
Aqary's New Purpose

As they arrived in Aqary, Maelyn asked the first villager they saw, "Good sir, where is the meeting place for your village?"

  "Our official place is the government's office in town." The villager informed her, "But the place we usually meet up is at Old Pete's over on the east side."

  "Well good sir, I am Maelyn Khadim and I ask that you help me summon as many of the villagers as we can to this Mister Pete's place." Maelyn asked then let him know, "I have just recently came into possession of all of the properties that Second Minister Harmon owned and so I was wanting to call you all together to go over the changes I am making to the village to make it an improved place to live and work."

  "Let me guess," The man angrily asked, "You're gonna raise our rent AGAIN?!"