
The nurse's missing wife

Crystal_Robinson_8752 · 科幻言情
10 Chs

Chapter 10 - Mother And Child

Faith woke up in a daze, unsure of where she was or how much time had passed. She tried to sit up but felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to steady herself. That's when she remembered everything.

Then she heard a baby's cry, and her heart skipped a beat. Where was her baby? She looked around frantically, but she couldn't see anything clearly. It was too dark, and her eyes were still blurry.

"Where is she? Where is my baby?" she cried, her voice hoarse.

There was movement, and then a figure appeared in front of her. It was the kidnapper, holding her baby in his arms.

"Here she is," he said, and handed the baby to her.

Faith held her baby close, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't believe she was finally holding her daughter again. She looked up at the kidnapper, her eyes filled with questions.

"How long was I out? What happened?" she asked.

"You had a fever. I took care of you and the baby," he replied.

Faith felt a wave of conflicting emotions. On the one hand, she was grateful that the kidnapper had taken care of her baby. On the other hand, he had still kidnapped her in the first place.

As the days went by, Faith slowly regained her strength. The kidnapper, who had finally .introduced himself as Benjamin but asked to be called Ben, continued to take care of them. He cooked meals, changed diapers, and even played with the baby.

Faith found herself feeling less hostile towards him as time passed. She realized that he wasn't a heartless monster, but a person who had made a terrible mistake. She even found herself talking to him, asking him questions about his life and his reasons for kidnapping her.

One day, Ben asked her what they should name the baby. Faith thought for a moment, then said, "Her name is Melody."

Ben smiled. "Melody. I like it."

It had been almost a year since Faith had been kidnapped, and to face the consequences of his actions, but she also knew that he had helped her in a time of need.

As she watched Melody playing with Ben, she felt a sense of gratitude towards him. Without him, she might not have been able to hold her baby

Despite feeling grateful for Ben's kindness, she couldn't shake off the longing to return home with her baby. She knew Melody would thrive under the care of her husband Logan, who had always wanted to start a family. As much as Ben had been accommodating, she couldn't ignore the fact that she was still being held captive. She had to put up a facade of civility towards him for the sake of her child, but Deep down, she was still

furious at him for taking her away.