
The Nueva Espada

When Ichigo, Rukia, and their friends are Betrayed by the Soul Society, They Want Revenge, They join with unlikely allies to build an army to destroy the Soul Society.

angelhalad · 奇幻
27 Chs

Chapter 15:Naked Arms





These where the last words of Jidanbo before his head was removed

"You don't understand" he said coldy as the team of Starrk and Grimmjow removed the guardians head "Yammy, open the gate"

"Got it" the bulky arrancar said as he made his way to the gate

He grabbed the base of it and with all of his strength, heaved the massive structure up

Which did not go unnoticed in the Seireitei...


"That's odd" Ukitake commented as he looked out his window and at the gate "There's no squads leaving for training today, Something must've happened"


"Captain" Nanao said as he she woke her captain up

"Aww, Nanao-Chan Why did you wake me? I was having such a nice dream about you and a pool of coconut oil"

"Something's wrong Captain…" She said, Shunsui raised his eyebrow, if she chose to ignore his perverted fantasies, something was defiantly wrong…


"What's going on?" Soifon asked herself "Why is the gate opening at this hour?"

The Gate finally arose all the way as Ichigo and his army stepped into the seireitei, Yammy entered at the massive gate crashed down upon the floor of the Seireitei, launching a miniature earthquake

"Subtle" Lilynette grumbled

"Just incase anyone's forgotten, I'll repeat myself" Ichigo said as he turned towards his army "You are free to kill anyone, but should you encounter Yamamoto, then fall back, he is mine; understand?"

"Yeah, whatever" Grimmjow grumbled

"All right…split up"

The Team disbanded, each one going in a separate direction with the exception of Starrk and Lilynette who went on the same path

"Shall we?" Ichigo asked Rukia before the headed into the core of the seireitei before he roared one last command so that everyone could hear it


And then it seemed like the entire Seireitei was engulfed in a massive fire of Cero's

If the Soul Society hadn't noticed that they had been invaded, They sure as hell did now

"What's that!" Toshiro shouted as he spotted Several Cero's being fired "Cero's?"

"That's impossible!" Ukitake gasped as he ran outside of his Barracks to getter a better view "It's Arrancars! and More than one….No, it's more than that…That Reiatsu belongs to…"

"Ichigo Kurosaki" Yamamoto mumbled

"Everyone, Mobilise!" Soifon commanded her troops

"Yes sir!" the shouted

Sajin Komamura exited his barracks, his sword in hand

"So you've come…I'm glad…Now I can finally avenge Tetsuzaemon"

"He's here…"

he grabbed his blade, and immediately released it into its Shikai form

"Now...I can kill him"

He proceeded to open the door of his barracks and gaze at the damage that had already been done

"Attention all Shinigami of the Gotei 13!" came the massive, booming voice of Yamamoto, amplified through a kido spell "This is an attack of our enemy, The Hollows! All seated officers must mobilise at once!"

"Just what I wanted to hear"

And with that, Renji Abarai charged into the battlefield

Arturo Plateado made his way down one of the streets of the Seireitei

There was no hiding that there was an invasion going on and Shinigami should be pouring out of every corner

So he wondered why there was only one trying to sneak up on him

"Hiding is a cowards tactic, I suggest you show yourself" Arturo boomed, as if on cue, a scythe-like weapon attached to a chain bolted towards him, he unsheathed his Zanpakutou to block it in time, which he did successfully, the axe/scythe was then tugged back via the chain, until it returned to the hands of its user who had just appeared via shunpo

"I'm here to end your life" he stated as he proudly held his Zanpakutou, two double-sided scythes connected by a long chain "Arrancar"

"Such an Interesting choice of words" Arturo stated "Are you being sarcastic?"

"Why do you ask?" he glared

"Do you seriously think that you can beat me, Niño?" Arturo scoffed "Such a mere infant as you could never hold your own against a Nueva Espada"

"Nueva…Espada?" Hisagi asked with a raised eyebrow

"That's right, we are the new espada, created by Kurosaki-sama to bring an end to the Soul Society"

"Kurosaki Ichigo…the traitor?" he asked

"Interesting choice of words yet again, If anything, you betrayed my lord, and so I will help him achieve his goal of absolute destruction, starting with you Shinigami" Arturo scoffed as he drew his Zanpakutou "What is your name boy?"

"Lieutenant of Squad 9, Shuhei Hisagi!" He roared as he braced himself

"Very well" Arturo said as he pulled down the collar that hung just underneath his hollow hole, exposing his "7" Tattoo "I am the Séptima Nueva Espada, Arturo Plateado"

"Last time I fought an Arrancar he was only a Fracćion, but this guy is a full fledged Espada, Good thing I already released my Zanpakutou, I can't afford to hold back"

"Note this boy, You will emerge the victor of this battle, nor will you emerge alive" Arturo growled as he placed both of his hands on the hilt of his blade "Have at you!"

And with that, the battle between Espada and Shinigami had begun

"That's Shuuhei" Ukitake noted as he felt the Lieutenants reiatsu elevate "But I don't know the other one"

"Captain!" Kiyone cried as she and Sentaro burst into the room

"Kiyone, Sentaro!" he shouted as he ran towards her third seats

"Captain!" Sentaro shouted

"It's-It's an-"

"It's an Arrancar!" Kiyone shouted

Just as the barracks went up in flames

"Kiyone, Sentaro!" he shouted as his officers disappeared into the flames before he was blown back by the flames

And soon that wreck was nothing more than smouldering ashes

"Kiyone, Sentaro!" Ukitake shouted once again as he dashed out the rubble, searching for them

Until he found them

He found…their smouldering corpses

Just a few moments in…and The Soul Society had already suffered its first two causalities

"No…They're gone" he whispered, tears stinging the captains eyes

"I know, I made sure of it"

Ukitake jolted towards the direction of the voice, coming face to face with an Arrancar

"You…you did that"

"My cero did that"

Ukitake's anguish at the loss of his officers, no, his friends was beginning to disappear, and genuine rage was beginning to take its place

The Captain was closer to losing his kind demeanour than he ever had been before

"I will see…that justice will struck down upon you" he stated as he unsheathed his blade

"I will see that you will die in the name of Kurosaki"

"So Yamamoto-sensei was right…" Ukitake mumbled "Then that charged everything…as I have no regrets of wiping out an enemy!"

The Captain wordlessly released his Shikai and took up a stance

"I am Captain of the 13th Squad, Jushiro Ukitake"

"I am the Quatro Nueva Espada, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck"

Hisagi proceeded to launch one of the Scythes at Arturo, the turquoise haired arrancar easily deflected it with his Zanpakutou, he proceeded to charge forward, swinging his blade while Hisagi used one of Kazeshini's scythes to block the incoming strikes, Arturo saw the position of his defence and in retaliation, wedged his Zanpakutou under the double-sided blade and with an upwards swing, sent Kazeshini flying into the air.

But that wasn't the end

He nearly failed to notice that Hisagi yanked roughly on the chains connecting the two blades, and in an instant, both were homing in on Arturo who used Sonido to escape just in time

The Battle would've continued farther, if not for the sudden arrival of a certain captain

"Hold" He commanded

"C-Captain Komamura!" Hisagi stuttered as the furry captain shunpo'ed beside him

"So it is true" he glared at the Arrancar who had just appeared from its sonido "The Arrancars have infiltrated the Seireitei"

"¿Quién o qué es esta criatura peluda?" (Who or What is this furry creature?) Arturo asked

"He's an Espada" Hisagi told the Captain "No…a Nueva Espada"

"I see" he nodded as he drew his Zanpakutou "You, Espada, where is Kurosaki-"

"Incoming!" Came a thunderous roar

not a second later, a black boot was planted throughly in the side of Komamura's face which sent him flying into a nearby hut

"Shit! That hurt! is he made of a brick wall?"

"Who're-!" Hisagi began

"Wait" Arturo said with widened eyes, The new arrival was holding a large black bag (think of a tennis bag),Had Long Silver hair and had a white coat lined with black fur "Gamma?"

"Yo!" The Ashen haired Espada waved "…'Sup?"

"What are you doing here?" Arturo glared

"I felt two Shinigami presences in the same place" he noted as he slung the large sack he was holding over his shoulder "I also felt your Reiatsu, So since you're fighting Scarface, I'll take Furby, 'kay?"

"Fine" Arturo scoffed "just get out of the way"

"Gotcha" Gamma laughed as he Sonido'ed out of the way, Komamura began to stumble out of the wreckage of the hut, only for a large hand to grab him and drag him along at incredible speeds but not before stating "Come on furball"

"Captain Komamura!" Hisagi shouted, a sudden rush of wind immediately told him to be on guard, he turned around a barely blocked Arturo's Zanpakutou in time

"Your fight is with me" Arturo glared as the two locked blades, Hisagi instantly backed away and launched one of Kazeshini's blades towards the Arrancar, who responded by knocking it aside with his Zanpakutou, with an opening in sight, Arturo charged forwards and delivered a gut wrenching blow to Hisagi's stomach

The Lieutenant choked back a spurt of blood as the force of the blow knocked him back a few feet, he had no time to recovered as Arturo Sonido'ed to his side and delivered a spin kick to Hisagi's side, sending him flying through the wooden barracks

Not even a second after recovering, Hisagi prepared to launch Kazeshini once again, but as he made it to his feet, his greeting was an elbow to the head courtesy of Arturo, who had no doubt used Sonido, with a ferocious kick he sent Hisagi flying out of the barracks, what he failed to notice however was the chain of Kazeshini trailing behind him as he kicked Hisagi away, which eventually ended around the back of his neck

"¡Mierda!" The Spanish arrancar cursed as the chain roughly yanked him forward, out of the barracks and face first into the rough ground. as he righted himself, he saw one of the blades of Kazeshini spinning towards him, he quickly dodged as he readied his Zanpakutou as he knew the Shinigami would use the chain to yank it back, what he didn't expect through was the Shinigami to throw the other blade at him, he immediately brought up his Zanpakutou to block the incoming blade, the Shinigami yanked on the chain, sending the other blade backwards to his unguarded back, Arturo could tell him Hisagi's facial expression that he thought it was over, Arturo scoffed as he placed his hand behind his back and a red beam in the form of a sword arose from his hand and blocked the blade

"What!" Hisagi spluttered as he retracted both of his scythes "He can form blades with his Reiatsu?"

"It's a known fact" Arturo said as he dispelled the beam saber around his hand "I don't like using my Zanpakutou"

"Trust me, I know the feeling" Hisagi stated

"No, No, Yours is fine, a well carved blade" Arturo strangely complemented "Mine is…well…keep this up and you'll find"

"You shouldn't be giving out information that an enemy can use against you!" Hisagi roared as he charged, opting to use Kazeshini in close range

"Lave el cuello y esperar la guillotine! (Clean your neck and await the guillotine!)" Arturo roared as he charged forward

"This is bad" Soifon muttered as she leapt from branch to branch through the forests of the Seireitei, the same place she had fought Yoruichi a few months back "There's a lot of them"

"Indeed, we are numerous"

Soifon gasped as an unfamiliar voice spoke, she quickly turned around only to find no one there

"I'm down here" came the voice once again, she halted her tree leaping and descended down to the rocky ground below, to be met with a face she was unfamiliar with

"Who are you?" she asked, the figure looked at her blankly for a moment before decided to answer

"I am a Nueva Espada in Lord Kurosaki's army" he stated

"The traitor is behind this!" Soi fon snapped

"Indeed, Kurosaki-sama's revenge had begun" he said in an emotionless tone "And the elimination process has also begun"

"Who are you?" she asked, placing her hand on the hilt of her blade

"The traditional way to get someones name is to introduce yourself first"

"I am Captain of Squad 2, Soifon" he stated as she drew her blade "Now Answer me!"

"I am Ulquiorra Schiffer…The Primera Nueva Espada"

More and More Barracks continued to burst into flame within the Seireitei, The Nueva Espada making short work of anyone in their path

The chaos and destruction caused the flames to dye the sky a dark red

"All Non-Officer's Evacuate the Seireitei!" Isane shouted as she used Hado #59 to amplify her voice so everybody could hear her, the same thing she had done to alert everyone of Aizen's betrayal long ago "The Seireitei has been invaded, I Repeat the Seireitei has been invaded by Arrancars!"

Thousands of Shinigami began pouring out of their Barracks, rushing to get out of the Seireitei quickly as possible.

"What?" Momo shouted as she ran out of her Barracks, and witnessed the chaos, first hand

"Hinamori!" Came a shout, she turned and saw Toshiro running towards her

"Shiro-Chan! What's going on?"

"We've been invaded" He said as she tried to regain his breath, but before he could continue, The Barracks behind them exploded, sending them hurling away. They were both sent flying before hitting the ground

"Hinamori!" Toshiro shouted, he was slightly injured from the blast, Blood tricking down from a cut on his forehead, he found her, unconscious, bleeding from her head "Shit!" he cursed as he picked her up and began to run, he had to get her out of here

"Are you okay?" she whispered

"I'm fine, I'm getting you out of the Seireitei"

"Shiro-Chan!" she tried to argue but she felt herself losing conciseness by the second "I'm a Lieutenant…I…I Need to…"

"This is not up for discussion" he protested as he began to Shunpo to the west gate

Only for a familiar face to appear in front of them


Momo's eyes widened like dinner plates, her breath hitched and there were a few moments where she couldn't make any sound whatsoever

and then she managed to squeak out…
