
The New World King

The champion of the FEMMORPG (full emersion massively multiplayer online role playing game) Falling Sky meets a tragic end during the final match of 20th world tournament. Flow and read along on this adventure in a new world as the protagonist finds his way and reaches out to grasp hold and make his legend a reality in this new world that he could only create with in a game in his previous world.

Casey_Bissette · 奇幻
3 Chs

Enter The New World!


A feeling only felt notionally but in truth just surrounded by nothingness of the void.

"You seem confused Kiazar."

'(huhhh?!?! What was that? Is someone there?)'

Kiazar spins around frantically trying to find the voice he heard.

"hehehe! Your funny Kiazar. Try looking up." Said the voice.

Kiazar looked up and what he saw next BLEW HIS MIND!!! She seemed like a young woman in her early twenties, with fair skin approximately 150 cm tall, well endowed, thick thighs, long crimson hair that reached her waist line, on top of a beautifully and perfectly proportionate face with crimson eyes. Her waist was thin but matched perfectly with her body in the tight black attired dress with a deep v-cut that seemed to almost squeeze her chest out from within the dress but at the same time held strongly against them, keeping them tucked perfectly within.

Kiazar wasn't necessarily affected by her looks but the fact that the darkness had completely turnt white. Not that he didn't find her attractive but he couldn't help the feeling that something happened and now he was sure of it, so he asked the woman now face to face with him "Am I dead? Wholey crap why do I sound like my avatar?"

And to his questions she answered after a short laugh "You really are funny Kiazar. But yes you are dead. Its actually really tragic how you died, but its because you died with in the body of your avatar that you sounds like your avatar because you are your avatar." Kiazar replied " Wait what really?!?!" He started to realize he was now standing and not floating anymore and started moving his arms, legs and his whole body around and realized she was right. He was wearing his adamantine armor but with out his helmet, he was quite tall around 170 cm with a broad chest and shoulders and a tight well fit body. He had a well proportioned head and face with bright amethyst eyes and black hair that was long on top pulled back into a braid that reached his shoulders the rest of his hair on the sides and back where just a short stubble only long enough to hide his scalp.

The woman answered "Yes hahahahaha!!!!!! You really are the strangest mortal I've ever met."

To which Kiazar replied "Wait mortal are you a goddess?" and then she said "Well not necessarily. I am a creator. There are others like myself, but we do not interfere with the worlds we create, and we have nothing to do with anyone with in the worlds except for the creation or a select few we deem worth to send in to our new creations." Kiazar looked around and looked back at the woman in front of him and said "Hmm so technically you are a goddess then. Wait? Are you saying im going to a new world you created? And first off how did i die in the first place?"

"How you died doesn't really matter anymore, and I guess I am a goddess from your opinion. Also yes that is why i brought your remnant soul to this space to keep it from deteriorating before I can send you to the new world." Kiazar looked at her with an agitated look on his face while saying "It does matter to me!! So spill it lady!!!!" She in return grew furious no one had ever talked to her like that ever and her face was becoming red with fury and her fists where clenched but before she could speak Kiazar dropped to a knee and said "Look I'm sorry for acting like that. I'm not normally like this. I guess its just frustrating me to be treated like my life doesn't matter anymore now that I'm dead. Yeah..... dead....." He started drooping his head realizing what he had said yeah dead so it really doesn't matter now. Considering he will be moving to another world something new, a whole new world to experience and understand. A new place to spread his name and build a new legend for himself.

She looked at him now completely calm and realized he was actually falling into a depressive state so she quickly said "My name is Kalledeon and you should be happy your about to descend a completely new world. I created it myself and you yourself will be very happy once you arrive and realize it is a lot like the game you were playing before you died, except you only have one life. But you will be going not as a normal human, but as you were when you died with all your skills, abilities, and your armor. But be aware that this world has creatures or monsters as you would call them that are well beyond your abilities to slay. You and every other intelligent race in that world will have a status screen you can call upon at anytime. You just have to say "status" and it will appear in front of you. Oh and as my champion you will be given a blessing but it is up to you to figure out how to use it."

Kiazar was about to say something but before he could he started fading in and out so she quickly said one last thing "Have fun." with a smile and the next thing he new he was standing in the middle of a plain.

To his right there was a large castle surrounded by a huge city with gigantic walls that stood close to 15 meters high and he see what looked like invisible barrier enclosing every part from the bottom of the walls to high in the sky protecting everything within. The shape of the barrier was a dome covering the huge round city, walls and castle. He knew this was a magical barrier but didn't know anything else about it as the city he once ruled in Falling Sky had one as well. But it seems this barrier was much weaker based on its amount of transparency compared to the one he had in the game. Before even moving forward he did what any rational person would do and check his surroundings and found no one around him. Next he said "status" and next thing his status board appeared in front of him to see and scrolled through it.



Name: Kiazar Draegon


Race: Human

Job: None

Titles: Kalledeon's Champion (Hidden)

Passive effect: Allows for comprehension of all languages spoken and written.

+20 charisma


Health: 200



Health regen: 1.0 per second out of battle

0.5 per second during battle

Mana regen: 0.5 per second in or out of battle

Strength: 10






Unassigned Ability Points: 1200



Vigilant Strike (Rank 1)

This skill is activated by attacking first.

Damage output of skill varies depending on users strength as well as point of contact of the target with the weapon.

Fist Strike (Rank 1)

A strike thrown with the off hand as a fist.

Damage is 50% of strength as well as point of contact with target.

Pentagonal Strike

Strike the enemy from five sides consecutively.

Damage is based on strength and points of contact on target. (Requires 100 Dex. and Agi. to use)

Decimating Strike (Rank: Ultimate)

A single strike attack that deals a deadly blow when strength is above 1000, when below 1000 2x base damage of weapon plus strength.


If used with 1000 or less strength may cause irreversible damage to the users own body. Recommend use only with 1001 strength or more. The higher the strength the least likely for injury upon use. Recommended last resort attack.

Oblivion (Rank: Unique)

A magical skill created by Kiazar absorb target and returns there soul to Oblivion. Activates with chant:

Chant: The Void of Oblivion darkness it calls. My enemy today you fall. Return to darkness as it hears my call. OBLIVION!!!


Will consume all mana once successfully use. After which user will enter mind down and remain unconscious until mana is completely replenished.

Storm Surge (rank 1)

A massive AoE magical spell used to create a surge of thunder storms which will deal damage based on intelligence to every target with in the AoE. Size of effect dependent on rank of skill. Standard size: 15 meters (AoE doubles with ever rank also increase mana cost by 250 for every rank after 1)

(Max Rank 5)

Costs: 500 mana

Passive skills:

Swordsmanship (Rank 1)

Basic skill for anyone that wields a sword type weapon. Allows users of sword type weapons easier and better use of these weapons the higher the rank. (Max Rank 10)

Spearman (Rank 1)

Basic skill for use of spears type weapons. Allows user of spear type weapons an easier and better use of said weapons the higher the rank.

(Max Rank 10)

Hunter (Rank 1)

Basic skills used for hunting and tracking of animals and beasts alike. Allows greater senses and abilities when tracking or hunting.

(Max Rank 10)

Survivalist (Rank 1)

Basic skills of survival. Allows for resistance against natures harsh temperature's climates poisons and diseases. The higher the rank the more resistance. (Max Rank 10)

Aura of the Void (Rank: Unique)

As you your self understand that Creation and Oblivion originate both from the void your body natural permeate the dark and loneliness of the void. Effect: enemies that die within the 2m perimeter of your aura will return to the void.

(can be deactivated when necessary)


~Blessing of Kalledeon the Creator~

Effect 1: Infinite Stamina

Effect 2: ?????

Effect 3: ?????

Effect 4: ?????

Effect 5: ?????

Effect 6: ?????

Effect 7: ?????

Effect 8: ?????

Effect 9: ?????

Effect 10: ?????
