
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · 奇幻
62 Chs

New Beginning (2)

"The first (SS) ranked human, will be attending the academy this year"


"Yeah, surprising isn't it, but that is also why I need to become the headmaster, and it is to protect his life that will be taken during an attack planned by the demons"

"W-w-what did you just say?"

"I said, that the first (SS) ranked human, will be attending the academy this year"

Lucia and Ray were surprised at the sudden revelation and were wondering if the words I had said were true.

I then said that they would know soon enough and left the branch.

But after existing in Ray's office, I used my telekinesis to leave a little paper behind.

[Btw, wouldn't this make the Union, act faster?]

'Ah.', It was then that a sudden realization hit me in the head.



The kid with the mask then left the room and didn't say anything other than the fact that the first human whose rank would be (SS), would appear.

"Do you believe what he said?", Asked Lucia.

"I don't know, but we will know soon enough"

"But the headmaster position, should we really help him get it? He might be someone trying to hurt the supposed prodigy"

"If he knows about the future (SS) ranked, why would he care for the headmaster position when he could just go and kill him, right now"

After more arguing, I noticed a paper on the ground and told Lucia to pick it up.

"Can you read it, out loud?", I asked.

She then began to recite the paper we had just found.

[You may think that I want this position to become close to the youth and finish him off, but that is actually not the reason why. In fact, the only reason why I wish to become the headmaster is because of the lack of aid from the Round Table as well as the schemes that would come from the new headmaster that will take the position after the death of the current headmaster.

The death of the kid will come if the Round Table doesn't agree to my demands, I don't trust you and you don't trust me, but I know for a fact, that I can cause more damage than you will ever do. And I hope you also understand that my knowledge has no bounds, Ray, with the skill of 1000 faces.

And just so you know, I do know the child's identity and will tell you that his initials are A.D]

"Hahaha, that bastard, it is almost like he can read my mind"


"It sounds fun, and yeah I don't think he would do so much just to kill that prodigy"

It was then that the door to my office suddenly burst open and the kid that had gone away entered the room.

"What do you want? I thought we were done"

"I need a place to stay"



After talking to Ray and requesting a place to stay, I was granted a house in the residential part of the district.

[That was extremely embarrassing, you know?]

'Shut up, I was too focused on getting the library for mom'

[Anyways, when would it be a good time to kill the headmaster?]

'After the midterms attack'

[That is literally 6 months away]

'Ah, I didn't think this through'



'Wait, actually, I have a question.'


'The skills that the protagonist got given by the viewers, now that we are back in time, do they have to donate again?'


'Does he still have to do the same actions?'


'Then can't we just start the plan after the first attack during the summoning event, allow the Wilham event to happen while pretending we stopped instead of the protagonist, and then during the midterm event, I can just pretend to leave to do something while letting the attack happen, right?'

[That...Could work]

'But the midterm attack doesn't really have much effect on the protagonist either way, right?'

[Yeah, it doesn't]

'Then we can enter after the summoning incident, no?'


After that, we kept discussing the exact moment to enter, and it was decided that 3 days before the training arc or the Wilham arc, we would kill the headmaster and also pretend to save the protagonist from Wilham, to get the public's attention.

But before that, I decided to give George, the owner of [Elegante] a visit.


Today was the day of the entrance ceremony and I was inside Ray's office with Lucia and Ray.

We were all watching a hologram that was showing the ceremony while waiting for the reveal.

"Are they really going to show it? Isn't this normally done in secret and then revealed?"

"They will do the evaluation live on tv, so don't worry"

Before today's meeting, I have pretty much-done nothing more than getting close with George and coming to visit Ray often to annoy him.

I also got the detective's hat once again and now owned two of the same kind, although this time I just offered 5 billion to George and he accepted, I also bought 49% of his shares for another 5 billion and told Ray, that I would be needing him soon enough.

Now returning to this moment, the hologram showed people arriving with the orb and I could see that Lucia and Ray were a bit surprised.

Student's passed and it was finally Aso's turn, I said (S) ranked out loud and what was shown on the screen was exactly that.

"Well, now for the real deal", I said while hearing the name of the next student to be called up to the stance.

"Arthur Drajar...A.D...same initials, no? Are you referring to this kid?"


And moments after Ray's and Lucia's jaws dropped and I could see the look of surprise on their faces.

I then asked if they believed me now, and they seemed to understand that I somehow knew of the future but they still had some doubts.

"I know, that you can see the future now but wouldn't saving the current headmaster be a good thing?", Lucia asked, probably thinking about the fact that the headmaster is an (S) ranked hero.

"No, he has no way to survive and if he does, the kid will suffer great damage"

"Then, can you tell us when you want us to act?", Lucia asked so I began to explain.

"There will be something happening at the academy soon enough and I wish for you to put pressure on the academy, then soon after that event, the headmaster will die and I will do something to put a positive light on myself, you will just need to help me then, understood?"



And just like that, two weeks passed and the news were showing something quite interesting.

[Attack at the Academy of Embers, the (SS) ranked student was targetted by the attack of contractors sent by the demons]

[Currently, the Round Table is asking the academy about their protective measures]

The academy was in the spotlight and they were getting attacked by all sides, be it from the media or from the round table.

It was actually comical how much power Ray and Lucia had.

But what bothers me is not them having power but the fact that they helped me so easily, as normally it would take a lot more just to convience them.

I didn't bother thinking about that and started to prepare for that day.

I went out and headed into the 3rd district, this was because I needed to buy clothes that could help me hide my identity during the attack.

I had bought a long hoody and a new mask that was one you would normally find in theaters and decided to change my appearance to having blue hair and blue eyes, to make myself stand out.


Three days before the Wilham attack and I was currently awaiting inside the headmaster's house in the first district.

I had already laid my strings all over the room and it was only a matter of time before he arrived.

It was moments later that I heard footsteps approaching the room I was on, and just as expected the headmaster walked inside.

He closed the door behind him after he entered and it was then that he noticed my presence, while I sat down on his bed.

"Hello", I said in a bright voice.

"Who are you?", He asked.

"Hmm? Maybe your death?"

"Ha, another one, I guess I will finish you off quickly and take a nice bath", He said while taking off his suit and loosening his tie.

He then pulled out his spear from his dimensional pocket and immediately rushed to attack me only to be stopped mid-air due to my strings.

And just like that, I raised my hands almost as if I was held at gunpoint while smiling brightly.




Every limb except the one holding the spear fell onto the ground, the headmaster who seemed to be in great pain, lost his strength and the spear followed soon after the limbs.


Using my telekinesis, I lifted his spear and stabbed him right through the neck.

I then let out a sigh and thought about myself

'I feel empty inside.'

Even now, killing just seemed like a normal action and I haven't gotten used to the feeling of sensing nothing when killing others.

It was then that door shut open and I was able to see Aso, with his eyes wide open.

But before he could do or say anything, I disappeared using warp and returned home.

I burned the clothes I was wearing with a fireball and changed into my suit and wore the fox mask and beret hat once again.