
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · 作品衍生
235 Chs

First Iteration I

January 12, 2024 - Seoul

Yoo Jinhyung is a 39-year-old rescuer. Well, he is basically like a Hero who saves lives in the field though the pay is dismal. Still, his daughter is proud of him!

The air is thick with dust as Yoo Jinhyung navigates through the chaos near the crumbled buildings, debris scattered like confetti. He adjusts his rescue helmet, the visor partially covered in a film of grime. The buzzing of emergency radios echoes in the air, a constant reminder of the urgency of the situation.

As Yoo Jinhyung navigates the streets of Seoul, he spots a group of people huddled near a collapsed building, frantically trying to dig through the rubble.

"Is anyone hurt?" Jinhyung calls out, rushing toward them.

A woman, covered in dust and tears, looks up at him. "My husband... he's trapped under there!"

Jinhyung immediately starts assessing the situation. "Stay calm. I'll do everything I can to help. Can you tell me where exactly he is?"

"He's on the second floor, near the corner," the woman says, her voice trembling.

"Alright, I'll get him out," Jinhyung assures her, grabbing a nearby shovel. He begins carefully clearing the debris, mindful of the unstable structure.

As he digs, a faint voice calls out from beneath the rubble. "Help! Please, help!"

"I'm here! Hang on, I'll get you out," Jinhyung shouts back, increasing his pace.

Minutes feel like hours as he works tirelessly, the weight of the fallen building seemingly endless. But finally, he reaches the trapped man.

"Sir, can you move at all?" Jinhyung asks, peering into the darkness.

"My leg... it's stuck," the man groans in pain.

Jinhyung carefully maneuvers the debris, creating enough space to reach the man's leg. With a mix of strength and precision, he manages to free him.

"Thank you, thank you so much," the man says, tears of relief streaming down his face.

"No time for thanks yet. We need to get you out of here," Jinhyung replies, helping the man onto his back.

Carrying the injured man, Jinhyung navigates through the rubble and reunites him with his wife. As he sets the man down, he catches sight of more people in need of assistance.

"I'll be right back," Jinhyung assures them before rushing off to aid others trapped in the aftermath of the earthquake.

Yoo Jinhyung spots a shaken elderly man sitting amidst the rubble of his store. The old man looks up, eyes filled with desperation. "Sir, we need to get you to safety. Can you stand?" He extends a hand to the old man who nods weakly to him. "I-I'll try my best." The old man musters what little strength he has.

Jinhyung helps the old man to his feet, wrapping an arm around him for support. As they make their way through the debris-strewn streets, he spots a group of people trapped under another collapsed building.

"Help! Please, we're stuck!" A voice of a woman calls out.

"I'm coming! Stay calm!"

Jinhyung rushes towards the wreckage, assessing the situation. He starts clearing away the debris, piece by piece, revealing the trapped individuals.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" The woman replies.

Yoo Jinhyung offers a reassuring smile, "Just doing my job. Now, let's get you all out of here."

The devastation the earthquake has left is overwhelming, and the thought of a possible sinkhole adds an extra layer of urgency to the rescue efforts. "We can do this. Just one person at a time." Yoo Jinhyung tells himself this words, strengthening his resolve to do more.

With lithe movements, he brings the old man with him to the medical camp where he should be safe. After that, he immediately sets forth to continue helping on the rescue efforts.

Yoo Jinhyung carefully side-carries the pregnant woman with his partner, making their way through the chaotic scene toward the nearest medical tent. The stretcher, the only available means of transport, jostles slightly as they navigate the debris-littered streets.

As they approach the medical tent, an anxious auntie rushes towards them, her eyes wide with concern. "Sir! Sir Rescuer! There are two teenagers, they're hurt badly! Over there!" she points desperately towards a collapsed building.

Jinhyung exchanges a quick glance with his partner before addressing the auntie, "Okay, we'll check on them. You stay here, and we'll be back as soon as we can."

He delegates the task of evacuating the remains of the hospital to his co-workers, a now seemingly routine assignment in the aftermath of the earthquake. They decide to leave the stretcher behind, realizing there are more pregnant women in need of immediate assistance.

"Take care of the pregnant women first," Jinhyung instructs as he and his partner head towards the reported location.

Navigating the devastated stairs, they weave through the wreckage, carefully avoiding unstable structures. The earthquake has wreaked havoc on the building, making every step treacherous. Rescuers, clad in orange uniforms, move swiftly, shouting instructions to one another. Nurses and doctors join the efforts, doing their best to tend to the injured amid the chaos.

Finally reaching the location pointed out by the auntie, Jinhyung discovers the two teenagers trapped beneath a pile of debris. "Hang in there, we're here to help!" he reassures them as he and his partner begin the delicate task of clearing the rubble to free the injured teens.

Yoo Jinhyung and his partner, Cheok Jungyeon, rush to the scene as they receive the distress call. Cheok, with his imposing physique and a past that echoes his former life as a gangster, follows closely behind Yoo Jinhyung.

"Jungyeon, we've got a situation here. Move quickly," Yoo Jinhyung urges, urgency in his voice as he leads the way to the distressed area.

As they arrive, Yoo Jinhyung spots the blonde girl, her head bleeding against a concrete wall. In her arms, she clutches a badly injured brown-haired Korean boy in a formal black suit.

"Alright, let's assess the situation. Jungyeon, help me with her," Yoo Jinhyung instructs, kneeling beside the injured girl. He gently checks her head wound, concern etched on his face.

Cheok Jungyeon nods and crouches down to assist, his tough exterior softened by the seriousness of the scene. "We need to get her stabilized. What about the boy?"

"He's in bad shape too. We need a stretcher," Yoo Jinhyung replies, his eyes scanning the chaotic surroundings for assistance.

Jungyeon quickly surveys the area, spotting a makeshift stretcher nearby. "I'll grab that. We need to move fast."

As Cheok Jungyeon rushes to retrieve the stretcher, Yoo Jinhyung continues to assess the situation. "Hang in there," he whispers to the injured girl, offering what comfort he can as they prepare to transport both victims to safety.

Yoo Jinhyung takes a deep breath, his gaze shifting between the unconscious Western girl and the idle Korean boy sprawled on the ground. The urgency of the situation demands precision.

"Hello, my name is Yoo Jinhyung. I'm here to help," he states, introducing himself to the girl who lies motionless. He places a strip of paper under her nose, observing the subtle rise and fall. Her breathing remains evident, a relief.

Turning his attention to the Korean boy, he carefully announces his next move, "I am going to pry the boy now, miss." However, as he attempts to separate the two, he discovers an unexpected resistance. The girl's grip on the boy is surprisingly strong.

But just as he grapples with this unforeseen challenge, a sudden splatter of blood darkens his boots. Jinhyung curses under his breath, realizing the severity of the situation. "I'll be damned, Gyeong, a bit of help!" he urgently calls out to his partner.

Together, they work to carefully untangle the duo. Jinhyung's eyes widen as he inspects the source of the blood, his worst fears confirmed. "Oh god, there has been a stabbing, an attempted murder?" he exclaims, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The Korean boy's chest bears the evidence of a stab wound, and Jinhyung knows time is of the essence to save a life hanging in the balance.

Cheok Jungyeon and Yoo Jinyung work swiftly, their hands moving with practiced efficiency as they bandage the stab wound on the Korean boy. They carefully fill the wound with bandages, ensuring to maintain pressure to control the bleeding.

Suddenly, the blonde teen stirs, her eyes narrowing in confusion and anger. "Who are you!?" she spats, her voice filled with hostility. As she speaks, she begins to vomit blood, and parasitic creatures emerge from her body. Desperation fuels her attempts to expel the parasites left by Lancaster, utilizing whatever magic power remains in her to purge what has invaded her body.

"WHO ARE YOU!? GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!" she demands, her eyes blazing with fury. However, the rescuers remain focused on their task, determined to save the boy. Cheok Jungyeon, while still working on the boy, tries to comfort the distressed blonde teen.

"Easy, we're here to help," he says soothingly, his eyes scanning the rest of the boy's body for additional injuries. The blonde teen, caught in a chaotic state of mind, gradually calms down as she realizes the rescuers' intentions.

Cheok Jungyeon carefully secures the Korean teen on his back, opting to abandon the makeshift stretcher that seems more trouble than help. He glances back at his partner, Yoo Jinyung.

"I'll go ahead with him. Looks like he needs urgent medical attention," Cheok Jungyeon informs, his tone urgent. Yoo Jinyung nods in acknowledgment, focusing on their surroundings as they proceed.

Meanwhile, Yoo Jinhyung turns his attention to the blonde teen, who continues to vomit. He introduces himself once more, his voice calm, "Hello, my name is Yoo Jinhyung. Let me help you." Despite his attempts to provide comfort by rubbing her back, the blonde teen shows no signs of relief, persistently retching.

Yoo Jinhyung notices a cut on her head and swiftly applies first aid. For a moment, the vomiting subsides, and the blonde teen drifts into a restless sleep. Determined to get her to the medical tent, Yoo Jinhyung carefully lifts her in his arms.

"Please don't puke on me..." he playfully adds, attempting to lighten the mood. However, his attempt is met with silence, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. With a determined expression, Yoo Jinhyung proceeds towards the medical tent, focusing on the task at hand.

Yoo Jinhyung arrives at the medical tent, where a nurse stands ready to receive his report. "Blonde, I think European. It seems to be food poisoning, and she seems dehydrated too," he informs, concern etched on his face.

The nurse, Ah Hae-In, immediately takes charge, nodding in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Jinhyung. I'll take it from here," she says, efficiently assessing the situation.

As Ah Hae-In begins her examination, the blonde teen slowly opens her eyes, weariness evident in her gaze. The nurse introduces herself with a warm smile, "Hello, I'm Ah Hae-In. I'll be taking care of you." She speaks in Korean, her tall figure looming over the medical equipment.

In response, the blonde teen, Rachel, surprises them by fluently introducing herself in Korean, though her words are accompanied by visible pain. "I'm Rachel," she says, wincing as her body protests. The unexpected linguistic skill only adds to the mystery surrounding the distressed young woman.