
The Orange Flash of Westeros

After Naruto defeated Madara and the 10-tailed beast, Kami sent him to his new destiny in Westeros. Found by Robert and Ned, Naruto will face the battles for the 7 kingdoms. Now the Stags, Wolves and Lions must deal with the Fox as Naruto will shift the game for the Iron Throne. Story written by choejhulk9 who is a great author with several great stories that you should check it out. Unfortunately this story was abandoned.

Hyuga_Tobirama · 漫画同人
13 Chs

Chapter 4: The House Uzumaki Part I

Here is the fourth Chapter of the Orange Flash in Westeros. Starts during Season 2 of the show. Naruto's rule as Regent has gone well for months but the war of the realm is picking up and now he must make decisions to fight and what to do about the last Targaryen.

The Orange Flash in Westeros

The House Uzumaki and the Ferocious Fox

Months had passed since Naruto's rise to ruling Regent and Protector of the Realm. The capital was growing more by the day as refugees fled to the city because of the war with the Starks and Lannisters. Many were expecting a city filled with people in the streets as the nobles ignored the peasants but that was not what they found. They saw a beautifully refurbished city as new halls and buildings were created. Merchants were selling their food or items as children ran through the streets playing, the city guard watched over the people ensuring safety and security. Numerous new banners were made in support and praise for the man who ruled the city: Lord Naruto Uzumaki, the rider of the Ferocious Fox.

Grateful merchants and tailors made banners as praise to the ruling Regent. It was a Orange and Crimson banner with a picture of the mighty 9-tailed fox that protected the city. Underneath the fox was Naruto's leaf headband symbol drawn on and the words Never give up…Never go back on your word and Destiny can be changed sewn on. Many merchants and store owners had the banners outside their stores and the City Watch even had them on flags around the city. It was a symbol of their loyalty and praise to their ruler.

Speaking of said ruler, he was in a meeting with his council men: Grand Maester Pycelle, Ser Barristan head of the King's Guard, Ser Travan Cleaber commander of the City Watch and Kurama, the 9-tailed fox and unofficial protector deity of the city. Naruto called a meeting to address the issues of the day.

"A raven arrived from the citadel this morning, my lord. The conclave has met, considered reports from Maesters all over the 7 kingdoms and declared this great summer done." Pycelle said as a squire brought in the white raven from the Citadel. "At last, the longest summer in living memory."

"The people say that a long summer means an even longer winter." Ser Barristan said.

"A common superstition." Pycelle said.

"One mans superstition is another man's truth. I think the Kit and I understand that better than anyone." Kurama said, lying down on a nice mat as Naruto chuckled.

"We were able to harvest enough wheat for a 7 year winter. It if last any longer then we may have problems." Cleaber said.

"The city is attracting more and more refugees, my lord. They are fleeing the war and with winter coming, I fear we may experience some trouble." Ser Barristan told Naruto. Naruto thought to himself for a moment.

"We cannot deny entrance into the city. People have fled their homes to escape the war and to be safe and as the capital of the realm, we must provide them that." Naruto said as everyone nodded with his mindset. "Ser Cleaber, gather the cities architects and stone masons. We will discuss where to best house the refugees and Kurama and I can see it done quickly." Naruto said as Ser Cleaber nodded.

"Yes, my lord." Cleaber replied.

"Grand Maester Pycelle, are their any fields available for additional harvest and planting?" Naruto asked.

"None in the city, unfortunately. But the fertile lands just outside the walls are ripe for farming." Pycelle said.

"Perfect. Call Horden Pryor, he speaks for the farmers in the city. We will discuss the planting and setting of the fields outside the walls. With help from Kurama's potent growth seeds, we can grow more food in time before the winter goes harsh." Naruto said as Pycelle nodded. (With some quick thinking, Kurama and Naruto were able to create chakra infused seeds that speed the growth of plants and keep them healthy with zero negative repercussions)

"Brilliant, my lord." Pycelle said.

"Ser Barristan, what news of the war?" Naruto asked.

"The Lannisters have been on the defensive. Sending out small skirmishes against the Starks as they stay in Casterly Rock. They been using their port city of Lannisport to try and gain an edge and seek possible alliances with other houses. Our scouts have said that they haven't made any moved towards King's Landing, for now." Ser Barristan said. "Renly has wed Margaery of House Tyrell and has an army of loyal subjects backing his right as true King."

"What of Stannis?" Naruto asked.

"Some concerns there, my lord. Rumors have spread that Stannis allies himself with someone known as the Red Woman." Ser Barristan said.

"Melisandre of Asshai." Naruto said.

"Yes, my lord. The Red Priestess of the Lord of Light. She has become an advisor to him." Ser Barristan said as Naruto was a little concerned. Religious fanatics were often the worse: take Hidan for example.

"I wouldn't worry, my lord. Hokum religion and all that." Pycelle said.

"It is not the religion that has me concerned but why Stannis has her as his advisor. Stannis is suppose to be a man of war. I've never heard of his turn to religion." Naruto said.

"What concerns you, my lord?" Cleaber asked.

"In my experience, religious fanatics often make for the most worrisome of foe." Naruto said.

"How do we proceed, my lord?" Ser Barristan asked.

"For now, leave them be. We must focus on the issues at hand." Naruto said as everyone nodded. "Now if that will be all." Naruto said as everyone got up. "Ser Barristan, another moment if you wouldn't mind." Naruto said as Barristan stayed in the room.

"What concerns you, my lord?" Barristan asked as Naruto chuckled while he got two cups of wine.

"There is no need for formalities not that they are gone." Naruto said as Ser Barristan nodded and drank from the cup of wine. "How are our forces?" Naruto asked.

"200 King's Guard. 5,000 City Watch trained and in the city with more recruits coming by the day." Barristan said.

"So by numbers, we wouldn't stop an attack on the city?" Naruto asked.

"Not that that would matter. Not when we have the Ferocious Fox with us." Ser Barristan said as they looked at one of the banners they hung in the room.

"I like it, it showcases all of my best qualities." Kurama said as Naruto and Ser Barristan chuckled.

"What worries you, Naruto?" Barristan asked.

"The war continues and gets worse by the day. We have the Lannisters to worry about but with Renly and Stannis. I feel that an attack to King's Landing is coming and if I'm not sure if I should fight back against the rightful rulers of the Kingdom." Naruto said as Ser Barristan seemed to understand.

"Naruto…if you would have told me that last year, you would be ruling the Kingdom and that the city would be thriving, I would have thought you crazy." Barristan said as Naruto and Kurama chuckled. "But if the past few months have shown me anything, it is that Destiny can be changed." Barristan said as Naruto smiled as him using one of Naruto's beliefs.

"Naruto, the people of King's Landing adore you. Your rule as Regent has given them more food then they have had for hundreds of years and you've changed the city." Barristan said as he pointed to banner. "The people made that to honor you, in honor and respect for what you have done for them. No Baratheon or Lannister could have done what you have done for them. Perhaps it's time you think as ruling as King instead of Regent. In my years in the King's Guard, I have protected a mad man and an old drunk soldier. For the past few months, I have served a man of honor, and I will continue to do so until death comes for me." Ser Barristan said as Naruto smiled.

"He's right, Kit. You've done wonders here. And besides…the house of Uzumaki has a nice ring to it." Kurama said as Naruto and Barristan chuckled.

"Easy there, Kurama. Let's end this war first." Naruto said.

"Anything else, Naruto?" Barristan asked.

"Yes, tell me what you remember from your time protecting the Targaryens." Naruto asked.

Line Break xxxxx

Back at Lannisport, the port city under control of house Lannister, Joffrey the still crowned prince was having his name day celebration. Even though ravens were sent out telling the people that he was born of incest, Cersei had her guards silence any people who challenged his right to rule and even believed that he was born of incest. Her family deserved the throne.

She had set up a small tournament to honor Joffrey's name day and to help keep his mind occupied while she had to deal with some of the problems that she was facing. She met with some of her extended family to discuss the matters of the city and how here forces were doing and if they were ready to march against King's Landing and take the throne back.

"How is the city, my lords?" Cersei asked her council of relatives that watched over the city.

"There is in unrest, my lady. We have enough wheat for a 5 year winter but should it last longer, we will have fewer peasants." One of her council men said.

"The city is drowning in refugees, your grace. People fleeing the war, we have no where to house them and with winter coming it will only get worse." Her city guard captain said.

"Well do your job. Shut the gate to the peasants, they belong in the fields not our city. The more we don't let in, the more go to the capital." Cersei said as her captain nodded reluctantly.

"Yes, your grace." He replied.

"Now, how are our forces?" Cersei asked.

"We were able to amass a force of 1,500 soldiers, ready to march." One of her council men said.

"1,500 soldiers? I expected more." She said in frustration.

"Your grace, the rest of our men are with your father at Casterly Rock fighting against the Starks. We have no more men here to fight." Her captain said.

"What about the city guard?" She asked.

"If we add them, we would have a total of 4,000 men ready to fight." The captain said.

"It is not enough. Conscript every able bodied man in the city. I need an army to take back King's Landing." She said as they heard the door open.

"No, you won't." She heard as they saw Tyrion walk in. "Don't get up. More ravishing then ever big sister." Tyrion said as he kissed his sister on the cheek and sat down at the table. "War agrees with you. Forgive the interruption, carry on."

"What are you doing here?" Cersei asked.

"It's been a remarkable journey. I pissed off the edge of the wall, I slept in a sky cell, I fought with the hill tribes, so many adventures. So much to be thankful for." Tyrion said.

"What are you doing here?! This is the small council." She said.

"Yes, well the lord and ruler of Lannisport must attend small council meetings." Tyrion said.

"Our father is lord and ruler of Lannisport." Cersei said.

"Yes, but in his absence." Tyrion said as he handed a letter to one of the council men.

"Your father has named Lord Tyrion to serve as ruler in his stead while he fights—" "OUT! All of you, OUT!" Cersei yelled as the council men left. "I would like to know how you tricked father into this." She said.

"If I were capable of tricking father, I would be emperor of the world by now. You brought this on yourself." Tyrion told her.

"I've done nothing." Cersei said.

"We know that's a lie." Tyrion said. "Your attempt to take the throne from Ned Stark when he was left it's Regent. Your attempted coup which cost the lives of dozens of our men and your march against the capital killed men we could have used to fight the war."

"I tried to take back the throne for my son." Cersei said.

"Really, from what I've heard, he has no right to the throne." Tyrion said as Cersei got anger.

"Don't you say that. My son, Joffrey is the crown prince and deserves to rule." Cersei said, wanting her son to rule as King.

"Be that as it may, everyone else doesn't believe so. Now we have two Baratheons eying the throne, not to mention the entire North we have to deal with because your men killed Ned Stark." Tyrion said, scolding her like a child.

"I tried to make piece with him." Cersei said.

"Did you? Well you failed. That piece of theater will haunt our family for a generation." Tyrion said.

"Robb Stark is a child." Cersei said.

"Whose won every battle he's fought. Do you know what losing this war will mean?" Tyrion asked.

"What do you know of war?" Cersei asked.

"Nothing, but I know people. And that is our only hope of coming out of this conflict alive and with any dignity that we may keep." Tyrion said. "If Prince Joffrey wants to see his Uncle Jaime again, he'd better listen to me."

"How?" Cersei asked.

"Lucky for us, Naruto happens to be a friend of mine. Granted, I don't know how our family's actions will effect his opinion on me but hopefully I can talk to him. Get him to talk to a treaty and—" "The only treaty I will agree to is the one where his head is put on a pike!" Cersei yelled in anger to Tryion's plan.

"You try that like your previous two attempts to retake King's Landing, it will surely end in our deaths, not his. King's Landing is prospering now more than ever under Naruto's rule. The people adore him, and don't even want another King to rule in his place. Naruto takes care of his people first, a quality were sorely lack." Tyrion said as Cersei huffed in anger and frustration.

"We should march against him and put Joffrey back on the throne." Cersei said.

"Oh, enough sister. Even if we had the entire Kingdom behind us, we would never be a match for that Fox of his. It's even stronger than the dragons. Our only hope is diplomacy. And you will leave that to me." Tyrion told his Cersei who was not pleased. Tyrion looked outside the window to see a red comet, sailing across the sky.

The flying red comet is said to be an omen of the rebirth of the dragons, and that is correct. In Essos, the last three dragons, now newly hatched infants were with their mother, Daenerys Targaryen, the last of her house. She was walking through the Red Waste with what remained of her loyal people. With Khal Drogo's death, she was in danger to anyone who would want her dragons. Jorah advised her travel into the Red Waste to avoid her rivals and ensure her survival but they were so few, with little supplies and no idea on what to do next.

As they walked through the Red Waste, Daenerys was trying to feed her dragons the meat that they had but the dragons weren't eating. She had the largest one, Drogon, a black and red scaled dragon on her shoulder trying to get him to eat but he wouldn't.

"What did your brother say about them, Khaleesi?" Doreah asked.

"He said they ate meat." She replied.

"He didn't tell you what kind of meat?" Doreah asked as Daenerys shook her head no.

"My brother didn't know anything about dragons. He didn't know anything about anything." Daenerys said. She put Drogon into his cage as she saw her horse fall to the ground. She ran up to her horse as she looked at it slowly breathing. She looked at Jorah who shook his head no, telling her the horse was going to die.

"She was Drogo's first gift to me." Daenerys said.

"I remember." Jorah said.

"I promised to protect them. I promised their enemies would die screaming. How do I make starvation scream?" Daenerys asked, frustrated.

"A trick I never learned, I'm afraid." Jorah told her as she looked out into the vast land of desert they had to walk.

"Does it ever end?" She asked.

"This is further east then I've ever been but yes, Khaleesi. Everything ends, even the Red Waste." Jorah said.

"And you're sure there's no other way?" she asked.

"If we go south to the land of Lhazarine. The men will kill us and take your dragons. If we go west to the Dothraki Sea, the first Khalasar we meet…will kill us and take your dragons." Jorah said.

"No one will take my dragons." Daenerys said.

"They are too weak to fight. As are your people. You must be their strength." Jorah told her.

"As you are mine." She said to him.

Daenerys then called on three of her men to head out in three different directions to find food and refuge. She hoped that they would return quick and with good news.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Westeros, night had come as the red comet shined in the sky, blanketing the stars with it's light. On the Island of Dragonstone, head of the Stormlands, home to one Stannis Baratheon, older brother to Renly and Roberts younger brother, Stannis was committing something that many considered insane. His advisor, Melisandre, was performing a ritual in the name of her god, the lord of light.

She had assembled Lord Stannis and his men other advisors and generals and other people for the ceremony. Maester Cressen of Dragonstone was running with a torch along the beach to find the ceremony as he followed the voice of the Red Woman.

"Lord of light! Come to us in our darkness. We offer you these…false gods! Take them and cast your light upon us." Melisandre said as they burned 7 wooden statues of the 7 gods of Westeros. "For the night is dark and full of terrors."

"FOR THE LIGHT IS DARK AND FULL OF TERRORS!" The people shouted out together.

"After the long summer, darkness will fall heavy on the world. Stars will bleed. The cold breath of winter will freeze the seas, and the dead shall rise in the north." She said out loud as Maester Cressen joined next to Ser Davos Seaworth, a knight and advisor to Stannis.

"We must stop her!" Maester Cressen whispered to Davos who looked over to see Stannis, very observant in the ritual.

"Not now." Davos said as Maester Cressen couldn't take the sacrilegious things she was saying and went up in front of the crowd.

"All you men were named in the light of the 7! Is this how you treat the gods of your fathers?! Are you so eager to spit on your ancestors?!" Maester Cressen shouted to the crowd with the last question aimed at Stannis. Maester Cressen watched as none of the men were moved or even thought about his statement as they were completely fanatical for the new religion.

"You smell of fear. Fear and piss…and old bones. Do you want to stop me? Stop me." Melisandre said as Maester Cressen saw that Stannis was unhappy with him and rejoined Davos.

"In the ancient books, it's written that a warrior will draw a burning sword from the fire! And that sword shall be lightbringer. Stannis Baratheon, warrior of light, your sword awaits you." Melisandre said as Stannis walked up to the statue that was in the center.

He grabbed the burning sword and pulled it out of the statue. The crowd cheered as Stannis held the sword up high. He then stabbed it into the ground as the crowd kneeled and said, "LORD, the Master of light is upon us!"

"For the night is dark and full of terrors!" Melisandre said.

"For the night is dark and full of terrors!" Stannis repeated as they walked back to the castle leaving Davos and Maester Cressen.

"This woman will lead him into a war he cannot win." Cressen told Davos.

"Stannis is our King, we follow where he leads us. Even if we don't like the path." Davos said.

"King. Since that boar killed his brother, every lord wants a coronation." Cressen said.

"I don't serve the others. I serve Stannis." Davos said.

"As do I. But loyal service, means telling hard truths. He's surrounded by fools and fanatics. But he trusts you, Davos, if you tell him the truth." Cressen told Davos.

"And what's the truth?" Davos asked as Cressen looked at him, just accepting Stannis to accept this new advisor for their King.

Stannis had assembled his advisors and generals in a meeting to discuss what his next plan was. He was having a letter written down that he would send out to King's Landing, telling the current Regent to step down and let Stannis rule as King. Stannis was listening as a script was saying what was written on Stannis's declaration letter for the crown.

"And I declared upon the honor of my house, that my beloved brother, Rober—" "He wasn't my beloved brother." Stannis said, interrupting the scripter. "I didn't love him, he didn't love me."

"A harmless courtesy, your grace." Davos said.

"A lie, take it out." Stannis said as the scripter scratched that part out.

"That my brother, Robert, left no true born heirs. The boy Joffrey, the boy Tomnen, and the girl Myrcella being born of incest between Cersei Lannister and her brother Jaime Lannister. By right of birth—" "Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer. Call him what he is." Stannis said as the scripter made a change.

"And her brother, Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer. By right of birth and blood, I do this day lay claim—" "Make is ser Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer. Whatever else he is, the man is still a knight." Stannis said as the scripter made a change.

"Ser Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer. By right of birth and blood, I do this day lay claim to the Iron Throne of Westeros. The ruling Regent and Protector of the realm, Ser Naruto Uzumaki—" "I wasn't aware he was a knight." Stannis said.

"I don't believe he is, your grace." Davos said.

"Then he is no ser, just some boy who made the right friends. Take that out." Stannis said as the scripter made another change.

"The ruling Regent and Protector of the realm, Naruto Uzumaki, step down from the throne and let the true king rule. Let all true men declare their loyalty." The scripter said as Stannis nodded.

"When Eddard Stark learned the truth he told only me. I won't make the same mistake. Send copies of that letter to every corner of the realm. From the harbor to the wall." Stannis told the scripter. "Time has come to choose. Let no man claim ignorance as an excuse."

"Your grace, the Lannisters are the major concern for the time being. Their war with the Starks is hurting the Kingdom, not to mention their attacks against the capital. Perhaps for the time being, you can make peace with your brother." Davos said.

"I will not make peace with Renly while he calls himself King." Stannis said.

"Well many have already declared for him. Mace Tyrell, Randal Tarly." Davos said.

"Stannis does not need to beg this lord or that lord for support, the Lord of Light stands behind him." Melisandre said.

"And how many men and ships does the Lord of Light got at his disposal?" Davos asked.

"He has no need for such things." Melisandre said.

"I'm sure he doesn't, but we do if we're going to war. If not Renly, your lord grace, join with Robb Stark." Davos said.

"Who'd steal the Northern half of my Kingdom. They're thieves, that's what they are. Joffrey, Renly, Robb Stark, they're all thieves. They'll bend the knee or I'll destroy them." Stannis said.

"And if Naruto Uzumaki should decide to take over as king?" Davos asked.

"Then I'll kill him too and take the throne like Robert did years ago. If one Baratheon can take the throne, so can another." Stannis said.

"But this boy is different. His powers of magic are unlike anything we've seen before, not to mention the Ferocious Fox was able to repel two attacks against the city." Davos said.

"This boy is nothing to the lord of light. He is a follower of our one true enemy, the lord of nothing and the warrior of light shall kill him and his animal pet, as the lord of light, commands it." Melisandre said as Stannis smiled.

Back with Naruto, he was having a training session with some of the new recruits to the City Watch in the courtyard of the castle. He was blindfolded, with his shirt off as he stood in the center of the courtyard armed with a practice sword. He was surrounded by 5 new recruits as the others were watching. The recruits were nervous to attack but this was training. One of the recruits charged at Naruto but Naruto just ducked, stuck his leg out and spun, causing the recruit to fall on his face. Two more recruits charged at Naruto while Naruto ducked and dodged and used his sword to block the strikes. He then grabbed the arm of one of the recruits, spun around and used him as a human shield to block strikes. Naruto then pushed the two recruits into each other and delivered a sword sweep, causing them to fall to the ground. The fourth recruit swung widely at Naruto while Naruto just blocked the strikes then hit the recruit in the stomach with his sword, then hit the back of his leg causing the recruit to fall to the floor and Naruto delivered a hit to the back, pushing the man to the floor. The final recruit charged at Naruto, thrusts his sword forward but Naruto just blocked it, smack the sword out of the recruits hands and held his sword against the recruits throat and the match was over.

Naruto then took off his blindfold and smiled. "Not bad, today. Better than before." Naruto said as he shook the recruits hands and got them back on their feet.

"Better, you've beat us faster than two days ago." One of the recruits said.

"True, but you've adapted and started to think differently today." Naruto said as the recruits gathered around. "Men, no one man can truly ever win every fight he is expected to come across. But a smart man takes his defeats and turns them into lessons. Lessons that you must all be aware of. Just as one man is as strong as the other, working together makes your stronger than your opponent yet how well you work together determines the outcome of the battle." Naruto said as his recruits listened in.

"A group of men…a group of friends working and fighting together, can breach even the toughest of armors and that is one lesson I want you to remember. Never turn your back on your friends or your allies. Those that abandoned the mission are trash but those that abandoned their friends are worst then trash." Naruto said as the men listened and nodded their heads. "I won't lie to you men, I fear that King's Landing may come under attack and we will need to defend it. But I have the utmost confidence in you, we will defend King's Landing, with all we've got!" Naruto yelled as his men cheered. Naruto then saw Ser Barristan and Kurama walk in and knew he wanted to talk.

"Now go, get some food, and remember what you've learned today." Naruto said as the recruits left and Naruto put his shirt back on, grabbed Kyubi and strapped it on and walked up to Barristan and Kurama. "Ser Barristan, what can I help you with?"

"Some matters that need your attention, my lord." Barristan said.

"Of course." Naruto said.

"Ser Cleaber has organized the architects and stone masons and the construction of the new housing for the refugees should be constructed within the week or so. Grand Maester Pycelle has also had the farmers tend the land outside the walls and the food should be ready to harvest with a few months." Barristan said as the three walked through the courtyard.

"Excellent, anything else?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, a note came down from Castle Black. The commander has asked that we send more men to man the wall. Apparently something of men rising from the dead." Barristan said as Naruto was interested in this claim.

"I've known the men of the north to be superstitious but their superstitions often prove correct. Send a message to the commander that Yoren rides back to the wall as we speak with new recruits but should he need more men, I will see what I can do." Naruto said as Ser Barristan nodded.

"Of course, your grace." Barristan said.

"I'll take the rest of the letters in my room. Good day, Ser Barristan." Naruto said as he and Kurama said goodbye.

Naruto got himself bathed and fed and returned to his room to see some new letters. Some were simple city things such as some incidents and accidents in the city and asking permission for the expansion of the taverns. He had to settle some merchant disputes and return some letters to the ports the city traded with. He then found the two recent letters he received. One was from Stannis Baratheon, claiming him rightful ruler and he wanted Naruto to step down immediately. Naruto wanted to meet with Stannis first and hopefully with Renly too, to get the two brothers in an understanding of dealing with the Lannisters first and then the new King can be decided.

Naruto then opened the other letter which was, surprisingly from Cat. Cat wrote to Naruto, telling him that Robb needed ships to take Casterly Rock and Lannisport and even though she told him Naruto would be willing to help, Robb didn't want it. Something along the lines of the fact that Naruto looked out for him his whole life, Robb wants to be his own man and make his own decisions and not look to Naruto for guidance or for help. Naruto respected that but then he read that he asked Theon to go to the Iron Islands and request his father for ships.

Naruto didn't like that. Naruto didn't trust the Greyjoys, and he especially didn't trust Theon's father, that man wanted the North to suffer and to rule it. Naruto wrote a letter back to Robb's camp saying that if Theon was gone for longer then a few weeks, then consider Theon a traitor. Naruto didn't have anything bad against, Theon, hell, he helped raise him along with Robb, he was considered family but it was a precaution. Naruto also created three more clones and had them hirashin to Winterfell to look over incase something happened…which was more than likely.

Cat also wrote that Robb sent her on a trip to talk to Renly and discuss a possible alliance that would help bring down the Lannisters even faster. Renly was much more amicable then Stannis was and had more men which made sense and Naruto saw this as a perfect time to talk to Cat about Robb's plan to rule in the North and to talk to Renly.

Naruto got up and had a meeting with his advisors in his room. "What brings our attention, your grace?" Pycelle asked.

"I must take a leave of absence. And while I'm gone, I'm leaving a clone to take care of the city but I would like to ask the three of you to step up while I'm gone." Naruto said as they thought it was a bad idea.

"Ser, I don't think it would be a good idea for you to leave. King's Landing needs you." Ser Cleaber said.

"I know…but I must attend to some matters. Catelyn Stark rides to negotiate an alliance with Renly Baratheon against the Lannisters. I will ride to the meeting as well to discuss some matters with Renly and Cat." Naruto said.

"Ser, why don't I go in your place? This city needs you here." Barristan said.

"This is a meeting better done in person. I understand your worries but I shall be fine and so shall the city in my absence. I've left some clones to look out for possible attacks and I shall not be going alone. Kurama shall accompany me." Naruto said.

"Your grace, are you sure this is the best action?" Pycelle asked.

"It is. If I can talk with Renly, it will make our future much more simpler." Naruto said, hoping he wasn't jinxing himself.

Line Break xxxxx (I decided to speed it up a little bit so Naruto meets Margaery sooner. Everything that happens with Daenerys and Jon is happening as it happens on the TV Show but I want to focus a little more on Naruto and how he's working on the problems with Stannis and the Lannisters.)

The next day, Naruto got dressed in some nicer clothes. He had a nice black and crimson jacket/cloak on with a dark orange shirt and a black vest on and spiked black steel vambraces. He had his headband tied to his belt which also held his pouches for kunai and shuriken and had Kyubi strapped to his belt. Naruto wore black boots with black pants with a crimson fire design on the bottom. On the back of Naruto's jacket was the leaf symbol, sewn on by a grateful tailor and Naruto had Tsuande's jade necklace around his neck.

Kurama, who was acting as Naruto's horse much to his displeasure but Naruto said it would make him look badass walking into camp on the back of a giant fox and Kurama reluctantly agreed. Naruto had Kurama fitted with a simple and comfortable saddle which held some food, supplies and Naruto's bow and quiver of arrows. Naruto rode to the Stormlands where Renly's army was assembled.

Naruto rode to camp and saw the 100,000 men Renly had, camped and training. Naruto also saw that Cat had arrived and ran up to her.

"CAT!" Naruto shouted in excitement as he hugged her tight and she hugged him.

"Naruto! It's so good to see you again!" Cat said as she hugged him tight and kissed his head like she would her own son. She then saw how he looked and the clothes he was wearing. "Naruto, oh look at you. You look like a man who has changed into something better than he was before." Cat said as Naruto smiled.

"Thank you, Cat. I'm glad you're alright. And I'm glad you came. This gives me the change to talk to you and Renly both." Naruto said as Cat smiled.

"Oh look at you, acting like a leader." Cat teased as Naruto chuckled. Cat then saw the large fox and Naruto smiled.

"Cat this is Kurama. Kurama, this is Catelyn Stark." Naruto said as Kurama reached one of his tails out like a hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Lady Stark. You have my condolences for your husband." Kurama said as they shook hands.

"Thank you, Lord Kurama. And Thank you for your part in helping my daughters." Cat said

"How are Sansa and Arya?" Naruto asked.

"Alright, but they do miss you." Catn said.

"Well hopefully, this war will end soon and I can come see them." Naruto said as a soldier walked up to them.

"Lady Stark, Lord Naruto. I'm here to escort you to King Renly." The soldier said as Naruto and Cat nodded.

"Stay here, buddy. I think you might freak them out too much." Naruto said as Kurama chuckled.

"I know. Some people can't handle my greatness. And I promise not to terrorize the soldier's too much." Kurama joked.

"That's all I ask." Naruto said as he walked with Cat and the soldiers.

Naruto and Cat were escorted through the camp to meet with Renly, who was hosting a fighting tournament. Naruto noticed as he walked through that many of the men seemed to be fresh recruits and not seasoned warriors, which wasn't a good thing. He also saw how they didn't seem to be taking the idea that they would be at war soon, as seriously as they should. Naruto just shook his head, Renly was his friend but he still needed to learn how to lead an army and his people with more then just a friendly demeanor.

Naruto and Cat were brought to where a large portion of Renly's men had gathered to watch the tournament. The soldier led them through the crowd as they saw two knights fighting. One of Loras Tyrell, the knight of Flowers but the other was unknown. Renly sat with his new wife, Margaery of House Tyrell as they watched the fight on their private booth. Renly was dressed in his royal armor with a crown on his head while Margaery was dressed in her royal robes. Naruto was a bit taken back by her beauty. Naruto heard that Margaery was a clever as she was beautiful, and boy was she beautiful. Although their marriage did raise some questions, considered Renly's preferences, which wasn't that hard to figure out he wasn't as attracted to women as his brothers were.

Naruto and Cat watched with the others in the crowd as the two knights fought. Loras used an axe while the other used a shield and a flail. The two knights traded blows as Loras was able to knock the knights shield away but got hit in the back with the flail. The two kept fighting as the crowd cheered louder and Margaery stood up and shouted for Loras to win. Loras then disarmed his opponent of his weapon and would have won but his opponent tackled him to the ground and put his helmet guard up and pointed a dagger at his face.

"Yield! I yield." Loras said as his opponent got off him so they both stood up.

Renly clapped as the victor stood up. "Well fought! Approach." Renly said as the knight and took a knee. "Rise. Remove your helm."

The knight removed her helmet to the shock of everyone that she was a woman. "You are all your father promised and more, my lady. I've seen Ser Loras bested once or twice but never quiet in that fashion." Renly said as Loras wasn't pleased he lost.

"Now now, my love. My brother fought valiantly for you." Margaery told him.

"That he did, my queen. But there can be only one champion. Brienne of Tarth, you may ask anything of me you desire. If it is within my power, it is yours." Renly told Brienne.

Brienne then took a knee. "Your grace, I ask the honor of a place in your King's guard. I will be one of your 7, pledge my life for yours and keep you safe from all harm." Brienne asked Renly.

"Done. Rise, Brienne of the King's Guard!" Renly said as he and everyone else clapped. Brienne then stood up and moved to the side as Naruto nodded to the soldier to tell Renly they were here.

"Your grace. I have the honor to bring you Lord Naruto Uzumaki, Lord Regent and Protector of the Realm. And Lady Catelyn Stark, sent as an envoy by her son, Robb lord of Winterfell." The soldier said as he walked up to Renly and Naruto and Cat walked up behind him

"Lord of Winterfell, and King in the North." Catelyn added.

"Naruto, Lady Catelyn. I'm pleased to see you two. May I present my wife, Margaery of House Tyrell." Renly said as Margaery looked at Naruto and was surprised at how handsome he was.

"An honor, Lady Tyrell." Naruto said as he and Cat bowed in respect.

"You are very welcome here, Lord Naruto, Lady Stark. I'm so sorry for your losses." Margaery said.

"You are most kind." Catelyn said.

"My lady, I swear to you, I will see the Lannisters answer for your husbands death. When we win this war is over, I will bring you Tywin Lannisters head." Renly said as his troops cheered.

"It will be enough to know that justice was done, my lord." Cat said.

"Your grace." Brienne told him. "And you both should kneel when you approach the king."

"There's no need for that. Lady Stark is an honored guest. And Naruto is serving as ruling Regent of King's Landing. He has no need to kneel." Renly said as Naruto nodded.

"Has your son marched against Tywin Lannister yet?" Loras asked Catelyn.

"I do not sit on my husbands war councils. And if I did, I would not share his strategies with you." Cat said.

"If Robb Stark wants a pact with us he should come himself. Not hide behind his mother's skirts." Loras said.

"My son is fighting a war…not playing at one." Cat said as Naruto chuckled.

Renly then got up and walked down to the two of them. "Don't worry, my lady. Our war is just beginning." Renly said as he and Naruto quickly shared a hug and the three left, with Margaery taking one more glance at Naruto before they departed.

Renly walked Naruto and Cat through his camp as his men were hard at work at their chores or labors. Brienne walked up behind them as her new job on his King's guard had started.

"I must say, Renly. You've done quiet well here." Naruto said as Renly smiled.

"I have 100,000 men at my command. All the might of the Stormlands and the Reach." Renly said.

"And all of them, young and bold like your knight of flowers." Cat said. "It's a game to you, isn't it? I pity them."

"Why?" Renly asked.

"Because it won't last. Because they are the knights of summer and winter is coming." Cat told him.

"Brienne. Escort Lady Catelyn to her tent, she's tired from her journey. Naruto and I shall conduct business." Renly said.

"At once, your grace." Brienne said as she escorted Cat away while Renly and Naruto when to Renly's tent to talk.

"Well I can see the months have been kind to you, Naruto." Renly said as he handed a cup of wine to Naruto.

"In all honesty, it wasn't something I planned on doing." Naruto said as Renly chuckled.

"Naruto…I am sorry about what happened to Ned. Perhaps if I had stayed behind and—" "It's alright, Renly. There's no point in trying to argue about how to change the past. All that matters is that we don't make the same mistakes in the future." Naruto said as Renly smiled.

"So, have you decided to stand down and let me rule as King?" Renly asked.

"No, actually that was something I wanted to talk to you about. With the war against the Lannisters, the attacks against King's Landing and Stannis now declaring himself king…I felt that it would be best that until the war with the Lannisters is resolved, then I shall name a new king." Naruto said as Renly was a little upset.

"Why not name me now?! We can resolve this whole matte right now. You know what I'm like. I will be a great king and Stannis is…well Stannis but he isn't King material we both know this and Ned knew this but was dead set on the bloody line of succession—" "ENOUGH!" Naruto said, getting Renly to stop whining like a brat.

"The reason why I am waiting is that if I name you King now, Stannis will have a complete reason to attack King's Landing and kill any person that gets in his way until he gets what he wants." Naruto said as Renly calmed down and began to understand. "I have to try diplomacy first. I still have to talk to Stannis and Robb and resolve this whole situation or the kingdom will be put in a war with dire consequences."

Renly was reluctant but Naruto did seem to make sense. "All right, we'll do it your way." Renly said.

Line Break xxxxx

Deep in the castle of the Iron Islands, Theon had taken a ship back to his home after years in the North. He arrived back home because Robb sent him there to ask his father if they would be willingly to work out a treaty that if Balon gave Robb the use of his ships to take Casterly Rock, The Greyjoys could have it. Balon discarded the treaty, saying that a boy cannot make him a king for he will become one.

Theon and his sister, Yara, were waiting in the main council room as their father walked in to tell them of his plan to initiate his rebellion plan he started years ago that was foiled.

"The plans are made, it's time you heard them." Balon said as he walked in.

"Father." Theon and Yara said as Balon walked to the map on the table.

"The Wolf pup has gone south, with the entirety of the Northern army at his back. While he's tangling with the lion in the Westerlands, The North is ripe for the taking. The iron born will reeve and pillage as it did in the old age all along the northern coast. We spread out along the Greenlands, securing the neck, and everything above. Every stronghold will yield to us, one by one. Winterfell made to fight us for a year but what of it. The rest shall be ours, forests, fields, and hall." Balon said, determined to relive the old days of his rebellion before he was crushed.

"Yara, my daughter, you will take 30 long ships to attack Deepwood Motte." Balon told her.

"I always wanted a castle." Yara said.

"And what's my role in all this?" Theon asked.

"You'll take a ship to raid the fishing villages on the Stony Shore." Balon told Theon.

"A ship?" Theon asked. "You give her 30 and I get 1."

"The Sea bitch. We thought she'd be perfect for you." Yara said.

"I'm to fight fishermen?" Theon asked.

"Be careful of their nets." Yara joked as Theon moved to his father's side.

"Father, I fought with Robb Stark, I know his men. He won't give up the North so easily." Theon told Balon.

"They won't even know we're there." Yara said.

"What do you know of it, woman!" Theon yelled at her. "I'm a proven warrior."

"Your brothers were warriors. Both of them dead, at the hands of those so eager you seem to protect." Balon said.

"I'm not protecting anyone. I just wonder if it's not wiser to wait. Why risk going against the North if they will be our allies. Rise up against them and they could destroy us. But, if we pledge fealty to them, they'll give us Casterly Rock." Theon told his father.

"What are our words? Our words." Balon asked Theon.

"We do not sow." Theon said.

"We do not sow. We are iron born. We're not subjects, we're not slaves, we do not plow the fields or toil in the mines, we take what is ours. Your time with the wolves has made you weak." Balon said.

"You act as if I volunteered to go. You gave me away if you remember! The day you bent the knee to Robert Baratheon…after he crushed you. Did he take what was yours then?!" Theon said as his father was angered by the insults and slapped him hard across the face.

His father left for the door as Theon yelled at him. "You gave me away! Your boy! Your last boy! You gave me away like I was some dog you didn't want anymore! And now you curse me, because I've come home!" Theon yelled as his father ignored him and left.

"You'd have our father bow down to your other family?!" Yara asked Theon as if he were a traitor.

"I have no other family!" Theon said.

"Don't you? Make your choice Theon and do it quickly. Our ships sail with or without you." Yara said as she left leaving a conflicted Theon. In the shadows of the room, one of Naruto's clones heard the whole thing. He felt sorry for Theon, being put in that kind of situation with a father and sister who treated him like garbage. Naruto didn't have any bad blood with Theon, he was friends with Robb and Naruto knew he was a good man…he just needed some guidance.

Back in Lannisport, Tyrion was at work writing a letter to Naruto about the discussions for peace, to stop the bloodshed. Tyrion was working hard on making sure that what he wrote down would at least get Naruto to consider to talk about the idea. Naruto held bad blood with Tyrion's family and Tyrion couldn't blame him. His sister had his father figure killed and Jaime tried to kill him, not to mention that Tywin sent soldiers to kill him as well. But Tyrion knew what kind of man Naruto was, he was a decisive, passionate, kind yet strong and relentless. If Naruto joined Robb Stark in the war, the Lannisters would most definitely lose. The only thing that kept Naruto out of it was the safety of King's Landing and his other duties as Regent, and he didn't have an army yet, but that fox of his was deadlier.

Tyrion was looking at the current draft he had written in his office. Cersei was with Joffrey trying to keep him occupied while Tyrion worked. He had yet to know that Tyrion was lord of Lannisport and that Joffrey, as of the moment, had no power. She wanted to keep him out of the loop to prevent anymore whining. Tyrion was trying to look over his draft as he saw Shae, his current girlfriend walk around the room, bored.

"You won't let me leave this room, you won't let me—" "Shh, keep your voice down." Tyrion told her.

"Why? You think your father can hear me? He's in another city!" Shae yelled out in frustration.

"I don't intend for you to stay here. I might be able to bring you into the kitchens. Again, only temporary." Tyrion said.

"Every man who has tasted my cooking has told me what a good whore I am." Shae said.

"Well you wouldn't be a cook. You'd pose as a scullion." Tyrion said as Shae was confused.

"Scullion, what is a scullion?" Shae asked.

"Kitchen wench." Tyrion said.

"A kitchen wench?" Shae asked.

"Yes, but only to keep you alive. We've come to a dangerous place. My sister and nephew will do anything to get the throne back while my job is to try and negotiate peace. It doesn't help that I'm now Lord of Lannisport for the time being. They will do whatever they can to get a head of me and take power. My sister wants to hurt me and she will look for any weakness she can find." Tyrion told her.

"I'm the weakness?" Shae asked.

"It's a compliment, my lady. You are the one thing that can bring me from my other duties, and that is a weakness itself." Tyrion joked as Shae started to smile.

"How long must I stay hidden?" Shae asked.

"Only temporary. Once I send the message to King's Landing about talking for peace, perhaps Naruto will at least talk to me about the idea. If he can, that will be one less thing that I will have to worry about, making you my priority." Tyrion said with a smile. He just hoped that Naruto would at least talk it out.

Back in the Stormlands, night had settled as Naruto was in a tent provided for him by Renly. He moved Kurama inside as the two rested and ate some food. Naruto was also planning out some strategies to deal with the Lannisters home city at Casterly Rock. It was very well defended and if they had control over the sea, then Robb was at a disadvantage. Naruto was momentarily distracted when he thought about Margaery but quickly regained focus. Kurama chuckled as he knew what Naruto was thinking about.

Meanwhile, Renly was in his tent, yet not with his wife, but Loras, his lover. The two were in bed together but Loras was still angry over what happened before about the fight with Brienne.

"What?" Renly asked.

"A member of the King's Guard? As if I wasn't humiliated enough already." Loras said.

"Brienne, is a very capable warrior. And she's devoted to me." Renly said as he saw Loras's reaction. "You're jealous."

"Jealous. Of Brienne the beauty…don't make me laugh." Loras said.

"I'll make it up to you." Renly said.

"Your grace, not tonight. There's another Tyrell that requires your attention. You didn't win my father's support or army on charm alone." Loras said as he grabbed his clothes. Renly tried to kiss him but Loras stopped him. "You're vassals are starting to snigger behind your back. Brides aren't usually virgins two weeks after their wedding night."

"Ha, and Margaery's a virgin?" Renly joked.

"Officially. Shall I bring her to you?" Loras said as he got up and left.

Renly put on a shirt and drank some wine as Margaery walked in wearing a night gown. "I should warn you, I've had a quite a bit of wine." Renly said to Margaery.

"As is your right, you are a King." Margaery said.

"You look very beautiful." Renly said.

"Thank you, your grace." Margaery said.

"That's a lovely gown." Renly said.

"You think so. I can't decided how I like it better. This way, or…" Margaery said as she removed the top part to reveal her breasts. "this way."

"You certainly don't need it." Renly said, trying to get aroused by her.

Margaery walked up to Renly and kissed him, undoing the strings on his shirt as Renly tried to kiss back but was un-aroused and un-attracted to her. Renly separated from her, having felt no reaction from her and sighed his head.

"Do you want my brother to come in an help?" Margaery asked, shocking Renly.

"What?" Renly asked.

"Or he could get you started. I know he wouldn't mind. Or I could turn over and you could pretend I'm him." Margaery said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Renly said.

"There's no need for us to play games. Save your lies for court, you're going to need a lot of them." Margaery said as she sat on the bed next to him. "Your enemies are not happy about us. They want to tear us apart, and the best way to stop them…is to put your baby in my belly. You can try again later. You decide how you want to do it, with me, with me and Loras or whoever else you like. Whatever you need to do. You…are a king." Margaery said as she kissed his head, grabbed her top and left.

She put on a coat as she walked back to her tent. She walked by soldiers who were on guard and men walking to their tents. She then saw a figure by himself, staring at the moon. She walked towards the figure to see it was Naruto, the ruling regent and, as of the moment, ruler of Westeros. He seemed to have a peaceful look on his face and she blushed as she saw the moonlight shine on him, like it would a hero from an old tale. Naruto then felt he was being watched and turned to see Margaery.

"Lady Margaery, apologies. I didn't know you were there." Naruto said as he bowed.

"The fault is mine. You seemed busy and I didn't mean to interrupt you." Margaery said.

"Oh no. I'm not busy. Just clearing my head." Naruto said.

"Oh, is your tent not comfortable? If you want I could have some men find a better tent—" "It's not that, but thank you, Lady Margaery." Naruto said, stopping her.

"Just Margaery, please." She said.

"Margaery. It's not the tent. It's perfect and thank you again for the hospitality." Naruto said.

"Then why are you out here?" She asked.

"For some peace. I've always been fond of nature…it soothes me. Whenever I've been stressed or worried, some peaceful meditation always relaxes me." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"I would imagine that ruling King's Landing has been stressful." Margaery said.

"Not as much as you think. I've had some help and the city is thriving more by the day. And the people are happy, which is the most important." Naruto said as smiled at Margaery and she saw an unusual flower pinned to his cloak.

"What is that flower? I'm not familiar with it." Margaery said, interested in the beauty of the flower. It was a rose shaped flower but the petals were a combination of blue, white and purple, spinning out from the center like a tornado or whirlpool of colors.

"This is a new flower, actually. Something I made call the Whirlpool flower because of how the colors of the petals spin like a whirlpool. Let me show you." Naruto said as Margaery got close. She saw him take a seed and put it in the ground.

"Usually a flower takes its time to grow and blossom. The petals open as the seasons change. But…when one is close to nature…and asks…" Naruto said as he used a little charka and touched the ground, causing the seed to grow and a fully bloomed Whirlpool flower came out of the ground. Naruto then plucked the flower out of the ground and held it up. "nature answers." Naruto said with a smile as Margaery was amazed. A flower grown in a matter of seconds. She looked at the beauty of the flower and then noticed that Naruto was smiling at her and she blushed.

"Incredible." Margaery said.

"A gift. A lady of the flowers should have one as beautiful as her." Naruto said as he handed it to her. "Now I would suggest that we both return to our tents and get some sleep. I fear that tomorrow will bring many new things." Naruto said as he and Margaery went to their tents. Margaery smiled at the flower and felt her heart skip a beat.

Back with Theon on the Iron Islands, he was in the middle of a dilemma. He came home only to be treated like a relative who was not welcome. His father despises him and his sister thinks he's an idiot and a fool. Theon's father would not accept the alliance treaty and his father expected him to fight on his family's side, like a Greyjoy should, but be treated like an outsider. He felt more at home and respected back in Winterfell. He was looking over the letter he wrote to send to Robb, telling him what Balon had planned but was contemplating on if he should send it or side with his father. Theon decided to go with the side that he felt more at home and that…was with the Starks. He sealed the letter and packed his things.

"Well done, Theon." Theon heard and saw Naruto come out from the shadows.

"Naruto? But you're suppose to be in King's Landing." Theon said.

"I'm a clone. I had one made to watch over your family should they try and double cross Robb and I was right. I was also right about you…you made the right decision." Naruto said with a smile.

"There is no decision when it comes to family." Theon said as Naruto smiled.

"Good. We need to get back and tell Robb. Are you packed?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, everything is ready. But how are we going to get back. We'll surely be spotted." Theon said.

"No we won't. Hold your breath and bend your knees." Naruto said as he touched Theon's shoulder and the two hirashined back to Winterfell. Theon was a bit nauseous but it would pass. "Don't worry, everyone feels like that their first time. Anyway, send a raven to Robb and organize whatever men you can spare to fight back. I have some clones here so they should help in the defense. Good luck." Naruto said as the clone dispelled and Theon ran inside to meet with Bran and Maester Luwin.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in the Riverlands, Robb had won another battle against the Lannisters, on their way to Casterly Rock. The Stark soldiers were scavenging weapons, armor and other helpful items from the battlefield as medics tended the wounded. Robb and his bannermen were walking on the battlefield as Lord Bolton told Robb of the men killed or wounded.

"5 Lannisters dead for every one of ours. We've no where to keep all these prisoners. Barely enough food to feed our own." Bolton said.

"We're not executing prisoners, Lord Bolton. I received a raven from King's Landing and Naruto said he was sending down wagons of food to us as long as we fight. They should be here by tomorrow." Robb said.

"Of course, your grace. The officers could prove useful. Some of them may be privy to Tywin Lannisters plans." Bolton said.

"I doubt it." Robb said.

"Well, we'll learn so enough. In my family we say, a naked man has few secrets, a flayed man none." Bolton told Robb.

"My father outlawed flaying in the North." Robb told Bolton.

"We're not in the North." Bolton replied.

"We're not torturing them." Robb said.

"The Highroads very pretty, but you'll have a hard time marching your army down it." Bolton said.

"Naruto once told me that when you fight a battle or war, your enemy will do things you consider horrible. You can win a war but if you become your enemy, you've won nothing. I will not become the very men we fight. The prisoners remain alive and unspoiled." Robb said as Lord Bolton reluctantly nodded.

Robb then helps a soldier who was injured in battle and med a woman, Talisa of Volantis. Robb was instantly smitten, but he had other concerns as he got word that a raven from Winterfell had come for him.

Back in Lannisport, Joffrey had taken over one of the main halls and had men redecorate it to act as his throne for Lannisport. Joffrey was still a smug son of a bitch and he was enjoying his free time, punishing men and women while his family was fighting a war. News came that the Lannisters lost another battle and Joffrey was spending his time, torturing and beating the peasants. Just before he could fire a crossbow bolt at a peasant girl, Tyrion barged into the room.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Tyrion yelled as everyone grew silent and watched as Tyrion, Bronn, and some of the city guard walked into the hall. Joffrey was angry that his attention was gone.

"Someone get the girl something to cover herself with." Tyrion said as the Hound took his cloak and wrapped it around the girl.

"What is wrong with you?! What kind of boy threatens innocent girls?!" Tyrion asked, outraged.

"I'm punishing her!" Joffrey said.

"For what?! She's not fighting in the war, you half-wit!" Tyrion said.

"You can't talk to me like that, the King can do as he likes!" Joffrey yelled.

"You are no King, nor are you a prince. Just a boy who thinks himself one." Tyrion said.

"Shut up! I am King and what I say is law! Men, kill him!" Joffrey ordered as the city guard didn't move. "Kill him! Your king commands it!"

"Like I said, you are no King. Me on the other hand, I am ruler and Lord of Lannisport while your grandfather is fighting the war, which gives me all the power. Men, take Joffrey to his room and don't let him out unless I say so." Tyrion said as the city guards grabbed Joffrey and escorted him out of the hall.

"You can't do this to me! I am the King! My Mother will have your head for this!" Joffrey yelled like a baby as he was dragged away.

"Oh, what a spoiled brat." Tyrion said as he helped the girl off the ground and took her someplace safe.

Back in the Stormlands, Naruto was waiting outside Renly's tent. Naruto wanted to speak with him and Catelyn to talk about what he learned from Theon. Cat arrived but Renly was late. They then saw him walking towards the tent with Brienne and some other guards behind him.

"Sorry I'm late. Some matters lasted longer then I expected." Renly said as he an Brienne walked in.

"Next time, at least send a messenger. I've been waiting for over an hour. A King would not make his friends wait." Naruto told Renly.

"I thought a King could do as he likes." Renly said.

"True a king can, but a wise king would rethink his actions and try not to be late." Naruto said as Renly nodded.

"Naruto, what matters need our attention?" Cat asked.

"Some disconcerting news. I had a clone head to the Iron Islands after Theon was sent over to negotiate a possible alliance with his father. Negotiations turned sour as Lord Balon is dead set on restarting his conquest that was stopped years ago by Robert and Ned." Naruto told them.

"I should have known. I told Robb never to trust a Greyjoy." Cat said.

"The Greyjoys yes, but Theon can be trusted. He holds no more love for the father and family that casted him out. I have Theon working with Robb and what remains of the men at Winterfell to prepare against the attacks on Deepwood Motte…" Naruto said as he showed them on the map. "and the Stony Shore."

"The Greyjoys have always been a problem since my brother stopped them years ago. Now they're using the war to restart their rebellion." Renly said.

"And it would have worked. Robb is busy fighting the Lannisters near the Riverlands and is continuing to push to Casterly Rock and Lannisport. This leaves the North vulnerable and weak for an attack. Lucky enough, the Greyjoys don't know what I'm capable of." Naruto said as Cat and Renly smiled.

"It's a good thing that you did find out. Now, we can stop the Greyjoys from advancing North." Cat said.

"We will stop them, but they won't give up. As long as the war continues, Balon Greyjoy will not stop. He sees this as the perfect opportunity to take over. Everyone would be focuses on the war and he could slip right through and take what he wants." Naruto said.

"Traitorous Greyjoys." Renly said. "Robert should have killed them years ago."

"Well now that we know what they're planning we can prepare. We can stop them from getting a solid foot on land. We keep them away, they can't move North. But they still have the superior fleet and numbers with Robb fighting. Which brings up another issue. The Greyjoys will know that Theon is not on their side and now that their plans are known, they will find new allies." Naruto said pointing to Casterly Rock.

"Do you think that the Greyjoys would go the Lannisters for aid? They're stubborn, think themselves rulers and conquerors, they don't work well with others." Cat said.

"War has the tendency to bring enemies together. But should the Lannisters decide to work with the Greyjoys, Robb will be outnumbered. They will tighten their hold on the eastern coast, and since the North don't really have ships, Robb will be at a disadvantage. I haven't amassed a large enough force to aid Robb yet and the ships I have would take months to get into position." Naruto said as Renly received a letter from a messenger.

"It seems we will have more issues. My brother Stannis is coming tomorrow to discuss terms of 'our fealty to him'. As if." Renly said.

"Ugh, I can feel the migraines coming." Naruto said as Renly chuckled.

"Naruto, you know I've always been fond of you. We've been friends for a long time and I have cherished that, which is why I agreed on your decision to wait until the war is over for a king to be crowned. But my brother…is less amicable. He will demand that you immediately give up your position of protector of the realm and make him King. We both know Stannis isn't right for the kingdom." Renly said as Cat looked at Naruto who was thinking.

"Believe me, I know. I just hope I am able to convince him to at least work with us to fight the war. If not…" Naruto said.

"If not what?" Cat asked.

"Then the war has only just begun." Naruto said.

"Well we have time to prepare. Stannis arrived tomorrow, so tonight, we relax." Renly said as he left for his tent. Naruto just shrugged his shoulders and took Cat back to her tent. Naruto was walking through the camp, looking at the soldiers who nodded to him as he passed and Naruto did the same. As he was walking through the camp, Margaery was talking with her brother as the two departed. Margaery saw Naruto walking and walked up to him.

"Naruto." Margaery said.

"Margaery, hello. How can I help you?" Naruto asked.

"I would just like to thank you for the flower. It is most exquisite." Margaery said.

"You are very welcome." Naruto said.

"If it's not too much to ask. Perhaps we could arrange a trade for more of your seeds to Highgarden." Margaery asked him.

"An agreement can be met. Your family has been most generous during my time at King's Landing and I would be happy to return the favor." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"Thank you." Margaery said.

"My pleasure." Naruto said as he decided to ask her a question. "Margaery, if I may, might I ask you a question?"

"I believe you already did." Margaery joked. "But yes, what would you like to know."

"If my question offends then by all means, feel no need to answer it. But Renly is my friend and I am happy for you two…but given Renly and his…preferences towards others, I find it interesting of your marriage." Naruto said as Margaery looked at him.

"Again, I mean no offense, I wish you both happiness…but in my experience, a relationship where the love of one is set on someone else…the relationship does not last…or even start in my case." Naruto said.

"Speaking from experience, Naruto? Have you fallen in love with someone who did not feel the same?" Margaery asked.

"Yes, twice, I'm afraid. One girl I was madly in love with when I was a child and tried to gain her affections…but her heart was set on someone else." Naruto said remembering his childhood attempts to get Sakura to notice him.

"And the other?" Margaery asked.

"She was in love with me, yet too shy to admit it. As time went on, she did tell me how she felt." Naruto said, remembering Hinata and the time she confessed she loved him.

"And what happened?" Margaery asked as she saw Naruto was trying to figure out what to say.

"Circumstances, prevented me from expressing how I felt about her. Unfortunately I will never get to tell her now." Naruto said.

"Is she dead?" Margaery asked.

"No, not dead. Just…far away." Naruto said.

"Well, Naruto, I am sorry for you but for me it is quite simple. My husband is my king, and my king is my husband." Margaery said as Naruto nodded and the two parted ways.

End of Chapter 4

The Orange Flash in Westeros