
chp 1 the beginning

In the world of Azura, two distinct groups of humans coexisted: the Star-Born and the Non. The Star-Born wore their celestial mark with pride, a shimmering star sign on their forehead that symbolized their power and status. They held positions of authority, wielded advanced technology, and lived in luxury.

Aria, a young Non, toiled in the depths of the Star-Born's metropolis. She scrubbed floors, served meals, and endured the contempt of her masters. But Aria's spirit remained unbroken. She dreamed of freedom, of a world where the Non were equals, not slaves.

One fateful day, Aria discovered a hidden underground network of Non, secretly planning a mass escape. The spark of defiance ignited within her. She joined the rebellion, and together, they hatched a daring plan.

As Aria worked, her thoughts drifted to the mysterious mark on her hand - a small, intricate star that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. She had always felt like there was something missing, something she couldn't quite grasp. But now, she began to realize that the mark might be more than just a curious birthmark...

Aria's heart raced as she donned the servant's uniform, her mind focused on the task ahead. Lyra's hacking skills had granted them access to the mansion's security systems, but Aria knew the risks were high.

As she entered the grand ballroom, Aria's gaze swept across the sea of Star-Born elite, their star signs gleaming like diamonds. She spotted the Archon, his eyes fixed on her with an unnerving intensity.

Aria's hand trembled as she offered him a glass of wine, her thoughts racing with the plan. Lyra's voice whispered in her earpiece, "Aria, I'm in. Security's down."

But just as Aria turned to leave, the Archon's hand closed around her wrist, his grip like a vice. "You're a Non," he hissed, his eyes blazing with contempt. "And you dare to infiltrate my home?"

Aria's birthmark began to glow, a fierce light that illuminated the dark secrets of the Star-Born. The Archon's eyes widened in surprise, and for an instant, Aria saw a glimmer of fear.

Aria's birthmark pulsed with an intense light, as if the very essence of her being was bursting forth. The Archon's grip faltered, and he stumbled backward, his eyes wide with shock.

Lyra's voice crackled in Aria's earpiece, "Aria, what's happening? Security's collapsing!"

Aria seized the moment, wrenching free from the Archon's grasp. She sprinted through the ballroom, dodging Star-Born guards as they struggled to regain control.

Kael's voice echoed in her mind, "Aria, meet us at the east wing. We have a window to escape!"

As she ran, the mansion's secrets began to unravel. Hidden passages revealed themselves, and ancient artifacts whispered tales of a long-forgotten past. Aria's heart pounded with the thrill of discovery.

In the east wing, Lyra and Kael waited, their faces set with determination. Together, they fled into the night, pursued by the Archon's elite forces.

But Aria knew they wouldn't be caught. The birthmark's power coursed through her veins, illuminating a path to freedom. She led her companions through the winding streets, evading capture with an uncanny instinct.

Finally, they reached the outskirts, where a hidden underground network of Non awaited. Aria's heart swelled with pride as she gazed upon the sea of faces, each one a testament to the rebellion's strength.