
A struggle for legitimacy

Oromis's POV:

I join the queen who has finally granted me the request for the interview I had requested. When I enter the throne room, the councilors greet me before leaving to leave us alone.

"Were you able to interrogate this young dragon rider? »

Queen Islanzadí raises her head from her reports to give me a look "I was able to speak with Eldar and Egan to try to make amends for your inexcusable mistake." »

She leaves a dead time to remind me of the enormous fault that falls on us. She prolongs her silence as if to challenge me to challenge her words.

She redirects her attention to the scrolls and continues.

"Eldar has informed me that they have come here to find a place among his people and that he wishes our people no harm. I am convinced that he is telling the truth but he also confessed to me that he is the keeper of secrets far too big and dangerous to divulge and that he will not answer questions that endanger his secrets. »

"With no disrespect to you, my queen, but given the way he fights, he's just an ignorant, uneducated child." How could he be the guardian of such secrets under these conditions? It mostly looks like a clumsy lie to justify his evasive answers. »

The queen who had resumed writing her parchment, stops and stares at me clearly unhappy with my remark

'It wasn't smart of late to insult Queen Oromis…'

'This child is far too important to get bogged down in politics, he may be our last chance. We have to be sure we know who we are dealing with.'

It is in a threatening voice that she asks me

"Are you implying that I am gullible and that I lack judgment Grieving Sage?" »

The tone of his voice clearly indicates to me that I must reconsider my position and no longer make allusions if I want to be able to get anything out of this interview. I make the necessary gestures in these conditions and bow to apologize.

"I didn't mean to insult you my queen, I admit I was clumsy in my choice of words but the importance of this case is far too important and I don't want to take any risks. »

It is in a voice still as cold but without the expression of anger that she answers me.

"I am well aware of the importance that Egan and Eldar can have so please don't insult me anymore Oromis. »

I nod my head bowing again and quietly wait for his response.

"Eldar is very mysterious, don't make the mistake of thinking of him as an innocent, gullible child. He showed qualities that I would not have suspected possible for a child of his age and condition. He told me very little about history and tried to make it clear to me that the war does not interest him. »

This information leaves me speechless and I can feel Glaedr even harder hit by the news.

'Queen Islanzadí, we cannot tolerate this, we have been waiting for centuries enduring the humiliation of having to remain hidden while waiting to fulfill our role. Whether he likes it or not, he is a dragon rider and he will assume his rightful role! »

"I warn you, if we attempt to manipulate him or order him to do anything against his will, then he will leave our lands without a backward glance. »


"Make the mistake of wanting to impose yourself on him and in the best of cases, he will break all ties with the elves. He clearly told me that given the circumstances of his reception, he would try to take it upon himself and give me a semblance of trust, but if you force him to his limits, then you will make enemies of them and we will we will then have to kill them so as not to let them go. »


"You've seen what he's capable of and he's clearly had no education and given their social skills I'm pretty sure they grew up alone. His potential is extraordinary, it's an advantage for us because we will be the ones who give him access to knowledge. We absolutely have to have a good image because he has no affect for us and even less any loyalty. »

Silence returns and seeing that I don't answer, she plunges back into her parchments.

'Our task is going to be much more complicated than we had anticipated…'

"Did you tell them that Galbatorix has all the remaining dragon eggs and there is no living female for Egan to mate with?" »

The queen stands up, banging the table visibly furious.

"What did I tell you about the insults? Do you take me for a fool? Of course I played that card and it worked wonderfully well given the dragon's reaction but a few private mental words from Eldar were enough to calm him down entirely taking the news as unimportant. »

Two counselors opened the door to see what was going on, the noise made by the queen must have alerted them.

'It's not normal Oromis, no dragon would accept this situation, he should have been berserk.'

I already know that and I take advantage of leaving a last word to the queen before being fired.

"He is a dragon rider, he is therefore under my authority, my prerogatives over him take precedence over yours, I would not leave him the choice and he will have to deal with it. »

A cruel smile forms on his face

"So you haven't listened to anything, I'm beginning to believe that this situation is beyond you and that you no longer seem to be worthy of your nickname of wise man in mourning. I can't wait to watch this scene. When you tell him the news of your authority over them, I want to be present when they disown you and you lose all rights over them... This is an Oromis order. »

I acknowledge receipt of his order, bow and start to leave, thinking about this conversation.


I turn around, surprised to be called back. "You and Glaedr have been summoned to the main square tomorrow noon. »

I bow again, surprised at this order, but I'm no longer in a position to ask questions.


The next day noon


When we arrive at the main square of Ellesméra, it is already crowded. The crowd greets us and we take our places next to the Queen and her advisers. The queen giving me no look, I understand the message and sit down waiting to see what happens.

'You shouldn't have talked to Islanzadí like that, it wasn't very wise. Rider or not, she's still your queen

'Are you sure you want to bring up the topic of mistakes and wisdom right now Glaedr?'

I observe the crowd and she seems equally confused about why they are there.

The queen rises and the square instantly falls into silence. Islanzadí has always shown great charisma. Her beauty contributes to the effect she has on people. She is tall, with long black hair and a flawless physique. She is dressed in her usual red tunic and a large coat of immaculate white swan feathers.

"People of Ellesméra, I have great news to announce to you today. »

"You may have heard rumors of the existence of an elf dragon rider"

Now the silence is total and the queen knows how to use theater perfectly to keep her audience spellbound.

"I confirm his existence to you and I have summoned you to present him to you. »

The crowd then began to shout with joy, to sing and dance in the main square.

She speaks in another language that I identify but do not understand. Moments later a black dragon more than half Glaedr's size appears and lands in front of the queen. A young elf jumps from his seal and turns to face the queen ignoring everyone else.

The celebrations resume and the queen grants a moment of joy to the crowd.

The young elf who goes by the name Eldar puts on a face that he hopes is expressionless but it is clear to everyone that he is very uncomfortable and very nervous while Egan stands straight and indifferent to the crowd while observing Glaedr. Murmurs are heard among the advisers and entourage of the queen who stand at her side.

Unlike the queen, Eldar clearly doesn't seem comfortable with crowds and he obviously doesn't want to be there. However, he has things in common with her.

He too is endowed with great beauty. He has black hair that has been cut into an elven-style hairstyle because he had much longer hair than when we confronted him. He is tall and his body seems perfectly proportioned. Although his face proves that he is still a young elf, his body is that of a warrior, we can see that he has undergone rigorous physical training.

Speaking of faces, where the queen's is pure and cold, Eldar's is wild and closed. Her eyes look unnatural, a green that even the purest emeralds couldn't dare to compare to. His lips are thin and he has a straight nose. His features are chiseled but less angular than the norm among our congeners.

He is dressed in a white toga, black silk trousers and leather boots. He also wears a golden belt, a sign of nobility among male elves.

This detail surprises me and I don't seem to be the only one even if many young women openly admire their new dragon rider...

The queen raises her arms and the crowd gradually returns to silence.

"You will surely have the opportunity to meet Eldar and his dragon Egan in the next few days.

Due to certain circumstances, they are not at all familiar with our habits and customs. Please don't be offended if Eldar doesn't follow protocol. Also they only know the language we used in our old home so they won't understand you. I'm counting on you to give him a good image when he visits Ellesméra to discover his people. »

The stunned silence provoked by his words is quickly replaced by new celebrations. The queen asks us to follow her as she stands beside Eldar, beckoning him to follow her.