
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · 漫画同人
36 Chs

Food, Bloodline, Truth, and A Virgin Queen (III)

Training Room

Agraliel Kingdom

"Why... Never in my life had I been shouted at by Mama."

Swoosh! Swing! Swoosh!

"Just because of that man! Mama suddenly became another person!"

Swoosh! Swing! Swoosh!

"Haaa... Haaa... Haa..."

Princess Almia is swinging her sword at a bunch of dummies while venting her frustration, sadness, and anger after suddenly running out of the dining room.

Her movements were not as precise as they had been when she had sparred with Narrus or defended her kingdom while fighting a swarm of monsters.

She had just made a breakthrough, but to be a true sword maiden like Narrus, she still had a lot to learn, especially how to control her emotions, which a true sword master must do.

Almia eventually gave up and fell to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably as all kinds of negative emotions swelled up inside her.

"I hate him. That man stole all of my family from me."

Unstable emotional feelings were normal for her because she had been raised so well by her mother and had never known hardship or loss like the others had.

A stereotype of the spoiled princess type was always shown in many fiction stories in Kaito's previous life.

Blame the others, unreasonable, where she believes the entire world must revolve around her.


Almia, who had been crying while burying her face between her legs, quickly raised her head to see her beloved sister appear with a warm smile on her face.


She quickly wiped away her tears, aware that her expression was so ugly right now, and she did not want to make Narrus feel bad or concerned about her.

Regardless of how hard she swept them away, tears continued to fall from her corner eyes. All she could do was bury her head on her knee again, not wanting to show her pathetic expression to her big sister.

"No. Don't come here."

She whispers to herself where she can hear the sound of a step getting closer to her, and in the end, it stops right in front of her. This still doesn't make her want to raise her head and face Narrus face-to-face.

"I said—"

"I'm here, princess; no matter what happens to you, I'm here."

A warm feeling like the embrace of a mother that she always felt in the past when she was still a baby.

"Don't worry, princess; no matter what happens, I will always be with you."

Feeling the sweet words and a warm hug on her body made Almia cannot help but cry and let out herself to hug back her sister. She feels, in her despair, that Narrus was the one who always reached out to her. 

Almia thought that the one who was going to reach her was her mother, and her mother was going to find her, and she apologized to her for suddenly yelling at her, when she had never done that to Almia when they lived together. Of course, there are times when Almia makes her mother frustated, angry, and many more, but never is Ephildis going to raise her voice or even yell at her, just because she was an act of mischief in the past while she was a kid and a teenager.

Maybe without Ephildis, she would know that the way she acts gentle toward her daughter makes her spoiled and stubborn, like she is right now.

As for Narrus, she also realizes this when she isn't emotionally dependent on Almia, and she always sees her as a precious little sister. Almia Agraliel now really needs a slap in the face because she still acts like a child that needs to be spoiled.

After calming down the princess for a few minutes, the girl finally let go of Narrus' hug while sweeping every tear from her eyes and face with her back hands before smiling softly at Narrus.

"Narrus-nee... You have always acted like a big sister to me, and you still do. Thank you, Narrus-nee."

Narrus remained silent for a brief moment before flashing a soft smile and nodding to Almia.

"Isn't it the role of the big sister to always see her naughty little sister?"

Almia giggles where Narrus pinches her nose; somehow she feels she gets closer to Narrus than before. As a spoiled princess, she leaps at Narrus, huges her, and buries her head in Narrus' cleavage. She can smell a sweet aroma that gives her a calm effect, while another tiny effect makes a creeping crawl inside her body that makes her feel kind of hot and has a tiny blush on her cheeks.

"Sigh, princess, always act like a baby."

Narrus hugged Almia back, put her head above Almia's head before her eyes became dim, and she smiled strangely. She had a flashback to a dream in which one of her sisters had a brilliant mind and high emotional intelligence.

'Sometimes, when you want to manipulate someone, you must know her or his most vulnerable side,' she recalls her mother saying. When you know about it, you must act as if you are the only one who will stand by their side when their vulnerable side has already been exposed to the world, and she or he will become emotionally dependent on you and will always believe whatever you say because, in their eyes, you are their hero.'

What that woman said to Narrus in her dream was basic manipulative knowledge, and now Narrus is in a position where she can use that knowledge to get closer to Almia. Be the one who always stands by her side when others point the finger at her.

'Husband, Don't worry, this chocolate milk baby of yours will slowly train this spoiled brat to be your slave bitch."

All in all, Almia slowly had been collared by Narrus without her knowing, and it's just a time before her fall from her status as princess to be something for Kaito.


Kaito and Ephildis perspectives.


Kaito never thought that the story that he knew from the game had something deep about it, and most likely it can be said to be too different from the way he knows it.

The world he had now was one of three games that were well known to those in the cultured community who enjoyed reading the story with one hand while the other beat their stick meat.


Who knows that, in truth, the queen already had a princess as her daughter; all in all, for the years she lived, she was still a virgin?

It would be a shock statement if it could be said for Kaito.

He knew where Ephildis answered with moist eyes: that she wanted to fall in love with someone and spend the rest of her life with that person.

That 'Person' she mentions was him, where her eyes were locked at his face before she hugged him and buried her head into his chest with a heated face.

"So let me confirm that you never had a man in your life, and a daughter of yours, the princess of Kingdom Agraliel, was made something from ritual magic."

Kaito asked while giving a headpat to Ephildis, doing it because he felt the woman was already addicted to it and wanted more by the expression in her gaze.

"Yes, this was due to the lack of capability of elves in this kingdom, and the chance of being pregnant was so low in elf races."

"It can be said that Almia was a pure breed of elves and wind spirits that existed and helped my ancestors build this kingdom."

Ephildis body was squirming and blaphsemy in pleasure when she received a non-stop headpat from the thief who stole her heart and love.

"Well, isn't it my luck to have your first time then?"

Ephildis blushed upon hearing it; she knew that her IQ was dropping below zero when she already fell in love with the man in front of her.

"Yes, just tell me when you want to have sex... Ephildis looks like a virgin girl who is shy and inexperienced despite her age and who can already be considered mature for her age.

Kaito chuckled hearing it before he cupped Ephildis face and got closer to her.

He never knew that in the gap between those mature and alluring faces, there's an innocent and inexperienced woman who seeks genuine and pure love.


Kaito gives a kiss to the Ephildis. He knows that it was the mood for the couple to do a bunch of things, and as the gentleman, he wants to fulfill the wish of this poor queen.


"K-kaito sama~ Not there♡ Hyahhh♡"

Both of them were now in the queen chamber, and they knew what they wanted from each other, so they quickly left the royal bathouse room and arrived at their current location.

They do not raise suspicion among the others because the queen chamber is close to the royal bathouse, allowing them to walk out and in without fear.

Both of them were now naked in the bed, with Ephildis lying on her back with her head supported by a pillow behind her head and her leg exposed in the 'M' pose, while Kaito crawled closer into those juicy pink wet pussies that could not guzzle out love juice before slowly touching it with his mouth and licking in a slow motion all part of her outside pussy.

"Ohh♡ Hnngg♡ I feel so weird below there♡"

With every heavenly touch from Kaito's slippery mouth and his snake-like tongue that slowly made its way into her flower garden, her body went into spasm mode and she began to experience constant little orgasms.

"!!! I'm cumming!♡"

Her hips were raised, indicating that she had just experienced a powerful orgasm in which Kaito abruptly flicked her clitoris, the most sensitive part of her body.

She shivered when Kaito's hands touched and groped her luscious thighs, causing all of her nerves beneath to become messed up by his pleasure.

Ephildis had never experienced a man touching someone of the opposite sex, so she was completely unaware of this type of experience. Consequently, this was a huge shock to her when it finally hit her this time.

"It was an incredible pleasure that nearly made me unconscious for a brief moment."

She thought while already making an ahegao face just because Kaito was eating her flower garden by his mouth and tongue.

With love juice all over his face, Kaito pulled back his face before moving her tongue to make a wet, slick trace that moved slowly up into her womb area before he kissed it. His hand continued to move, stimulating her pussy by sticking his finger into those dark, moist caverns to discover a delicious G-spot of Ephildis.

"Hieek!♡ Ahhnn♡ Hmnnn♡"

When Ephy regained consciousness, she was overcome with intense pleasure, which made her swoon and groan seductively at every new sensation.

Her vision had already become blurry due to the heat of pleasure slowly melting her mind. She also sensed the heat from Kaito's tongue and mouch, which stimulated and teased her womb from the outside, giving her the impression that she was about to ovulate violently and lay an egg that was ready for her semen to devour.

Kaito was an experienced man who had already engaged in numerous obscene activities with his chocolate baby girl. He had already mastered the art of pleasure, which had left an indelible mark on his body, mind, and soul when he acquired the <Ancestral Incubus Demonic God>.


Her body seized up again, resulting in a massive orgasm that caused her pussy to erupt in a fountain of love fluid.

When he senses that Ephy is prepared to receive his love, he pulls back his face and gives Ephy a start that causes him to become unconscious for a brief period of time and drown in pleasure.


Ephy returns to consciousness and, even in her blissfully ignorant state, enjoys Kaito's kisses.

"Nhhh♡ *Kiss* Mnhh♡ *Kiss* Kwaito-Swama~ You're wlove vwas too wuch that mwade mwe becwame dumbb~"

Ephy wanted a true love, one in which she would spend the rest of her life with the man she fell in love with, and Kaito immediately granted her wish, showing her an immense amount of love mixed with numbness from pleasure.

Both of them reclined their kiss, leaving a long string of saliva between their tongues, and locked their gazes on each other.

Kaito smiles softly before caressing Ephy's cheeks with his hand.

"Well, the moment you get closer to me and declare your love and interest,. You've already become my woman, and there's no way I'm going to let go of you, Ephy."

Ephildis enlarges her pupil before tears slowly flow down her cheeks. She slowly grabs Kaito's hand and grips it tightly while giving her most genuine, soft, and beautiful smile to the man that she dumbly loves at first sight.

"Please take care of me and shower me with all of your love... Dear husband..."

It was a priceless moment for Kaito, and it will live on in his memory. He had no idea that she would witness the true joy of a woman's smile, made out of love.

"Yes, I will shower you with all my love and obsession. Therefore, please do not hate me if you end up becoming a stupid woman who is trapped in my grasp forever, my queen."


Before they turned into animals in heat, they shared another passionate kiss and showed each other their love.

Kaito is aware that he has already transformed into a man with a bipolar obsession who exhibits extreme kindness and love towards his loved ones and cruelty and tyranny towards those he despises.

'Right, Luna?'


Luna is unable to remain silent because Kaito knows that the girl who was observing him had a passionate moment with Ephy somewhere in her realm.

Unlike before, when Kaito had intercourse with Narrus, she remained silent and enjoyed doing other things.

It was most likely a combination of hunch and gut feelings, as Kaito knew what Luna was doing at the time, but he was unaware that there were two thirsty girls with tremendous entities who would not lose Luna's identity.

It did not stop there; all of the others appear to have secretly come to Luna to see the one who has piqued their interest and is about to inherit their 'Old Man' throne.

To be continued.