When Ichigo, Rukia, and their friends are Betrayed by the Soul Society, They Want Revenge, They join with unlikely allies to build an army to destroy the Soul Society.
"D-Dad…" Ichigo stuttered "Is…is that you?"
"Kurosaki-san!" Rukia and Orihime gasped, Ulquiorra just stared at the man
"Ichigo" he said, his voice full of shock "W-What are you doing?"
"What am I doing!" he snapped "What the hell are you doing? You're a fucking Shinigami? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Son…" he muttered once again "What…What have you done?"
Ichigo looked down and noticed the headless body of Tetsuzaemon Iba at his feet, a death he was responsible for. "So what?" he asked himself. He had killed someone who tried to kill him, all was fair in love and war and this most certainly was war
"So what?" Ichigo asked his father "I Killed a pathetic bystander who deserved to die, what's so bad about that?"
"W-What did you just say?" Isshin gasped
"I Killed the fool, His arrogance finally cost him his life" Ichigo scoffed as he lifted up his Zanpakutou to show the blood "Arrogant traitors deserve to die?"
"Ichigo what are you talking about" The Dark Skinned former captain of squad 2, Yoruichi Shihoin asked "Why are you calling him a traitor?"
"Because he wanted to kill me and my friends!" Ichigo shouted "They all did! Every single fucking last one of them!"
Ichigo expected at least a few surprised gasps, Then then something along the line of "How dare they try to kill you, we will join you to kick their asses", but no such sounds were heard, they just stood there, looking away from him, a look of regret clearly in their eye's, and then it hit Ichigo…
"You Knew…You knew they would try to kill me!" He roared, gaining the three Shinigami's attention, Rukia, Orihime, Shinji and even Ulquiorra took a step back, for all they knew his rage could turn him into the full hollow form again
"We didn't" Yoruichi said sadly "We-"
"You knew didn't you?…You knew that they would try to kill me and you nothing to stop them! Nothing!" Ichigo blared, His father looked him directly in the eye
"Ichigo…I Didn't know…I Swear"
"Liar!" Ichigo snapped "You don't care about me or my friends!…You're no better than them!"
That last part his Isshin hard, he could hardly believe that this was the same boy that he held in his arms 16 years ago, his only son, his pride and joy…and he had just accused him of being on the same level as murderer…no several murderers.
"Kurosaki-san…" The Blond haired Store owner/Ex-Captain began "We had a hunch that they would try this…"
"Oh you had a hunch? Well that make's everything better!" Ichigo mockingly stated "You didn't know they would try to kill me but you suspected they would, Oh Woe is me I'm so fucking sorry!"
"Please allow me to finish, Long ago Central 46 sentenced me and the formers captains, now known as The Vizards, to exile since they believe I was responsible for the experiments that eventually lead to their Hollowficiation when in actually it was Aizen but he had fooled Central 46 using his Kyoka Suigetsu to make them think that he was in the Seireitei the whole time, I expected that at one point that Cental 46 would give you a similar sentence and when that day came, we would fight by your side to prove them that you were not a threat, but clearly they considered you a threat and a large one at that, so much that they sent Shinigami to the world of the living just to terminate you, but it seems Kuchiki-san saved you from that fate, and when Inoue-san was kidnapped, I didn't know the Soul Society had any thing to do with that" Urahara stopped for a second so he could regain his breath, a sudden realisation struck Ichigo
"That old son of a bitch Yamamoto" he growled "He knew I would refuse his order not to go into Hueco Mundo, he knew I wouldn't listen to him when a friends life was on the line, he had already orchestrated my death…And when he called Rukia and Renji back to the Soul Society…he was actually just briefing Renji on how to kill me…"
"As I was saying, I didn't know the Soul Society had betrayed you, so when Captain's Unohana, Kurotsuchi, Kuchiki and Zaraki showed up in my shop, demanding me to open a Garganta, I assumed that they wanted to help you in the battle against Aizen, why else would the Head-Captain want me to build a device that switched the Real Karakura town with a fake replica? but then I wondered, They had deemed Inoue-san a traitor and they had specifically told you that they would not be helping you in your apparent rescue, so why were they suddenly turning over a new leaf? Then I remembered that faithful night 100 years ago, I Panicked, but I couldn't get to the shop, I Quickly told Isshin and Yoruichi of the situation and we quickly began to open a Senkai gate but then we felt your Reiatsu, so we rushed over here and arrived-"
"Just as I killed the Shinigami scum" Ichigo scoffed
"You must explain yourself" Yoruichi said "What you're doing is…"
"Retribution!" Ichigo snapped "I'm killing those who want to kill me!"
"Ichigo, What you are doing is evil!" Urahara shouted
"From my point of view you are evil!" Ichigo snapped back at the shopkeeper, a look of regret flashed in Kisuke's eye's for a brief second
"Then I'm afraid…I have no choice…" Kisuke said sadly "I'll have to beat some sense into you…"
"Everyone who isn't with me is against me!" Ichigo roared as he and Shinji gripped their Blades
"Then I'm afraid…" Yoruichi began as she stepped forward "We're against you"
"Then so be it!" Ichigo roared "Me and Rukia will build an army to eradicate the Soul Society and you just might me caught in the crossfire!"
"Kuchiki-san?" Urahara gasped
"Rukia-Chan?" Isshin asked before he noticed the Raven haired girl standing few metres behind Ichigo "Don't tell me your in this too…
"I am Kurosaki-san…" She admitted as she walked to Ichigo's side
"What did you do to her?" Isshin asked
"She joined me willingly…" Ichigo growled "Because she also sees what's wrong with this world…so me and her are going to reform this world! and all worlds!"
"Ichigo!" Isshin snapped "What you're saying…it's…it's Impossible…"
"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing!" Ichigo snapped "So I will use all the power I have to build an army and change this world!"
"Ichigo, actually think about what you are doing!" Isshin shouted
"I Have father, and I have chosen to inherit Aizen's throne and I will rule Hueco Mundo! I Will command the Espada! I Will bring justice to the Soul Society! and so help me god, I will strike down anyone who stands in my way with great anger and furious vengeance!" Ichigo snapped,
"Quoting the Holy book now, are we?" Yoruichi asked "Maybe we can say that your under Kyoka Suigetsu's influence"
"Don't bother making up excuses for the Old man and those Central 46 Bastards" Ichigo scoffed as Shinji charged "The Soul Society are the ones that are going to pay for their crimes"
Kisuke brought up Benihime to Block Shinji's attack
"Hirako-san" Kisuke grumbled as he successfully blocked Shini's attack "Why you too?"
"They had a chance to learn from their mistakes, they failed, so this is the only way to get the message across"
"So what are you going to dad? Yoruichi-san…" Ichigo declared
"I'm afraid I have no choice…" Yoruichi said sadly as she pulled a small blade out of her sleeve
"That's your Zanpakutou?" Ichigo asked "Rather small, isn't it?"
"Tear-" she began but was halted by the sudden appearance of some familiar faces,
The Vizards...
"Guys!" Ichigo shouted "You-"
"The Girl told us everything" Kensei interrupted
"Just to let you know" Rose began
"We're on your side on this" Lisa concluded
"I don't want to fight you…" Yoruichi said sadly as she ceased her release command
"You saved us a long time ago" Love said "Why shouldn't you help us now?"
"Because this is wrong!" Isshin snapped
"Who the fuck are you old man?" Hiyori snapped
"Former Captain of-"
"They don't kneed to know Isshin" Yoruichi interrupted
"Isshin eh?" Kensei asked as he stepped forward
"That's right" Isshin said sadly as he drew his Zanpakutou, now noticing that Ichigo and his army had left the scene
"He's gone…" Yoruichi said to herself "Where could he have gone to"
"Over here" Ulquiorra said as he directed everyone to two corpse's on the ground
"Inoue, you know what to do" Ichigo said to her and with that, the familiar orange shield covered the two bodies
"It's begun" Ichigo laughed in his head "My Army has been born!"
Back with the Vizards and Isshin
"Please get out of our way" Urahara asked as he pushed Shinji back
"Forget it…" Shinji growled
"Don't force me to take action" Isshin growled
"Go ahead, try it old man!" Hiyori snapped
Isshin looked at Urahara and Yoruichi to see if they were okay with what he was about to do, they nodded and with that, The Vizards charged as Isshin drew his Zanpakutou...
"Getsuga Tenshou..."
With Ichigo
Ichigo grinned wildly as the wound on the male Espada closed as he began to groan, his expression soon turned to one of confusion however, as a small girl appeared beside him
"His Fraccion?" Ichigo asked himself "No, She wouldn't of been revived if she wasn't part of him…"
Not a second later, the female, blond haired Espada began to stir
"What…What happened to me?" she asked herself, then she remember how Aizen killed her in cold blood
"Aizen!" She snapped as she grabbed the near by Orange haired girl by the collar "Where is he! I'll-"
"I Suggest you let her go"
She felt something sharp press against her neck, she slowly creaked her head around to find an Orange haired boy holding his Zanpakutou
"And who the hell are-"
"He is the new leader of Las Noches" Ulquiorra interrupted
"Ulquiorra?" she asked
"He killed Aizen" he explained "And he's taken his place as the new leader of Las Nohes"
"He killed Aizen?" she asked "This Kid"
"Teenager" Ichigo corrected
"Big difference" she scoffed as she returned to her normal form, her Zanpakutou now sheathed on her back
"I'm your leader now" He Growled
"Congratulations, I'll make you hat" She scoffed
Starrk began to stir, groaning as he opened his eye's, He had changed back into his regular form and his wounds had healed, as his eyes began to peel open, he noticed the small, green haired girl next to him
"Lilinette!" He shouted as he wrapped her in a hug "She's alive! I'm Alive!…How?"
"Ah Starrk! Get off me you damn Perv!" She screamed as she socked him in the jaw
"Nice to see you two!" He groaned as he rubbed his sore jaw
"Can we please cut this reunion short?" Ichigo groaned
"And you are?" Starrk asked as he and Lilinette stood up
"The new leader apparently" Harribel nodded "Whatever, as long as he's better than Aizen"
"What are your names my friends?" Ichigo asked
"Coyote Starrk"
"Tia Harribel"
Not a second later, a huge explosion erupted not to far behind them
"What the hell?" Ichigo shouted
"It's feels like-" Rukia began
"It can't be" Ulquiorra said in his head "Kurosaki is the only one capable of firing a Getsuga Tenshou"
"Damn it!" Ichigo roared "We'll have to leave Shinji and the others behind! Come on"
"But-" Rukia began
"If they're this weak then maybe we should just forget about them" Ulquiorra interrupted, Ichigo nodded...but then he realised something, there were supposed to be 3 Espada in Karakura...he had only found two
"Where's the other Espada?" Ichigo asked
"If you're asking about Number.2, good luck finding him" Starrk yawned "There's nothing left of him, not even any dust..."
"Damnit!" Ichigo cursed "All of my plans...all gone to-"
"We can still build an army without him" Ulquiorra interrupted
"Just Open the Garganta" Ichigo commanded
"Alright" He nodded
As Ulquiorra prepared the Garganta, Ichigo remembered that Urahara had called Rukia "Kuchiki-san", Rukia had left the Soul Society and thus, left the Kuchiki clan, therefore the Kuchiki name was invalid...
"Maybe now's the right time to make her a Kurosaki…"
"Oi Rukia" he said as he walked up to her
"What are you going to do about your name?" he asked
"My Name?" she asked herself "What does he mean?"
"Well…I'm keeping it as Rukia K-"
"Oh…that's what he meant" she thought
"I…I Don't know" she said "Should I go without a last name?"
"Tell you what" Ichigo said as he kissed her softly "How about you take my name…and from this day forth…we will Las Noches…as Husband and Wife"
Rukia gasped, Ichigo was proposing to her?…she didn't know what to say…who was she kidding, she had wanted this since day one…
"I Would like that…" she smiled
"Then let's go to our palace…Rukia Kurosaki…"
"It's ready…" Ulquiorra said
Everyone began to head towards the Garganta, Ichigo stopped however, when he stood of something metal and sharp
"What the?" he asked himself as he lifted up his foot…and saw just what he stood on
"NO. FUCKING. WAY" He gasped, but that gasped soon turned into a chuckle, of all the things he had stepped on in this world, he had never expected to step on
"Kyoka Suigetsu…" he laughed as he picked it up "I Heard that Kaname Tosen's Zanpakutou was not his own…so then a Shinigami can wield a Zanpakutou that's not his own…this only adds to my army…Kyoka Suigetsu…is now mine…"
And with that, he stepped into the Garganta
With Isshin
"What do we do now?" Urahara asked as Yoruichi gathered the outcold Vizards
"There's nothing we can do" Isshin said sadly as he placed his Zanpakutou in it's sheath "I Just wish I told him that-"
"I think it's best that he doesn't fine out. Ever" Urahara said in "That's final" voice "Just how would he react if he found out?"
"You're probably right…" Isshin said sadly as he looked over to Aizen's mangled body, he walked over and picked it up, walking until he found a suitable grave
"Sosuke…Even after everything you've done…I want you to Rest in Peace…My-"