
The Orange Flash of Westeros

After Naruto defeated Madara and the 10-tailed beast, Kami sent him to his new destiny in Westeros. Found by Robert and Ned, Naruto will face the battles for the 7 kingdoms. Now the Stags, Wolves and Lions must deal with the Fox as Naruto will shift the game for the Iron Throne. Story written by choejhulk9 who is a great author with several great stories that you should check it out. Unfortunately this story was abandoned.

Hyuga_Tobirama · 漫画同人
13 Chs

Chapter 3: The Game has Changed Part II

Back in King's Landing, Ned had recovered and was much better. He needed a cane to walk because of the injury to his leg but other than that he was find. While Robert was away on his hunt, Ned was to act in the King's place over matters that needed to be dealt with. They were in the throne room with Ned in the throne and Naruto standing behind him. Grand Maester Pycelle and Lord Baelish were also in attendance as Ned was listening to the plea of a farmer from the Riverlands who's village was destroyed by a group of men.

"They burned almost everything in the Riverlands, our fields, our grainiery, our homes. They took our women, then they took them again. When they was done, they butchered them as if they were animals. They covered our children in pitch and lit them on fire." The farmer said with a heavy heart as he and his companions remembered the horrible details of what happened.

"Brigands, most likely." Pycelle said.

"They weren't thieves. They didn't steal nothing, they even left something behind, your grace." The farmer said.

"It's the King's hand your addressing, not the King. The King is hunting." Pycelle said.

One of the companions brought forth a sack and emptied the contents onto the floor. It was revealed to be fish, and most fowl smelling fish as Naruto could tell.

"Fish? The sigil of House Tully. Isn't that your wife's house, my lord hand?" Baelish asked.

"Ned, this seems less of a random act of violence and more of a statement." Naruto whispered to Ned who nodded.

"These men, were they flying a sigil?" Ned asked as the farmer seemed confused. "A banner?"

"None, your Hand. The one who was leading them, taller by a foot than any man I've ever met. Saw him cut the blacksmith in two, saw him take the head off a horse with a single swing of his sword." The Farmer said as everyone realized who he was speaking of.

"That sound like someone we know. The Mountain." Baelish said.

"You're describing Ser Gregor Clegane." Ned said.

"Now why would Ser Gregor turn brigand, the man is an anointed knight." Pycelle said.

"I've heard him call Tywin Lannister's mad dog, I'm sure you have as well. Can you think of any reason the Lannisters might possibly have for being angry with your wife?" Baelish asked as Ned and Naruto realized the reason.

"If the Lannisters were to order attack on villages under the King's protection, it would be—" "That would be almost as brazen as attacking the hand of the King in the streets of the capital." Baelish said, interrupting Pycelle.

Ned thought for a moment and then came to a decision. "I cannot give you back your homes or restore your dead to life, but perhaps I can give you justice in the name of our King Robert. Lord Beric Dondarrion." Ned called out as the knight stood forward. "You shall have the command. Assemble 100 men and ride to Ser Gregor's keep." Ned told him.

"As you command." Dondarrion replied.

Ned then stood up with the help of Naruto to address the rest of the room. "In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the first of his name, King of the Andals and first men, Lord of the 7 Kingdoms and Protector of the realm, I charge you to bring the King's justice to the false knight Gregor Clegane and all those who shared in his crimes. I denounce him and detaint him. I strip him of all ranks and titles, of all lands and holdings, and sentence him to death." Ned said as everyone shocked at the extreme methods the Hand was taking.

"My Lord, this—this is a drastic action. It would be better to wait for King Robert's return." Pycelle told Ned.

"Grand Maester Pycelle, send a raven to Casterly Rock. Inform Tywin Lannister that he has been summoned to court, to answer for the crimes of his bannerman, he will arrive within the fortnight or be branded an enemy of the crown and a traitor to the realm." Ned said as everyone was shocked. No drastic actions have ever been done before and to threaten the Lannisters was inconceivable.

Ned nodded to Lord Dondarrion to get to work and he did. The farmer and his men bowed in respect and thanks to the Hand as everyone else left the throne room. Naruto helped Ned down the stairs of the throne as Lord Baelish walked up to them.

"A bold move, my lord. And admirable." Baelish said. "But is it wise to yank the lion's tail? Tywin Lannister is the richest man in all the 7 kingdoms. Gold wins wars, not soldiers."

"Then how come Robert is king and not Tywin Lannister?" Ned asked as he and Naruto left.

"I believe that that was a just move, Ned. We cannot let justice be absent because of a man's wealth." Naruto said as Ned nodded.

"Justice has not limits. What is right, must be done." Ned said as they entered Ned's office. "You said to me that we would discuss what piece of knowledge Jon Arryn was killed for."

"Yes, we would." Naruto said as he closed the door and put a silencing seal on the wall so no one could hear the conversation. "After some digging I believe I found out what Jon Arryn discovered, the reason he was killed and who tried to kill Bran." Naruto said as he took out some recording scrolls for Ned to listen to.

Ned listened to the recording and what shocked to hear Cersei and Jaime talking and how Jaime pretty much confessed to pushing Bran out the window and that he would kill Robert, Ned and Naruto to be with his sister. Naruto also grabbed the history book about the many houses of Westeros and showed Naruto the page on the Baratheons. Naruto turned to the page that listed Robert and his children and pointed out that after Robert, the Baratheon line and description had changed. Robert had black hair and so did the rest of his family until Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen who all have blond hair.

Ned was in shock to hear this, the Lannisters had no claim to the throne. Joffrey wasn't the crowned prince, he was no royalty but the spoiled child of incest and the Lannisters would kill anyone to keep it quiet.

"So, now that you know, how do we proceed?" Naruto asked as Ned thought to himself.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Vaes Dothrak, the Dothraki were in the middle of a feast for Daenerys and Drogo. People were drinking and eating as dancers moved throughout the tent. Daenerys sat with Jorah and enjoyed the company but then saw her older brother stumble into the tent, most likely drunk.

"Daenerys?! Where's my sister?!" Viserys shouted out in his drunken stupor.

"Stop him." Daenerys told Jorah as he got up.

"Where is she?! Where is she?! I'm here for the feast, the whore's feast." Viserys shouted out as Jorah went up to him to lead him away but Viserys violently smacked his hands away. "Get your hands off me! No one touches the dragon!"

Viserys then heard Khal Drogo and his men laughing and turned and gave a sinister smile. "Khal Drogo! I'm here for the feast." Viserys said.

Khal Drogo then spoke and pointed to the corner as Viserys looked at Mormont to translate. "Khal Drogo says there is a place for you, back there." Mormont said as he points to the corner of the tent.

"That is not place for a king." Viserys said.

"You are no King." Khal Drogo was able to say in English.

Viserys then grabbed his sword as Mormont tried to stop him but was too late. "Keep away from me!" Viserys said as he pointed his sword at Jorah. Everyone in the tent had stopped as they saw Viserys draw his sword.

"Viserys, please!" Daenerys begged him to stop.

"There she is." Viserys said as he pointed his sword at her and walked towards her.

"Put the sword down. They'll kill us all!" Mormont told him.

"They can't kill us. They can't shed blood in their sacred city." Viserys said, not noticing Drogo telling two of his men to be ready. "But I can." Viserys said as he put his sword against Daenerys's stomach. Viserys saw that Drogo was now watching intently as his son was in danger.

"I want what I came for. I want the crown he promised me. He bought you, but he never paid for you." Viserys said as one of the maids translated for Khal Drogo. "Tell him I want what was bargained for or I'm taking you back. He can keep the baby, I'll cut it out and leave it for him." Viserys said as Drogo didn't like that threat. He then spoke in Dothraki as Viserys looked to his sister. "What's he saying?"

"He says yes. You shall have a golden crown, that men shall tremble to behold." Daenerys said as Viserys believed she was telling the truth.

"Well that was all I wanted. What was promised." Viserys said as he stood back and smiled. Khal Drogo then went over to his wife to make sure she was ok, when he saw that she was, he gave a command. His two men then grabbed Viserys's arms. The broke his sword arm as Viserys struggled to get free.

"No! No! You cannot touch me, I am the Dragon! I am the Dragon, I want my crown!" Viserys shouted before Khal Drogo's men pushed him to his knees.

Khal ordered one of the women to empty the pot by the fire, she did and he put the golden necklace that Daenerys made for Viserys in to let it melt. Viserys saw this and began to panic.

"Look away, Khaleesi." Mormont told her.

"No." She replied as she watched with a straight face.

"No, Dany! Dany tell them, make them! Dany, please!" Viserys begged his little sister for help but she would not move.

Once the gold from the necklace had melted into a pool of golden ore, Khal Drogo grabbed the pot and walked in front of Viserys. "A crown for a King!" Drogo said as he poured the hot golden ore onto Viserys head. Viserys screamed in pain as the hot metal, melted through his head and his body shook before his life was gone. They let his body drop as the metal ore had rapidly cooled and Viserys head hit the floor with a clang.

"Khaleesi…" "He was no dragon. Fire cannot kill a dragon." Daenerys said, realizing she was the last one.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Westeros, the morning son had risen and it shined down in the Riverlands to show a large force bearing the banner of the House Lannister. The soldiers were preparing to march: readying their horses and weapons and in one tent above the rest, Jaime Lannister was reading to his father, Tywin Lannister, the raven that was sent from King's Landing.

"Summon to court to answer for the crimes of your bannerman, Gregor Clegane the Mountain. Uh…arrive within the fortnight or be branded an enemy of the crown. Poor Ned Stark: brave man, terrible judgment." Jaime said to his father. Tywin was sharpening a knife to skin a dead Stag.

Tywin thought to himself as he removed the guts from the dead animal. "Attacking him was stupid, as evident by the condition you were in." Tywin said as Jaime touched his face. He had a scar from here Naruto's sword cut him and bruises on his face, with a black eye that was almost healed. "Lannisters don't act like fools." Tywin said as Jaime just waved him off. "You going to say something clever. Go on, same something clever."

"Catelyn Stark and the whiskered face idiot took my brother." Jaime said.

"Why is he still alive?" Tywin asked.

"Tyrion?" Jaime asked.

"Ned Stark." Tywin told him.

"One of our men interfered, speared him through the leg before I could finish him." Jaime lied.

"Oh please what are you 5 years old, do we need more lies?" Tywin told his son. "The reason he is still alive is because you were a fool to attack him in the first place without realizing who he had with him."

"The whiskered face idiot?" Jaime said.

"His name is Naruto Uzumaki." Tywin told his son as Jaime chuckled. "Something funny?"

"I find it amusing that you burdened yourself with the details of one boy from the North." Jaime said.

"If you realized how skilled this boy was, you wouldn't have attacked the man he considers a father." Tywin told his son. "And it is not a burden to know your enemy. If you had the brains to realize that, you wouldn't look at horrid as you do now."

"The boy got lucky." Jaime said.

"That boy is one of the fastest and most skill warriors in the North! He is a valued friend of King Robert and holds both respect and position in the North!" Tywin shouted, annoyed by his son's arrogance. "Your lucky he chose to spare your life rather than take it."

"That boy was afraid of how you would react." Jaime said.

"That boy is many things, but from what I've heard, afraid isn't one of them. He spared your life because he took pity on you." Tywin said as Jaime felt undermined. "But we will return the favor in kind. I'm giving you half of our forces: 30,000 men. You will bring them to Catelyn Stark's girlhood home, and remind her and the Starks that Lannisters pay their debts."

"I didn't realize that you placed such high value on my brothers life." Jaime said.

"He's a Lannister. Might be the lowest of the Lannisters but he's one of us. And every day that he remains under their keep, the less our name demands respect." Tywin said.

"So the Lion does concern himself with the opinions—" "No, that's not an opinion it's a fact." Tywin told Jaime. "If another house cease one of our own and hold him captive and make one of our best soldiers look like a child, then we are no longer a house to be feared." Tywin told Jaime.

"Your mother's dead. Before long I'll be dead. And you, and your brother, and your sister, and all of her children. All of us dead, all of us rotting in the ground. It's the family name that lives on. It's all that lives on, not your personal glory, not your honor but family. Do you understand?" Tywin asked as Jaime nodded.

"You're blessed with abilities that few men possess. You're blessed to belong to the most powerful family in the Kingdom, and you're still blessed with youth. And what have you done with these blessings? Served as a glorified bodyguard for two Kings: one a madman and the other a drunk. The future of our family will be determined in these next few months. We could establish a dynasty that will last a thousand years, or we could collapse into nothing as the Targaryens did. I need you to become the man you were always meant to be. Not next year, not tomorrow, now." Tywin told Jaime.

"What of the boy?" Jaime asked.

"He will be dealt with. He is too big of a sword for the Starks and like all swords… can be broken." Tywin said.

Back in Kings Landing, after Naruto showed Ned the piece of information that Jon Arryn was killed for, they needed to figure out how to proceed. Naruto referred to Ned's judgment on this matter, the Lannisters tried to kill Bran and they would pay for that, but Tommen and Myrcella were innocent and killing their mother in public would be inexcusable. Ned decided to speak with Cersei.

He sent a message to her, telling her that he wanted to speak to her in private at the gardens. Naruto wanted to attend but Ned told him not to.

Cersei walked into the courtyard to see Ned sitting on a bench. "You're in pain." She said.

"I've had worse, my lady." Ned said as he used his cane to stand up.

"Perhaps it's time to go home. The South doesn't seem to agree with you." Cersei said.

"I know the truth Jon Arryn died for." Ned said as Cersei tensed up a bit.

"Do you, Lord Stark? Is that why you called me here, to pose me riddles?" She asked.

"Has he done this before?" Ned asked, referring to the bruise on her cheek.

"Jaime would have killed him." Cersei said. "My brother's worth a thousand of your friend or boy."

"Your brother…or your lover?" Ned asked.

"Targaryens wed brothers and sisters for 300 years to keep bloodlines pure. Jaime and I are more than brother and sister. We shared a womb, came into this world together we belong together." Cersei said.

"My son saw you with him." Ned said as Cersei did feel somewhat bad for trying to kill a young boy.

"Do you love your children?" she asked.

"With all my heart." Ned said.

"No more than I love mine." She said.

"And they're all Jaime's." Ned said as she laughed.

"Thank the gods. In the rare event that Robert leaves his whores for long enough to stumble drunk into my bed, I finish him off in other ways. In the morning he doesn't remember." She said.

"You've always hated him." Ned said.

"Hated him? I worshipped him. Every girl in the 7 Kingdoms dreamed of him but it was mine by oath. And when I finally saw him on our wedding day in the septh of Balor, lean and fierce and black bearded, it was the happiest moment of my life. And that night he crawled on top of me, stinking of wine and did what little he could do. And whispered in my ear, Lyanna. Your sister was a corpse and I was a living girl and he loved her more than me." Cersei said in anger.

"When the King returns from his hunt, I'll tell him the truth. You must be gone by then. You and your children. I will not have their blood on my hands. Go as far away as you can, with as many men as you can. Because wherever you go, Robert's wrath will follow you." Ned said.

"And what of my wrath, Lord Stark? You should have taken the realm for yourself. Jaime told me about the day King's Landing fell. He was sitting on the iron throne and you made him give it up. All you needed to do was to climb the stairs yourself. Such a sad mistake." Cersei said.

"I've made many mistakes in my life. But that wasn't one of them." Ned said.

"Oh but it was. When you play the game of thrones you win or you die. There is no middle ground." She said as she left.

Ned left soon after and when both of them were gone a camouflaged figure moved from the nearby tree and the camouflaged cloak disappeared to reveal Naruto. Kurama showed Naruto a new jutsu that made him blend into his environment like a chameleon, which was handy when snooping on a conversation. Even though Ned didn't want Naruto there, Naruto needed to cover his bases and a recording of Cersei's statement acknowledging that her children were not Roberts would be very useful in the future. Naruto took the recording seal he placed under the bench that Ned sat on and rolled it up and left.

Line Break xxxxx

In the northern part of Westeros, there stood the wall. A large defense set up to protect the realm from the wildlings and any other foes that could attack the realm. Jon's time at the wall was met with hard times from others who thought him a lesser because he was a bastard but he had quickly proven himself to be the best fighter and rider on the wall, do to his training with Naruto. He and his friend Sam were on watch over the wall. The icy wind blowing in their faces as they looked out to see miles of snow covered trees and land.

"I miss girls. Not even talking to them, I never talked to them. Just looking at them. Hearing them giggle." Sam said as Jon listened to him but then saw something heading toward the wall. "Don't you miss girls?" Sam asked Jon but then saw the same thing that Jon saw. "Riders. The horn, we have to blow the horn."

"Why is he alone?" Jon asked, seeing only one horse. "There's no rider."

Jon and Sam traveled down the wall as the horse rode through the tunnels and into Castle Black. Jon walked out to see one of the stable boys trying to calm the horse down.

"That's my uncle Benjen's horse." Jon said as he looked to see only the horse. "Where's my uncle?" Jon asked Commander Jeor Mormont but he didn't seem to have an answer.

Back at King's Landing, Ned and Naruto were walking through the halls, discussing matters when they heard the footsteps of someone running up behind them. "NED! NARUTO!" They heard as they turned to see a tired Renly with his shirt open and some blood on his skin. "It's Robert. We were hunting…and a boar" Renly managed to say as he led them to Robert's chambers.

Robert was lying in his bed, bandaged and tired from his wounds. He was talking to his son, Joffrey wishing he had been a better father to him so he could be a better man. Cersei, Pycelle, and Barristan were watching as Renly walked in with Naruto and Ned. Joffrey then left as Naruto and Ned looked at the condition Robert was in.

"My fault, to much wine. Missed my thrust." Robert said with a chuckle. Naruto moved the blanket to see Robert's wounds and they were severe. They were deep lacerations along his stomach and side and most likely were infected by now.

'Kurama, anything you can do?' Naruto asked.

'Sorry Kit, we have no idea how his wounds would react to my chakra. I'm sorry, this one is out of our hands.'Kurama told Naruto.

"Stinks. Stinks like death. Don't think I can't smell it. Ha Ha Ha, I paid the bastard back, Ned. I drove my knife right through his brain, you can ask him if I didn't. Ask him." Robert said as Ned and Naruto looked at Ser Barristan.

"I want the funeral feast to be the biggest feast the Kingdoms ever saw. And I want everyone to taste the boar that got me. Now leave us the lot of you. I need to talk to Ned." Robert said as Cersei was worried Ned would tell him now.

"Robert, my sweet—" "Out all of you!" Robert ordered as he coughed. Everyone filed out of the room until it was just Robert and Ned.

"You damned fool." Ned said.

"Paper and ink. On the table, right down what I say." Robert said as Ned grabbed the paper. "In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, First of…uh you know how it goes. Fill in the damn titles. I hereby command Eddard of House Stark, titles, titles…to serve as Lord Regent and Protector of the realm upon my death. To rule in my stead until my son, Joffrey comes of age." Robert said as Ned changed that to rightful heir on the paper.

"Give it over." Robert said as Ned gave him the letter to sign. "Give it to the council…after I'm dead. At least they'll say I did this right…this one thing. You'll rule now. You'll hate it worse than I did. But you'll do it well." Robert said as Ned nodded. "Naruto… you will need him. We both know he was destined for greatness when we found him all those years ago. Don't you remember?"

"I remember." Ned said, remembering back years ago when he and Robert found Naruto and helped him heal and adjust…he was like a son…to both of them.

"We know that Naruto has always been a protector. He's helped others but never wanted to lead…he would do wonders for the Kingdom if he was able. Remember that, Ned. Naruto would have been a great King if he appeared years before…Ha, I might have let him have the throne and maybe I wouldn't be dying right now." Robert said as he coughed up some blood. "The 7 Kingdoms are going to need him, Ned. We've kept him to ourselves but he will be needed…I guarantee it."

Robert told Ned to try and stop the attempt on Daenerys Targaryen and told Ned to help Joffrey before wanted something to dull his pain so he could die. Ned walked out of the room to see Naruto, Barristan, Renly, Pycelle and Baelish waiting for him.

"Give him milk of the poppy." Ned told Pycelle as Pycelle and Renly walked in.

"He was reeling from the wine. He commanded us to step aside, but I failed him." Barristan said.

"No man could have protected him from himself." Naruto said.

"I wonder, Ser Barristan, who gave the King this wine?" Baelish asked.

"His squire, from the King's own skin." Barristan said.

"His squire, the Lannister boy?" Ned asked as Barristan nodded.

"Such a dutiful boy to make sure his grace did not lack refreshment. I do hope the poor lad does not blame himself." Baelish said.

"His grace has had a change of heart concerning Daenerys Targaryen. Whatever arrangements that were made, unmake them…at once." Ned told Baelish.

"I'm afraid, those birds have flown. The girl is likely dead, already." Baelish said as Ned and Naruto left.

Naruto left to give himself some peace, he needed to withdraw himself from the situation for a while to keep his mind sane and to allow his mind to recharge. He may be a Shinobi but even he needed some R&R. Naruto asked Ned if it was alright if he took a little stroll and Ned was fine with it.

Ned kept two of his personal guard with him since Naruto left. Ned was walking to his study when he saw Renly waiting for him in the hall.

"Lord Stark, a moment. Alone if you will." Renly said. Ned nodded and his two men left him in private. "He named you protector of the realm."

"He did." Ned said.

"She won't care. Give me an hour and I could put a hundred swords at your command." Renly said.

"And what should I do with a hundred swords?" Ned asked.

"Strike. Tonight while the castle sleeps. We must get Joffrey away from his mother and into our custody. Protector of the realm or no, he who holds the King holds the kingdom. Every moment you delay gives Cersei another moment to prepare. By the time Robert dies it will be too late, for the both of us." Renly said.

"What about Stannis?" Ned asked.

"Saving the 7 kingdoms from Cersei and delivering them to Stannis? You had odd notions about protecting the realm." Renly said.

"Stannis is your older brother." Ned said.

"This isn't about the bloody line of succession. That didn't matter when you rebelled against the Mad King, it shouldn't matter now. What's best for the Kingdoms? What's best for the Kingdom's we rule? We all know what Stannis is. He inspires no love or loyalty. He's not a King…I am." Renly said as Ned was shocked.

"Stannis is a commander. He's led men into war twice, he destroyed the Greyjoy fleet." Ned said.

"Yes, he's a good soldier. Everyone knows that, so was Robert. Tell me something…do you still believe that good soldiers make good kings?" Renly asked as Ned didn't seem to have an answer.

"I will not dishonor Robert's last hours by shedding blood in his halls. And dragging frightened children from their beds." Ned said as he left.

Ned returned to his study and wrote a letter to Stannis Baratheon, Robert's younger brother who was now the one true heir to the throne. He wrote down his findings and had a courier send his letter to Dragonstone, Stannis's island fortress. When the courier leaves, Ned thinks to himself for a moment about what was happening. He also remembers what Robert said about Naruto…and he was right.

Was Ned selfish in keeping Naruto in Winterfell for years? With Naruto up in Winterfell, they have had years of prosper and safety, the people were happy and looked up to him as a protector, yet Naruto never wanted to be in the spotlight. He wanted peace, and didn't want to lead but Ned believed that with the moves he was making, that would need to change. He then grabbed another sheet of paper and began to write.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in the North, Jon and Sam were prepared to swear their oath to the Night's Watch. Since Jon observed the old gods, he was able to swear his oath of fealty in front of a heart tree. Sam was coming with him and a group of Night's Watchmen to lead them.

They arrived at the Heart tree, a tree with the god's face carved in and blood coming from it's eyes. Sam and Jon take a knee as they speak their oath.

"Here my words and bear witness to my vow. Night gathers and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no land, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glories. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness, I am the watcher on the walls, I am the shield that guards the realm of men. I pledge my life and honor to Night's watch, for this night and all the nights to come." Jon and Sam recited their oaths.

"You knelt as boys, rise now as men of the Night's watch." One the Watchmen said as Sam and Jon stood up. They hugged each other and were congratulated. Jon then saw Ghost walked out of the forest with something in his mouth.

"What's he got there?" Sam asked.

"To me, Ghost. Bring it here." Jon said as Ghost walked up to Jon and dropped a severed hand onto the ground.

"Gods be good!" Sam said, shocked and disgusted.

Back at King's Landing, Naruto was walking through the city to one of the gates. He wanted to meditate in some nature and the forests outside the city was perfect. The courtyards were decent but he wanted a peaceful meditation. He walked past the gate as he saw green trees and felt the wind blow in his face. He took a deep breath in and relaxed, feeling at one with nature.

He walked a little more until he came to a nice clearing. He sat in the middle and slowed his breathing as he meditated. He channeled some of his charka around hid body as he meditated and his surrounding began to react. The trees seem to have a better shine and feel as plants and flowers blossomed. The grass blew as the wind picked up into a nice gentle breeze. Naruto hadn't felt at peace for a long time. But then got a smirk on his face as he felt several presences.

"You can come out now. There's not point in trying to hide, I felt you follow me since I left the castle." Naruto shouted out with his eyes still closed. 6 Lannister guards came out into the clearing with their weapons ready. Naruto smirked as he stood up and saw the guards.

"Something I can help you with gentlemen?" Naruto asked.

"Tywin Lannister sends his regards." Said the lead guard as he fired a crossbow bolt at Naruto, aiming for his head. The bolt flew through the air but Naruto just reached his hand up and caught it.

"Hmm, the old lion exacts his revenge. But did you really think it would be that easy?" Naruto said as he held the bolt in his hands.

"No, we didn't." The guard said as he motioned for the other 14 guard to come out. Naruto was surrounded by 20 Lannister guards.

"Hmm, not bad." Naruto said. "Honestly I was expecting more but eh, whatever." Naruto joked.

"Joke all you want, boy. But you're out numbered." The captain said as his men prepared their spears.

"Oh well, I guess I get a work out." Naruto said.

'Hey kit, I've got an idea. Why don't you let me take them out?' Kurama asked Naruto.

'Really, you want to?' Naruto asked.

'Yeah, I could do with a fight, even if it's such a small one. Besides I need to stretch my legs.' Kurama said.

'All right. Lets go tailed beast mode…but not too big, we don't need to destroy the city and part of the forest.' Naruto said.

'Biju's honor.' Kurama said with a smirk. 'Lets get wild!'

"Before we begin, soldiers. I have two quick questions? One, do you know of the tailed beasts?" Naruto asked as the soldiers looked at him.

"No." The captain said.

"Pity." Naruto said as he concentrated and his charka began to circulate around his body. Soon, red charka began to mix with it and then Naruto let smirked and the energy exploded outward creating a giant plume of smoke. The soldiers were coughing up a fit and couldn't breathe or see but then they heard a man scream and a sword stab through a neck. The smoke soon dissipated to show the soldiers a site they didn't think was possible. Naruto had drawn his sword and killed a guard, they saw that but next to him, was something they have never seen before. A giant red fox, a few feet larger than a full grown Stallion. A giant blood red furred fox, with nine tails. Its tails moved around its' body as it snarled and growled, its teeth like razors and its eyes like death.

"Second…does anyone want to leave now?" Naruto asked as the soldiers were frozen in fear. The captain, trying to be brave but more like stupid, walked forward with its spear ready.

"What, you find a giant fox and think us scarred? You must be a bigger idio—" The Man was cut off when one of Kurama's tails grabbed the man by the neck and threw him into a tree, the force of the impact was so great that it snapped his neck.

"I take that as a no. Take them." Naruto said as Kurama smirked and charged at the troops taking on at least 10 of them. The remaining 8 charged at Naruto, preparing their spears to impale Naruto. Naruto moved to the side and grabbed a spear that was aimed at him and pushed it forward, killing a soldier that was charging at him.

Naruto kicked away the guard whose spear he took and then stabbed the soldier in the stomach and kicked him away. Naruto then spun the spear and threw it at charging charge and the force of the spear, sent the guard flying and stuck him to a tree. Naruto then drew his sword and blocked a sword strike and kicked the guard away and spun to his side to dodge a spear which ended up killing one of the guards. Naruto then spun around the guards and twirled his sword, hitting specific arteries on the soldiers bodies so that when he stopped and sheathed his sword, they fell over dead. Kurama finished tearing apart the last guard. The guards were torn to pieces and stabbed through with his tails. They saw one guard try to run away but Kurama opened his mouth a fired a very tiny Biju bomb that killed the guard and sent him flying into a group of tree with such force that the trees broke in half.

"Ahh, it feels good to stretch my legs." Kurama said as Naruto went up to him and pat him on the head.

"It's good to see you that you haven't lost any of your ferocity during our years of passivity." Naruto said as Kurama smirked.

"Hey, just because we weren't fighting Shinobi doesn't mean I'm going to go docile. While you were training, so was I." Kurama said.

"Well…it seems that the Lannisters really don't like me." Naruto said, looking at the dead Lannister guards.

"Can you blame them? You're seen as a threat." Kurama said as he and Naruto walked back to the city.

"I don't suppose you would object to staying outside for a while?" Naruto asked.

"Nah, I don't mind, but remember I probably shouldn't stay out for too long. I suppose after a few weeks to three months in this size and if I don't use to much Charka, I can stay out." Kurama said.

"Good." Naruto said. He then felt Ned's seal flare up like Bran's did when he fell from the tower. "Something's happened. Kurama head to the castle and find me, kill any Lannister guards that get in your way but leave the city guards alone."

"Got it, Kit. Go save your friends." Kurama said as Naruto hirashined away in a orange flash. Kurama let out a giant growl and battle cry and ran to the castle.

(Think of what Naruto did to summon Kurama, similar to what Menma did in the Naruto movie Road to Ninja where he can summon Kurama. Naruto is now able to because he and Kurama are bonded properly. While Kurama can be summoned, I didn't want his giant form to destroy the city and since he is smaller, he can stay out longer and not put too much of a strain on Naruto's body and Charka.)

Line Break xxxxx (Happening at the same time as Naruto and Kurama fight the guards)

Back in the Castle, after Ned wrote down another letter, Lord Baelish walked in and Ned revealed the truth about Joffrey's parentage. When Littlefinger hears this, he comes up with the idea to make Joffrey their puppet. Manipulate him to fit their own agendas and if the time comes when Joffrey is un-malleable, they reveal the truth about his parentage and give the crown to Renly. Ned was disgusted by the idea and considers it treason. Littlefinger also points out that even though Ned is named Regent and Protector of the Realm, he doesn't have the power to take the crown from Cersei. He needs more men, and Littlefinger will handle that.

Ned was walking through the castle with a group of his house soldiers with him when a squire came by.

"Lord Stark. King Joffrey and the Queen Regent command your presence in the throne room." The squire said.

"King Joffrey?" Ned asked.

"King Robert is gone. Gods give him rest." The squire said as Ned bowed his head. Ned walked walked through the castle until he came to the courtyard where all of his men were rallied. He then saw Littlefinger walked up to him as the bell from the Tower signaled to the city that Robert was dead.

"All is accomplished, the city watch is yours." Baelish said.

"Good, is Lord Renly joining us?" Ned asked.

"I fear that Lord Renly has left the city. He rode through the old gate and hour before dawn with Ser Loras Tyrell and some 50 retainers. Last seen galloping south in some haste." Baelish said as Ned nodded. Ned then looked around and saw that Naruto was no where to be found.

"Where is Naruto?" Ned asked.

"I haven't seen your bodyguard for some time, most likely still out on his stroll." Baelish said. "But we cannot wait for him, we are needed now."

Ned didn't like it but hopefully Naruto would arrive soon. Naruto has always shown up when it is of the utmost importance. Ned, Lord Baelish and the Stark guard walked through the castle and saw the city guard stationed around. Ned walked up to commander Janos Slynt.

"We stand behind you, Lord Stark." The Commander said as the doors to the throne room opened and Ned and the others walked in.

"All hail his grace. Joffrey of Houses Baratheon and Lannister. The First of his name, King of the Andals and the First men, Lord of the 7 kingdoms, and protector of the realm." The squire said as Ned and Lord Baelish walked in. The city watch were stationed in the room and so was Ser Barristan and the King's Guard. Joffrey sat on the throne, all smug with his mother sitting beside him.

"I command the council to make all necessary arrangements for my coronation. I wish to be crowned within the fortnight. Today I shall accept Oaths of Fealty from my loyal councilors." Joffrey said.

"Ser Barristan. I believe no man here can question your honor." Ned said as he held out a scroll and Barristan took it.

"King Robert's seal. Unbroken." Barristan said as he opened the letter and read. "Lord Eddard Stark is here in named Protector of the Realm. To rule as Regent until the heir come of age." Barristan said as Joffrey was confused.

"May I see that letter, Ser Barristan." Cersei said as she walked down the steps and took the letter. "Protector of the Realm. Is this meant to be your shield, Lord Stark?" She said as she ripped the paper much to Barristan's shock. "A piece of paper."

"Those are the King's words." Barristan said.

"We have a new king now. Lord Eddard when we last spoke you offered me some council. Allow me to return the courtesy. Bend the knee, my lord. Bend the knee and swear loyalty to my son. And we shall allow you live out your days in the gray waste you call a home." Cersei told him.

"Your son has no claim to the throne." Ned said.

"Liar!" Joffrey shouted.

"You condemn yourself with your own mouth, Lord Stark. Ser Barristan seize this traitor." Cersei said as Barristan moved but Ned's guard moved in front of him.

"Ser Barristan is a loyal man, a good man. Do him no harm." Ned said.

"You think he stands alone." Cersei said as The Hound drew his sword.

"Kill him! Kill all of them, I command it!" Joffrey yelled as the Lannister guards drew their weapons.

"Commander! Take the Queen and her children into custody! Escort her back to the royal apartments and keep them there under guard." Ned ordered.

"Men of the watch!" The Commander ordered as his men readied their spears.

"I want no bloodshed. Tell your men to lay down your swords. No one needs to die." Ned said. Cersei smirked as she looked at the commander.

"NOW!" The commander yelled as his men killed Ned's soldiers. Ned was shocked as he watched his men die. He drew his sword but Lord Baelish drew a knife and put it against Ned's throat.

"I did warn you not to trust me." Baelish told Ned. Baelish then saw a mark on Ned's shirt glow red and soon Ned vanished and Lord Baelish saw him disappear. He then felt immense pain as blood came out of his mouth. He saw a sword pierce his stomach and Naruto behind him.

"We never did. Die, knowing that the one woman you loved will know what you are…a spineless snake." Naruto said as he pulled his sword out and beheaded Lord Baelish.

Everyone in the room was shocked to see Naruto appear in the blink of an eye and kill Lord Baelish. Naruto saw the dead Stark soldiers on the ground and tightened his grip on his sword. He then saw Cersei and Joffrey on the throne and Joffrey had a smug look on his face.

"Kill him!" Joffrey yelled as two stupid City Watch guards attacked him but Naruto blocked their spears and with one swipe, took their heads off. The rest of the city watch were now a little afraid to fight him.

"It seems your little power grab started sooner than expected." Naruto told Cersei.

"Ser Barristan, arrest that boy." Cersei commanded as Ser Barristan seemed somewhat hesitant. "I gave you an order."

"An order from a woman whose son has no claim to the throne." Naruto said as he sheathed his sword to talk to the men in the room.

"Ser Barristan, you are a noble and honorable man. Ned and Robert told me tales of your triumphs and to honor what you fight for I give you and the men in this room a chance. Men of the City Watch, lay down your arms. You took an oath to fight and protect the crown, to fight for justice and honor, an oath that seems lost to you now. Do not be swayed by the wealth that the Lannisters have promised you, they have no right to the throne." Naruto told them as some seemed to listen.

"I know that you have served a King whose rule was somewhat unrefined, but you fight for more than one man. You fight to serve the realm, to keep watch over a city and install order and justice. The so called King you follow now has no right to the throne, he is no Baratheon but a child born of incest from his mother and the Kingslayer!" Naruto stated as many were shocked and Joffrey was furious.

"LIAR! KILL HIM NOW! I Command it!" Joffrey yelled as they prepared to attack but Naruto smirked.

"Your lies and deceits may have fooled everyone in this room, Cersei, but you know this to be true. And what better way to show these men the truth then by your own words." Naruto said as he threw a scroll on the ground and it played a recording.

"I know the truth Jon Arryn died for." Ned said as Cersei tensed up a bit.

"Do you, Lord Stark? Is that why you called me here, to pose me riddles?" She asked.

"Has he done this before?" Ned asked, referring to the bruise on her cheek.

"Jaime would have killed him." Cersei said. "My brother's worth a thousand of your friend or boy."

"Your brother…or your lover?" Ned asked.

"Targaryens wed brothers and sisters for 300 years to keep bloodlines pure. Jaime and I are more than brother and sister. We shared a womb, came into this world together we belong together." Cersei said.

"My son saw you with him." Ned said as Cersei did feel somewhat bad for trying to kill a young boy.

"Do you love your children?" she asked.

"With all my heart." Ned said.

"No more than I love mine." She said.

"And they're all Jaime's." Ned said as she laughed.

"Thank the gods. In the rare event that Robert leaves his whores for long enough to stumble drunk into my bed, I finish him off in other ways. In the morning he doesn't remember." She said.

"You've always hated him." Ned said.

"Hated him? I worshipped him. Every girl in the 7 Kingdoms dreamed of him but it was mine by oath. And when I finally saw him on our wedding day in the septh of Balor, lean and fierce and black bearded, it was the happiest moment of my life. And that night he crawled on top of me, stinking of wine and did what little he could do. And whispered in my ear, Lyanna. Your sister was a corpse and I was a living girl and he loved her more than me." Cersei said in anger.

"When the King returns from his hunt, I'll tell him the truth. You must be gone by then. You and your children. I will not have their blood on my hands. Go as far away as you can, with as many men as you can. Because wherever you go, Robert's wrath will follow you." Ned said.

"And what of my wrath, Lord Stark? You should have taken the realm for yourself. Jaime told me about the day King's Landing fell. He was sitting on the iron throne and you made him give it up. All you needed to do was to climb the stairs yourself. Such a sad mistake." Cersei said.

"I've made many mistakes in my life. But that wasn't one of them." Ned said.

"Oh but it was. When you play the game of thrones you win or you die. There is no middle ground." She said as she left.

The recording stopped and everyone in the room was shocked, especially Cersei and Joffrey. Naruto smirked as he had the proof that put their whole power grab for the throne in danger.

"Jon Arryn died when he found out the truth and you tried to kill Bran Stark to keep your secret safe. But it's over. Lay down your arms and step down from the throne and you may keep your lives." Naruto told them.

"LIES! ALL OF IT! KILL HIM!" Joffrey ordered, not believing the recording as his men prepared their spears and Naruto drew his sword. One of the guards charged at Naruto but Ser Barristan got in front and sliced the guards throat. He smiled at Naruto and stood beside him. Several other loyal members and friends to Barristan stood with Naruto and even some City Watch stood with him but The Commander did not.

"You have sealed your fate!" Cersei yelled but then they all heard an animal roar and stopped dead in their tracks.

"No, you sealed yours when you tried to kill one of my precious people and attacked me. One of the things you have failed to realize is that I'm not a soldier, I am a Shinobi. And I have something that you have never seen before. The day I was born a giant 9-tailed fox attacked my village, a demon known as the Kyubi. He was a force to be reckoned with and the leader of my people, my father sealed him away in an infant in the hopes that the child would grow up to be a hero…and he was right. The Kyubi is now my friend and he fights for what's right." Naruto said as part of the door to the throne room started to break inward as something pounded against it.

"He was the bane of Konoha," Naruto said as the door continued to break inward. "The mightiest of the tailed beasts, the force of nature that could destroy the world…" Naruto said as the door was one smash from breaking. "and he is my friend." Naruto said as the door smashed and it fell off its hinges. Everyone in the room saw a giant red 9-tailed fox walked into the room, slowly, like a lion stalking its prey. Once it entered the room, it gave a loud roar, causing part of the room to shake.

"Meet Kurama. Kurama, say high." Naruto said with a smirk.

"Greetings idiots, who wants to die first." Kurama said as he bared his teeth and the lesser men were shaking in their boots and dropped their weapons and gave up.

"KILL HIM!" Joffrey yelled as the extremely loyal Lannister soldiers attacked Naruto and the rest. Naruto drew his sword as he fought off the guards and Kurama swung his tails and claws killing the guards who dared to attack him. Cersei saw that they were going to lose and grabbed her son and she and the Hound and several other men ran out of the throne room.

Naruto, Barristan and the others killed the remaining guards as Kurama threw his last guard against the wall.

"Perfect timing, Kurama." Naruto said.

"I'm just that awesome." Kurama joked as Barristan and the others were astonished and amazed at Kurama.

"Incredible." Barristan said.

"You can ogle later, the lady and her brat escaped." Kurama said.

"Right, you men, chase after her and detain her and the children." Naruto said, pointing to four men. "The rest, stay here and tie up the traitors." Naruto said, pointing to the various men who have laid down their arms.

"What about us?" Ser Barristan asked, referring to him and 6 other men.

"We go through the castle and make sure that the Starks are all right. Cersei would have put in measures to have them killed. So we secure them and kill any Lannisters that get in our way." Naruto said as Ser Barristan nodded.

"You heard him, get to it." Barristan said as the men went to their jobs.

They left the throne room with a mission to kill any Lannisters they could find and save the Starks. Naruto and Barristan saw the Lannisters attack what remained of the Stark guards and hurried to save them. Naruto and Barristan swung their sword, slicing off flesh and spilling blood as the Lannister guards were quickly killed and the Starks were saved.

"You men, head to Ned Stark's chambers, I put him there, secure him until I return." Naruto told them and they nodded and ran off.

In one courtyard, the Stark servants were busy putting a wagon ready for when they left. Then they saw the Lannister guards charged them and were frightened but saw a shadow jump from castle and kill the guards. It was a giant red fox with 9 tails.

"Stay inside and don't move." Kurama told them as he ran off to kill more Lannisters.

Sansa and Lady Mordane were walking through the halls, wondering where Arya was.

"You sister knew perfectly well that we were to leave today. How could she forget." Mordane said.

"She didn't forget, she's with her dancing master. She's with him every morning, she always comes back with scrapes and bruises." Sansa said as Lady Mordane heard fighting.

"Shh." Mordane shushed her and they heard fighting from the hall. They then saw a Lannister guard fly through the air and hit the wall as they screamed in shock. Naruto and Barristan then walked in, fighting two guards and killing them.

"Sansa, there you are." Naruto said, happy to see her ok.

"Naruto, what's going on?!" Sansa said as he ran up to him and hugged him.

"It's the Lannisters, they want the throne and they're killing anyone who gets in their way." Naruto said.

"Why would they do that? Joffrey is the prince, it's his birthright." Mordane said.

"He's no son of Robert, but the product of incest." Barristan said.

"What?" Mordane asked confused.

"We can talk later, right now we need to get you guys to safety. Ser Barristan, take them to Ned's room and stay there until I get back." Naruto told Barristan who nodded.

"Sansa, where is Arya?" Naruto asked.

"She's with her teacher." Sansa said.

"Ok, I'll get her. Meet me at Ned's room and wait until I get there." Naruto told them as he left. Sansa protested, not wanting Naruto to go on his own but Mordane and Barristan took her away.

Arya was training with Syrio when a King's Guard and three Lannister men came in. "Arya Stark, your father wants to see you." The Guard said as Arya walked to them but Syrio stopped her.

"And why is it that Lord Eddard is sending Lannister men in place of his own? I am wondering." Syrio said.

"Mind your place, dancing master. This is no concern of yours." The Guard said.

"My father wouldn't send you. And I don't have to go with you if I don't want." Arya said as she grabbed a practice sword.

"HAHAHA, take her." The guard ordered as one of the Lannister men moved up.

"Are you men or snakes that you would threaten a child?" Syrio asked.

"Get out of my way, little man." The guard said.

"I am Syrio Forel." Syrio said.

"You're a bastard." The Guard said as he swiped at him with his sword but Syrio blocked it and smacked the guard in the head with his practice sword.

"And you will be speaking to me with more respect." Syrio said.

"Kill him." The captain said as his men grabbed their swords. Then a kunai flew through the air and hit the captain in the neck killing him. Everyone saw Naruto walked in and guards immediately attacked him. Naruto dodged and ducked from their swords used Kyubi to slice their knees and then kill them with a wide slash to their necks.

"Naruto!" Arya yelled as she ran up and hugged him.

"Thank kami, you're all right little wolf." Naruto said as he hugged her close.

"Naruto, what is going on?" Syrio asked.

"The Lannisters tried to take the throne and are killing the Starks to prevent anyone from getting in their way." Naruto said.

"Why?!" Arya asked.

"I know this is a lot to take in but I'll explain later. Right now we need to get you to safety. Come on, your sister and father and waiting for you." Naruto said as he led Arya and Syrio through the castle to Ned's room. They ran through the halls to see the dead Lannister guards decorate the floor of the castle. They ran until they reached Ned's room but saw something was off. There was a lot of blood on the floor as Naruto feared the worse.

Naruto drew his sword and pushed the door open to see the dead Stark and Lannister guards. He walked in and saw Ser Barristan standing there with a wounded Ned in his bed. His sword was on the ground as he was bleeding as Lady Mordane and Sansa tried to help him.

"NED!" Naruto screamed as he ran up to him to see a wound on his side.

"Some Lannisters made their way to my room, the guards were able to take care of most of them but I didn't want to be left out." Ned said with a small smile.

"DAD!" Arya yelled as she ran up to his side.

"Arya, you're ok." Ned said.

"It's all right, dad. You're going to be all right." Arya said as she held his hand.

"Naruto…the Queen and Joffrey?" Ned asked.

"They should be in custody. Everyone knows the truth now, Joffrey has no right to the throne." Naruto said, sad to see Ned in such condition. "It's my fault, I should have left a clone with you. I had a million thoughts running through my head…I—I wasn't thinking as much!" Naruto said as Ned grabbed his hand.

"It's all right. You've done the Kingdom a great deed, today. You've saved the throne and many of our house. I could not ask for more." Ned said.

'Kit can you hear me? We've got a slight situation up by the castle walls. We need you.' Kurama said to Naruto through a mind link. 'Like now!'

"Ned, something's come up, I need—" "Go, Naruto. I'll be here when you return." Ned told Naruto. "Bring the Lannisters to justice." Ned said as Naruto nodded.

Naruto got up and went over to Ser Barristan. "No one is allowed in unless I say so. Keep watch over him." Naruto said.

"I will." Ser Barristan said as Naruto left.

Naruto ran up to the wall to see Kurama and several soldiers waiting for him. "What is it, Kurama?" Naruto asked.

"Some bad news: Cersei and her children were able to escape the city and left in a hurry. They must have had an escape plan if something went wrong." Kurama said.

"All right, so why did I need to come here?" Naruto asked.

"That." One of the soldiers said, pointing to the edge of the city to where there was a force of the Lannisters, approximately 300 soldiers ready.

"Oh." Naruto said.

"I guess the Lannisters were prepared for the worst." The soldier said.

"They should have brought more." Naruto said. "Kurama…destroy them."

Kurama nodded and charged up chakra in his mouth. The soldiers were amazed at what he was doing and when the chakra formed into the size of a basketball, Kurama shot it at the Lannister force who were about 100 hundred meters from the gates to the city. The orb of energy flew through the air and when it made contact, a bright light filled the sky and make an explosion. The soldiers were in shock and awe at the power behind the fox and were a little frightened. When the light and explosion dissipated, the entire Lannister force was obliterated.

"Let the Lannisters hear the fox roar." Naruto said as Kurama gave a loud roar, that could be heard from miles away. Cersei, who was in a wagon, heading to Lannisport saw her men get destroyed and heard the roar of that animal and glared in anger. She would have her revenge…somehow, someway she would get her revenge.

"Secure the city and castle. Any remaining Lannister men are to be captured and imprisoned and shut the gates to the city until further notice. Send out ravens as well to every noble and Lord in the realm, let them know the truth and that King's Landing is under rule by the Ned Stark as acting Reagent and protector until further notice. We have a mess to clean up." Naruto told the soldiers who nodded. Naruto and Kurama left and went back to Ned's room.

Line Break xxxxx

Back at Castle Black, after Ghost found a severed hand, Jon and Sam found two dead bodies. They were Night's watchmen who were part of Jon's uncle Benjen's group. When they found the two bodies, they returned to Castle Black to show Commander Mormont the bodies. Jon and Sam brought the bodies back to the fort as everyone gathered around to see what happened.

"It's Othor, without a doubt." Mormont said.

"The other is Jafer Flowers, My Lord. That's the hand the wolf tore off." One of the guards said.

"Any sign of Benjen and the rest of his party?" Mormont asked.

"Just these two, My lord. Been dead a while, I'd say." Jon said. Sam took a sniff and noticed something was off.

"The smell." Sam said as one of the men took a sniff.

"What's smell?" The guard asked.

"There is none. If they'd been dead a long time, wouldn't there be rot." Sam said as everyone seemed to agree with that.

"We should burn them." Jon said.

"Snow's not wrong, my lord. Fire will do for them, the Wildling way." The guard said.

"I want Master Aemon to examine them first. You may be a coward, Tarly, but you're not stupid." Mormont said as Sam smiled. "Get them inside."

Some of the stewards moved to take the bodies inside as one of the guards came out to speak to Commander Mormont. "Lord Commander, Maester Aemon awaits you in his chambers. A raven from King's Landing." The guard said as Mormont went inside.

Commander Mormont was in his study, reading the letter that was sent from King's Landing. Jon then walked into the room and shut the door behind him. "Bring me a horn of ale, Snow. Pour one for yourself." Mormont told him. "The King is dead." Mormont told Jon as he was handed a cup of ale.

"Any word about my father?" Jon asked.

"It seems he is acting Reagent and Protector of the realm. Apparently, a boy named Naruto found the truth that Robert has no true heir." Mormont said as Jon was surprised.

"Naruto, he found out?" Jon asked.

"You know him?" Mormont asked.

"He's a Stark in all but blood. He help raised me and my siblings. He's like family." Jon said.

"Well apparently the Queen wasn't too happy about her secret getting out and tried to take the castle by force. She left the capital as this Naruto regained control and killed all of the Lannister forces she had placed. Eddard was injured during the attack." Mormont said as Jon got up. "I hope you're not thinking of doing anything stupid. The next part of the message is for you." Mormont said as he handed the letter to Jon.

Jon took the letter and read the message to him. "Jon, your father was injured during the Lannisters attempt to regain control over the capital. The Lannisters were booted out of the castle and have retreated and Ned is now ruling but…he's injuries are severe. If you're thinking of doing anything rash and breaking your oath to come see him, don't. He wouldn't want you to throw away your life. He's proud of you…you are your own man and I am proud to have trained you. I will keep you informed of his condition but know that whatever you do, we are both proud of the man you have become.—Naruto."

Jon smiled at the letter and was proud to know that his father and Naruto were proud of him.

Back in Winterfell, Maester Luwin gave Robb the letter that was sent from King's Landing, telling Robb of Ned's condition and the Lannisters attempt to grab the crown and how they killed many Stark soldiers. Naruto left some instructions to Robb saying not to do anything that Ned wouldn't do.

"A most shocking discovery. The prince born by incest of the Lannisters, eh, disgusting." Maester Luwin said.

"Those bastards. They try to kill by brother and father. This can't go unpunished. Call the banners." Robb told Maester Luwin.

"All of them, my lord?" Luwin asked.

"They've all sworn an oath to my father, have they not? Now lets see what their words are worth." Robb said.

"My lord, Naruto did say not to do anything rash." Luwin said.

"Naruto said not to do anything that my father wouldn't do. And my father wouldn't let this crime go unpunished." Robb said as Luwin nodded.

"You afraid?" Theon asked Robb. Robb saw his hand was shaking.

"I must be." Robb said.

"Good." Theon said.

"Why is that good?" Robb asked.

"Means you're not stupid." Theon said as several dozen ravens were sent out from Winterfell, all over the North.

Meanwhile back at King's Landing, the city was a bustle with rumors and the people were wondering what the hell was going on. There was a giant fox that obliterated an army, like a demon and many were scared. Many witnessed the fights between the Lannister guards and the King's guard and the blond haired man known as the Orange Flash. Everyone was wondering what the hell was going on. Naruto had what remained of the City Watch try and keep the peace, by urging calm. Their answers would be given soon after the Regent regained some strength but that wasn't happening.

Ned was dying, his wounds had festered and were fatal. There wasn't anything they could do, even Kurama could see he was going to die. He couldn't heal Ned because if tried using his charka, it would kill him. Catelyn and Ser Rodrik immediately rode from the Vale back to King's Landing and Naruto let them in to see Ned, but shut the gates after that. Right now, Cat was sitting by Ned's bed, holding his hand as Ned rested on his bed. Sansa and Arya were with their mother, tending to their father and crying as they watched their father, dying in front of them. Naruto and Kurama were in the room as well, everyone was sad to see Ned in such condition.

"Oh Ned, I told you not to take this job." Cat said as tears came out of her eyes.

"It's ok…I served my king…until the end…and prevented…a horrible fate…for the realm." Ned said as he cupped his wife's cheek. "Sansa, Arya, look at me girls." Ned said as Sansa and Arya looked at their father.

"I need you to be strong…for your mother. And know that…I am proud of both of you." Ned told his daughters as they smiled.

"Naruto…come here." Ned said as Naruto moved to Ned's side and grabbed his hand.

"I cannot…thank you enough…for what you have done for my family." Ned said.

"There is nothing to thank me for. I would have done it again in a heartbeat." Naruto said as Ned smiled.

"You are a good man, Naruto. Robert and I saw this…and we were selfish…to keep you to ourselves." Ned said as he coughed up a bit. "Robert and I knew you…were destined for greatness…as evidence by the past few days…but its time for you to do more." Ned said as he pointed to a piece of parchment on his night stand. Naruto took it and saw it had the hand of the king seal. "Read." Naruto opened the letter and began to read aloud.

"In the name of Eddard of the House Stark. Hand of the King, Lord Paramount of the North, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, Lord Regent and Protector of the realm. Name Naruto Uzumaki to serve as Lord Regent and Protector of the realm upon my death. To rule over the 7 Kingdoms until a time comes when he decides the proper heir to the throne." Naruto read aloud and was shocked. He was frozen and so were Cat, Sansa and Arya. Ned named him ruler of Westeros.

"Robert said you would make a fine king…and he is right. Rule…Naruto…be the ruler Robert thought you could be…the ruler I know you are." Ned said.

"Ned, I don't know what to say." Naruto said.

"Say nothing. But do me one last favor..." Ned said.

"Anything." Naruto told him.

"Bring justice to the Lannisters. The Lannisters will return with force against you and the North…protect them." Ned said as Naruto nodded. "I know you will do great things…and I couldn't be more proud if you were my son." Ned said with a smile as Naruto began to tear up.

"Kurama…I know I have only know you…for a short time…but look after Naruto…for me." Ned said.

"You have my word." Kurama said as Ned smiled and closed his eyes and he passed away. Cat, Sansa and Arya broke down crying as Ned died. Naruto watched the man he considered a father figure die with a smile on his face. Naruto put Ned's hand back onto his chest and stood up. Sansa got up and hugged Naruto tightly as she cried and Naruto comforted her.

Naruto and Kurama left the room to let Cat, Sansa and Arya have some peace. Ser Barristan and Maester Pycelle were outside waiting for him. Naruto handed Pycelle the letter and read it in shock. Ser Barristan read the letter and smiled. "So what now, Lord Regent?" Barristan asked.

"Prepare a funeral cart to have Ned and the rest of the dead Starks move back to Winterfell. They should be buried with their families." Naruto told Barristan who nodded.

"Of course, Lord Naruto." Barristan said as he nodded.

"Grand Maester Pycelle, send a raven to every noble and lord in the realm. Let them know what happened." Naruto said as Pycelle nodded. "And add that the Lannisters are now enemies of the realm and that any house or noble that sides with them will share the fate that awaits them of treason and murder." Naruto said in anger.

"At once, Lord Regent." Pycelle said as he and Barristan walked away.

"Well, Kit. How do you want to proceed?" Kurama asked as he and Naruto walked down the hall.

"First we put Ned into his family's crypt to be buried in peace. Then we reform King's Landing." Naruto said.

"And after?" Kurama asked.

"We bring down the Lannisters and show them what happens when they cross an Uzumaki." Naruto said in anger.

Line Break xxxxx

Days had pasted after Ned's passing and the whole North was in mourning. Robb was furious and now declared war on the Lannisters to which Naruto agreed. After Ned died, Naruto had a funeral service done for Ned, to honor his commitment to justice and honor and for giving his life to protect and serve the realm. Everyone was in attendance as Naruto, Ser Barristan and Grand Maester Pycelle also told the city what happened. They revealed the truth about the Lannisters, the incest children and their power grab for the throne.

Many were hesitant to let the Naruto act as leader and were afraid of him and Naruto understood that. Naruto had to introduce Kurama and couldn't ignore the fact that when he had Kurama destroy the small Lannister army with a Biju bomb, it sent a pretty clear message. Naruto told the people that Kurama was a guardian for them, to protect the city and the realm and he demonstrated that by having Kurama use his charka to rebuild the destroyed the forest outside the city walls and it had the unexpected effect of saving a lot of the farming land and soil around the city. The people were happy that they had food but it was still a long road before the people fully accepted Kurama.

Even though the people weren't as terrified of Kurama, Naruto's position as Regent was still in question. He was acting ruler but many thought at Stannis was next in line since Robert had no true heir. But the letter that Ned wrote made it clear that Naruto would chose the next heir for the throne, but still, Naruto had a long way to prove himself as a ruler.

After the memorial service, Naruto was seeing off Cat, Sansa and Arya. They were riding back North with Ned's body.

"Naruto, talk to my mother, let me stay with you." Sansa begged him, not wanting to leave him here by himself.

"Sansa, you belong with your family. You will need each other in the time to come but you will always be with me." Naruto told her as he hugged her. He then looked to Arya.

"Arya, be brave for me and protect your family. They will need you and needle, now more than ever." Naruto told her as she smiled. Naruto hugged her tightly as he kissed her head.

"Cat, I'm sending 5 clones with you up North, they should be enough to protect you on the journey and make sure the Winterfell stays safe." Naruto said as Cat smiled and hugged him tight.

"Thank you, Naruto. Ned was right, you will be a great ruler." Cat said as she kissed his cheek like a mother would a son. Cat and Arya got on the wagon as the surviving House Stark members went with them. Before Sansa stepped up on the wagon, Naruto turned her around and gave her a kiss. Sansa was shocked but kissed back. It was a short kiss, lasting a few seconds but Sansa had a blush on her face.

"Take care, and know that you will always be with me." Naruto said as she got on the wagon. "May the gods grant you safe passage." Naruto said as they rode away.

"Now what, Lord Naruto?" Ser Barristan asked.

"King's Landing needs to be healed first before the Lannisters will pay. Ned told me he knew I would be a good ruler and a good ruler looks after the people first. This city needs saving." Naruto said as Barristan smiled.

Meanwhile with the Lannisters, Cersei and her children had fled King's Landing and rode to Lannisport. Lannisport was a seaport city and a big hub for trading in the western part of Westeros. It was also under the rule of the Lannisters. When Cersei had arrived in the city, she ordered the city guard to lock the city down and prepare for war. She also sent a letter to her father, telling him that the accusations put against her and her children saying that Joffrey was no rightful ruler were fabricated by the whiskered face idiot who made a deal with a demon to forge the recording to turn the city against her.

She hoped that her father would accept the lie, he wasn't there to hear the recording and putting in the part about the demon would help with the deception. Cersei was bolstering her forces and resources to prepare for war against the Starks and to retake King's Landing. She and her children deserved the throne and now they would take it by force. King's Landing was most likely in disarray because of the fight between the her house guard and the City watch.

She would exact her revenge on Naruto, she would humiliate him and kill the Starks, the people he considered a family. When she retook the throne, he would suffer a fate that even the gods would fear. Joffrey was especially angry at Naruto, he deserved the throne, it was his birthright. Naruto was a liar and cheat, using magic to make that fake recording so he could have the throne. When he retook the throne, Naruto's head would be put on a spike.

With the one non-hated member of the Lannisters, Tyrion and Bronn were heading to the western part of the Vale where Tywin had his army set up. Tyrion and Bronn were bringing company with them as they met members of the hill tribes and Tyrion was able to convince them to join a possible alliance.

"From here, it might be best if Bronn and I continue alone." Tyrion said.

"Best for Tyrion, son of Tywin but not best for me. If the half man betrays us, Shagga, son of Dolf will cut off his manhood—" "And feed it to the goats, yes." Tyrion said, finishing Shagga's sentence.

"All right then. Time to meet my father." Tyrion said as they walked into the camp. The Lannister soldiers were shocked to see Tyrion walked through the camp with a group of hill tribesmen.

Tyrion walked into see his father discussing strategy with his brother, Kevan Lannister.

"Tyrion." Kevan said.

"Uncle. Father." Tyrion said as he walked in with Bronn and the three leaders of the hill tribes.

"The rumor of your demise were unfounded." Tywin said.

"Sorry to disappoint you." Tyrion said.

"And who are these…companions of yours?" Tywin asked.

"This is Shagga, son of Dolf. Chiefton of the Stone crows. Timett, son of Timett. Ruler of the burned men. This fair maid is Chella, daughter of Cheyk. Leader of the black ears. And here we have Bronn, son of…" Tyrion said as Bronn didn't seem to answer.

"You wouldn't know him." Bronn said as Ser Kevan chuckled.

"May I present my lord Father, Tywin son of Tytos of House Lannister. Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the west. Kind of you to go to war for me." Tyrion said as he sat down and reached for a jug of wine but his father took it away from him.

"You left us no choice. The honor of the house was at stake. Your brother would never have submitted to capture so meekly." Tywin said.

"We have our differences, Jaime and I. He's braver and I'm better looking. Besides I agreed to go." Tyrion said.

"He's been covering himself in glory." Tywin said.

"Jaime smashed the Riverlords of the Golden Tooth. And now lays siege to Riverrun. Catelyn Stark's homeland." Kevan told Tyrion.

"And the Stark's Lord Eddard?" Tryion asked.

"He's passed, gone from this world, from wounds suffered in the taking of the throne." Tywin said in anger.

"I wonder how the King felt when his best friend betrayed him?" Tyrion asked.

"Robert Baratheon is dead. There is no king that sits on the throne. Only a boy who knows nothing of how to rule." Tywin said as he showed Tryion the recent letter they received from King's landing.

"Naruto rules as Regent and protector of the realm?" Tyrion asked in shock.

"Given to him by Ned Stark after the two of them took the throne from Joffrey. Making deals with demons to sway opinion on Joffrey's right to rule claiming him to be no son of Robert, the balls on the Starks." Tywin said in anger, believing the lie his daughter told him, because he believed in his family's right to rule. "And he now labels us as enemies of the realm?! That boy is no king, he has no right to rule."

"If I know Naruto as well I know him from our brief time together, I say that the throne is out of our reach." Tyrion said.

"Not entirely, your sister fled to Lannisport and rallied what remained of the soldiers there to prepare an army to take back the throne. King's Landing is in disarray from the recent fighting, making it easy to take it back." Tywin said.

"Not as easy as you might think." Tyrion said, not doubting Naruto's fierce abilities and knowledge of combat.

"We have other matters to attend to. The Stark's son has called his banner men. He's moved south with a strong host." Kevan said.

"Green boy. One taste of battle and he'll run back to Winterfell with his tail between his legs." Tywin said.

"Maybe, though the boy does have a certain belligerence. You'd like him." Tyrion said. "While we're on the subject of…war. I made promises to my friends here. And a Lannister always pays his debt. We shall require 3,000 helms and shields. Plus swords, pikes—" Tyrion was cut off when a squire ran into the room and knelt before Tywin.

"If it please, my lord. Ser Adam gives me report that the North men have crossed the neck." The squire said as Tywin was surprised.

"The wolf rushes into the lion's jaws, so be it. Kevan, command the assembly." Tywin ordered. "Send word to Jaime that I'm moving against Robb Stark."

"At once, my lord." Kevan said.

Tywin then walks up to Shagga to discuss their alliance and he welcomes it, especially after hearing that Tyrion will have to fight with them while Tyrion wasn't as happy.

Line Break xxxxx

A few week or so had passed since the Starks had left and King's Landing was undergoing some changes. Now that Naruto ruled as Regent, he worked closely with Ser Barristan and Grand Maester Pycelle since they were the only two members of the remaining council he trusted and because the others were dead. Naruto had Ser Barristan recruit any volunteers from the city who would be willing to serve on the City Watch since their numbers were low. Ser Barristan was now in charge of the King's Guard and the City Watch until they appointed a new commander.

Naruto worked with Maester Pycelle on the workings of the city: food, safety, security and the general happiness of the people. Naruto made some clones to help with the rebuilding and refurnishing of the city. Old homes and buildings were renovated and new orphanages were built making sure that ever child had a warm bed to turn to at night. Also, Kurama's restoration of the land using his chakra which had the effect of creating stronger and more fertile soil helped the farmers grow more food. Naruto had also re-opened King's Landing seaports to allow ships to come in and trade. Naruto had sent new trade agreements with the other parts of the realm, such as Dorne, the Reach and parts of the Stormlands. Now that the Lannisters were gone from King's Landing, the Martells were much more amicable in terms of discussing trade.

All in all, King's Landing was doing much better than it was a month ago. Naruto left several clones in the castle to look over papers while he would walk through the city with Kurama to make sure the people were ok. Even though Pycelle told Naruto that he could arrange a new council to help him, Naruto told Pycelle that a good ruler prioritizes himself with looking after his people and fixing his own problems.

Naruto was walking through the castle with Ser Barristan, as the two were discussing the issues of the day, the new recruits needed to be trained and there was the matter of the men who surrendered during the battle. Naruto would have some clones help with the training and have some men who surrendered immediately undergo a probation before they could be put back into service, depending on if Kurama could sense they were being genuine about serving again. As for the rest, they would be sent to the wall. Ser Barristan had to admit, Naruto was a very wise leader.

Naruto and Ser Barristan came up to the pikes of the castle were many enemies of the city had their heads put on as a warning. Naruto was disgusted by the sight.

"How dreadful, I never did understand why Robert did this." Naruto said to Ser Barristan as he saw the heads of Varys and Baelish.

"It was means of deterrence, my lord. Robert use them to send a message to any would be traitors or enemies." Barristan said.

"Just Naruto, Ser Barristan I told you I don't care for titles." Naruto said as Barristan smiled.

"Of course, Naruto." Barristan said as he smiled at Naruto, proud of the boy's humility.

"In any case, I think it's best to take them down for now. We're trying to rebuild King's Landing and to make it stronger. Sending a message to the people such as this doesn't make them any more comfortable with us." Naruto said as Ser Barristan nodded.

"All right, where should we put them?" Barristan asked.

"Bury them, they may be traitors but all men deserve a burial." Naruto said as Barristan nodded. "You can do what you want with the rest of your day, Ser Barristan. I'm going to take a walk through the city, make sure everything is all right." Naruto said as he walked away.

"Are you sure, Naruto? Perhaps I should go with you to make sure you stay safe." Barristan said.

"I'll be fine. Besides Kurama will be coming with me." Naruto said as Kurama jumped down from the roof and landed next to Naruto. "Enjoy your day as you see fit, we've done a lot for King's Landing, we all deserve a small break." Naruto said as he and Kurama left.

Kurama and Naruto left the castle and took a stroll. Many of the people gave nods of respect towards Naruto, smiling bowing their heads, and addressing him as Ser or Lord Naruto as Naruto smiled and walked by. During Robert's rule, he never walked through the city unless he was in a royal carriage, he distanced himself from his people while Naruto didn't. Naruto mingled among the people, talking with several merchants asking how business was and if there were any problems, buying some fruit and handing some to children who walked up to him. Some of the children even went up to Kurama as Kurama played with them using his tails.

As Naruto walked through the city, people gave him looks of respect and even some of happiness. There was no doubt that the city was in better shape and he was responsible for it. Naruto had a nice smile on his face as Kurama saw.

"I'm proud of you, kit." Kurama said.

"What for?" Naruto asked.

"You've done a lot for the city. They respect you, you've looked after them ten times more than any previous King." Kurama said.

"True, but they weren't Shinobi." Naruto joked as Kurama chuckled.

"That is true, but nonetheless, you're parents would be proud." Kurama said.

"Thanks, Kurama. That means a lot—" Naruto was cut off when he felt something outside the walls. Kurama felt it too, it was heading towards the city. Naruto jumped on Kurama like he would a horse and the two ran towards the wall. Kurama climbed the wall as many of the City guard stationed there gathered around to see Kurama and Naruto on the wall.

"Ser, it's the Lannisters. Our scouts say they are marching towards the city." The Captain said.

"How many men do they have?" Kurama asked.

"A few thousand." One of the soldiers said.

"They must have come from Lannisport. Tywin is busy fighting against Robb, I didn't think he would come here as well." Naruto said.

"Lord Tywin isn't leading this army, ser. Our scouts say it's most likely a force sent out by his daughter." The captain said.

"In an attempt to retake the city, because she thinks it weak and vulnerable now. Smart but misguided." Naruto said as the soldier nodded.

"What should we do ser." The captain said.

"Nothing. The Lannisters don't seem to understand who they face. Let's remind them." Naruto said as the captain smirked.

Naruto stood on the wall with Kurama next to him. Naruto went through a flurry of hand signs as Kurama began to charge his charka. Kurama then opened his mouth and let loose a huge stream of fire like a dragon but much more powerful and Naruto took in a deep breath and released, "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough Jutsu!" Naruto yelled as he let loose a massive and powerful gust of wind which made the fire even stronger and a huge wall of blazing inferno was launched at the soldiers. The Lannister forces screamed in pain as the fire spread and engulfed more than half of their forces as they all burned and died. The remaining forces ran away with their tails between their legs.

"Now maybe the Lannisters will think twice before they come here again." The captain said.

"I wouldn't count on that." Kurama said as Naruto chuckled.

"Captain, forgive me but what is your name?" Naruto asked.

"Travan Cleaber, ser." The captain said.

"Well Ser Cleaber, congratulations you are now the commander of the City Watch." Naruto said.

"Thank you, Lord Naruto." Travan Cleaber bowed his head.

"You will have more responsibilities now, but I have confidence you can do it. Ensure that any surviving Lannister soldiers are captured. Put several guards on the walls as look outs. No doubt the Lannisters won't give up. And when you can, see Ser Barristan, he will help you will the training and recruitment of more men." Naruto said as Ser Cleaber nodded. Naruto got on Kurama as he looked to the soldiers around him. "Hold strong men. We've made a better capital then ever before…lets keep it that way!" Naruto shouted as they cheered. Naruto and Kurama jumped from the wall and headed back to the castle.

"You know something, Kurama?" Naruto asked.

"What, kit?" Kurama replied.

"You make a comfortable horse." Naruto joked as Kurama used a tail and knocked him off. "Oww, hey!"

"Don't get in over your head, kit. I'm still a Biju." Kurama said as he walked away.

Meanwhile with the Starks, Ned's body was returned to Winterfell so he could be buried where he belonged, with his family. Catelyn was still mourning as Robb had declared that all of the Lannisters will die. They marched against Tywin and Jaime Lannister and through clever diversions, Jaime Lannister was captured and now their prisoner. Cat send a raven to Winterfell telling Naruto that they captured Jaime, and Naruto replied saying that if they wanted to kill him that was fine. But if they wanted to send him to King's Landing where he would be humiliated in front of the city and then killed that would be even better.

The Starks were moving south to meet the Lannisters in battle. Naruto controlled King's Landing and so the Starks were going to meet the Lannisters near Riverrun. After the defeat and Jaime's capture, Tywin had his forced pull back to a few leagues away from Casterly Rock and Lannisport. Robb held a meeting with his banners about what to do in the coming war that was likely to expand. They were going to fight the Lannisters but now that Naruto ruled as Reagent, ravens were sent out from Renly and Stannis claiming that they had a right to the throne. The banners wanted to discuss if they should follow Naruto as Regent or follow one of the true heirs to the throne.

"The course is clear. Join with Renly and move south to join our force with his." One of the banners said, still believing in the line of succession that a Baratheon should rule now.

"Renly is not the King!" Robb said.

"You cannot mean to hold to Naruto, my lord. He may be Regent but he has no right to rule. Renly has the larger force and by blood is in line to the throne." The lord said, believing in the line of succession.

"That doesn't make him King. He's Robert youngest brother. If Bran can't be Lord of Winterfell before me, then Renly can't be King before Stannis." Robb said as everyone seemed to agree with that logic.

"Do you mean to declare us for Stannis?" The man asked as everyone seemed to argue.

"We should declare for Naruto!" Cat said as everyone looked at her. "Ned gave him the title as Regent because he had faith that Naruto could be a good ruler and from what we've heard from King's Landing, he is. The people love him, the city is bustling now more than ever and he has stopped two Lannister attacks against the city. We should declare for him and make him King." Cat said as everyone considered it.

"My lords! Here is what I say to these two Baratheons." Lord Umber said as he spat on the ground and they laughed. "Renly Baratheon is nothing to me. Nor Stannis neither, why should they rule over mine from some flowery seat in the south!" Lord Umber said.

"Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again. Naruto Uzumaki is a friend of the North, that I believe and he can rule the South for all he wants to but in the North…there is only one king I mean to bend my knee to. With him there we can work out a treaty with our one true king." Umber said as he pulled out his sword knelt down. "The King in the North!"

"I'll have peace on those terms. They can keep their red castle, and their iron chair too." One of the lords said as he bent the knee. "The King in the North!"

"Am I your brother, now and always?" Theon asked Robb.

"Now and always." Robb said.

"My sword is yours, in victory and defeat. From this day until my last day." Theon said as he took a knee.

"The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North!" Everyone chanted as Robb looked at his mother with slight apprehension. They needed to talk to Naruto about this.

Meanwhile with the Lannisters, Tywin was holding a strategy meeting over the recent loss in battle, Jaime captured and the attack on King's Landing a complete failure.

"They have my son." Tywin said.

"The Stark boy seems to be less green then we'd hoped." Tyrion said.

"I heard his wolf killed a dozen man and as many horses." One of the lords said.

"Is it true about Stannis and Renly?" one of the lords asked.

"Both Baratheon brothers have taken up against us. Jamie captured, his army scattered, Cersei's folly attempt to retake King's Landing killed more men we could have used. It's a catastrophe. Perhaps…we should sue for peace." Kevan said as Tyrion threw a cup on the floor and it broke.

"There's your peace. We saw to that when our forces attacked Naruto and killed Ned Stark. You'll have a better chance at drinking from that cup then you will getting Naruto and Robb to sit at the table. They're winning, in case you hadn't noticed." Tyrion said.

"First order of business is ransoming Ser Jaime." One of the lords said.

"No truces, we can't afford to look weak." Another replied.

"We should march on them at once." "First we must return to Casterly Rock to—" "They have my Son!" Tywin yelled, getting them to stop talking.

"Get out, all of you." Tywin ordered. "Not you." He said to Tyrion.

Tyrion sat down as Tywin poured him a glass of wine. "You were right about Naruto. If we didn't attack, maybe we could have brokered a peace with Winterfell at Riverrun. Which would have given us more time to deal with Robert's brothers. But now, madness. Madness and Stupidity. And now we have a boy who has control over the capital. Which if I'm not mistaken, you've met him." Tywin said.

"An ambitious boy, from what I can tell, and smart, very clever. You'd like him." Tyrion said as Tywin chuckled. "He's a fierce warrior, with the mind of Baelish yet always protects his friends. Something I think you would find admirable." Tryion said.

"A noble quality. Perhaps we should have tried to broker peace with him sooner, but Jaime's stupid attack at King's Landing and Cersei's attempt to retake the capital…I fear we will not broker peace with him." Tywin said.

"Not with you, Jaime or Cersei, but with me, maybe." Tyrion said as Tywin looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Tywin asked.

"Naruto is a dear friend of mine. He asked for my presence in the Vale and when Lady Lysa went crazy, he fought for my freedom. I am, as he calls it, the one Lannister he cannot hate." Tyrion said, jokingly.

"Perhaps you can be of use. We will regroup to Casterly Rock and consolidate our forces. Ser Gregor will burn the Riverlands. And you will go to Lannisport." Tywin said.

"And do what?" Tyrion asked.

"Rule. You will serve as ruler and lord of Lannisport over Cersei. You will bring Joffrey and your sister to heel and you will try and broker a peace with Naruto and if need be, prepare us for war." Tywin said.

"Why me?" Tyrion asked.

"Because you're my son. And you're the only hope we can have at gaining peace." Tywin told him as he left.

Line Break xxxxx

Time had passed since Cersei's attempt to retake the throne and after the last one, she hadn't made another. Naruto figured Tywin most likely didn't want her to waste anymore men. That worked for him, since he was busy trying to get his forces ready. More men had been recruited into the City watch and were being trained by Ser Barristan and Ser Cleaber. The people were happy, they had food, the city was completely refurbished and no one was going hungry, if someone had compared it to now against 20 years ago, it would be two different cities. Naruto smiled, he helped the city grow and thrive, now he needed to deal with war.

Naruto had gathered a meeting with him, Pycelle, Barristan, and Cleaber. There were in the council room as Kurama was lying on the floor. They were going over letters that were sent from all over Westeros about the coming war.

"It seems that the Starks were able to defeat the Lannisters. Tywin has pulled his forces back to Casterly rock." Pycelle said.

"Well done, Robb." Naruto said.

"Not all news is as sweet my lord. It seems as though the Northerners have declared themselves as a separate people with Robb Stark as the Northern King." Pycelle said as he handed the letter that Cat wrote to Naruto.

"Ugghh, Robb why do you want to give me a headache." Naruto said as he rubbed his head and Kurama chuckled.

"Also, Stannis and Renly Baratheon have now claimed a right to the throne." Barristan said as he handed the letter to Naruto.

"Hmm, two Baratheons that want the crown. Renly seems eager but tell me about Stannis." Naruto said.

"Stannis is a fierce warrior, no one doubts his prowess in combat but…he encourages less loyalty from his men outside of war." Barristan said.

"Hmm, Ned did send Stannis the letter about the Lannisters because he felt that Stannis was next in line. But with three men declaring themselves King and the Lannisters still free, I would find it best to wait until the Lannisters are brought to justice before I name a new king." Naruto said as Kurama nodded.

"Good plan, kit." Kurama said.

"My lord Naruto, Stannis is next in line to the throne." Pycelle said.

"I'm not doubting his right to the crown but with Renly and Robb declaring themselves King, if I make Stannis King, we will find ourselves in the wrath of both Robb and Renly." Naruto said as Pycelle nodded in understanding.

"A wise plan, my lord." Cleaber said.

"I want to meet with them first. Robb, Stannis and Renly, to negotiate who should take the throne and I feel it would be best to wait until the Lannisters are dealt with." Naruto said.

"Of course." Barristan said.

"Now, if there's nothing else. You can retire for the night." Naruto said as they all left.

"Well it looks like things are going to get exciting around here." Kurama said.

"Well I knew that things weren't going to be simple." Naruto said as he looked out the window and saw a full moon. "Something tells me that the Lannisters and the crown are going to be the least of our problems." Naruto said as the three remaining dragons were born in Essos and the White Walkers had risen.

End of Chapter 3

The Orange Flash in Westeros