
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · 奇幻
62 Chs

Demon Realm (2)

[Target of revenge, Amadeus, 5 meters away]


"I said to undress, you little long-eared animal"

[Target of revenge, Amadeus, 20 meters away]

After that, Kasmor looked like he was about to attack me but I decided to ignore it.

Farir, was still in shock due to the slap but I could see that Amadeus was getting further away.

[Target of revenge, Amadeus, 100 meters away]

Before she could do anything, I said, "You can stop now"


A sound of confusion escaped Farir's mouth and both Kasmor and her looked at me in confusion.

I got on top of the bed and sat with my back against the wall.

"Amadeus was here just a few moments ago, you see, so I had to act in a way that wouldn't cause... suspicion"

"May I ask what you mean?", Said Kasmor in a deep voice.

"Exactly what I just said, Amadeus was in this room so I had to act"

They both still looked confused but I had already moved on from the topic so I asked.

"Do you both wish to live?"

They gave me a terrified look and for some reason, I smiled at their reactions.

A few seconds passed and I said, "I will not repeat myself a second time, do you both wish to live?"

At which they slowly nodded their heads.

"Hmm, that's great", I said with a bigger grin than before.

They put their guards up, but it was understandable.

But noticing their reactions I said, "Ah, don't worry, I will not harm you or kill you, at least if it is not necessary, because I have a bigger enemy that I wish to kill, and you two will be my little dogs, that will fight alongside me, understood?"

It took a few seconds until Farir asked in a terrified voice, "C-can you please explain?".

I looked at her and said, "Of course, I can, I just said that you would be my little dog, is it that hard to understand? You are already slaves aren't you?", while looking down at her.

Kasmor, looked at me fiercely, which could have gotten him killed by any other demon or contractor but I let it slide.

I soon continued and said, "You see, I wish to kill Amadeus, that bastard, but as you know, he not only is stronger than most in this world but he also has many under him that could match S ranked individuals all over the world, so I also need some dogs to fight his dogs"

"So you wish for us, slaves, to be your soldiers?", Said Kasmor.

I thought about it for a second but soon said, "No, not really, you will be slaves to the demons but you will be most likely an insurgent amongst the slaves and of course, you will be dogs for me"

The room fell silent until Farir spoke once again, "C-can you please explain?"

"It is simple, you see, currently I have a skill that allows me to see what rank others could become and I have picked you two, to become the leading figures of my future army, of course after the battle, I will allow you all to leave and join the Union once again"

"I understand, but can you explain the revolutionary part?", Said Kasmor, as he seemed to be taking this in, quite well.

"Hmm, you see, there is no way that the other slaves I have brought here would believe and accept the backing of a demon but if you guys lead them as the strongest, then it would be quite easy to build their strength, don't you think?"

To which only Kasmor nodded. Farir seemed more like a scaredy-cat but she was still useful, and if she wasn't, I would just have to get rid of her.

"I would like you to listen to the plan now", I said while looking at both of them with a serious expression, they bot straighten their backs and looked at me directly in the eyes.

"But before that, let me tell you something, if we fail, we all die, but if we win, you can escape and I can achieve my revenge, simple isn't it?", Of course, it wasn't that simple but that didn't matter.

Then without letting them say anything, I began to speak.

"If you wish to live, if you wish to escape, if you wish to see your family again, if you wish to see your land and friends again, then it would be wise that you follow accordingly, understood?"

They nodded to my question so I continued.

"You two have a potential of S- and A+, the giant being the one with a higher potential, you two, will lead the other slaves that can reach B+ at most and strengthen them secretly, the way you will do so, is simple, I will put Kasmor in prison and you the elf will then gather all of the slaves at the prison"

I looked at them both to see if they were understanding and I continued after they nodded.

"Once gathered, you will tell them about the plan to get stronger while secretly training in the prison while me, the contractor, is away. If they decline then just show them your martial arts"

Kasmor looked at me in confusion and said, "I don't have a martial arts", it was then that I took out [Durga's 8 Arm Arts] and threw it at him. He opened the book and his eyes soon widened and looked at me in disbelief.

"You understand that if you fail, not only will the other slaves die, but I will have to even kill you both as well, right?"

They both nodded their head but apart from the look of despair of Farir eyes, everything seemed fine.

Kasmor was actually looking at me as if I was his master, it is probably because for the giants, giving a martial arts book is something beyond just a good gesture, it is a sign of trust.

"Ah, btw, the other slaves are just cannon fodder so don't think of saving them too and if they mess up, you will kill them", They both looked down but seemed to have understood my words.

I then stood up and headed their way, I put both of my palms in front of their heads and said.

"Open your mouth"

They both did and I did a motion of putting something into their mouth with my empty hands.

After that, I told them to swallow and they did.

A few seconds later I said, "I put a string inside your body that is now wrapped around your heart, if you think of betraying me or changing your mind, you know what will happen"

With that, I returned to my bed and after snapping my fingers, they both felt as if their heart was about to explode, I snapped again and the pain then stopped.

they both understood that I wasn't telling a lie and caught their breath slowly.

With that out of the way, I then explained the plan a bit deeper.

The plan consists of creating a force with slaves that could become useful while Farir and Kasmor guide them into becoming stronger.

They will train secretly in the prison of the castle while I'm away appraising. They will allow the other slaves to join, and if they don't, Kasmor will just kill them with his martial arts, and if he doesn't, everyone dies.

I will bring more slaves with potential that will also join this group. I will support them while acting as if I was a tyrant and help them grow stronger and stronger.

After I put Kasmor in prison, Farir will go tell the others to gather at the prison and Kasmor will explain the plan of growing stronger and killing me, if he can't convince them, then he will show them his martial arts, if that fails, he kills some and forces the rest to join.

Since I need to inform Kasmor of changes and more in the demon realm, I will call Farir into my room every day and act as if I enjoyed her but truly just give her information for her to transfer to Kasmor and she will also report about the situation over there.

They will always act as slaves in front of me no matter what, and I might have to beat them now and then, if I do is probably because Amadeus is close.

The plan was simple overall but should be effective and I can always act as if I didn't know about the "revolution" if the plan was ever discovered.


I have really started to not care when someone dies, nowadays, it would seem like the corruption is still quite deep inside of me, even if I have my beret hat and my soul intact.

The killing of others has become a part of my daily life at this point and I don't really care about the slaves, if they fail or succeed, I will just use them as cannon fodder, while I fight against Amadeus.

Although it is true that the demons are fighting in unison against the other races, they will not bat an eye if someone with the same power as them dies, as it would only increase their position.

Meaning that even if a rebellion is happening in the castle of Amadeus, the others wouldn't help him until commanded by the demon king, but he won't act.

The demon king even if he has the skill to control the others, he is still insecure about the other SS ranked demons because he feels like the ability might be transferred to them as it has happened years ago.

He reminds me of my past self, when I was naive, it just makes me hate him even more.

It was not soon after that I heard a knocking on my door.

"Come in", I said.

After opening the door an elf with silver hair entered my room.

"I'm here to report on the current mission"

She seemed like she had matured, might be just me but I could tell that something was different.