
Chapter 37.


Annabelles POV-

Everything went so fast, one minute I was in a prison cell, the next I was in a trunk. At least I will be able to get out of this one. I wonder how long it will take them to realise I'm gone.

I was laid on top of what I'm guessing is Bea's clothes. They were the comfiest thing I've laid on in Lord knows how long. This trunk isn't exactly big but it's enough for me to lay curled in a ball, which is how I've been sleeping anyway since it's so cold.

I woke up to the blaring sunlight, it was more painful than it ever had been before. I longed for the days when the most painful thing I had to endure was the maid letting the sun in in the morning. How life has changed. I involuntarily groaned holding my hands over my eyes.

"Annabelle?" Florence asked sweetly,

"hmm?" I replied.

"Are you going to get out of the trunk?"

"Can't you just close the door?" I groaned in a raspy voice.

"I wasn't really asking. We need to abandon the carriage, they could be looking for it, so can you please get up?"

I didn't reply, I kept my eyes closed as I used all my strength to push myself up onto my feet still holding the sides of the trunk.

As I took my first step out of the trunk onto the back of the carriage my knee gave way. Instead of trying to catch myself I let my body fall. It was peaceful, the falling. Expecting the ground to come any second, I was shocked to find myself in someone's strong arms.

"You need to be careful." Bea sounded annoyed. But her expression said she was happy, her eyes traveled around my face. After a few seconds the sound of Florence's boots hitting the floor as she jumped from the carriage snapped Bea out of whatever trance she was in. She put me down gently onto my feet still holding onto one arm.

"Are you alright?" Florence asked slightly worried.

"I'm fine." I lied, watching her through squinted stinging eyes as she approached us.

"I've got her." Florence said to Bea as she held onto my other arm.

"I'll get the horses." Bea replied as she went to saddle up the horses that had been pulling the carriage.

I wobbled on my feet at the sudden change over but still had to add.. "Is that really necessary?"

"Annabelle..." Florence started as she turned to face me.. "It is absolutely necessary." she stated in a serious but calm manner.

I haven't eaten in days. The guards brought me food but I turned them away. I was done with complying after what they did to me, I wasn't sure if it was going to happen again.

Now I'm tired, I feel sick and I think I need a sit down. I didn't say anything, I just quickly pulled Florence's hand off me and slumped on the ground butt first. I lifted one knee, leaning my elbow against it and placing my head in the crevice of my arm.

Florence didn't say anything but instead put her hand on my shoulder, I flinched forgetting where I was. I heard her inhale sharply before she spoke.

"I'm going to help Bea with the horses okay?"

"mhmm" I grumbled still sitting in the same spot.

A few more minutes passed of rattling and the sound buckles and straps being done up before Florence spoke again.

"Annabelle?" she asked softly.

"Yeah?" I replied groggily, lifting my head to look at her.

"We need to go now." she looks so sad, before she was happy but now I only see sadness.

Bea walked to us from the carriage, with the two brown horses that were now saddled and ready to go. Florence offered a hand to help me up. As I stood to face her I asked "Why are you upset?".

"I'm not." She replied trying to cover it up with a reassuring smile that did everything but.

I thought we were past lying... I can see that something is bothering her. The tears she quickly blinked away and hoped I didn't notice were proof. I'll let it go for now, there are more important things at stake.. such as our lives.


Florence made me sit infront of her on the horse, she said it was safer that way.. she thinks I'm going to fall again.

The horses were running for a good 40 minutes making my head pound with every gallop, before we finally slowed our pace. Leaning back into Florence was so comfy, I didn't realise I had fallen asleep again until she woke me up.

"You need to wake up now Annabelle" she chimed, softly tapping my arm.

When I opened my eyes I noticed that she had turned me around in my sleep, so that my head was rested on her shoulder with one arm around my waist. I was practically sitting on her lap.

I lifted my head to face her.. finding a blushed face staring back.

"We need to leave the horses, I'm guessing you can't transform with all that aconite and heavens knows what else running through your veins?" Bea asked when Florence didn't say anything.

"No.. I can't" I sighed.

"It's alright, Florence can take you." I felt Florence tense up against me as Bea said this.

"She doesn't know does she?" I whispered as she helped me down from the horse.

Florence's weary eyes met mine again as she whispered back.. "no".

"Your afraid?" I asked.

"No...I'm just nervous" she admitted.

"It's alright, I was nervous too." I said attempting a smile to reassure her.

"This is not the same thing, you had a crowd, I have one person." she scolded, still whispering. After realising the harshness of her tone her face dropped. "I'm sorry, I just-" she started ...

"It's alright" I whispered cutting her off. I planted a gentle kiss on her cheek "You can do this." I said reaching up my hand to lightly brush the loose strands of hair from her face, before bringing my hand back down to hold hers.

"What's taking so long? do you want them to find us? to give us each a dirty dark cell of our own?" Bea asked frustratedly as she walked over to us.

"Bea.. before we do this, there is something I need to say.." Florence said turning to face Bea, I felt her squeeze my hand as she began speaking. "I'm.." she paused..

"You're what?" Bea asked seemingly getting more frustrated at every second we are wasting.

"I'm half Lycan." she almost shouted, exhaling a deep breath as she did.

"Really?" Bea asked with a puzzled look on her face. "huh.. I never would have guessed" she smiled amused at something..

"What is that supposed to mean?" Florence asked clearly not sure if she should be offended.

"Well you just don't seem like a Lycan that's all." Bea shrugged.

"And Annabelle does?" Florence asked.. earning a scowl from Bea, something triggered her.

"Why are you bringing me into this?" I sighed rolling my eyes. Trying to de-escalate the situation.

Before Florence could answer Bea spoke.. "Anna?.."

"Yeah?" I sighed again.

"When you first met my sister did you hide and think about every possible outcome before you made an attempt at her rescue?... or did you run straight into battle not even contemplating the consequences?" Bea asked in a serious tone.

"We all know the answer, it was stupid." I replied.

"No" Bea stated firmly taking another step closer, standing as close to me as Florence, "It was honourable."

"Thank you Beatrix." I said forgetting she hates her name. I waited for her to scold me but she didn't. She just stood there looking slightly up at me, a smile crept across her lips as she turned away and walked behind a few trees. That was odd.

"How did you two ever make it this far?" I chuckled shaking my head.

"I guess we wanted the same thing." she sighed looking in the direction Bea had gone off in. "I'll be back in a minute" She said turning back to me, smiling for my benefit. Florence gently placed her hands on either side of my head planting a gentle kiss on my forehead, before walking away in the opposite direction to Bea.

They both returned after a few minutes, each had a satchel tied to their leg with their clothes inside.

I think Florence made an attempt to speak to me in her transformed state but all I could hear was a faint inaudible whisper. "I can't hear you." I sighed in frustration, rubbing my forehead with the palm of my hand.

Florence approached me pushing her cold wet nose through my arm pulling my hand away from my head.

She lowered her body to the ground as an invitation to get on her back. This is weird.

I'm not going to say no. Riding a white wolf that is bigger than a bear? Every girls dream come true...Well mine anyway.



It's short I know, I'm sorry. I'm still going to release it because I did tell someone I would bring out a chapter today so here is... half of one I guess.

I haven't been great lately and this is all I could concentrate long enough to do, I will try again tomorrow aha.

I hope you enjoyed reading, I'd love to hear what you think!!

P.S. I know there is a place for author notes but for some reason I never write there.