
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · 作品衍生
235 Chs

Welcome to Cube III

Stick to him like glue. I tell myself this in my head over and over again as if to hypnotize myself. This is necessary for my plans in the future.

Kim Hajin. He is my solution to my future. I have a game plan in mind. First is researching about Kim Chundong. I have two weeks before the Cube Entrance Ceremony. In this world, power is very important. But for me, I believe that establishing solid relationships at the 'early game' is most important.

It is not like I can magically gain superpowers after poking about. Though the curiosity of playing with magic power is killing me, I have to endure and be patient. For now, it is more meaningful to gather information on anything, everything, and Kim Chundong.

Information is power. And my knowledge of The Novel's Extra is not enough. After all, I am planning to build connections and not warp the story. Moreover, knowing about a novel that is the basis of this world doesn't make me necessarily omniscient.

In my eyes, I can only be suspicious of everything. In fact, I am most suspicious of the novel, The Novel's Extra.

Stalking Kim Chundong on the internet is a more challenging task than I thought. The dude is very un-techy if that is even a word. I gather little information from him like the orphanage he is from, his information from the Agent Military Academy's yearbook, and the other more miscellaneous free information about him. The documents I gather confirm the information I already know.

I ponder as to the nature of Kim Hajin's presence in this world. Is he still the main character of the story? When The Retunee Hero has been remade as The Novel's Extra, Kim Suho has ceased being a main character despite being titularly the protagonist. In this world that I am in... Is Kim Hajin still the main character, or maybe it is Chae Nayun?

After Day 1 of going to Cube, the identity of Kim Chundong in this world will vanish, and replacing it is Kim Hajin.

I wonder what will happen if that momentous change does transpire. Will I still remember Kim Chundong, or will I forget his existence? The mystery is killing me. Maybe this is why I cannot even find the leeway to explore considering the newness of my situation.

For now, I dedicate myself to writing the plot of The Novel's Extra in my tiny notebook.

The rest is the typical boring stuff.

Then… D-Day arrives.

[Cube Entrance Ceremony.]

I cannot miss this event. It does not play a big part in the story, but not attending it will render me expelled arbitrarily as per Cube's protocols. I put on my uniform so that I can leave my apartment with peace of mind. My nightmare recently is very disgusting... It is so stupid! In that nightmare... I have forgotten to wear any clothes while I attend the ceremony.

"Oh, damn... Hyon, you must be anxious... huh?" Even murmuring doesn't help to calm my nerves. 

Is there a reason for me to be nervous? Duh... Of course, there is a lot! It is Cube! I am inside the world of the first web fiction I have read! I might meet the main cast! It is crazy!

Just like any millennial from my past life, my mastery of watching my smartphone while walking is at the pinnacle. Lol. In this case, it is playing with my smartwatch while walking. 

For the past two weeks since graduating from the Agent Military Academy, I have been wisely using my time by researching. To raise my chance of survival, I have to understand this world fast.

Except casually checking information on Kim Chundong, I also check on the hot news and topics on the heroes, dungeons, and stuff around the world

There is not much difference in this world from my past world, except here, Korea is a superpower nation. As a place where they produce most Heroes, it is only normal for them to carry such weight.

I feel so numb this day especially as I read over the comments on the internet of the Korean netizens of how they pride themselves as Koreans. It just hurts my head… because what naturally comes with differences is discrimination.

"Sigh…" I am sighing a lot these days, but I cannot blame myself for it. "Discrimination is not a topic introduced in the novel. I can only assume that this world has inherited every world problem from my past life's world…" I complain on the air.

While I read over the various articles online through my smartwatch, I am proceeding to my destination— Cube— the high-end facility where Korea nurtures Heroes. For three years, I will be attending that place.

After tripping on the nth time which is about to reach the double digits, I ultimately stop on my multitasking.

I stop looking at my smartwatch while walking at the same time because I know my limits. I can only focus on one. So I walk. I can be so stupid and hardheaded sometimes. But when awareness has made their presence known, I sure will take heed of their advice.

I recall Kim Hajin, The Novel's Extra, and from what I remember, he will be dropping out after his first year. The idea is enticing in itself, but as a complete nobody, I think I will stay on Cube for a long time. It is an educational facility, and I plan to learn everything I can from the place.

Honestly, I prefer ditching Cube now, finding a farm, and waiting for the epilogue to happen. But I have my misgivings since seeing Chae Nayun being Rank 2 Cadet. On top of that, the ending of The Novel's Extra is not really Happily Ever After.

As I take my ticket from the train and flash it to the machine, I bump into a familiar character.

"Woah," I exclaim as I land my gaze on the other protagonist. "Kim Suho, right? The Savior, right? Oh, man, I am saved!"

I ingratiate myself with him with a play on words. Suho means Savior, or Protector, after all. So addressing him as a savior is not incorrect.

"Sorry about that." Kim Suho nervously replies finding my address as uncomfortable.

  "That's okay, Savior-nim… I am a Cube Cadet too. I am Hyon Hyung, Rank 1111!" I make my introductions to him with energy. I don't mean to act all too crazy with him, but… "I am a fan by the way…"

Yep. That is right. I am a fan, and I mean it.

I am someone who appreciates the good old-natured heroes of justice, and while at the current times back in my 'old world', the trend is dying and is becoming plain, I still hold strong beliefs that they are Meta.

"Hmmm…" Kim Suho softly hums, and I follow him.

The two of us quietly seats beside each other on the train. The atmosphere is awkward. But it is fine. This is a small gain. I am confident that Kim Suho will remember me for my crazy antics of calling him Savior-nim. Making an impression is very important in building connections. The important thing is that I am remembered. The next priority after that is to do good and make positive impressions to counterbalance the first impression.

Yep, I am definitely a megalomaniac manipulative fiend... Just kidding...

We arrive at Cube, thankfully on time.

"I will be going now, I have to meet with my friends. Do you want to come?" Kim Suho is inviting me, but I reject his offer.

"Nah, I am all good, man." I shake my head too aware of how difficult his friends are. "I am also waiting for a friend," I add. It might be a loss to reject his offer, but Kim Hajin is my top priority right now.

The two of us part ways. I remain by the gates eyeing everyone who comes with the observation prowess of a hawk. If there is a will, there is a way.

"Kim Hosup!" It turns out, my luck is not so bad. "My man, its Hyon Hyung! Do you not remember? Ugh… Kim Chundong doesn't remember me too… How hurtful…"

Kim Hosup and Kim Chundong are already acquaintances at this point in time. So getting to know Kim Hosup is like hitting two birds with one stone. Moreover, befriending Kim Hosup will bring me future benefits as the guy's potential as an information gatherer is just immense.

I put my arms around Hosup's neck. Just like Kim Chundong, Kim Hosup is another background character. What makes him special is his ability to gather information. As a support-type character, he becomes a valuable asset to Yoo Yeonha, another heroine of the novel.

"My man, did you see Chundong? Where is he?" I hug him in an intimate embrace, my arm over his neck. As he is shorter than me, I can wrap my arms around his neck as much as I want.

"What is that guy doing?"

"Poor kid, is he bullying him?"

"Well, the dude is a fatso, so it is fine, I guess?"

I cringe at the murmuring of the bypassers around me. I immediately remove my arms around Kim Hosup's neck. I almost forgot.

Wrapping your arms on another person's neck and shoulder in Korea has a dangerous implication of bullying. I don't really understand it, but apparently, wrapping your arms like that is overbearing for the recipient. I recall the many manhwas I peruse, and it seems there is an ongoing trope like this.

"I am sorry, Hosup… I am just so excited to see you…" I apologize to him.

Despite his pig-like appearance, and obviously superior weight, Kim Hosup is quite a shy type. I know I am stereotyping, but I believe Kim Hosup can be more confident and assertive. Look at that bulk! He has the potential to be Bully A in the School Life genre stories. I am just being straightforwardly discriminatory at this point.

"Uuumm… It is fine." Kim Hosup scratches the back of his head while he avoids eye contact.

This is bad.

"Man, sorry, my bad. I will make it up to you. Let's go find Chundong. I will treat you guys to something nice after the ceremony." The least I can do is treat my friends with food. This is super dangerous as I don't know how Won works.

Of all the things I just have to forget researching, it just has to be the sense of money…

But this is a necessary risk. I cannot lose Kim Hosup. Though he is not as significant as other characters, he is just as important as them!

We... I, Hyon Hyung, and Kim Hosup are exchanging our contact info. I kind of strong-armed him, but I cannot just lose this guy. For a weakling nobody like me, having an information-gathering expert in the future will be a great boon. I am being very opportunistic, but hey, this is life!

"Let's go, Hosup! Let's find, Chundong!"

The two of us scour the auditorium where the Cube Entrance Ceremony shall commence. Apparently, according to Hosup, Chundong is already inside.

I am messaging Hajin AKA Chundong, but it appears that he is ignoring me and is paying more attention to Hosup whom he is already acquainted. I feel hurt.

"CHUNDONG!" I exaggeratedly exclaim as I lay my eyes upon the guy. "I MISSED YOU, MAN!" I tackle him in an embrace. I am not doing this for some malicious reason. I am investigating.

I feel for Chundong's muscles, and damn, they are trained just like a swordsman who experiences much of the world. It looks like he also has more mass than me. I am not being gay. I am being objective here! After Kim Hajin has completely usurped Kim Chundong's existence, his stats will reset. This is also a topic of observation for me.

My almost perverted actions have a rationale behind them. In the novel, after exchanging Hajin and Chundong's soul, their physical attributes also seems to change. Hajin is not yet fully synchronized with Chundong, thus his physical attributes remain as it is when he is in the Agent Military Academy.


Very curious indeed.

This must mean, that if Kim Chundong is diligently training in Agent Military Academy before Hajin even possesses his body, it means that his training has born results. It means that... Kim Chundong is a real person. Even considering Kim Chundong's special past, I believe it is worth it to check over the Agent Military Academy's training methods.

I must inquire about the training methods of the Agent Military Academy to improve myself.

"Chundong, my man! Did you miss me?"


The speechless Hajin inside Chundong's existence is struggling very hard. "Should I smack him?" Hajin might think to himself. 

Strangely enough, I detect this subtle hostility from Hajin. I quickly stop groping him lest he realizes how criminal my actions are. I friendly pat his shoulder. "Tell me, you are a hugger, right?"

"I am not…" He plainly answers.