Updates every four days! The New Isaac emerges in teen wolf with his own ideas. Yes this is a slow paced but heavy story, I want to give a lot of character development along with more then just what happens in the original.
After lacrosse practice Isaac said goodbye to Danny before taking off, he had avoided both the girls so he was patting himself on the back. He ran to his bike after practice and took off before they could corner him, he saw them both at practice and even if Allison was there for Scott, it didn't mean she didn't look at him.
With everything going on in his head at the moment, he was glad that it was his night off tonight, he didn't know how he would function if he needed to also deal with the customers at the diner.
As he made it back to his house his father was already home, as usual the two avoided one another as he made his way into his room, though what he wasn't expecting to happen happened. When he was crossing the threshold of his bedroom door, it was his father who attacked him, "Round Three!" Was all he heard before the hit connected.
Since he was in the process of taking off his back pack he got tangled for a moment, but it was enough to let his father get in some more hits. This was why he was glad he had actually been working out more and going to the gym, he growled getting his barrings back as he went for the frontal attack.
Side stepping a wild swing he sent three quick jabs hitting his father in the chest and face, that was enough to stun the man before he picked him up body slamming him through a nightstand. He would like to credit his strength but it was because the night stand was so weak that he was able to get him through it.
Since he had the momentum he went for another hit to the head before standing up, he waited a moment for his father to crawl on all fours before punting the man in the head. He saw the light go out his dad's eyes as the man slumped over passed out, well at least that was one win for him, out of the two that they have already fought out.
Panting he took his father by the feet and began to drag him out the room, he didn't even care when he bumped the mans head into the door. Taking him to the living room he let him drop there before heading to the bathroom, he got a wash cloth and began to clean up his bleeding lip.
Sighing he walked out with another and headed for the kitchen, stopping though he looked at the door as the bell went off, no one ever came over when they heard noises, what changed? Walking over to the door he cracked it while peeping out, though it wasn't any of his neighbors that he saw standing there.
Instead it was Allison, "What are you doing here?" He asked not opening the door more.
"What do you mean, 'what am I doing here?', you can't just---- what the hell happened to your face?" She was going into a rant but happened to see his lip, which started to bleed again so she cut herself off.
"Stuff, now why are you here again?" He asked looking her over.
"Oh no! You will not brush me off this time." Before he could get a good handle on the door she pushed using all her strength making him stumble back as she barged into the house.
Isaac watched as she stood there with her hands on her hips glaring, he was seeing more of a season three Allison then a season one her, she was way more assertive and confident then he was expecting. Then again he knew this was his life now, he didn't need to keep seeing them as characters, which is something he keeps saying but not doing.
Sighing he motioned for her to follow him, she did so and ended up gasping, which he assumed it was because from the kitchen they could see his father, who was still passed out. He didn't comment on it, she didn't either as he started to fill his wash cloth with some ice while also getting a cup of water.
Done with that he motioned her to follow again as they walked to his room, while passing by he dumped the water on his fathers head, which woke the man up. He didn't say anything to him as he walked to his room, luckily Allison was holding in her questions until they got there, he was thankful for that.
Putting the wash cloth to his lip he hissed a moment before talking, "Alright as what you want."
"Firstly, what the hell is going on between you and your dad? Second, Why the hell do you believe that one simple text would keep me away?" She demanded as she took a seat across from him pulling over a chair.
Isaac thought about it for a moment before answering, "Well first off, it has been this way between the two of us since my brother went off to the military. Him dying there just made things worse when he thought I was just some soft kid he could push around, granted that is something that I did allow until I thought better of it not allowing him to do it again, which leads to fights." he pointed to the broken nightstand he needed to take out.
"As for the text that was just me putting some distance between us, because to be honest with you dating Scott that puts me in the line of fire being your best friend. Sure I can control fire, and fight off who I need to, that doesn't mean that I have to though, if I can avoid it then I will with all my power.
You learning everything gives you the choice, you go deeper down the rabbit hole and see where it leads now that you know. Or you stay in the comfortable bubble you have been in and stay out of the way of danger. Since you haven't left Scott you have chosen danger which means, I need to decide if I want to be apart of that or not." He finished while shrugging.
Allison took a moment to think over what he had just said before she spoke again, "I see, do you not want to tell someone about you father?" When all he did was shake his head at her she went on, "Then about the whole supernatural thing I was hoping you would be there for me, I am grateful you told me and can understand you leaving after but I was hoping this was something that we can do together."
Sighing Isaac looked her in the eyes, "Ana told me she is a WerePanther, which opened my eyes a little more."
"What do you mean?" She asked not understanding where he was going with it.
"Her telling me that didn't also put a distance between us but also made me look at the world some more. You realize that with learning this that the world is bigger then just here in Beacon Hills, one day I might run into this again when I leave this place. At the same time it makes me realize that this could happen anywhere I end up." Issac sighed he had to go on when he realized she didn't see where he was going with it all.
"What I am saying is that we aren't that special. Sure it is happening to us right now but who says others aren't having to deal with this too, somewhere just right across the country. So why get involved this time, when it could happen again? If it happens this time to me when will it ever stop?"
Allison nodded her head, "And I get that I really do, but isn't that all the more reason to get involved. Just because you don't this time doesn't mean it won't happen the next time right? Whose to say that when it happens that you won't be the center of it?"
Isaac threw himself down to lay on the bed while sighing, he understood what she was saying to which is why everything was so hard for him, here Scott was the protagonist. That was obvious by the way he still became a wolf and that he still dated Allison, but who is to say he wouldn't be the protagonist if he did move away and it was something he didn't know.
He wasn't someone who was looking for a challenge, he wanted an easy do over.
Knowing that he would need to choose between the potential hell mode and the easier easy mode he sighed, why did Allison have to come over with all of this.
"You know I was all for ignoring this before you showed up here." He said glaring playfully at her, and she understood that as she began to smile, "No though, I just had to get a bossy and headstrong best friend who decided to make be apart of it no matter what."
"Oh hush, you know you love me for it, and somewhere down the line you are going to thank me for it all." She said laughing as she jumped into bed next to him while letting out a smile.
"So about those Tuesday panties?" He asked with a grin wile reaching for her waist and pulling her into his chest, she let out a giggle as she smirked up at him.