
The Orange Flash of Westeros

After Naruto defeated Madara and the 10-tailed beast, Kami sent him to his new destiny in Westeros. Found by Robert and Ned, Naruto will face the battles for the 7 kingdoms. Now the Stags, Wolves and Lions must deal with the Fox as Naruto will shift the game for the Iron Throne. Story written by choejhulk9 who is a great author with several great stories that you should check it out. Unfortunately this story was abandoned.

Hyuga_Tobirama · 漫画同人
13 Chs

Chapter 5: The House Uzumaki Part II

Across the Narrow Sea in the land of Essos, one individual made his way to the new continent and was looking for someone. The figure was disguised in black cloak and hood. He arrived on a ship to Essos and made his way to the Dothraki Sea. The figure moved from settlements to towns and cities, asking information about where he might find the person he's looking for. The figure was riding a horse as he came across the very spot that was going to help him.

The figure got off his horse, he landed on the ground, showing his dark orange and black pants and boots. He had a belt with a sword attached, a knife, pouches and headband with a weird leaf as the buckle. He had a bow and quiver of arrows on his back as his face was obscured by his black hood and face mask that covered everything from the eyes down.

The figure looked around saw the tracks of tents and fire pits that were previously used. He also saw the burned wood and ash of a large pyre that was set up. He saw two skeletons, both burned to a crisp and pieces of cloth. The figure knelt down as he inspected the cloth and saw the charred pieces of cloth, but he was still able to see that whatever cloth it was, it belonged to a woman. The cloth was most likely silk or some type of fabric like that. The figure also saw what looked like cracked egg shells.

The figure pulled his hood off and lowered his mask to reveal it was Naruto…well one of Naruto's clones. Naruto sent a chakra infused clone to Essos to do some recon on the last Targaryens. Viserys was dead which meant that Daenerys was the only one remaining. When Naruto arrived, he asked around and followed the Dothraki trail of Khal Drogo until his death. Now he was tracking Daenerys who he was most likely sure, was still alive. He then saw foot prints walking towards the Red Waste. Naruto took a drink of water as he looked to the vast desert that was before him.

"Wonder where she was planning on going?" Naruto asked as he got back on his horse and rode into the waste and followed the tracks.

Daenerys and her group had made camp while she sent out three riders to find help and supplies. The first two didn't get anything as their heads were sent back as a warning. Now they wondered what happened to the third rider.

They heard a horse galloping up to them and got up to see the third rider return but on a different horse. "This isn't your horse." Daenerys said to him.

"It was given to me by the Thirteen. The Elders of Qarth." The Rider said.

"Qarth?" Daenerys asked.

"Three days to the east, on the sea." The rider said.

"Will they let us in?" She asked.

"They said they would be honored to receive the mother of Dragons." The rider said as he got the pouches of water he was given and handed them out.

"What do you know of this place?" Daenerys asked Mormont.

"Only that the desert surrounding their walls is called the Garden of Bones. Every time the Qarthians shut their gate on a traveler…the garden grows." Jorah told her as she needed to make a decision.

Daenerys ultimately decided to visit Qarth and hope that they would help her. She and her group traveled the Red Waste until they came upon the city of Qarth and saw the mighty walls that kept it safe. The gates of Qarth opened as soldiers walked out in front with the nobles behind. Daenerys turned to Jorah.

"I thought we were welcome." Daenerys said.

"If you heard a Dothraki horde was approaching your city, you might do the same, Khaleesi." Jorah told her.

"Horde?" She said, looking at the few dozen people she had with her.

The soldiers stopped as the Thirteen of Qarth walked out with the most powerful and wealthiest ahead.

"My name is Dae—" "Daenerys Stormborn of the house Targaryen." Said one of the fat nobles.

"You know me, my lord?" Daenerys asked.

"Only by reputation, Khaleesi. And I'm no lord. Merely a humble merchant. They call you the Mother of Dragons." The merchant said.

"And what should I call you?" Daenerys asked.

"Oh my name is quite long and impossible for foreigners to pronounce. I am simply a trader of spices. But we are the Thirteen. Charged with the protection and governance of Qarth, the greatest city that ever was, or will be." The Spice king said. "Might we see the dragons?"

Daenerys looked at the cages she had and knew they were too small. "My…friend. We have traveled very far. We have no food, no water. Once I see my people fed, I would be honored—" "Forgive me…Mother of Dragons. But no man alive has seen a living dragon. Some of my more skeptical friends refuse to believe your children even exist. All we ask is the chance to see for ourselves." The Spice king said.

"I am not a liar." Daenerys said.

"Oh, I don't think you are. But as I have never met you before, my opinion on the matter is of limited value." The Spice King said.

"Where I come from…guests are treated with respect and not insulted at the gates." Daenerys told him.

"Then perhaps you should return to where you come from. We wish you well." The Spice king said as he walked back as Daenerys walked forward.

"What are you doing?!" She asked. "You promised to receive me."

"We have received you. Here we are, and here you are." The Spice king said.

Daenerys was outraged at the disrespect and as she and the Spice King traded words, a hooded Naruto was watching from afar on a nearby sand dune. He used a scope to see Daenerys arguing with the Thirteen of Qarth to be let in. Then one man came forward and vouched for her. Naruto wanted to hear what they were saying and focused chakra to his senses, mainly his ears, to see if he could pick up what they were saying. He only got a few words but the man Xaro Xhoan Daxos, a merchant vouched for her and committed a blood oath so that she and her followers could be let in.

Naruto saw the gates to the city open and watched as Daenerys walked in. Naruto quickly put his scope away, shot a hirashin arrow over the wall and into the city and flashed to it. He needed to watch over her…she wasn't a threat. Just a girl who wanted to go home.

Back in the Stormlands, a new day had come as Renly, with Cat and Naruto rode off to meet Stannis on neutral ground, near where Stannis had his ships anchored. Naruto decided to bring Kurama with him, which would be helpful if something went wrong. He even had one of the banners made for him attached to Kurama's saddle, to symbolize Naruto's rule as Regent.

Renly, Cat and the king's guard were on horses as they saw Naruto ride up with them, on the back of the Ferocious Fox, the animal that was the guardian of King's Landing. "Wow." Renly said.

"I know. He's just that awesome." Naruto said as he pat Kurama on the head. "Well, let's not keep your brother waiting."

They rode to the meeting where they saw Stannis, Melisandre and his personal guard there waiting for them. They had his banners which was a crowned stag in a red heart on fire. When Stannis saw Renly ride up, he saw his little brother had a crown on his head and shook his head at his brother's arrogance. He then saw the fox and the current Regent, Naruto Uzumaki. Melisandre told him he was the enemy and that Stannis was destined to kill him, and he would if he didn't hand over the throne.

He then saw Catelyn Stark, which was surprising. "Lady Stark. I did not expect to find you in the Stormlands." Stannis said.

"I had not thought to be here, Lord Stannis." Cat said.

"Can that truly be you?" Renly asked.

"Who else might it be?" Stannis replied.

"When I saw your standard, I couldn't be sure. Who's banner is that?" Renly asked.

"My own." Stannis told him.

"Suppose if we used the same one, the battle would be terribly confusing. Why is your stag on fire?" Renly asked.

"The King has taken for his sigil, the fiery heart of the Lord of Light." Melisandre said.

"Ah, you must be this fire priestess we hear so much about. Hmm, brother, now I understand why you found religion in your old age." Renly said.

"Watch yourself Renly." Stannis said.

"No, no, I'm relieved. Never really believed you were a fanatic. Charmless, rigid, a bore yes, but not a godly man." Renly joked.

"Enough Renly." Naruto told him as Stannis looked at Naruto.

"You must be Naruto Uzumaki." Stannis said.

"An honor to meet you in person, Lord Stannis." Naruto said with a nod as Stannis just looked at him.

"I hope you're here to hand over the throne to me so this can all be done with now." Stannis said.

"Apologies, Lord Stannis, but that is not why I'm here. I have decided not to name a king until the war with the Lannisters is resolved and I can speak with Robb Stark of his desire for Northern separation." Naruto told him.

"That's good an all, but the throne is mine, by right. As regent you rule over until an heir is ready, and I am." Stannis said. "Your friend Ned Stark knew I was next in line, yet you would dishonor his wish."

"I am not dishonoring Ned." Naruto told Stannis, insulted that he would say that. "Ned also left me as regent with the control to decided the rightful heir when I say so. And I decided to wait."

"He is the King, the lord of light commands it." Melisandre said.

"He is no King. He has not been crowned and he is not sitting on the throne just yet." Naruto said.

"Of course, you would say that. You are the pawn of the Lord of nothing, and will keep Stannis from throne because you are the enemy." Melisandre said as Naruto narrowed her eyes at her.

"Hand over the crown, boy. You've had your fun, now let a true man rule." Stannis said insulting Naruto.

"I would advise you to watch your tone…and speak to me with respect." Naruto warned Stannis.

"Why, because you're a lord of a made up house. You are not fit to be regent, you're just a boy who made friends with the right people." Stannis insulted Naruto as Kurama roared causing everyone's horses to back away frightened as well as the men. Even Stannis and Melisandre were a little taken back.

"Watch who you talk to like that." Kurama warned him with a growl, showing his sharp teeth.

"A King would considered it idiotic to insult the current ruler of King's Landing. Insanity to insult him in front of the ferocious fox. I guess you are not a king after all." Naruto told Stannis.

"The crown is mine by right. All those who deny it to me, are my enemies." Stannis said, putting up the brave disguise.

"The whole realm denies it from Dorne to the wall. Old men deny it with their death rattle, and unborn children deny it in their mother's wombs. No one wants you for their king. You've never had any friends, brother. But a man without friends is a man without power." Renly said.

"As an act of kindness, I'll give you this night to reconsider. Surrender yourselves and crown me King and I shall let your live. If you don't, I'll destroy you." Stannis said.

"Good luck with that." Naruto told him as Stannis and his group left.

"Look to your sins, you two. For the night is dark and full of terrors." Melisandre said to Renly and Naruto. Kurama growled at her as they left.

Back in Lannisport, Tyrion was in his study, looking over some papers that he was given on the various issues he needed to consider and work on as acting Lord of Lannisport. Various complaints and issues of the lack of food the refugees were getting and more and more were protesting in anger. Some even have left Lannisport to travel to King's Landing and side with Naruto then be with the Lannisters…and Tyrion couldn't fault them for that.

He then heard a knock on his door and opened it to reveal his cousin, Lancel Lannister, now an anointed knight.

"Your visits are too few cousin." Tyrion said.

"Her grace, Cersei, demands you to release Joffrey at once." Lancel told him.

"Very well, will you share a cup with me. I find that mold wine helps me sleep." Tyrion said.

"I'm here at her graces behest, not here to share a drink with you, imp." Lancel said as he was going to leave but Tyrion spoke.

"If my sister was so concerned with Joffrey, I thought she would come herself. Instead she sends you. What am I to make of that?" Tyrion asked.

"I don't care what you make of it, so long as you release your nephew immediately." Lancel said.

"And you received these instructions directly from Cersei?" Tyrion asked.

"As I said several times." Lancel told him as he walked into his study.

"And you waited this long to deliver this information?" Tyrion asked as Lancel was confused.

"When her grace gives me a command, I follow it without delay." Lancel said.

"Cersei must have great trust in you. Allowing you into her chamber, during the hour of the wolf." Tyrion said, as he knew the connection between Lancel and Cersei.

"Her grace has a great many responsibilities. She often works from dusk till dawn." Lancel said.

"She must be very glad to have you helping her. From dusk till dawn. Ahh, lavender oil. She always loved lavender oil even as a girl." Tyrion said.

"I am a knight!" Lancel said.

"An anointed knight, yes. Tell me, did Cersei have you knighted, before or after she took you into her bed?" Tyrion asked as Lancel tried to say something. "What…nothing to say. No more warnings for me, ser."

"You would draw these filthy accusations—" "Have you given any thought to what Joffrey would have to say when he finds out you are bedding his mother?" Tyrion asked.

"It wasn't my fault!" Lancel asked.

"And should Naruto listen to my treaty I sent him, and should he get Jaime a brief reprieve to come home to stand trial, how do you think my brother would react?" Tyrion said as Lancel became frantic. "Do you want me to prevent that?"

"Yes, my lord. I will do anything. I will leave the city if I have to." Lancel said.

"No, you won't. I want you to stay close to my sister. Listen to her, find out where she goes, who she sees, what they talk of, everything. And you will tell me." Tyrion told him.

"Yes, my lord. I swear it, as you command." Lancel said.

"Oh rise, rise. Let us have a drink, oh right. You should be heading back. Tell my sister, I will release Joffrey in the morning. I can tell her that I didn't harm a hair on his head…but strictly speaking that wouldn't be true." Tyrion told him as Lancel left.

Back in King's Landing, Naruto's clone was busy at work, going through the papers and monitoring the Kingdom. He received a letter from the Martells. Now that the Lannisters were not in King's Landing, they would like to meet. Naruto replied and told them he would welcome them during a time that was more appropriate. With the war going on, it wasn't the best idea.

He also received a letter from Tyrion. Naruto was glad he was alive, Tyrion was a good man, much more so than the rest of his family. Tyrion's letter wished Naruto the best of luck as ruling regent but then got to the main point.


I wish you the best of luck in ruling King's Landing. I will never forget how you won me my freedom back in the vale and for that I can never thank you enough. But unfortunately this letter comes with an ulterior motive. I wish to express the desire to speak out terms of peace for you and my family. I know that my brother and my sister have done wrongs by you and the Starks and I cannot excuse those actions, but I wish to stop the bloodshed and the deaths of innocent men, women and children.

I know you cannot speak for the Starks but my family would like to discuss terms of peace, to prevent anymore lives being lost. I know you have bad feelings towards my family and I understand that but I only wish to talk to you about at least discussing the idea. Please send a raven with your response.

Your Friend, Tyrion

Tyrion was right in his thinking, the Lannisters did have to answer for their crimes, but Myrcella and Tommen, and the other innocent people did not need to die. As a gesture of good faith, he would meet with Tyrion but he also wanted to meet with Lord Tywin, to discuss the terms. Naruto summoned another clone and dispelled so that the real Naruto got the information.

Back with Stannis, he was standing on his ship as he looked out into the night and looked at the cliffs of Storm's end. Ser Davos walked onto the ship to see Stannis looking out to the cliffs.

"Your grace." Davos said as Stannis looked at him.

"Do your knuckle bones bring you luck?" Stannis asked as Stannis looked at them.

"Not actually, since you hacked them off your grace. And it's four less fingernails to clean." Stannis said.

"Fewer." Stannis said.

"Pardon." Davos replied.

"Four fewer fingernails to clean. I never understood why you had to wear them." Stannis said.

"It reminds me of where I've come from to where I am now. It reminds me of your justice. It was an honest punishment and you were good with a cleaver." Davos said.

"You were a hero and a smuggler. The good act does not wash out the bad. Nor the bad the good." Stannis said.

"A lesson I'll try to teach my son." Davos said.

"Does he listen?" Stannis asked.

"To me, gods no. But if your Red Woman told him to leap from the crow's nest—" "She has a name." Stannis told him.

"I trust you've not forgotten your smugglers tricks. I want you to be a smuggler this time." Stannis told him.

"Any shore, any night. What am I bringing a shore?" Davos asked.

"The Red Woman. No one must know what you do, and we'll not speak of this again." Stannis told him.

"I will always serve you, always. But surely there are other ways, cleaner ways—" "Cleaner ways don't win wars." Stannis told him.

Davos reluctantly nodded and did as he was told. He got a small boat and rowed him and the Red Woman across the water to the beach at Storm's end. There Davos takes her to some caves located near Renly's camp, caves he remembers from his smuggling days. They walk through the cave but see that metal bars have blocked further entry to the land.

"These bars weren't here last time. They've barred the passage." Davos said.

"They can't bar our passage." Melisandre said as she removes her robes and Davos sees that she is very pregnant, nearly ready to give birth…but to what. "There is only one god, Ser Davos. And he only protects those who serve him." She said as she lantern they have burned brighter and filled the cave. Melisandre then sat on the ground as she bathed in the light and her stomach began to move, as something was coming out.

Ser Davos watched in horror as he saw a shadow expelled itself from her body. The shadow took the form of a hand and pulled itself out, taking the form and build of a man but was pure darkness…a shadow demon. Melisandre smiled as she saw the demon she made appear before her, it then flew away to the camp to kill it's two targets.

After the failed meeting with Stannis, Renly Cat and Naruto were in Renly's tent discussing the possible alliance between the Starks and Baratheons to push the Lannisters back even further and end the war.

"You swear it?" Renly asked.

"By the mother. My son has no interest in the Iron Throne." Cat told him as Renly looked at Naruto who nodded.

"Then I see no reason for hostility between us. Your son can go on calling himself King in the North. The Starks will have complete control of all lands North of Moat Cailin, provided he gives me an oath of fealty." Renly said.

"And the wording of this oath?" Cat asked.

"The same Ned Stark swore to Robert 18 years ago." Renly said as Cat thought for a second. "Cat…there friendship held the kingdom's together."

Cat looked at Naruto who nodded. "And in return for my son's loyalty?" Cat asked.

"In the morning, I'll destroy my brother's army. When that's done, Baratheon and Stark will fight the Lannister together as one, as they have done many times before." Renly said as he got up and Brienne was removing his armor. Naruto and Cat stood up as Cat tried to talk him out of fighting his brother.

"Our two houses have always been close. Which is why I am begging you to reconsider this battle. Negotiate a peace with your brother—" "Negotiate with Stannis?" Renly asked as he chuckled.

"You heard him out there, I'd have better luck debating the wind. Please bring my terms to your son. I believe we are naturally allies. Together we can end this war in a fortnight." Renly said as Kurama ran into the tent.

"Kit, something's wrong." Kurama said in a worried tone. Then a gust a wind came into the tent as Cat and Naruto were confused. They then saw a shadow figure appear behind Renly.

"Renly!" Naruto shouted as the shadow demon stabbed him in the chest. Brienne and Cat saw a shadow come out of the ground as it killed Renly.

"NO!" Brienne yelled as Kurama roared, sending out a chakra shockwave which caused the shadow figure to solidify so they could see it more clearly and it couldn't smoke out. The other guards heard the roar and walked in to see the demon kill their King.

The Demon let Renly's body fall as Naruto drew his sword at charged but his sword went right through it, like air. The demon then backhanded him, sending him through the air, into Cat and Kurama. Brienne drew her sword to kill it but the demon knocked her away as other guards attacked it but their weapons were of no use. It killed two soldiers as more guards rushed in to see the demon.

Kurama saw one of Naruto's kunai's on the floor, grabbed it with his tail, channeled his chakra into it as the demon turned to Naruto.

"Enemy…kill…for father….Stannis!" The demon shouted as Brienne tried to stab it but the sword did nothing. The demon then grabbed her by the neck and started to choke her as Kurama finished channeling enough chakra into the weapon.

"KIT, THROW!" Kurama yelled as he tossed the kunai at Naruto.

"HEY, UGLY!" Naruto shouted as the demon let Brienne go. "Your father's next!" Naruto shouted as he threw the kunai and it hit the demon in the chest, where the heart would be. The kunai glowed red as the demon stood still, then the chakra flowed through the demon and it shouted out in pain. It gave one more loud demon scream before it bursts into flames as everyone covered their eyes from the fire.

They opened their eyes to see the demon killed and gone but Renly as dead as well. "Renly!" Naruto shouted as he went up to him and tried to close the wound but Renly was dying.

"Naru…Naruto…Stannis…he can't be king…" Renly told him as the life faded from his eyes and died.

"No!" Brienne shouted as Loras and Margaery ran in to see Naruto holding Renly…but Renly was dead.

"Renly!" Margaery shouted as she and Loras went to his side and held him.

"What happened?!" Loras asked as Naruto grabbed his kunai off the floor.

"Stannis killed his brother." Naruto said.

"That monster, he'll pay for this!" Loras said in anger.

"And he will. Cat get your things ready, we leave now. We can't be sure if Stannis has another surprise waiting for us now. We can't risk being trapped." Naruto told Cat who nodded. "Brienne." Naruto said as Brienne was still shaken by what she fought and that Renly is dead. "Brienne!" Naruto said getting her attention. "Are you with me?"

"Yes, lord Naruto." She said.

"Good. Spread the word and tell any man who wishes, can come with us to King's Landing. I'll bury Renly with his brother there." Naruto told her as she nodded.

"You men, prepare a cart to take Renly's body with us." Naruto said.

"Yes, lord Naruto." The soldiers said as they left. Naruto looked to see Margaery and Loras over Renly's body.

"You cannot stay here. Stannis will come and he will kill you both. We must leave." Naruto told them.

"I'm not going anywhere. If Stannis wants' a fight, he'll get a fight. Ride back to Highgarden Sister." Loras told her.

"You cannot fight Stannis here. He has the advantage of the sea and with Renly dead, there is nothing to stop some of his men from turning on you. Live to fight another day." Naruto told him.

"Listen to him brother." Margaery said as Loras was looking at Renly's body.

"What do you desire most, Ser Loras?" Naruto asked.

"Revenge." Loras said in anger.

"And you will have it. But now here, not now. We must leave, come back to King's Landing with us. And I promise you…I will give you Stannis's head." Naruto told him as Loras looked at him.

"All right. I'll get the men. We leave now." Loras said as he got up. He saw Renly's crown, picked it up and handed it to Naruto as he left the tent.

"I'm am sorry, Margaery." Naruto told her.

"He was going to be King, and I his queen." Margaery said.

"Bonds, even forced ones, take time to heal." Naruto told her. "Hurry, prepare yourself, we leave as soon as we are able.

Line Break xxxxx (RIP Renly, but he wasn't a big character. I wanted him to die so that Naruto and Margaery are able to interact more and it gives Naruto a reason to fight Stannis)

The next morning, news of Renly Baratheon's death had spread throughout the kingdom as many grieved while others cheered. Those were the Lannisters. Tyrion was talking to his sister in his study about the recent news.

"Killed, by whom?" Cersei asked.

"It would seem that Stannis had his brother killed after negotiations went sour. Using the Red Woman, he made a shadow demon and it killed his brother, in his tent at night." Tyrion told her as he poured her a glass of wine.

"Well then to Stannis, I say well done." Cersei said.

"That's not what father says. He says that many of the unwise members of Renly's army have flocked to Stannis. More than half of the forces, which would give Stannis superiority over us on both Land and Sea." Tyrion said.

"We can still outspend him three to one." Cersei said.

"I say father raised you to have too much respect for money. With Renly dead by his brother's hands, Naruto will never allow another Baratheon onto the throne. Some of Renly's men now follow Naruto, giving him more numbers, including the Tyrells, who flock to King's Landing as we speak." Tyrion said as Cersei ignored him. "Well, hopefully that won't matter for long. Naruto sent his reply and he will meet with me and father to discuss a possible treaty to end this conflict."

"Father agreed to a peace talk?" Cersei asked, thinking Tyrion was joking.

"Father agreed to speak to the man who could destroy without a second thought if he chose to." Tyrion told her as she glared at him. "Hopefully, we can all come out of this alive." Tyrion said as he left the room.

Cersei glared at him, making peace with that boy when it provided the perfect opportunity to attack. She would seize upon the opportunity, with some help from her new allies.

Back at Storm's End, Stannis had taken to shore and whatever men that remained, pledged their loyalty to the last Baratheon and rightful heir to the throne. The remaining bannermen pledged themselves to Stannis, giving him an extra 60,000 troops with the rest of the 15,000 moving to King's Landing with the remaining 25,000 Tyrells following Naruto Uzumaki. But it didn't matter, Stannis now had the numbers. He was walking with Ser Davos as the men bowed and addressed Stannis as their king. (Changed up the division of troops since Naruto convinced the Tyrells to come with him to King's Landing. The Baratheon troops make up a larger sum of the 100,000 total troops than the Tyrells for this story)

"I'm sorry about your brother, your grace." Davos said. "I want to let you know that people greave for him."

"Fools love of fools. I greave for him as well as the boy he was, not the man he grew to be." Stannis said.

"I need to speak to you about what I saw in that cave." Davos said.

"I told you there would be no need to speak to me of that matter. I've never known you to need to hear a thing twice." Stannis said as he and Davos walked into Renly's tent.

"And I've never known you to hide from the truth." Davos said.

"You've come to lecture me on truth?" Stannis asked.

"I've come to tell you—" "My army has now more than tripled in size. Most of Renly's Bannermen have come to my side. Save for a few traitors and the Tyrells who fled like cowards. They won't be able to resist us now. Soon, I shall be sitting on the Iron Throne." Stannis said.

"Nothing is worth what this will cost you, not even the iron throne." Davos said. "When do we sail for King's Landing?"

"As soon as I consolidated my troops. Make short work of the remaining resistance ships. Once Blackwater bay is cleared, we deliver our troops to their doorstep and take the city." Stannis said.

"And will you bring Lady Melisandre with you?" Davos asked.

"Well that's not your concern." Stannis said.

"If you take King's Landing, with her by your side, the victory will be hers." Davos told him.

"I never thought I'd have reason to doubt your loyalty, was I wrong?" Stannis asked.

"Loyal service means telling hard truths." Davos said.

"Hard truths, again." Stannis said. "All right, what's the truth?"

"She's a foreigner. Preaching her foreign religion. Some say she whispers orders in your ears and you obey." Davos said.

"What do you believe?" Stannis asked.

"You won those bannermen from Renly, don't lost them to her." Davos told him.

"We set out for King's Landing without Lady Melisandre. And you lead the fleet into Blackwater bay." Stannis said.

Over in the North, Theon was talking with Maester Luwin, Ser Rodrik and Bran. After Naruto had Theon hirashined to Winterfell, they told Maester Luwin and the others of what Theon's family was going to do. Bran had Theon work with Ser Rodrik and Naruto on setting up an ambush along the coast, at the designated spots that Theon said they would attack. They blocked out the sea passages that they would have used to attack and hit ground by having Naruto's clones block the passages with rocks and used his ice seal arrows to make crossing impossible unless the ship was destroyed.

Naruto's clones were also able to use collaboration jutsu's to make the sea's very uneasy and difficult for ships to sail for long and a few were sunk while the rest ran away. Weeks had passed and another attack had not come. They were able to repel the attack but Lord Balon would not give up.

In Essos, Daenerys and her group were given shelter by Xaro Xhoan Daxos in Qarth. They were clothed, bathed and fed as they rested from their long journey. Daenerys and Doreah were training Drogo to use his fire on command. Drogon sat on a ledge as Daenerys put a cube of raw meat in front of him.

"Dracarys." Daenerys said as her dragon just looked at her. "Dracarys." She said again, slower as Drogon spit a few puffs of smoke but then let loose a weak stream of fire that was able to cook the meat. Daenerys and Doreah smiled as Drogon then picked up the meat and ate it. "He'll be able to feed himself from now on." Daenerys said as she went over to her bed as Irri was mending some clothes.

Doreah reached over for another chunk of meat. "Let him sleep, Doreah." Daenerys told her.

"Yes, Khaleesi." Doreah said as she gently put Drogon in his cage.

"He loves you." Daenerys said, seeing how fond Drogon was of Doreah.

"I removed this part of the top." Irri told Daenerys, fixing her shirt and boots. "And fixed the heel of on this one."

"Thank you, my friend." Daenerys said.

"Did you see the dress Xaro had made for you?" Doreah asked as she showed Daenerys the lovely blue silk dress. "They say he's the wealthiest man in Qarth."

"It is known." Irri said.

"And if Qarth is the wealthiest city in Essos—" "The last time a rich man gave me a dress, he was selling me to Khal Drogo." Daenerys said.

"May he ride through the night lands." Irri said in respect.

"Xaro's our host, but we know nothing about him. Men like to talk about other men, when they're happy." Daenerys said.

Daenerys and her group, dressed up in formal and elegant clothes for the party that Xaro was throwing in her honor. The Dothraki were uncomfortable and it could be seen. They didn't feel comfortable, as the men and women of Qarth talked about their vast wealth and how to spend it. Daenerys was having fun as was Doreah, but there was an issue. She saw Jorah talking to two men near a solid gold statue.

"What are they doing?" Daenerys asked as she walked up to the three.

"Malakho says this statue is too heavy. Kovarro says that Malakho is an idiot. They can pry out the gems, the rest if pure gold. Very soft. He can chop off as much as we can carry." Jorah told her.

"Or melt it. Very simple." Kovarro told Daenerys.

"We are his guests! You can't pry it or chop it or melt it." Daenerys told him.

"Of Course not Khaleesi! We will wait until we leave." Kovarro said.

"Not even when we leave." She said.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Our host saved us from the Red Waste and you want to steal from him? I will hear no more." Daenerys told him.

With Naruto's clone that was following her, he scaled the walls and snuck his way into the Xaro's home and party. He was on the roofs, watching from above as the people mingles and found Daenerys. She had changed from her Dothraki rags to a dress. He saw Jorah Mormont as well but then he saw Pyat Pree, a warlock of Qarth. Naruto heard tales of the Warlocks, with magic that many didn't understand and believed was real but it was… yet nothing compare to Naruto. But he heard Pyat talk to Daenerys and heard his fascination with her dragons, which was something he needed to keep an eye on. If the warlocks got control over Daenerys and her dragons, they both could be used to horrible affect.

Daenerys smiled as she talked to Xaro but saw someone on the roof. She couldn't completely make out who it was but it was a man with a hood and cloak who was looking at her. She looked at Jorah for a second and then back to see the figure was gone. Who was that?

Back on the road to King's Landing, Naruto's company stopped by a stream to rest and water their horses. Margaery and Loras stayed with Renly's body while some men ate and got more water. Naruto was with Cat and Brienne as Kurama walked to the river and drank some water.

Naruto brought out a map of King's Landing. "We're about a few hours from King's Landing. I sent a message a head already and Ser Barristan is expecting the Tyrells and has made arrangements for the house of our new guests as well as other arrangements to be made. Cat, I'll send a clone with you to take you to Robb's camp. We'll split off the road here and then it's a straight shot back." Naruto told Cat.

"Good, I need to go back to Winterfell. Bran and Rickon need me. I've been gone for far too long." Cat said.

"While you stop in Robb's camp, hand him the message I gave you. I think he'll be happy with what you and I have talked about." Naruto said with a smile.

"All right." Cat said as she smiled back.

"And what of me? Will you give me the freedom to leave, my lord?" Brienne asked.

"Do you intend to kill Stannis?" Naruto asked.

"I swore an oath." Brienne said.

"Stannis has a great army around him. His own guards are meant to keep him safe." Cat said.

"I'm as good as any of them. I should have never fled." Brienne said.

"Renly's death was not your fault. You fought against a shadow demon, a demon that no one could have killed. You fought with honor and served him bravely." Naruto told her as Brienne was upset at her first duty of King's Guard had failed. "You did honorably Brienne. And you will do nothing good if you follow Renly into the Earth. Renly's enemies are my enemies as well. I would be honored to have you by my side…as we bring Stannis to justice for his crimes." Naruto told her as she had a glimmer of happiness in her eyes.

Brienne took a knee before Naruto. She unsheathed her sword and spoke her oath. "Then I am yours, my lord. I will shield your back, and give my life for yours, should it come to that. I swear it by the old gods and the new ones." Brienne swore to Naruto.

"And I vow that you will always have a place by my side, at my council, and that I shall ask no service to you that would bring you dishonor, or I would not do myself. I swear it by the old gods and the new." Naruto said as he unsheathed his sword and touched her shoulder. "Rise, again. Brienne of the King's Guard." Naruto said as Brienne smiled and stood up.

Everyone got saddled up for the last leg of their journey while Naruto created a clone to take Cat back to Robb's camp. Naruto hugged her tight as he watched her leave. Naruto then got on Kurama as Brienne got on her horse. "All right, men. We ride for King's Landing. We're almost home." Naruto said as they rode to the capital.

They rode for a few hours as the sun was traveling in the sky as the afternoon turned to early evening. They approached the gates to the city as they opened and the City Watch immediately saluted Naruto and Naruto saluted back.

"Welcome back, Lord Naruto." One of the City Watch men said.

"It's good to be back." Naruto said with a smile. "How's the city been?"

"Never better." The man said as Brienne, the Tyrell's and Renly's soldiers rode into King's Landing to see a completely different city then it had been for years. It was clean, as a new plumbing and sewage system that Naruto and Pycelle worked out kept the city cleaner. People were happy and the mood of the city was of joy. Margaery watched from her carriage as she saw a King's Landing she had not previously seen or heard of before. The people were happy and smiled as they passed by.

Margaery saw that the people were cheering for Naruto, praising him and welcoming him like they would a great, kind and powerful King. Children looked up to him and cheered for him as he smiled and waved back. Grateful merchants tossed fruit to him and the soldiers as welcome gifts. Margaery began to see Naruto in a much different and better light than she had before.

They rode up to the gate of the castle as Ser Barristan and Cleaber were waiting for them. Naruto got off his horse as he walked up to them and shook their hands, like friends would after not seeing each other for a long time.

"Welcome back, Lord Naruto. Even though you were never really gone, but nevertheless, welcome back." Cleaber said.

"Thank you, Ser Cleaber. It is good to be back." Naruto said.

"Naruto, those arrangements for our guests are taken care of." Barristan said.

"Perfect. Ser Cleaber, if you would have some men take our new guests to their quarters." Naruto said.

"Of course." Ser Cleaber said as he told some men to help move the soldiers to their barracks.

"Margaery, Loras, rooms have been prepared for you in the castle. I hope you find it to your liking." Naruto said.

"Thank you, Naruto." Margaery said as she and her brother were led to their rooms.

"Ser Barristan, Cleaber. May I introduce, Brienne of Tarth, newest member of the King's Guard." Naruto said as Brienne bowed.

"Welcome." Barristan said.

"Come, let us go inside. We have much to discuss." Naruto said as they walked into the castle to the small council room where Pycelle was waiting for them.

"Ah, Lord Naruto. Welcome back." Pycelle said.

"Thank you, Maester Pycelle. It is good to be back. And I'm glad our plan for the new sewer system is working." Naruto said as Pycelle smiled.

"It's been going well, ser." Pycelle said with a smile.

"Excellent. We have much to discuss." Naruto said as he, Barristan, Cleaber and Pycelle sat at the table. "Brienne, you can sit as well." Naruto told her as she sat down.

"I still can't believe that Stannis would kill his own brother. Dreadful." Pycelle said.

"It was him. The shadow demon called out his name and called him father." Naruto said.

"How could Stannis make a shadow demon?" Cleaber asked.

"The Red Woman." Brienne said.

"She's given Stannis any means to attack his enemies, and he will seize upon that. He has no problem with doing whatever it takes to get what he wants. But sending a shadow demon to kill his brother is one move too far." Naruto said.

"Agreed. Stannis has become unstable, because of that woman." Pycelle said, which sort of shocked Naruto, Barristan and Cleaber.

"I have to say that I am surprised, Grand Maester Pycelle. I thought that you supported Stannis's claim to the throne." Naruto said.

"I did, but that there is no excuse for him to kill his own brother." Pycelle said as they smiled.

"Well, now that Stannis has the numbers, he will sail for King's Landing and take the throne." Naruto said.

"How long do you think before they get here?" Brienne asked.

"If he measures up his forces and has the ships ready…perhaps 6 days, 5 days if we're unlucky." Barristan said.

"We'll have to prepare to fight him when he gets here. Tomorrow we will host the memorial service for Renly and he can be buried with Robert. Afterwards we will devote our time to preparing for the attack." Naruto said.

"My lord, what about the other matter you told us about?" Pycelle asked.

"We will save that for a later date. We need to focus on the protection of the city first." Naruto said as everyone nodded.

"Understood, but should you decide to have a small ceremony, I have already gone to the Sept of Baelor and they said when you are ready, they will be ready as well and the ceremony will be done." Pycelle said as Naruto smiled.

"Thank you, my friend." Naruto told him.

End of Chapter 5

The Orange Flash in Westeros