
The One Day Bet (11) (Finale)

"Only you can make me smile. Please continue to light up my world forever with that beautiful smile of yours, you complete me." —Byun Baekhyun.


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

A sound Siyeon knew all to well, without even opening her eyes she knew where she was, she could surely smell the scent of the hospital room and hear the beeping of the machines.

Once again she ended up in the place she hated most.

Her eyes slowly opened, being blinded by the bright lights she squinted, Siyeon was now aware of the warmth on her left side, she looked down to see Seol clinging to her fast asleep, Siyeon smiled and raised her hand gently grazing Seol's head.

Seol slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head up. "Siyeon, you're awake!"


Seol hurriedly grabbed Siyeon's hand. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I was hit by a truck." She laughed awkwardly. "I'll live... but shouldn't I be asking you that, you were injured more than me."

"I'm fine, I was treated already, my bones weren't broken, it still hurts but I'm strong remember." Seol flexed her arm dramatically, her action made Siyeon smile, she was glad to see that Seol was alright.

"And Baekhyun, what about him, is he okay?!"

"He's... fine he has a couple cuts, bruises and a broken rib, but he'll recover."

"Thank god, I need to see him." Siyeon sat up and made a movement to get out of the bed but Seol stopped her.

"He's asleep, his parents and his friends are with him right now so it's kinda crowded... later, see him later."

"Fine, wait... what about my parents and my brother, are they here?!"

"Well they were, but after checking that you were okay they went home to grab a few things for you."


"Don't worry, he won't hurt you ever again. Your plan worked, I gave them the evidence and they said he will be charged with attempted murder, assault, not to mention kidnapping and a ton of other things. They will need to question you later though."

"That's great, I'm relieved." Siyeon felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Everything was finally over for good.

"Siyeon, you're awake!" Both Joey and Sua immediately tackled her in a hug.

"Siyeon, you're never going to believe what happened while you were knocked out!" Joey said excitedly releasing Siyeon.

"Wait, guys! Don't tell her—"

"Kai asked Seol to the dance!"

"Okay, slow down one minute, who is Kai?"

"He's a guy in Seol's music class."

"Yeah and when he heard what happened to her and that she was at the hospital, he rushed over here in a hurry to check on her and ended up confessing that he liked her, he even asked her to the dance, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen, now it makes sense why he was so mean to her all the time, it was because he liked her." Sua laughed.

"That's great, I'm so happy for you, but what did you say Seol?"

"She said 'yes' of course."

Siyeon looked at Seol and she looked away from her, she could tell that Seol was blushing and decided to tease her, an evil smile forming on her face.

"Seol! Are you... blushing?!"

"She is, totally."

"No I'm not, stop being ridiculous!"

They all laughed at Seol and Siyeon felt happy watching them smile.

"But there's more, perhaps the most shocking news of all." Seol said.

"More, what is it?"

"Do remember the rumor going around school about the heir and his last name being Byun?" Sua asked.


"Apparently, that rich heir is none other than... Baekhyun!"

"What?! How do you guys know that?!"

"We saw his father, he's the CEO of Park Amusement, you know them, he's always on TV, he's the one that owns many buildings and some amusement parks too, anyway, you're so lucky Siyeon!"

"Your future father-in-law is really nice, he even thanked you and Seol for saving his son."

"He's not my father-in-law!"

"You say that now, but who knows, he might be." Seol said with a playful wink. "His mother came by while you were knocked out, she thinks you're really pretty, she wants to reward you, so she's giving you Baekhyun."

"She's giving her son to a random stranger?! That's insane!"

"You're not a random stranger."

"Don't tell me she did some kind of background check on me, like in movies?"

"Why do a background check when you have us." Joey smiled.

"We told her everything she needs to know about you, including the fact that you're a model student." Sua added playfully poking Siyeon.

"Yah! Why would you do that!"

"Because we love you, duh." Joey said with a dramatic roll of her eyes.

Siyeon looked at Sua. "Sua, you're supposed to be the reasonable one, how could you let them do that!"

"I'd say they were pretty reasonable."


"Okay, that's enough girls." Siyeon's mother entered the room followed by her little brother —who was around six years old.


Siyeon's little brother ran to her and gave her a hug. "Noona —meaning older sister— are you sick?" Her little brother asked.

"Yeah, I guess I'm sick."

"Very sick?"

"Um... no I'll get better."

"Okay that's enough Jacks." Siyeon's mother said holding her sons hand. "Girls can you take him outside for me, I need to talk to Siyeon alone."

"No! I want to stay with noona!" Her brother cried holding onto Siyeon's leg.

"I promise, you can see her again later." His mother said as Joey held his hand taking him away from Siyeon's side.

"Come on Jacks, we'll go get ice-cream." Joey said to him and the little boy followed her without a struggle, the others close behind, Siyeon watching them go as they closed the door behind them.

"What about Dad?"

"He had to go back to work, but he did see you before he left."

Siyeon nodded, an awkward silence then fell over them, she held her head down, fiddling with her fingers. Siyeon could sense that her mother was upset, so she prepared herself for the earful she was about to get.

Her mother cleared her throat which made Siyeon look at her. "You lied to me."

"I know and I'm sorry, are you mad?"

"I'm not mad."

She was mad.

"You are, that's exactly what a mad person would say."

"Siyeon, I'm not mad, I won't lecture you either, I just wish..." Her mother reached out and touched her cheek. "...that you didn't have to go through all of that alone."

Siyeon could see the water forming in her mother's brown eyes, her mother turned away from her refusing to let her daughter see her tears, which Siyeon noticed.

"I wasn't alone, I had Seol and Baekhyun with me."

"My poor girl, my poor baby girl, look at your beautiful face, how dare he hit you!" Her mother stroked her bruised cheek.


"You know what, I'm mad, I'm mad at myself for not making sure you were safe from him, I'm your mother I should've known you were having hard time, I should've done more to help you recover."

"But I did recover, mom I'm doing fine."

"What about emotionally, did you recover emotionally? You think I didn't see how you were suffering? You smiled less, you stopped hanging out with the others, the things you enjoyed doing didn't make you happy anymore. I thought 'she'll be alright, she just needs more time to heal, she'll return to her self soon' but I was wrong you never did, now I fear this time you'll become worst." Her mother finally broke down, tears streaming down her face.

"Mom, I won't become worst, this time I will recover, though it might take time I think I'll be alright." Siyeon tried to comfort her mother but it wasn't working, as she watch her Siyeon's heart broke and she began to feel really sorry towards her mother, for making her worry so much.

"Do you know how I felt getting that call from the police and having them explain to me that my daughter was in the hospital and that Sin-jae had attacked her? I was devastated, I panicked, I didn't know what to think, what to expect. I never want to experience that again."

"And you won't, he got arrested."

"I know that and I'm glad."

Siyeon reached out and hugged her mother. "Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't think about how you'd feel, I only thought about saving him."

"I think I would've done the same thing if I were in your shoes, I don't blame you for that." They released each other. "I met the child's parents, his mother seems to like you a lot."

"Oh god, not you too."

"I'm happy whatever you chose, I won't tell you what to do, that's up to you, I already gave you my opinion anyway."


"Sleep tight kitten, you'll be discharged tomorrow, they want to keep you here overnight."


Her mother gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead before exciting her room.


Eventually Joey's brother and his friends, including Ten, had also visited Siyeon right before she was discharged.

Siyeon stood nervously outside Baekhyun's hospital room, she had just been discharged and was finally able to see him, her friends had insisted on dressing her up, though she thought it wasn't necessary, they had done her hair and makeup and had chosen the off shoulder purple sweater, blue denim jeans and cream sandals she was wearing. Even she had to admit, she looked nice, they were sensible enough to make her makeup look as natural as possible, her brown hair was wavy and a black choker on her neck —Seol's doing— along with matching pink flower earrings.

It was hard for her to knock on his door though, she could swear her palms had started sweating. After all 'you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink' Siyeon was that horse and Baekhyun's door was currently that water, so to speak. Siyeon's friends had brought her there but she just couldn't seem to bring herself to knock on his door.

After a while of contemplating she finally mustered up her courage and held her hand up and was about to knock, when suddenly the door flung open, causing her to lose her balance as she stumbled right into the arms of none other than Baekhyun.

As their eyes met she wanted to turn around and runaway, but she was unable to move, captivated by their close proximity, or was it his deep brown eyes that casted a spell on her? She wasn't exactly sure. He looked just as surprised to see her as she was him, at that moment.

Her hands were on his shoulders and his were on her hips and the small of her back, her heart went crazy as it sped; thumping against her chest like a drum playing a rhythm. Siyeon was certain he could feel it too because their chests were that close, perhaps he could even hear it. She just stared at him and him at her, she took that time to observe his face, his skin had returned to its creamy colour, he had small plasters on his cheek and forehead, his lips were back to being pink and plump; Siyeon was tempted to run her fingers over them for a split second but knew she shouldn't.

"As much as I'm enjoying this... I really need to go to the bathroom." his voice sounded, causing her to pull away from him.

"Right, sorry."

"You can sit inside and wait for me."

She nodded entering his room and sitting on the stool next to his bed, he soon returned and she helped him into the bed.

"Thank you."

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing okay, Siyeon, don't worry."

"I'm sorry you had to get involved and end up getting hurt because of me."

"It wasn't because of you."

"I really wish it was so, but..."

"You were really brave coming to save me, I'm sure not everyone would have done what you did."

"Yeah, that's because no one is that stupid."

Baekhyun giggled. "Did you get hurt?"

"Just a light bruise, nothing to worry about."

"That's good... by the way you're not mad, are you?"

"What would I be mad about?"

"My family... I didn't tell you..."

"Oh that, it's okay I don't really care what kind of family you come from, me finding out doesn't change anything."

Baekhyun then started at her watching Siyeon from head to toe, Siyeon felt herself blush under his intense gaze, she turned her face away from him, her fingers gripping her jeans.

"Wh... wh... why are you staring at me like that?" she stuttered.

"You look so beautiful, I just couldn't help it, I heard you were hospitalized too, did you dress up just to... come see me?" He smiled at her teasingly.

"No I didn't!" she lied, she could have just said 'yes' but she refused to admit that.

"Your face says other wise though." He laughed at her.

She cleared her throat. "I also came here to apologize for everything I said to you before and for not believing you when you were so nice to me... that being said, do you... think you still like me?"

"Of course I do, my feelings won't change so easily."

"In that case..." Siyeon closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before opening them again. "I... I like you too, I want to give this a try." Siyeon said feeling happy to finally get those words off her chest.

"Then I guess this is the perfect time for me to ask you to the dance, what do you say... will you go with me?"

"Yes, I'd love too."


Three weeks had passed. Siyeon, Seol, Sua and Joey were all at her house getting ready for the long awaited autumn formal.

Siyeon's bedroom currently looked like the dressing room of some kind of elaborate fashion show, with clothes everywhere, makeup and other products visible and the sweet scent of perfume filling the air.

It had been awhile since Siyeon felt this excited about something, especially a school dance, that magic had already faded for her but thinking about going with Baekhyun had brought it back again.

"And you're done!" Joey sang excitedly after finishing Siyeon's makeup.

Siyeon stood and looked at herself in the long mirror, her eyes slightly widened as she stared at her reflection, her brown hair was straightened with hints of blonde and sat nicely on her shoulders, curling at the ends; her long black eyelashes were styled, curling perfectly, complimenting her beautiful almond-shaped eyes; her lips had ruby-red lipstick, the confetti on them shimmering under the light. Her dress had a ruby red off-shoulder top, that showed off her neckline and a beige netted, long flowy; glittered skirt. The red of the top seemed to melt into the beige of the bottom.

"Ouuu woah!" Her friends all gushed in unison, putting their hands to their mouths.

"Is that really... me?"

"Who else would it be, silly."

"Those long diamond earrings and matching necklace were such a great choice Sua!"

"Now for the finally touch." Seol gave Siyeon a gold clutch and helped her slip her feet into the matching heels. "Now, you're ready to slay."

"Girls, your ride is here!" Siyeon's mother called from downstairs and they all came strutting down the stairs. "You all look lovely." Her mother complimented when she saw them.

"Thanks." They all responded.

Sua was wearing a long purple-satin dress with straps and a spilt that showed some of her thigh, Joey wore a pink-floral, short-flowy dress with a black leather jacket over it. Seol however, was the odd one out; she wore a black dress-pants, it was a dress that had a off-shoulder top with floral lace sleeves and a pants bottom which also had a netted black skirt -the skirt not completely covering her waist. She rocked it though. After Siyeon's mom took pictures of them she let them go.

Joey's brother —Lucas— and his friends stood at the doorstep, all decked out in dashing suits.

"Looking good girls." Yuta complimented.

"He's right you all look stunning." Ten added.

"Thanks and you look handsome Ten." Siyeon complimented with a smile.

"Well they do look nice, all except for Seol. What are you the grim reaper's wife?" Haechan laughed.

"Hold my purse." Seol growled to Siyeon before jumping at him.

"Seol! Stop it!" The others tried their best to pull Seol of him. Siyeon released a light giggle as she watched them all struggle. Finally this was how she liked things, how they should remain, she hoped they never changed.

The buzzing of her phone alerted her and she answered it smiling as she saw the caller ID; her friends still bickering in the background, "Hello."

"Hey, Siyeon."

"Hi, we're about to leave, I'll see you there okay."

"About that... I don't think I can make it to the dance."

"What, why?" Her smile immediately disappeared.

"I'm stuck at the hospital, I thought I was going to be discharged by now but... they want me to stay another week just to be safe... I'm so sorry Siyeon."

"Oh... that's okay, your health is more important."

"You're disappointed, I can hear it, I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"I'll be fine, really, you... get some rest."

"I'm so sorry, you should still go without me... goodnight."

She hung up the phone feeling hurt and upset just a little, her mood change probably showed on her face, because everything became silent as they focused on her.

"Is something wrong?"

"Baekhyun, can't make it."

"Why not?"

"He's still at the hospital."

"Well that's unfortunate, what are you going to do? Will you still come?"

"I don't think so."

"You should still come and hang out with us."

Siyeon thought for a moment, she really felt sorry for Baekhyun who had to stay alone at the hospital while she could be with her friends.

An idea suddenly popped into her head and she smiled.

"I have a better idea, take me to the hospital."

"What, why would you want to go- Ohh." Seol nodded, catching Siyeon's drift. "Let's go boys, time's ah wasting."

They dropped Siyeon off, wishing her luck, before they headed to the dance. Siyeon hoped that Baekhyun wasn't too surprised to see her and all dressed up to.

She knocked on his door and waited for him to tell her to enter before she did.

"Siyeon, is that you?" he asked unsure, getting out of the bed to turn the lights on. When the light filled the room he saw her and his mouth hung open.

"Mhm." she replied coming closer until she was right in front of him.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were going to the dance."

"I was, but then I felt guilty about being able to hang out with my friends while you couldn't and I just... ending up coming here, because the dance doesn't matter... you do and I still wanted to spend the night with you, is that okay?"

Baekhyun stood speechless as he blinked at her. "I guess... you can stay."

She smiled at him. "I thought we could dance right here."

"In a hospital room? With me wearing a hospital gown?"

"Of course, why not? The place doesn't really matter as long as we have each other right?" She took her phone from her purse and played a slow song they could dance to, she approached him, wrapping her hands around his waist as he stared down at her in surprise, his hands soon found her waist and they started a slow waltz.

"You look stunning." he whispered, his eyes landed on her lips which Siyeon noticed.

"You can."


"Kiss me... I mean."

"How can you joke with me like that when we're this close together?"

"I wasn't joking, have I ever said something to you I didn't mean?"

"No, but—" She leaned in closing the gap between them, making him go silent as her lips met his in a brief kiss, she pulled away but Baekhyun took her chin and brought her lips to his lips again; the softness making her melt under his touch, her hands found there way around his neck, she felt butterflies in her stomach and sparks that came from her feet and traveled all over her body.

He pulled away from her the warmth of his lips going with him. "You seem different, as though you're not holding back."

"I'm not, I won't be afraid anymore, that's what I decided, I'm going to reclaim the life that was taken from me."

"Now that we're on the subject of claiming things, my parents don't seem to mind having you as a daughter-in-law."

"Okay first of all, I'm only 22, second of all, we haven't even be on one date yet."

"So that's a no..."

"I can't believe you're actually considering the marriage."

"Why not? We almost died together, and you're the first person I've felt this way about."

"I feel that way about you too, meeting you I guess wasn't by chance, I'd say it almost felt like... fate and thanks to Seol's ridiculous bet I got to know you during those few days. I did develop feelings for you but it's impossible for me to just marry you after such a short period of time."

"So no..."

"It's a maybe, not now, in the future when we know each other better and we've already graduated and when I've met your parents in person and you mine, you're definitely the person I want to reclaim my life with."

At her words he cupped her cheek with a smile before kissing her forehead and in turn she kissed his cheek. Both of them smiling at each other.

"Later, when I get discharged, I'll take you on a real date."

Those simple words made Siyeon so happy and she couldn't wait to spend more time with him, to see what awaited her in the future, for once she wanted to keep moving forward, with the person in front of her and the people around her.

They swayed with each other until the wee hours of the night, the moonlight acting as a spotlight for them.

Siyeon's phone buzzed and she quickly checked it still holding onto Baekhyun, it was a photo of everyone at prom including Baekhyun's friends with a message that read: "Wish you were here, don't worry though, we'll all meet up for a do over when Baekhyun's discharged."

"Ah these girls seriously." Siyeon mumbled with a giggle and huge smile on here face.

"What is it?" Baekhyun asked and Siyeon showed him the message.

"What do you say, are you up for it?"

"Of course, we could do it at my house. I have a pretty big back yard, you still have to met my friends and I can't wait to meet yours."

"Then we're all set." She smiled and tightening her grip around Baekhyun's waist as she rested her head again his chest.

Siyeon realized then that Seol's "One Day Bet" hadn't only lead her to her first love but it showed her the importance of Friendship, Love and Family, she has to remember to thank Seol for coming up with that 'genius plan'.


Thanks for reading◉‿◉(✷‿✷)

Icychica_creators' thoughts