keep the Lannisters on the defensive but do not take the offensive. Something tells me that if you do, the tide of the war will turn against us. Also keep an eye on the Greyjoy fleet, they will not stop until they take the North.

Stay safe, Naruto

Robb smiled as he read the letter and looked to his mother. "Do you think Naruto will really do it? Take that kind of responsibility?" Robb asked.

"He's already has experience ruling, it's just to make it official." Cat said.

"Alright, we'll adjust our plans and Jaime Lannister will be kept alive for now." Robb said.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in King's Landing, a memorial service was held for Renly Baratheon. His body was moved to the Sept of Baelor as the Silent Sisters performs funeral rights and the Priests of the Sept was reciting prayers for Renly's spirit. Naruto, Margaery, Loras and many others were in attendance for Renly's funeral as Loras and Margaery watched seeing the King being buried next to his brother, Robert. When they service was over, Naruto had Grand Maester Pycelle send out a raven to every lord in the 7 Kingdoms and explain what Stannis did. Using the Red Woman to make a Shadow demon and consorting with the Dark arts, and that he killed his brother, Renly. Stannis was the kinslayer and as acting Regent of King's Landing and the 7 kingdoms, Naruto declared that Stannis was unfit for the throne and has no right to it.

After the funeral, Margaery and Loras returned to the Red Keep while Naruto, Ser Barristan, Cleaber, Kurama and Brienne were walking through the city, taking note of what would need to be done to prepare against the attack. Naruto watched as the people of King's Landing went through their daily activities and he needed to make sure that they were kept safe and away from the fight.

"What you thinking about, Kit?" Kurama asked.

"Just some ideas about the coming attack. We're going to need to keep the people safe and away from the fighting." Naruto said.

"We can lock down the gates to each part of the city and have some guards around to keep the people off the streets, Lord Naruto. That will keep the civilians away from the fighting." Ser Cleaber said.

"Good idea. We can have some of the City Watch patrolling areas to keep people off the streets." Naruto said as a man walked up to the group.

"Ah Lord Naruto, wonderful to meet you. I am Wisdom Hallyne of the Alchemists' Guild." Hallyne said as he bowed.

"Nice to meet you as well." Naruto said.

"I heard you are preparing the city to defend against Stannis Baratheon and I believe I may have something that will help you immensely." Hallyne said as he led Naruto and the others to the guilds headquarters.

Naruto, Brienne, Barristan and Cleaber were escorted into the Alchemists guild building as Hallyne handed a small jar containing Wildfire: a very powerful and dangerous flammable substance.

"Huh, I've never actually seen it, only read about it." Naruto said as he looked at the liquid.

"You know I heard an old sailor proverb: piss on wildfire and your cock burns off." Ser Cleaber joked.

"Well I have never conducted such an experiment but it may be true. The substance burns so hot it melts wood, stone, even steel and of course flesh. The substance burns so hot it burns flesh in minutes." Hallyne said as Naruto handed the Wildfire back to him. "After the dragons died, Wildfire was the key to the Targaryen power."

"So how do we use it?" Ser Barristan asked.

"The jars are placed in catapults and flung at the enemy." Hallyne said.

"If we can get soldiers to man the catapults, then we might the target 1 time out of 10 but in a battle things can get a bit messy. We fling them at him, Stannis flings it back and causes chaos, and with Wildfire we run the risk of burning the men who are trying to protect the city." Ser Cleaber said.

"He's right. Using them as catapult ammunition is too risky. But…maybe we can use it in another way. How much do you have?" Naruto asked.

"I last checked our reserves at around 1000 jars. And that is the Wildfire that hasn't been used since a Targaryen sat on the throne." Hallyne said.

"That may be all we need. Gather the pots together and await for further instructions." Naruto told him.

"Yes, my lord." Hallyne said with a bow. Naruto, Barristan, Cleaber, Brienne and Kurama left the Alchemists' guild and walked through the city and up to the docks.

"What are you thinking, your grace?" Brienne asked.

"Stannis knows King's Landing. He's knows the city, he knows where the walls are strongest and where the gates are weakest. He'll know exactly where and how hard to hit us. And he won't stop until he kills us all." Naruto said.

"So how do we stop him?" Ser Barristan asked as Naruto looked out Blackwater Bay and the small parts of beach leading up to the wall.

"We keep his ships from entering Blackwater Bay. We force him outside the walls and we don't let him inside. We use the Wildfire to decimate his fleet, and force him to come ashore." Naruto said as he pointed out where they would set up the attack.

"We can have the archers set up along the walls to thin out his numbers. But the beach is still quite large." Ser Cleaber said.

"Obstructions and obstacles would be able to funnel Stannis's troops exactly where we want them. Stannis knows that the sea is the best option to take King's Landing and we use that to our advantage. Get soldiers geared to reinforce the walls and create spiked obstacles along the beach line. They'll funnel his soldiers exactly where we want them." Naruto said as they nodded.

"Yes, Your grace." Ser Cleaber said.

"But we'll have to prepare to fight on two fronts. Stannis will most likely keep us occupied by the sea so he can divert his troops to the mud gate. It's the weakest of the gates and a good ram could have it down soon." Naruto said.

"We set up an ambush. Destroy his troops and the ram at the same time." Ser Barristan said.

"Exactly. Come, we've got work to do." Naruto said as they walked back to the Red Keep to discuss strategy. Naruto had Ser Loras accompany them since he would speak for his troops. Grand Maester Pycelle gathered all of the gate and tunnel maps of the city as well as architectural information for the walls.

"Ser Loras, we've come up with a plan to fight Stannis when he arrives. Since you represent your troops, you will need to know the plan." Naruto said as Loras nodded.

"So what do we do?" Loras asked.

"Stannis has a fleet of 200 hundreds sailing here. He'll want to use the sea advantage to take the city. He'll sail his ships into Blackwater Bay, which will give him the most direct access to land his troops and take the city. We'll have several ships guarding parts of the wall that have no beach access so Stannis can't send in smaller boats to flank." Naruto said as he pointed to the part of the bay that had no beach access.

"Then we send in a ship filled with Wildfire and sail it right into Stannis's fleet and blow it and most of his ships to hell." Ser Cleaber said.

"Cutting off Stannis's fleet from the rest of the bay." Loras said.

"Exactly. Stannis cannot risk to send in more ships with the Wildfire spreading so he'll want to send his troops ashore, here." Naruto said, pointing to the closest part of the beach in Blackwater Bay. "He'll have his troops march up to the wall and try to secure the beach."

"We'll have traps spread along the beach line to thin his troops and funnel them where we want them." Barristan said.

"With the failed beach attack, Stannis will need to try and take a gate to let his troops into the city. The Mud gate would be the best target. It's the smallest and weakest out of the others. He'll have his troops move there to bring it down." Naruto said as he pointed to the gate on the map.

"Fortunately the gate also provides the perfect flanking opportunity. There are some secret tunnels that Maester Pycelle found that haven't been in use since the Targaryens rule the city. We can have our archers set up there and Stannis won't even know." Brienne said.

"Then all we have to do is keep Stannis from breaking the Mud Gate. We push him back enough, his troops won't want to fight anymore." Naruto said.

"Nice." Loras commented.

"Loras, have your best archers manned on the wall's near the beach here," Naruto said pointing on the map. "and have a group by the mud gate as well."

"Right." Loras said.

"The City Watch will man the walls as well and the rest of our forces will deploy along the wall providing more support and when the time comes, I'll lead the charge against Stannis's forces." Naruto said.

"Your grace, perhaps it would be best if you stayed by the wall and oversaw the fight." Brienne suggested.

"She has a point, my Lord. If you fall in battle, we'll most definitely lose this fight." Ser Cleaber said.

"I appreciate your concern, but I'm not sending soldiers into a battle that I am not fighting in. I ask that no man does anything that I am not willing to do." Naruto said as they smiled.

"Spoken like a true King, Your grace." Ser Barristan said as Naruto smiled.

"All right, Loras, talk to your troops and have them reinforce and stock the walls with ammunition." Naruto said as Loras nodded.

"Got it." Loras said.

"Cleaber, work with Grand Maester Pycelle and have the City Watch organized on what they will do. Also have food and supplies stocked in the shelters and spread the word to the populace that those who want, can wait out the battle in the shelters." Naruto said.

"Yes, my lord." Cleaber said.

"Brienne, Barristan, get men to begin the construction of the traps along the beach and mud gate." Naruto said.

"Yes, your grace." Brienne said.

"That will be all. You all have your duties." Naruto said as they all left save for Ser Barristan.

"Something I can help you with Ser Barristan?" Naruto asked.

"Do you still intend to go to the meeting with the Lannisters tomorrow?" Ser Barristan asked.

"Yes I do. Despite what the Lannister Family has done, there are still innocent people at risk. Tommen and Myrcella are innocent children and cannot be held responsible for their family's actions. I've asked Robb to hold Jaime for now and when the time is right, I'll bring him here to King's Landing to stand the King's Justice." Naruto said.

"Better done by a King." Ser Barristan said.

"I decided that it is best to wait." Naruto said.

"Well I believe that the opposite is better. King's Landing needs a king and with Renly's death, there is no better person to sit on the throne." Ser Barristan said. "If you take the crown, your troops will flock to fight for a just King. And the other kingdoms will come to your side to fight with a ruler who knows what he is doing." Ser Barristan said as Naruto thought for a second.

"I will take you and Brienne with me to the meeting tomorrow." Naruto said as Barristan looked at him. "And inform Grand Maester Pycelle that when we return…it is time." Naruto said as Barristan smiled.

"Yes, your grace." Barristan said with a smiled.

Ser Barristan opened the door to leave and saw Margaery there about to knock. "Oh, forgive me, Ser Barristan." Margaery said.

"It's quite alright. I was just leaving." Ser Barristan said with a smile as he left and Naruto saw her walk in.

"Margaery, how are you?" Naruto asked.

"Fine, thank you and thank you for the service for Renly." Margaery said.

"It was my pleasure. Renly is now at peace with his brother. And maybe the two can mend fences." Naruto said as he looked over the maps as Margaery walked in and saw him work.

"Hard at work?" Margaery asked.

"Yes. Some work to be done to prepare for Stannis's attack. I also have to make sure that the civilian quarters are kept safe and they have food set aside during the attack. I also have to deal with the Lannisters tomorrow." Naruto said as he rubbed his forehead.

"The hard work of a king. I was told that the small Council did most of his work." Margaery said.

"Yes, well that was how Robert rule. He may have been my friend but the man was a better soldier then King. He nearly had half the Kingdom in debt to the Lannisters and their coup would have worked if I was not here." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"Quite admirable of you, Naruto. Looking over a city yourself when you could have men do it for you." Margaery said with a smile as Naruto smiled back.

"Well a King's first responsibility is to his people and when a King treats his people with respect, they return the favor in kind." Naruto said.

"I've noticed. The way the people of the city look at you. How they hold up your banner in pride and the children praise and cheer your name." Margaery said.

"Not quite the city you were expecting is it?" Naruto asked as she smiled.

"No, not quite how I imagined King's Landing. You hear these tales of how the city only favors the elite and the noble." Margaery said as she walked around.

"Hopefully, those tales have been put to rest since your time here?" Naruto asked.

"They have and been replaced with new ones. Ones filled with the glorious deeds and wisdom of the ruling Regent of Lord Naruto of the House Uzumaki. The Rider of the Ferocious Fox." Margaery said as Naruto smirked.

"Glorious deeds and wisdom of the ruling Regent? You flatter." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"I only speak the truth." Margaery said as she looked at the table. "Are you prepared for battle?"

"Yes. I have met with everyone including your brother and we are getting ready. I thank you again for your family's part in defending King's Landing." Naruto said.

"It's was Renly would have wanted." Margaery said.

"And when we are victorious, I shall see the favor returned. But if you should wish to, you may ride back to Highgarden. I will have a group of soldiers escort you back to your family." Naruto said.

"Thank you for the offer but my place is with my brother and I will not leave if he stays to fight." Margaery said.

"I hope you don't mean to fight." Naruto said.

"Oh no, but I will be here when you and Loras go off to fight and will be here when you stand victorious." Margaery said as Naruto smiled.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Qarth, Daenerys and Xaro were waiting for a meeting with the Spice King to discuss the possibility that she could use his ships to sail back to Westeros.

"He shouldn't make me wait." Daenerys said.

"The Spice King is the second wealthiest man is Qarth. He makes everyone wait. Of course, you could have avoided this embarrassment is you married the wealthiest man in Qarth." Xaro said.

"I already have a husband." She said.

"Khal Drogo is gone, Khaleesi. You are far to young to be a widow forever. And far to beautiful." Xaro said.

"And you are far to smart to think that I will succumb to flattery." Daenerys said.

"I have traveled very far in my life and met many women, none are immune to flattery." Xaro said as they saw the Spice King approach.

"The Mother of Dragons! Forgive me, I had terrible dreams last night, terrible dreams, I could not sleep until the sun was shining and the birds were singing. Look what a beauty you are now that the Red Waste has been washed off you. I am sorry about all that, unpleasantness. The silver hair, of a true Targaryen. Xaro Xhoan Daxos, she is far to lovely for a glorified dock worker like yourself." The Spice King said.

"Very true. And yet they say that your grandfather who sold pepper of the back of a wagon married a lady far lovelier and higher born than himself." Xaro said.

"Every lady alive was lovelier and higher born than my grandfather. Do my servants not offer you something to eat? To drink? I'll have them flock to the square—" "Thank you, my lord you are a gracious host but there is no servant alive that can bring me what I want." Daenerys said.

"Oh, she has a talent for drama this one. So my little princess, what is it you want?" The Spice king asked.

"My birthright, the 7 Kingdoms of Westeros." She said.

"I fear I'm no better than a servant in this regard. I cannot give you what I do not have." The Spice King told her.

"I'm not asking you for the Kingdoms, I'm asking you for ships. I need to cross the Narrow Sea." She told him.

"I need my ships as well. I use them, you see, to bring spices from one port to another." The Spice King said.

"Whatever you give me I now, I promise you, you will be paid three times over when I retake the Iron Throne." She told him.

"Retake?" He asked. "Did you once sit on the Iron Throne?"

"My father sat there. Before he was murdered." Daenerys said.

"But if you did not sit on it yourself, wouldn't it be correct to say take the Iron Throne." The Spice King pointed out.

"I didn't come here to argue grammar." Daenerys said.

"Of course not. You came here to take my ships. So let me explain my position princess, unlike you I do not have exalted ancestors. I make my living by trade, and I judge every trade on its merits. You ask for my ships, you say that I shall be repaid triple. I do not doubt your honesty or your intentions but before you repay your debts, you must seize the 7 Kingdoms. Do you have an army?" The Spice King asked.

"Not yet." She replied.

"You do not have an army. Do you have powerful allies in Westeros?" He asked.

"There are many there that support my claim." Daenerys said.

"When were you there last?" He asked.

"I left when I was a baby." She said.

"So in truth you have no allies." He pointed out.

"The people will flock to me when they hear of my return." She said.

"Ah, forgive me, little princess, but I cannot make an investment based on wishes and dreams. Now if you'll pardon me." The Spice King said as he left.

"Do you know the Magistar of Pentos?" She asked, getting him to stop.

"Yes, we've met. A shrewd man." The Spice King said.

"For my wedding, he gave me three petrified Dragon eggs. He believed, the world believed the ages had turned them to stone. How many centuries has it been since Dragons roamed the skies? But I dreamt, that if I carried those eggs into a great fire they would hatch—" "Let me stop you right there. I admire your passion, but in business I trust in logic, not passion. I'm sorry little princess." He said as he left.

"I am not your little princess. I am Daenerys Stormborn of the Blood of Old Valyria and I will take what is mine. With Fire and Blood I will take it!" She shouted.

"Yes, my lady. But not with my ships." The Spice King said.

Back with Jorah, he was at the docks trying to find a ship that would accept him and Daenerys and take them where they needed to go. He was also thinking about how she was becoming more trusting with her new friends and he didn't like it.

"Do not trust Xaro Xhoan Daxos." Jorah heard someone say as he turned to find the person as people walked passed him. "He has plans for Daenerys Targaryen and none of them are good." Jorah heard as he turned around, unsheathed his sword to see a cloaked figure leaning against a tree.

"Who are you?" Jorah asked as he pointed his sword at the figure.

"Someone who wants to help Daenerys Targaryen and you get what you want: a way home." The figure said as Jorah didn't trust him.

"What do you mean don't trust Xaro Xhoan Daxos?" Jorah asked.

"He's a merchant and a man who is fueled by wealth and power. Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons are the ultimate power prize and he wants that. He will keep her here in Qarth, weaken her forces to the point where he can take her right from under you." The figure said as he got off the tree. "Do not let that happen. Watch over her, protect her, do not leave her side. She will need you. The pieces are falling into place." The Figure said as the bell went off in the city and the soldiers moved to the gates.

"What's going on?" Jorah asked.

"It's already started. Go to her, Jorah Mormont. And if you should need me, I'll be there." The Figure said as some soldiers ran by in front of Jorah, obscuring his view. When the troops were gone, Jorah saw the figure was gone. He sheathed his sword and ran back to Daenerys.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Lannisport, Tyrion and a small group of solider escorts were at the gate, preparing to leave for the peace talk with Naruto. Tyrion got on his horse as Joffrey and Cersei came up to see him off.

"Well I'll be off, and hopefully when I return this war will be one more step to ending." Tyrion said.

"Good luck, and say hi to father for me. Stay close to father, you never know the dangerous surprises the road has in stall for you." Cersei told him as they watched Tyrion leave.

"Is everything in place, Mother?" Joffrey asked

"Yes it is. When the meeting is over, the Regent will be unfit to rule and we can take back what we deserve." Cersei said with a smirk.

Tywin and a small group of men had left Casterly Rock to join with Tyrion on the road to the neutral meeting point. A small inn on the Gold road which connected King's Landing and Lannisport.

Naruto, Ser Barristan, Brienne and a small group of King's Guard were at the gates to King's Landing and were preparing to leave. They saddled their horses as Naruto got on Kurama as the people bid them good luck.

"Be careful, Naruto." Margaery said.

"I'll be fine. It's the Lannisters you should be worried about. Look after the people while I'm gone Ser Cleaber." Naruto said.

"Yes, Lord Naruto, and be careful." Cleaber said.

"Always am." Naruto said as the gates opened and the group rode off.

They rode along the rode, passing by beautiful scenery and some small groups of merchants coming to King's Landing. After about 2 and half hours of riding down the road, they came to the small inn that the owner was gracious enough to let Naruto use as a neutral ground in return for a payment of gold.

"Kurama anyone here?" Naruto asked as Kurama sniffed.

"Just the innkeeper and her workers. The Lannisters are just about to arrive." Kurama said as they saw Tyrion and Tywin arrive. Tywin was immediately shocked at the Ferocious Fox, an animal at least a foot taller than a great Stallion with a powerful aura surrounding it. He also laid eyes on Naruto for the first time.

He saw that Naruto was a strapping young man, tall, with blond hair and blue eyes. He could almost be mistaken for a Lannister because of the Blonde hair. He had a aura of authority and respectfulness, he stood up straight and presented himself in a very particular manner that suggested he was a strong and honorable young man.

Naruto turned to Brienne and Ser Barristan. "Keep an eye out, something feels off." Naruto told them as they nodded. They got off their horses as the Lannisters did the same. Naruto walked up to Tyrion and the two shook hands.

"Naruto, it's good to see you." Tyrion said with a smile.

"Good to see you as well, Tyrion. I actually have a gift." Naruto said as he pointed to the casket of wine. "A fresh shipment of the finest Dornish Wine came into King's Landing. A gesture of good faith." Naruto said.

"Thank you." Tyrion said as Tywin walked up. "May I introduce my father. Tywin, son of Tytos of House Lannister. Lord of Casterly Rock."

Naruto stuck his hand out. "Nice to meet you, Lord Tywin." Naruto said as Tywin shook his hand.

"And you as well, Lord Naruto." Tywin said.

"Well, shall we go inside and get started." Tyrion said as they walked into the inn. The innkeeper greeted them.

"Hello, my lords. Welcome, can I fetch you anything?" she asked.

"No that's alright. Thank you though. Some privacy is all we require." Naruto said as the innkeeper nodded and left. Naruto had some troops outside standing guard and so did Tywin. Naruto had Ser Barristan and Brienne with him as Tywin and Tyrion had Kevan Lannister and Lancel Lannister with them.

"Well, shall we get down to business. Naruto, thank you for agreeing to meet with us." Tyrion said.

"It if helps to end the war and prevent the death of innocent people then I am interested." Naruto said.

"Agreed." Tywin said.

"Good, then I will lay out some general things first. I have no interest in the injuries and death of innocent people on my conscience. So for the record, if we were to fight, the non-combatants would be unharmed. I have a strong distaste for senseless violence." Naruto said as Tyrion nodded and began to write things down.

"I was unaware you had gotten soft since you sat on the throne." Tywin said.

"It's not being soft, I don't enjoy the killing of innocent people. The men I've killed died for a reason, I don't take joy in killing children, something you failed to pass onto your children it would seem." Naruto said as Tywin took some offense to that.

"I would watch your tone with me boy. I may have agreed to this meeting but watch who you talk to like that." Tywin warned him.

"It wasn't an insult at all, Lord Tywin. I have never met you so I cannot ridicule someone I don't know. Your children however are a much different story. Your oldest son, Jaime attacked me and Ned Stark in broad daylight and killed many Stark men. Your daughter tried to have Ned Stark killed and succeeded in it since he is no longer amongst us. Not to mention the two attempted attacks against King's Landing ordered by your eldest daughter and you, I might add." Naruto said as Tywin looked at him.

"And unfortunately the apples don't fall far from the tree as your oldest grandson Joffrey, seems to have inherited their idiocy, by ordering attacks against me twice." Naruto pointed out as Tywin was somewhat insulted but the accusations were true. His children, proud members of the Lannister House.

"The mistakes of my children and I have made cannot be undone and I am sorry for sending those men after you. But, if you are willingly to move on, hopefully we can move past that. Joffrey has the ruling right to the throne as his blood is of Robert Baratheon, the previous King. His right is to rule on the throne." Tywin said as Naruto chuckled. "Have I made a joke?"

"No, but I find it amusing that your daughter was able to persuade you away from the truth. Everyone in the 7 Kingdoms knows the truth, so does she, yet she would continue to state that a boy born of incest has a right to rule. Funny, really." Naruto said.

"Joffrey is Robert's son. He is the heir to the throne." Tywin said as Naruto shook his head.

"Perhaps you would best understand this claim if heard from your daughters mouth." Naruto said as he pulled out the scroll and played the message that had Cersei admit that Joffrey was her's and Jaime's. "Jon Arryn found out the truth and he died because of it. Ned Stark found out and she tried to have him killed and your children would do anything to keep this secret from getting out. Even to go as far as to kill a 10 year old boy." Naruto said as he played the recording of Jaime admitting to pushing Bran out the window and swearing he would kill anyone to be with his sister.

Tywin was shocked to hear it, even though they were recordings, it was his daughters voice, he couldn't deny that. Jaime's voice was also spot on and the idea that this could be true brought Tywin sick to his stomach. "It's rather interesting that no one put it together in the first place, even Robert. All Baratheon's have been Black of hair and eyes until Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella who are blonde of hair and green of eyes. That only happens if Robert didn't bed your daughter." Naruto told him as Tywin thought about it for a second and the evidence seemed to pile up against Cersei's claim that the evidence was false.

"Naruto speaks the truth father. Everyone knows about Jaime and Cersei. No one speaks out, out of fear of Cersei but Naruto speaks the truth. Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella are not Robert's children but Jaime's." Tyrion said as Tywin looked at him.

"I'm sorry that you had to find out this way and not from the words of your children, but it is true. Robert has no direct heirs to the throne. Your daughter knew that but would do anything to sit on the throne." Naruto told him.

"My children." Tywin said as he put his head in this hands.

"I would not put your family name in ruin just yet. Your son Tyrion is much more honorable then the other two. Despite his size, he is just as much a Lannister as you are. And it seems he's been doing well, ruling in Lannisport from what I've heard." Naruto said as Tyrion smiled.

"Let's keep moving on with the terms." Tywin said trying to change the subject to give him more time to think.

"Right, Robb Stark as of the moment, has Jaime Lannister captive. And his forces have been successful in the battles and are pushing closer and closer to Casterly Rock. I have sent a message to Robb, and should you accept terms of surrender, you son may be released." Naruto said.

"You could get Robb Stark to let my son go free?" Tywin asked.

"Not free. I'm afraid, Lord Tywin, your son has several crimes he needs to stand trial for. The attempted murder of Brandon Stark of Winterfell, the attacks against me and the Starks, and for conspiracy in the death of Jon Arryn." Naruto said.

"Do you think I would allow you to take my son and ostracize him like the village idiot?" Tywin asked.

"It's that or death. This chance, Jaime has the opportunity to go with some honor. And I'm afraid that there is the matter your daughter had to play but I will leave that punishment up to you." Naruto told him as Tywin was fuming in frustration. His entire legacy he left behind was horrid, the incest grandchildren born by two murderers and deceitful liars.

"I am sorry, Lord Tywin. But there is a chance for the Lannister House to rise up out of this. Stop the war and accept peace, to prevent the death of thousands of innocent people. If you continue this war, your legacy will die when Robb Stark and I am forced to end this. Broker for peace, and you can build up the Lannister House reputation again, and on your terms." Naruto said.

"You understand that a man's legacy is the most important." Tywin said.

"It is. My father sacrificed himself to save the village he ruled. He gave up his life the day I was born so that I could live, and hoped that I would carry on his legacy. And he was right. When this war is over you could be known as Tywin Lannister the man who died in battle and with it, House Lannister. Or you could be known as Tywin Lannister, the man who helped broker peace and save the 7 Kingdoms." Naruto told him as Tywin thought for a second.

"What would this treaty entail?" Tywin asked, not noticing that the bushes and trees outside were moving.

"If we can come to an understanding, House Lannister will be allowed to live—" Naruto was cut off when heard a crossbow bolt fire. It came through the window and at Naruto's head but Naruto reached up and grabbed it before it hit.

"Ambush!" Naruto heard a soldier yell outside as Naruto stood up and he, Barristan and Brienne drew their swords.

"Naruto, this wasn't me! I didn't plan this!" Tyrion yelled as more crossbow bolts were shot into the room but Kurama ran in and caught them with his tails. He then threw them back outside, and they killed the archers hidden in the trees.

"Kit, we're under attack!" Kurama yelled as he ran back outside. Naruto, Brienne and Barristan followed as they ran outside to see a large group of Lannister soldiers but also a group of unknown soldiers as well. They saw Naruto and two charged at him as Naruto flipped over them and delivered a wide sword slash and slashed their necks, causing blood to fly out.

Barristan and Brienne attacked the soldiers, blocking and slashing their way through the group of soldiers after them. Kurama roared, pouncing, tearing apart Lannister men and using his tails like spears and impaling foolish soldiers. Naruto blocked a sword strike, rolled forward, put his sword in reverse grip and stabbed the soldier in the stomach. Naruto blocked another slash as the punched the man in the face, kneed him in the stomach, rolled over his back and kicked a charging attacker. Naruto then spun his sword as he rolled over and stabbed the soldier in the back. Naruto then drew three kunai and threw them at three soldiers killing them and decapitated one more as Barristan and Brienne killed their last attackers.

Naruto looked around and saw that none of his men were killed, some with a few scrapes but no causalities. He also noticed that no Lannister man that Tyrion and Tywin brought with them were attacked. This was an attack against him. Tyrion and Tywin walked outside to see the dead Lannister soldiers and to see some unknown soldiers as well.

"Naruto, you must understand! I didn't order this attack! I would never!" Tyrion told Naruto.

"I believe you. Your not stupid to try and attack me." Naruto joked as Tyrion chuckled. "But we know who is."

"Your grace, this one is still alive." Brienne said as Naruto and Tyrion walked over to see an injured man. He had a deep laceration on his leg and a stab wound in his side.

"Tyrion didn't order you to attack me. Who did?!" Naruto asked as he grabbed the man's collar, but the man spit in his face.

"I'll never tell!" The man said.

"That wasn't very nice." Naruto said as he punched the man in the face hard. Ser Barristan and Brienne held the man as Tyrion walked up.

"Who ordered you to attack Naruto?!" Tyrion asked.

"Piss off, half man. I'm not telling!" The soldier said as Brienne punched him in the face.

"Who ordered the attack?" Tywin asked as the soldier saw Lord Tywin.

"Lord Tywin. Please… I was ordered…I didn't want to." The soldier said, afraid of the power that Tywin held in the Lannister house.

"Who ordered the attack or so help me your death will be nothing compared to your family's." Tywin said as the man became a little frantic.

"Lady Cersei and Prince Joffrey. They ordered us to attack and kill him." The man said as he pointed at Naruto.

"Well, you shouldn't have listened." Tywin said as he unsheathed his sword and stabbed the man in the heart. "My legacy." Tywin said in frustration.

"Well it seems that my dear sister, it not going to stop until you are dead and Joffrey sits on the throne." Tyrion told Naruto.

"Well considered that this is her fourth attempt and it's failed, I don't think that will happen." Naruto said as he sheathed his sword.

"Your grace, you should see this." One of King's Guard said as Naruto walked over.

"What is it?" Naruto asked.

"This one attacked us as well but he's not a Lannister." The Guard said as he showed Naruto the sigil the man had on his armor. The sigil of a Kraken. "Look Familiar."

"Greyjoys, but why?" Barristan asked.

"It would seem that Cersei has used the wealth of the Lannisters to get new allies. They help her take me out, she lets them destroy the North. After all, a Lannister always pays his debt." Naruto said as he looked at Tywin.

"Let's get out of here and return to King's Landing." Naruto told his men. "Bring your daughter and grandson to heel or they'll will join these men in death." Naruto told Tywin.

"I am sorry, Naruto." Tyrion said.

"When you bring your family to heel, we will see if Peace is a possibility." Naruto said as they got on his horses and left.

"I like him." Tywin said as Tyrion chuckled and they left.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Qarth, Daenerys is frantic at the discovery that most of her people were killed, including Irri, and that her dragons were taken. She sent out men to look as she saw Jorah return. She saw that he was breathing heavily, having run from the docks.

"You came back." She said.

"As soon as I heard. Do you know anything?" Jorah asked as she shook her head no.

"Irri is dead." Daenerys said.

"I know. She was a good—" "She's dead. She died alone, she died for me and I couldn't protect her." Daenerys said.

"Doreah?" Jorah asked.

"We can't find her. She must be dead too. I led my people out of the Red Waste and into the slaughter house." Daenerys said.

"I should have been here." Jorah told her.

"You went to find me a ship." Daenerys said.

"My place, is by your side. I shouldn't have left you alone with these people." Jorah said.

"These people?" Daenerys asked.

"They are not to be trusted." Jorah told her.

"And who is to be trusted? Who are my people? The Targaryens? I only knew one, my brother and he would have let a 1,000 men rape me if it had gotten him the crown. The Dothraki? Most of them turned on me the day that Khal Drogo fell from his horse." Daenerys said.

"Your people are in Westeros." Jorah told her.

"The people in Westeros don't know I'm alive." Daenerys said.

"They will soon enough." Jorah said.

"And then what? They'll pray for my return, they'll wave dragon banners and shout my name. It's what my brother believed in, he was a fool." Daenerys said.

"You are not your brother, trust me Khaleesi." Jorah said.

"There it is. Trust me. And it's you I should trust, Ser Jorah. Only you. I don't need trust any longer." Daenerys said. "I don't want it and I don't have room for it."

"You are too young to—" "And you are too familiar!" Daenerys told him, stopped him from touching her shoulder.

"Forgive me, Khaleesi. No one can survive in this world without help. No one. Let me help you. Please. Tell me how?" Jorah asked.

"Find my dragons." She told him as Jorah left.

Line Break xxxxx

Naruto and his group returned to King's Landing and the people were glad to see them alive.

"How did the peace talk go, my lord?" Ser Cleaber asked.

"It didn't. Cersei tried to have me killed again." Naruto said as he got off Kurama.

"I guess we won't have peace with the Lannisters." Ser Cleaber said.

"If Tywin doesn't bring his daughter to heel, we won't. Hopefully he'll bring her down and maybe we can talk but not now. We have other matters to attend to." Naruto said as Cleaber nodded.

"Grand Maester Pycelle has gathered the priests from the Sept and are waiting for you, your grace." Cleaber said.

"Very well. Let a new king rule." Naruto said as they smiled and walked to the Red Keep.

The people of the city heard the rumors of what was going on and cheered for their new ruler. They shouted and praised Naruto's name as Naruto waved and smiled back. They got to Red Keep and walked in to the throne room to see a large gathering of the city people who were in attendance. Naruto and his group walked into the room as the people turned to him and smiled and bowed. Naruto saw Margaery and Loras and nodded to them. He saw Grand Maester Pycelle near the throne with the Priest of the Sept who was going to do the ceremony.

Naruto walked up the steps of the throne and turned to face the people. The Priest addressed the people and began the ceremony. "By the light of the 7, may the gods watch over and protect you as you take the role of guardian of the realm. May you be the light in the valley of darkness, may you be the warrior to defend us. May the gods grant you strength and courage. May the father help him bring justice to the enemies who would seek to do him harm. May the warrior grant him courage and protect him in this peril less times. May the smith grant him strength, so he might carry this heavy burden. May the crone, she that knows the fate of all men, show him the path he must walk, a guide him through the dark places that lie ahead. In the light of the 7, I now proclaim Naruto of the House Uzumaki, First of his name, King of the Andals and the First men, and Lord of the 7 kingdoms." The priest said as he put the crown on Naruto's head. "Long may he reign!" The priest said.

"Long may he reign!" The people repeated as they clapped and cheered loudly for their new king.

Naruto looked at Ser Barristan and nodded. He smiled as he winked at Margaery who was smiling at him. Now that he was King, he would defend his kingdom at all costs, even his own life.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Lannisport, Tyrion and Tywin rode through the gates as they got off their horses. Tywin ordered to have his daughter and grandson Joffrey brought to Tyrion's chambers immediately.

Tywin and Tyrion walked into the Tyrion's chambers and Tyrion threw his coat in frustration. Tywin grabbed some wine and gulped it down as his daughter and grandson put him in a very difficult situation. Cersei and Joffrey walked in with some guards as Tywin saw them.

"Leave us." Tywin ordered the guards as he left.

"Hello father. Glad to see you after so long." Cersei said.

"I thought I'd stop by after the peace meeting." Tywin said.

"And how did it go?" Cersei asked as Tywin threw his cup against the wall, shocking her.

"Fine, until the moment my men, ordered by you ambushed the meeting." Tywin told her as she tried to keep up the guise of innocent.

"I don't know what your talking about." She said.

Tywin then slapped her in the face as she was shocked. "All my life, I've live thinking my children were my great legacy. I was wrong to put my faith in you. Thinking the horrid rumors about you and Jaime weren't true because of the faith I had in you but I was wrong." Tywin said.

"Father, I—" "Enough! I've had enough of your lies and schemes! Making schemes with the Greyjoys to kill the ruling Regent in your pointless and claimless schemes to sit your bastard son on the throne!" Tywin yelled out.

"I am the King!" Joffrey yelled. "And my aging Grandfather will not keep me from that!" Joffrey yelled as Tywin smacked him.

"You are a bastard of incest, not a king!" Tywin yelled as Joffrey stormed out.

"Father whatever lies you were told—" "They aren't lies, dear sister. We both know that." Tyrion said.

"Quiet, you little monster!" Cersei told him.

"Tyrion is the only one among you has not brought shame to his house. You and Jaime together, the attempted murder of the Stark boy, the relentless attacks against the crown, and for what. The Lannisters have no claim to throne. If only I saw that sooner." Tywin said as he opened the door to get his guards. "Take my daughter to her room and do not let her out unless I command you and so help me if you even think of disobeying me." Tywin ordered as they dragged Cersei away.

"Ugh, this whole situation is getting more complicated." Tywin said as Tyrion poured him a glass of wine.

"Well, now that you know the truth, perhaps we can rise out of it." Tyrion said.

"The first step will be to talk with Naruto and possibly end this war." Tywin said.

"That won't be easy. With Cersei's scheme to ally ourselves with the Greyjoys, the Northerners have even more of a reason to continue the war. I believe we will have to do a lot of work to fix Cersei's foolish attempt to take power." Tyrion said.

"You know what's funny, is that if I had to choose between my family and Naruto as of right now, without family ties to bind me, I would choose Naruto in a heart beat. " Tywin said.

"As would I." Tyrion said as the father and son began to slowly repair their bond.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Qarth, Jorah asked around trying to find out who stole Daenerys's dragons. Jorah asked Quaithe of Asshai and she tells him that the person who stole the dragons is with Daenerys right now as Jorah ran back. Daenerys was with Kovarro and Xaro as she pleaded with the 13th about information on where he dragons could be.

"I did not leave the comfort of my home to come to yours and be called a thief." The Spice King told Xaro.

"No one is calling you a thief." Xaro said.

"Who is she to accuse us?" The Spice king said.

"Please, they're my children. I'm begging you." Daenerys said.

"Begging us? It wasn't very long ago you were threatening us." A member said.

"Without me, the dragons will die." Daenerys said.

"It would be for the best. Your dragons will bring the world nothing but death and misery, and my dear, if I knew where they were I would not tell you." The Spice king said.

"You are cruel, my friend. The Mother of Dragons is in the right. She must be reunited with her babies. I will help you, Khaleesi." Pyat said.

"How?" she asked.

"I will take you to the house of the undying…where I have put them." Pyat said as Daenerys was shocked.

"You have my dragons?" She asked.

"When I learned you were coming to our city, I made an arrangement with the King of Qarth. He procured them for me." Pyat said.

"But there is no king of Qarth." Daenerys said as Xaro stood up.

"There is now, that was the other half of the arrangement. You would keep your gates and your minds closed to everything outside your walls. But Qarth cannot remain the greatest city there ever was if it refuses to change. I will open Qarth to the world as I have forced itself to open to me." Xaro said as Daenerys moved to Kovarro's side as he drew his sword.

"Your ambition is an inspiration. But like all upstarts, you overreach. Three dragons the size of cats and an alliance with a charlatan do not make you a king." The Spice King said."

"An upstart and a charlatan? Empires have been built by less. Those on the margins often come to control the center, and those in the center make room for them, willingly or otherwise." Xaro said as Pyat stepped forward.

"The mother of dragons will be with her babies. She will give them her love and they will thrive by her side…forever." Pyat said as he used his magic to create duplicates of himself and have them slit the throats of all the members of the 13, save for Xaro. All of the members of the 13 fall over dead as Kovarro and Daenerys flee.

They ran to the exit as another duplicate appears before Daenerys. Kovarro moved in front of her as Jorah appeared and impaled Pyat in the back with his sword. "A mother should be with her children." Pyat said as he disappeared and the clothes fell to the floor. He then reappeared by the window. "Where will you run to, Daenerys—" Pyat was cut off when an arrow sailed through the air and hit him in the heart. A blue seal was on the arrow as it activated and completely encased Pyat in ice. Daenerys, Jorah and Kovarro turned to see a hooded and cloaked figure standing by the door holding a bow.

"Come with me if you want to live." The figure said as Daenerys was reluctant but Jorah nodded to her and they followed. The figure led through the city, through streets and back alleys until they stopped by a small shelter in an alley. It was a simple and modest lean-to, with a fire and food. Daenerys and Jorah stopped there while the figure kept a look out.

"I told you that Xaro shouldn't be trusted." The figure said as Jorah looked at him.

"Perhaps if you would have been a little more forthcoming with more information, then your advice would have been better taken." Jorah said as Daenerys walked up.

"Jorah, who is this?" Daenerys asked as Kovarro still had his sword out.

"I mean you no harm, Daenerys Targaryen. My name is Menma, I'm here to help." Menma said.

"Why?" Daenerys asked.

"Because I'm curious about you. And I hold no love for the warlocks of Qarth or men who would scheme and plot to achieve power." Menma said.

"How can I trust a man who does not show his face? Remove your mask and hood." Daenerys said as Menma did. He put his bow down and removed his hood and face mask to reveal long, spiky black hair, black eyes, and a large scar that ran from his forehead to his lip. (Think Menma from Road to Ninja but with Ibiki's face scars)

"Satisfactory enough for you?" Menma asked.

"Yes, thank you." Daenerys said.

"Don't mention it. Xaro has taken your dragons and Pyat will scour the city until you are found. He needs you." Menma said.

"Why?" Jorah asked.

"Because until the dragons were born, the warlocks of Qarth had no power. Now that the dragons are reborn, their power has returned to them and will increase as long as they hold them captive." Menma said.

"How do you know this?" Daenerys asked.

"I've been sneaking around Qarth ever since the Xaro let you in. I figured the warlocks were going to plan something and I was right. You need to leave, you're not safe here. Pyat will not stop until he finds you." Menma told her.

"He's right, Khaleesi. We must leave. I found a ship with a good captain, we can sail for Astapor tomorrow." Jorah told her.

"I'm not leaving my children." Daenerys said.

"They are not your children. I know they call you the mother of dragons and I know you care for them, but you did not carry them, they did not suckle at your breast, they are dragons, Khaleesi." Jorah said.

"I'm not leaving without my dragons. I will get them back myself if I have to." Daenerys said.

"If you do that, you'll be doing exactly what they want you to. The Warlocks will be expecting you and if you step into the house of the undying, you will never leave." Jorah told her.

"Let them try. My magic is just as strong as theirs. I cannot leave the only children I will ever have." Daenerys told Jorah.

"If your serious about getting them back…I will take you to the House of the Undying and go in with you." Menma said as he put his bow on his back. "The Warlocks of Qarth may be strong, but not as strong as me." Menma said.

"Thank you." Daenerys said.

"But if we do this, we must be careful. The House of the Undying is enchanted with illusions that will twist your mind. You must be aware that was you may see, may not be real." Menma said.

"Let's go." Jorah said as they left and Menma led them to the house of the Undying.

End of Chapter 6

The Orange Flash in Westeros