
The Next Idol

Kai’s guide on living as a girl idol in his next life .

rinchen_z_ · 现代言情
2 Chs

Episode 1

"Yah! Karina!

Are you gonna keep repeating the same mistake over and over again? Huh?!

I told you focus more didnt I !!

Haaa~~ I can't do this.

Just leave it for today,

Everyone take a break and let's continue this tomorrow.

I dont think we can do this today "

The dance trainer for the choreography angrily left the studio, banging the door heavily when she left.

"I am Really Sorry! Really Sorry! Sorry!"

In the middle of slim and beautiful group of girls ,the most beautiful out of them with a very eye catching blonde hair, constantly bowed her head in everyones direction in apology.

She was the main culprit for the current situation.

Karina, just turned 17 years old, was one of the member of the most popular rookie girl group in the current generation.

Despite her young age, Karina was already widely known for her beauty and was considered as one of the top visual among their 4th generation idol groups.

But clearly everybody there was too tired to even scold her.

Her other group members were already exhautsed at the moment.

They have been practising for their 3rd comeback since dawn and it was now dusk, yet they haven't been able to do their choreography perfectly even once without any mistake .

It seemed that Karina woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

She was the Maknae of the group and had the least training period among them so they were usually patient with her but today they couldn't even bring themselves to comfort her due to frustration as they all got scolded because of her.


Its okay now, we will practise some more tomorrow and see if we can perfect it then.

We dont have much time on hand. Our comeback is in just 2 weeks, we need to practise harder.

Today our Karina must not be feeling very good so she's not in a good shape. She will do better tomorrow after some proper rest. "

Yeji stood up to fix the akward situation and explained on behalf of Karina who was bowing her head in apology and was keeping quite.

The Back Up dancers also noded in understanding and soon everyone left one after another.

Only 7 girls were left behind including Karina

They were the members of the group and was also very close with eachother since their training period.

They wanted to stay behind to comfort Karina who was acting quite weird since the morning and was worried if she might be sad and cry.

" You guys..

Don't need to worry about me.

Maybe it's because of my diet, I've been feeling quite out of energy and shape today.

I will be fine by tomorrow hehehe...

You guys go ahead and rest, I will take some breather in terrace and come back soon too"

Karina smiled at the worried members trying to explain that she wasn't really sad and was just tired.

How could she even explain her current situation..

She must be still dreaming right now.. right??!

"For real?

Rina-yah you really don't look like yourself today. Is something bothering you?"

Danielle, one of the most considerate member asked Karina with a genuine concern on her face.

Karina hurriedly shook her head left and right and smiled it off.

"Yess I am really telling the truth! I swear"

Karina made eye contact with everyone trying to convince the girls that she was really fine and not sad.

" You guys go ahead , okay?

I will take a walk around to clear my head and return to the dorm soon !"

With that Karina almost flew out of the studio with her long legs, afraid that she might mess up even more than it already was.

She really needed some space right now to think what the hell was happening to her?!!

What was she even doing here?!

First time writing my own novel.

please support and help me with any errors i might have done. I would be very grateful for everyone.

rinchen_z_creators' thoughts