Updates every four days! The New Isaac emerges in teen wolf with his own ideas. Yes this is a slow paced but heavy story, I want to give a lot of character development along with more then just what happens in the original.
The ringing of his phone woke him the next morning, Isaac remembering what he told Ana last night answered the phone without a second thought, "Good morning." he answered with a smile. Though he didn't expect that when he answered it wasn't Ana who called him, it was actually Allison who had called him first this morning.
"Well I didn't expect you to be so happy about me calling." Allison said with a smile in her voice as she talked to him.
Isaac wasn't about to tell her that he was expecting Ana, instead he rolled with it, "Well what can I say, after talking to you last night I just wanted to hear your voice again, did you miss me last night? I knew I should have gone to your house to sneak into your window."
He heard her giggle imagining that she was rolling her eyes at the moment, "Well the only thing that would have happened is you being locked out, I always keep my windows locked there is no way you could gave gotten in."
Isaac smiled leaning in his pillows not wanting to get out of bed just yet, "Oh Allison, you might want to watch what you say. Some guys will take that as a challenge and sneak in, me being one of them."
All he got was a laugh back, even though he was serious, "Anyway the reason I am calling is to see if you wanted to do anything, apparently Lydia is cleaning up the party from last night with Jackson and I am not talking to Scott soo...."
He though about it and figured he might as well, he had nothing happening today anyway, he could help his dad at the graveyard but he hates the man so why would he. Not needing to work until Monday at the diner he didn't see any reason to work until then, "Sure why not, I have nothing else to do. I just planned on hanging in my bed all day if there was no other offers. Can you come get me though my dad has the car."
Really he was hoping Ana would call and ask to do something, but first come first serve so he was going to hang with Allison, it wasn't like he would be with her all day though. "Sounds good, I will be over in maybe twenty send me your address." She said her voice coming out extra happy.
Isaac agreed then hung up while rolling out of bed, he sent his address before hoping in the shower, he turned on his speaker making it blast through the house. Since he was home alone he didn't care, not that he would care if his father was there, it was just more fun to annoy his father more then anything.
Walking out with a towel around his waist he paused hearing the doorbell, instead of going to his room as planned he walked to the front door opening it without a care. Allison stood there looking beautiful as always, in a maroon shirt covered by her leather jacket, with black skinny jeans and some boots, the pants were doing wonders for her behind.
"I'm sorry but I am waiting on my best friend Ali, but supermodels are also welcome." He said with a teasing grin as he opened the door wider for her.
She blushed but stepped in, "Why are you in just a towel?" She asked while setting her purse down on the living room sofa.
"My bad, thought you might want a look at the goods." Seeing her raise a brow he laughed a little before shaking his head, "No for real I just got out the shower right as you rang the doorbell, I will get dressed real quick and then we can head out."
"I will just be waiting here." She said.
He looked into the mirror right before the hallway and saw her checking him out, smirking her yelled out, "All you have to do is as Ali, no need to stare you can touch any time."
He chuckled at her grumbles as he made his way back into his room, checking his phone he saw that Ana still hadn't called, he shrugged a little sad that she didn't. It was almost noon and she still didn't call, he wasn't going to dwell on it though, maybe he was just reading into it more then what was actually there.
Putting on his clothes he grabbed his wallet and phone before going back to the living room, Allison was sitting on the side of the couch on her phone replying to a message. "Ready?" he asked breaking her away from the phone.
"Yeah. I figured we could go around town and you could give me a tour, I haven't had much time to look around here yet, plus we could stop somewhere to get lunch. My treat." She said beaming at him.
Walking over to her he slung an arm around her shoulder while nodding, "Sounds like a great idea Ali, let's get out of here before my old man shows up unexpectedly. Wouldn't want to kick his butt for looking at you."
"Oh hush." She said while swatting his stomach.
"No I am serious. I am sure he is just the coach to the swim team so he can leer at the girls, the guy is a creep in my opinion." He said and seeing his serious look she nodded before walking out the house.
They got into her car driving off, he could see that Jackson's Porsche was gone so he must already be with Lydia, he had messaged Danny earlier and saw that he got roped into it too. He was sure that Allison got out of it using him as an excuse, Lydia knew he would never help since they weren't really friends.
Honestly he didn't mind if she did, he would rather spend his day with her then go ahead and sit around at home, most people would be taking the time to work with their power but he wasn't. Sure his power was strong but it was also simple, all he really needed to do was work with different versions of his fire, and it would just grow stronger.
Although it wasn't being something supernatural, well not really, he was glad that it was something that just took some simple working with that didn't consume all his time. Seeing as he hadn't gotten to know Stiles or Scott he wasn't really drawn to their problems, though he was sure that he would be soon enough thanks to Allison.
He didn't know how their relationship would be compared to the original but if it was anything like it should wouldn't leave them alone, which was something he liked about her but also found annoying. If the problem didn't result in his own death he didn't see a problem with not being apart of it, which is the reason he was glad he also found Ana.
She wasn't going to be someone who would drag him into problems, unless it was a relationship problem they would have, which is something he wouldn't actively try and start.
Thinking about the show he was actually really looking forward to season two of, it that was where things really picked up this whole beginning was just really all about Scott coming into it. Everything from season two on got more intense, which is something he could understand seeing as it was just like everything just came crashing into them.
At the moment he already put himself on a slippery slope becoming friends with Allison, that already led to the downfall of him eventually showing her his powers and being dragged in. That didn't mean though that he had to be there for everything that happened, he didn't need to be apart of Scott' 'Pack' which really wasn't one.
Sure it had members but it didn't help Scott any, all he gain was a true alpha status that still did nothing for him, the guy got his ass kicked by beta's and not multiple at a time. No, it would only take one beta to beat Scott, even if Scott had back up, this is the reason a pack that didn't include werewolves didn't help him.
Pausing he looked at Allison, although he was still drawn in by her he wasn't thinking about just kissing those lips, no he thought about her death that would come. It was also the reason that Scott lost Isaac, he fell in love with her and after her death needed to get away so that he could clear his mind.
The guy was never seen again though, to be honest he could see that the original Isaac would blame Scott for her death, hell even Chris had the right to blame her death on him. The guy was a walking calamity, that was the reason for the death of the Argent family, something that he was going to change with all his might.
"Is there a reason you are looking at me so intensely?" Allison asked with a playful smile on her face.
Not wanting her to know his thoughts and wanting to keep everything easy he smiled, "Well I was just imaging what it would be like to kiss you, though I don't think your boy Scott would be to okay with that."
She paused and frowned a moment, when she opened her mouth to speak he was expecting it to be about Scott but it wasn't, instead it was something serious, "Are you being serious in the flirting here, or is this just a game or something. It is honestly confusing to be flirting one moment then see you with dancing with a girl another, it isn't a fun thing."
He paused too and sighed, "At first I was serious, I mean why wouldn't I be look at you I was serious about that model comment earlier you are just to beautiful for your own good Ali. You look like a goddess. Now though it is just jokes, when you agreed to go on the date with Scott I saw you put me in the friendzone, which is fine since that is something you can never have to many of.
I will gladly just be the close friend you need, as long as I don't get details about you and Scott," She laughed a little at that, "So don't worry, it is just harmless flirting, which I enjoy doing with you."
She nodded, "I can live with that. You are right we are good as friends and the flirting can stay, let's just make sure that it stays that way."
He nodded, "Of course, so what are we doing first exactly?"
"Food, I rushed out the house and since you had just woken up I am sure you are hungry too, so let's go get something to eat then you can take me to do something fun today." She said with an easy smile as they pulled away from a light that they were just sitting at.