It is the story of the heirs of Eragon and Elidor, one of the royal family of the elves the other heir of the wild dragon king. Follow their adventures and see Alagaësia from another point of view.
Eldar's POV:
I spent the day thinking about the implications of the revelations Egan made the day before. I am now ready as I show up for our usual soiree. We are all four in an uncomfortable and embarrassing atmosphere. I feel compelled to take the first step.
"I don't know what happened after I left because I closed my mind to Egan to think as calmly as possible and take some distance from the whole situation. »
All three focus on me: Islanzadí remains impassive and waits, Egan is embarrassed and silent, and Arya is just furious…
"Arya, I can feel and understand your anger. I don't want our relationship to be destroyed for so little. I assure you that I do not want our relationship to evolve in a romantic or passionate way. Islanzadí and you are the closest thing to family for Egan and me and I have no desire to complicate our relationship.
I have a problem with that damn lust that Egan generates but I assure you it's not insurmountable. It's even an opportunity for me to be able to further strengthen my control over my emotions.
Even though my body exudes this lust, my mind ignores it so if you can do the same on your side, it would help me a lot.
Islanzadí, I can assure you that I have no desire to seduce your daughter or take advantage of her. I care about you both very much and would not do anything that would harm our relationship in any intentional way.
As for Fäolin, don't mind what Egan said, it was inappropriate and said for the sole purpose of hurting me.
Barring exceptions, I would speak in your language even with Egan to force him to take his learning seriously. Moreover, I greatly appreciate speaking in a language that prevents us from lying. »
There was a silence and I could only give time for the others to digest my words.
Islanzadí was the first to react and said
"Arya must have relationship experiences while she can and her companions still get relatively little influence from this relationship. One day she will take my place and then taking a companion will have a whole new meaning and will have a huge impact.
As long as she is aware of her status and the powers she gives to whoever she chooses as a mate and that this relationship does not harm others then I would not interfere with her relationship. »
I couldn't help but frown in displeasure and Islanzadí noticed it and asked me why I was reacting like this to his answer.
"Without any disrespect, you are his mother! You should be more invested in your daughter's life. You are much more experienced than her and you see and understand things that she cannot yet see and understand. If she gets the wrong mate, if an elf tries to take advantage of her, or if her relationship is going to hurt her, you have to step in!
If I had known that's how you thought, then I wouldn't have held back. I would have put an end to this problem once and for all! »
The queen's face finally lost its expressionlessness and showed a mixture of anger and curiosity as Arya looked less furious and she stared intently at me as well.
"You are still only an Eldar child, do not think you know better than a mother how she should guide her child. Protecting your child from any experience is very harmful. We grow in our Eldar trials. If you are protected from all that life has to offer then you will never learn anything, will not grow up and remain children forever.
Moreover you say that if you would have known how I would have reacted you would have eliminated the problem. Did you think that by doing this you were depriving the person who had to manage this problem of growing up, of being able to understand and analyze so that the next one wouldn't make the same mistake again?
Did you think that person might have hated you for the rest of your life for intervening without their consent? Maybe she knew what she was doing and your intervention would have ruined everything. »
I don't like her way of seeing things but I can't refute her words either, I see that she and Arya are waiting for my answer...
"I apologize for being so rude. I may have criticized you a little hastily. I guess I projected what I wish my mom was for me. As for your other question then the answer is whatever. »
I feel my magic reacting to my anger.
"In my case, I'm sure I should have intervened and I will take care of it to rectify my error. No matter the consequences... If I'm must to be hated by someone I care about to help him then so be it. I wouldn't let someone important to me suffer if I could help them. »
Much to my confusion, Islandzadí smiles and beams with pride as Arya replaces her angry expression with a softer expression and speaks for the first time tonight.
"Then you are a fool. Killing Fäolin is a stupid choice. »
I feel the surprise print on my face.
'Egan didn't you do that?' He turns his head away and I understand why Islanzadí asked me this question and with this precise formulation.
"Yes, Egan told us what happened, he had no choice, I wouldn't let him go after what he said. You are a prince, you are The old princes. You can't afford to act so stupid.
Fäolin is son of the regent of the city of Kirtan. What do you think would have happened if his son had been executed on our own lands by an elf. You are also not above Eldar laws! My mother should have let the regent challenge you to a duel and if you survived then she should have banished you from our lands.
No matter what he did, acting that way is completely stupid. Now with your memories we have proof of his behavior and we can punish him for his actions. He will be confined to his city and then all will be what he has done. For an elf to be socially banished and confined for the rest of his life is a fate far worse than death. He will have to live with this humiliation. He will have to live under the gaze of contempt of all.
I would not have easily forgiven you for taking away my right to revenge for the humiliation he has inflicted on me, Eldar. I'm beginning to understand how you work and I doubt I can change you but now think more than that before acting.
You have shown great Eldar intelligence but it is of no use as long as you are also influenced by your emotions. If you don't learn to control yourself, you will end up paying dearly for it.
However, I want to thank you for intervening to avenge my honor, I was furious that you dared to hide the truth and let him continue to be able to take advantage of me! Knowing that you would have put an end to this situation fills me with gratitude.
About your problem and our relationship. I know there's nothing you can do about it and the problem will grow until Egan finds a mate...
To thank you for what you have done for me, I will do as you wish and do my best to ignore your lust as long as you behave appropriately. »
Islanzadí, always smiling took the floor
"Eldar, I love to know that you are so loyal. Thank you for your reliability and your affection for us.
However, now that this incident is closed and that you can finally read and write, you will be able to begin your training as a warrior and a magician. Tomorrow Arya will take you to meet your teachers after we say goodbye to Brom. »
The evening was a little more relaxed and when Egan tried to reconnect I asked him for a little more time to erase the resentment of his betrayal.
--- The day after ---
I came to join Arya to introduce me to my teachers but first I have to wait for them to say goodbye to the dragon rider.
I post myself in the entrance of the throne room and could see that it is crowded with people. In the center is Oromis and Brom, they talk to each other and all wish him good luck and a good trip. When it's time for Brom to leave, Oromis and Brom head for the exit and walk past me.
I tense when he turns to me and looks at him suspiciously.
"I wish I could have talked to you before leaving boy, too bad you didn't learn to speak until so late. Know that if you change your mind you will always be welcome at the Varden. On a completely different subject, Glaedr told me that your relationship with your dragon has become complicated lately and that you resent him.
Let me tell you something kid. Enjoy your dragon while it's with you and alive! »
All are silent and observe our exchange but I ignore them.
"Is this a Dragon Rider threat?" »
He laughs frankly and pats me on the shoulder. His behavior annoys me but I take it upon myself and say nothing.
"Of course not kid," he waves his hand as if to say the question was stupid and pointless.
"Since you don't have access to the training of dragon riders, let me tell you this: the bond between a dragon and its partner is so deep that the two beings are difficult to separate. When a dragon's partner dies, his dragon will inevitably follow him in death through madness and sadness.
When a dragon dies, its partner rarely survives. He usually ends up going mad and ending his life. You still have your dragon by your side and you don't seem to understand how lucky you are to be able to share such a bond, to still have your dragon alive...
My dragon died in the war and for a long time only my desire for revenge kept me alive, I couldn't let her killer go unpunished!
I'm still learning to hold on to life and recover from Saphira's death but I'm also aware that I will never be myself again since a part of me died with her.
It seems I fell in love with a lady recently, so all is not lost but take good care of your dragon, kid. Do it for me who can't enjoy my partner's company anymore, will you? »
I feel my eyes widen. Just the thought of losing Egan sends a storm of magic around us. My compressed throat distorts my voice
"You lost your dragon??? »
He nods, expression mournful.
That explains why he was so aggressive when he found out I wasn't going to help him get revenge.
"Did you voluntarily bring her into battle? Are you responsible for his death? »
He seemed to hesitate and search for words but replied:
"Galbatorix and those who followed him did not attack us fairly. They would never have achieved victory by facing the Council of Dragon Riders head-on and loyally. So to answer you, yes. Saphira and I fought to save our loved ones and avenge our friends killed by the enemy. We agreed that it was better to take the risk of falling in battle and try to achieve victory than to wait to die in an ambush. »
I was very surprised by the story of this old human aand my impression of him has been transformed. I don't think I would be able to stay sane if Egan were to die.
"Do you have a chance of getting your revenge?" »
A laugh of derision escaped him.
"Ha! I am fulfilling my revenge on my level… I am getting old and Saphira is no longer there to help me. I'll do what I can until the end but no, I can't even hope to compete with Galbatorix. That's why Oromis and I are so eagerly awaiting the next generation. We are no longer able to face the traitor so we are doing our best so that one day the new generation can have the opportunity to avenge us and free Alagaësia from this tyrant. »
My magic began to move inside me, it burn me. I even feel a little warmth emanating from me.
'Egan, did you hear?'
'Yes, I followed everything and you can follow your instincts, I will help you if I feel the need.'
I watch the one I nearly killed a while ago before taking a deep breath and saying :
"I still don't want to get involved in your war, but I might be able to help you on one point if you repeat what I'm about to say." »
While there were so many of us in this room, a dead silence was heard.
Brom looked at Oromis who nodded and then replied seriously: "I'm listening. »
I closed my eyes to try to ebb my magic and said:
"I, Brom, former companion of Saphira, swear on my honor and her memory that if my dragon died it was not my fault and that there was no other alternative to save her.
I swear on my honor and on the memory of Saphira that those who were attacked by the traitors did nothing to bring about this war and that we are not responsible for the resulting carnage.
I swear on my honor and on the memory of Saphira that I do not continue the war and do not cause so many deaths only for my quest for revenge and that Alagaësia really needs to dethrone Galbatorix so as not to live eternally under its tyranny . »
I open my eyes and stare at him, "If you can't say that speech exactly, if you twist the meaning of that wish even a little, then I won't be helping you." »
He looks at Oromis hesitantly and under Oromis encouragement, he takes a shaky breath and says:
"I, Brom, son of Holcomb and Nelda , former companion of Saphira, swear on my honor and on the memory of my dragon that if she died it was not my fault and that there was no other alternative to save her.
I swear on my honor and on the memory of Saphira that the dragon riders who killed the traitors did nothing to justify this war. That all the decisions that led to this disaster were just and wise and that we are not responsible for the carnage these traitors have caused.
I swear on my honor and on the memory of Saphira that I will not continue the war against Galbatorix and will not cause so many deaths only for my quest for revenge and that Alagaësia need that we fight for her. That Galbatorix must be dethroned otherwise Alagaësia will endure his tyranny forever. »
Brom's breath trembles and two tears fall from his closed eyes.
I feel my energy literally ignite and feel the magic of those around me isolating me so as not to be burned.
--- Third person point of view ---
A blazing fire literally comes out of Prince Eldar and everyone hastened to create a shield to contain the flames and the heat which emanated from him.
Sa gedwëy ignasia (symbol of the bond between Egan and him) shines with a visible white light despite the flames. The fire continued to erupt from his body until they swallowed it and we could no longer see the prince. The shield is completely filled with flames and the sound of the crackling is loudly audible for the witnesses of this event. Over time, the sound of the flames gradually fades and the fire orb began to swallow the flames while retracting.
By shrinking in size, Eldar was again visible. He levitates and his fire orb continues to retract while continuing to swallow the fire that comes out of the prince. This phenomenon lasted several minutes leaving each spectator speechless. A few have come out asking for help and reinforcing the barrier as the energy the fire orb gives off is mind boggling…
The fire orb is now smaller than an eye and completely white. She floats in front of the prince's chest now naked and focused so the fire no longer comes out of her body. He looked at the human dragon rider and said "Come in"
Brom hesitated for a moment but took a step forward, waiting for a breach in the shield to let him in. When the breach was created, everyone was surprised not to feel the slightest heat but the intensity of energy that emanates from the orb of fire is simply incredible and made everyone recoil.
Once Brom ran past Eldar and the orb moved slowly towards him. When it reached his chest, Brom screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground.
Eldar said in a weary voice, "I did what I could to help you get your revenge and honor the memory of your dragon. Respect the vow you took Brom Holcombsson or my gift will kill you. »
And so he in turn fell to the ground, leaving only confusion and concern to the assembly witnessing the event.
Author's note:
What do you think is the nature of the help that Eldar provided to Brom with his blessing? I can't wait to see your theories :D