
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · 电视同人
66 Chs


Three weeks have passed since it was revealed that Terra was Slade's new apprentice. After finding this out, Beast Boy ended his friendship with Terra and left her in the dirty grasps of the terminator. Terra is no longer a Titan. Only a servant for Deathstroke to use. Now, the Titans ride in the T-car on their way back to the Tower.

"I got one. Why are ducks so funny?" said Beast Boy.

"Please not another one. I don't think that I can take it," said Raven.

"They're always quacking jokes," said Beast Boy.

"God, please get me out of this," said Raven.

"I get it. It's funny because ducks lack the large brain to tell jokes," said Starfire.

"The joke wasn't funny. It was pretty corny," said Jordan.

"Garfield lacks the large brain to tell good jokes," said Raven.

"I don't need a large brain to tell good jokes. I will make you smile with my amazing jokes. I got another one," said Beast Boy.

"Kill me," said Raven.

"Why did the aardvark cross the road?" asked Beast Boy.

"To beat up the green guy making unfunny jokes about it," said Raven.

"That's not what I was thinking, but good stuff Raven. Maybe you should become a comedian as good as me," said Beast Boy.

"I would rather die," said Raven.

"An aardvark is some kind of duck?" asked Starfire.

"We'll explain to you about ducks later. What we should focus on is what we will eat for dinner," said Cyborg.

"To-," said Beast Boy.

"I swear to god if you say tofu, I will kill you," said Cyborg.

"Why? Tofu is amazing," said Beast Boy.

"Tofu may be healthy, but no one wants to eat that crap, so stop requesting it," said Cyborg.

"What about pizza?" asked Jordan.

"We just passed the pizzeria ten minutes ago," said Cyborg.

"We could just turn back," said Jordan.

"Why would we turn back if we're so close to home?" asked Cyborg.

"Do you want dinner or not?" asked Jordan.

"You know what. I'll make my world-famous spaghetti with meat sauce," said Cyborg.

"Boo," said Beast Boy.

"Boo? Boo, your bad tastes. My cooking is amazing," said Cyborg.

"You may say that, but your food is just average at best," said Jordan.

"Average? I'll show you average. I will destroy your taste buds with my elite cooking skills," said Cyborg.

"Whatever you say, buddy," said Jordan.

"Alright. I'll show you, cocky little bastard," said Cyborg.

As the light turns green, the T-car advances down the street. They don't get far before they are hit by a boulder and sent skirting down another street. Starfire uses her Starbolts to blast open the doors and the Titans quickly exit, but they can barely see anything because everything is covered in smoke.

"Who was that?" asked Starfire.

"Come on! They wrecked my car!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"We were hit by a giant boulder," said Jordan.

"So, that must mean," said Raven.

"Terra," said Beast Boy.

As the smoke clears, the Titans see their former "friend" standing before them as an enemy.

"Hey, guys. Miss me?" said Terra.

"She's wearing a Slade suit, so she has officially leveled up. Don't hold back against her. She isn't our friend," said Jordan.

"But-," said Beast Boy.

"No buts. The last time we let her in, she tried to destroy us. I nearly died because we let her in. There's no more kindness that we can show her. We have to take her down. She can lead us to Slade," said Jordan.

"I don't know if I can hurt her too much. We were close," said Beast Boy.

"Then, stay back. We can't have you getting in our way," said Raven.

"Why do you guys want to destroy her so much? She was our friend," said Beast Boy.

"She was never our friend. Just a spy sent by Slade to manipulate us into telling him what he wanted," said Jordan.

"We will make her pay for using us," said Raven.

"She totaled my car and my heart. Let's take her down," said Cyborg.

"She is just like my sister. We need to defeat her," said Starfire.

"Are you guys ready?" asked Jordan.

"Yes," exclaimed the Titans aggressively.

"Yeah," said Beast Boy sadly.

"Titans, go!' exclaimed Jordan.

Terra sees that the Titans are ready to take her down and lifts her arms. She then sends a barrage of small rocks at the Titans as they dive, fly, or grapple away to dodge the attack. The rocks don't hit them but destroy the T-car even more.

"My baby," said Cyborg.

"Forget about my car. She's our only objective now," said Jordan.

"Ok, but she owes me a car," said Cyborg.

"Trust me. We will make her buy you a new one," said Jordan.

Terra summons a giant piece of the road and rides it like a surfboard. She then tears the road in half, forcing the Titans to choose which side to be on. After splitting them up, she starts to throw a mix of large and small rocks at them. Beast Boy grabs onto the floating piece of land.

"Stop it, Terra. We're the good guys," said Beast Boy.

"You'll are the good guys? I couldn't see that coming. Could you guys be the good guys if you let a girl like me who just needed a home to be left in the grasps as somebody that you claimed to be a monster?" said Terra.

"Terra," said Beast Boy.

"No matter how many times you call my name, we're not friends!" exclaimed Terra.

Terra punches Beast Boy in the face and sends him flying off the flying piece of land. He falls into the hands of the alien girl as she flies by.

"So, even Garfield couldn't get through to you. You have fallen, Terra," said Jordan.

"Why do you seem disappointed? You didn't trust me from day one, remember? Shouldn't you be hopping in joy?" asked Terra.

"I guess the main reason that I didn't immediately take you down was that I believed, no, I hoped that you would become one of us and betray Slade. I thought that maybe we could help you. Change you, but I was wrong and I nearly died because of that bad choice. I won't make that bad choice again," said Jordan.

"Is that supposed to be a plea to get me to come back? If it was, it's not working," said Terra.

"I wasn't trying to. I'll throw you in a cell right next to your master. I will take you down today," said Jordan.

"Bring it, asshole," said Terra.

Terra throws multiple-sized rocks at Jordan and he easily dodges most of them. He then jumps into the air and kicks a rock in the direction of Terra. She creates a ground shield to block the projectile. Jordan throws an explosive at the ground shield, easily destroying it and sending her flying back.

"Raven, now!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Azarath Metrion Zin-," said Raven.

She doesn't finish chanting and just looks into the eyes of her former friend. She gets too stuck in nostalgia land and is sent flying into a building by a rock.

"Why did she not use her magic? Did she get distracted by her? Don't tell me that they were just talking big when they told me that they weren't going to hold back," thought Jordan.

"It looks like your teammates think that we're still friends. It doesn't seem that your allies will help you that much," said Terra.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Victor, blast her!" exclaimed Jordan.

"On it!" exclaimed Victor.

Victor aims his sonic cannon at the blonde. The blonde turns to look at him as his cannon charges up.

"Sorry, kid," said Cyborg.

"No. I'm sorry," said Terra.

"Huh?" asked Victor.

"Not!" exclaimed Terra.

Terra drops a boulder on Victor as he looks up at the last second. She quickly turns back around with a wicked smile on her face.

"It seems that the robot guy couldn't help you either. Too bad," said Terra.

"Everyone's hesitating. I don't want to use the nanobots, but she's forcing me into a bad situation," thought Jordan.

"Move!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

Jordan quickly jumps to his left as Beast Boy, now transformed into a rhino, charges at Terra. Right before his horn could impale the girl, he stops. Terra doesn't care about the mercy shown by her former "friend" and hits him with a giant rock. As Beast Boy flies past Jordan, he pulls out a trigger and prepares to press it before Starfire rockets past him and tackles the blonde girl. He sends her flying into a building as the blonde tries to throw rocks at the alien princess to avoid taking any more damage, but the alien girl is a tank and tanks all of her attacks.

"Star, please stop. You don't want to hurt an old friend, do you?" said Terra.

"You're not my friend," said Starfire.

"So, you lied to me, but you get mad at me when I finally find a place where I will be loved and appreciated. You're just a bunch of hypocrites," said Terra.

"No, we're not. We are heroes," said Starfire.

"Friends of heroes don't join up with criminal masterminds," said Terra.

"We can't control what our friends do," said Starfire.

"But, you do inspire them," said Terra.

"Yes, you do. Grow up and take some responsibility for your gigantic fuck up called Terra," said Terra.

This response forces Starfire to stop tackling the blonde and Terra takes advantage of the distraction. Terra sends multiple large rocks towards Starfire and nearly crushes her. Starfire lets go of Terra and the blonde lands on the ground. She spins around, looking for the leader, but she doesn't see him.

"Where did you go, Jordan? I just want to talk," said Terra.

"I thought that maybe you could redeem yourself, but you're nothing different than your master, or The Joker, or any villain that we have ever faced. There's no redemption for you at least not yet and I will take you down," said Jordan.

"You can't take me down from the shadows. Come on out and we can have a chat with our fists," said Terra.

"Sorry, but I don't negotiate with supervillains," said Jordan.

"Then, I guess that I will force you to come out!" exclaimed Terra.

Terra slams her hands on the ground and it starts to crack. Even with the ground cracking and a small-scale earthquake beginning, Jordan somehow still hides from the blonde villain.

"Come on out! I thought that we were friends!" exclaimed Terra.

"Friends? When were we ever friends? If you're going to try to manipulate me at the moment, try harder," said Jordan.

Terra quickly turns around and prepares to crush Jordan until she sees the trigger in his hand.

"What's that?" asked Terra.

"A trigger," said Jordan.

"For what? A bomb? Poisonous gas?" asked Terra sarcastically.

"Nanobots," said Jordan.

"Huh?" asked Terra.

"Slade didn't tell you this? I'm not surprised. He doesn't like to be reminded of his losses," said Jordan.

"What are you trying to say?" asked Terra.

"Slade infected my friends with nanobots to force me into becoming his heir. Batman and I easily dealt with him and threw him into prison, but he escaped in only a few days," said Jordan.

"What's the point of this conversation?" asked Terra.

"These nanobots are still in my friends and they are in you as well. I infected you with them once I figured out that you were a spy. If you were to act out of line, I would use them to take you down and today seems like a good day to deal with you," said Jordan.

"Nanobots are nothing to me. I have grown way too powerful to be beaten by some bots," said Terra.

"Slade's listening in isn't he? If he is, he will know how dangerous these nanobots are," said Jordan.

"Slade doesn't need to warn me. I'll be fine," said Terra.

"No, you won't," said Slade.

"Huh? What do you mean?" asked Terra.

"The nanobots can kill you," said Slade.

"They can't," said Terra.

"They can and they will. I created those nanobots to be able to kill all of the Titans. You can't beat them all, so just walk away. You have proved how much of a threat that you are to the Titans," said Slade.

"I can defeat them. Just give me a chance," said Terra.

"Jordan may be powerless, but in this situation, he has all of the power. Just walk away," said Slade.

"No! I'm too close to fail now," said Terra.

"I'm not asking you to walk away, Terra! That's a direct order!" exclaimed Slade.

"Shut up, Slade! I got this!" exclaimed Terra.

"Terra, don't!" exclaimed Slade.

Terra takes out her earpiece and crushes it in her hand.

"Now, where did we leave off?" asked Terra.

"You're letting anger cloud your judgment. Slade won't be happy," said Jordan.

"I don't care about pleasing him. Destroying your little team is what I want to do," said Terra.

"All I have to do is press this trigger and this battle is over. Don't do this, Terra," said Jordan.

"I do what I want. Nothing and nobody will control me," said Terra.

"But, aren't you Slade's apprentice?" asked Jordan.

"Shut up!" exclaimed Terra.

"You said that we were just a bunch of hypocrites, but you're the biggest one of us all," said Jordan.

"You don't understand me, so don't even try. We were never friends, so don't even try to be mine," said Terra.

"I don't want to be your friend. I just don't want you to be used and thrown away by trash like Slade," said Jordan.

"He will never betray me unlike you and Beast Boy," said Terra.

"We didn't betray you. You betrayed us the day that you came back. Don't try to make yourself out to be the victim," said Jordan.

"I don't want to talk to you. After I'm done with you, I will crush your friends under the biggest rocks possible," said Terra.

"Impossible. You wouldn't last that long," said Jordan.

"I will destroy you right now," said Terra.

"Do it then. No more talking," said Jordan.

"I will. Ahhhhh!" said Terra.

Terra lifts all of the rocks around her and tries to hit Jordan with them, but she drops them for some reason.

"What is going on?" asked Terra.

"Slade is starting to take control. Isn't he?" said Jordan.

"How would you know that?" asked Terra.

"You just told me," said Jordan.

"Slade's interference won't stop me. Ahhhhhhhhh!" said Terra.

Terra fights Slade's interference and starts to lift all of the ground around her. She then attempts to launch them at her opponent, but she stops because she is somehow in a lot of pain. She looks down and sees her body has turned orange and glows like a candle. She falls to her knees as her entire body feels pain.

"Are these the nanobots?" asked Terra.

"Yes, now rest. We will need you to defeat Slade," said Jordan.

"I will never join you. I will never betray my master," said Terra.

"You already have, Terra. You already have," said Jordan.

"Damn you, you bastard," said Terra weakly as she passes out.

"Slade, I have taken down your apprentice. Now, it is time to deal with you. We take you down tomorrow," said Jordan.

I have been hloding this back for long enough. Welcome to the "WBverse" theory. So, what is this "WBverse" theory? It's pretty simple. It's basically a theory that connects "The Batman" to "Teen Titans": two animated shows created by the same crew and premiered and aired around the same time, in the same Earth or universe. I have brought good enough evidence today to connect both series. Let's begin. Evidence #1: Batman. "The Batman" is obviously a show about the dark knight, but Batman also makes an appearance in TT, but not in the show. He makes his first apperance int he comics. In "Teen Titans Go" issue 45, Batman makes his only visual appearance. If you pay attention, you can tell the similarities. He has the same smile, similar cowl, similar gloves, and the same relationship with Robin. There is no mistake. The Batman from the show of the same name and this Batman is the same man. Evidence #2: Robin. Both shows have a Robin, but these two Robins have many similarities. Similar face shape, same mask, similar suit, same bo staff, similar gadgets, two dead parents, both Dick Grayson, and same hairstyle. In episode 19 when Starfire spits all over Robin, his hair returns to normal and it is bascially the same as his younger self. He wears hair gel. These two Robins are the same Robin. Evidence #3: other heroes. In TT, we see a couple sidekcicks of heroes that we see in "The Batman", Speedy and Kid Flash. These sidekicks can't exist without their mentors and we see them in the prior series. Yet another piece of evidence that connects both of the shows. Last piece of evidence: the art style. The art style of both shows is basically the same. Shows with the same art styles usually take place in the same universe, ie the DCAU. TT obviosuly takes some inspiration from anime, but that is just an aestetic thing that can be written off. That is the final piece of evidence and this completes the theory. "The Batman" has to take place four to five years before TT because Robin is 15 at the start of the series. So, the timeline goes "The Batman" seasons 1-5, TT seasons 1-5, and Trouble in Tokyo. That was the "WBverse" theory and enjoy the chapter and remember to have a good day!

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