
chapter xxx

getting started

Parker never came back home last, and it was already morning, as Becky and Jimmy walked into the kitchen ro discovered that their father is not home, " he is not here and there os no food, said. Jimmy, " we going to miss graduation, i calling uncle Viktor and Aunt Kari, so she picked up the phone and called their Aunt and Uncle on the phone,Viktor answer it, "(Nevada talked to me,) Said. Viktor, " (is dad over their uncle Viktor?) Asked. Becky, "(no, henot home Beck. ) asked. Viktor, she told him no," ( hang on we are on are way.) They hang up the phone. He walked into the kitchen, " we got a problem, Kari, babe he didn't come home last night, in they are over there by themselves, he doesn't deserve to call himself a father, we need to take them in. What do you say babe, kids what you think about adding them to the family, they all for it. " finishing kids, lets go get them, I call mom before we leave. Tgey walked out of the gate and Viktor knocked on the door, Jimmy open up the door and hugged them, " come on you staying with us, they waked out of the house and back in the gate and in the house. Kari help their plates and bring it to them, " we see that you get to your graduation what time do you have to be there? Asked. Kari, " we make it babe, you might want to call mom and dad, see where he is, until then Jimmy you can stay in the room with the boys and Becky you can stay in the girl's rooms, said, Viktor. " whatever you want to do either it goes to college, whatever it is, like them we support you, alright let's loaded, they make it in time to the graduation, so they can graduate from high school. " they hugged them and congratulations them, they got in the car, in left. " we are proud of all of you, said. Kari, " going away to college was his big deal, we dont know what we want to do, said. Becky, " guys we can give you a future, in order for that, you want to stayed with us and be a Nevada, or if you want to go stay with your grandparents up to you. Savannah is tick off, "( this woman got to go, your father is p*ss he hasn't done inventory yesterday!) said. Savannah, " can we live with you and Aunt Kari? Asked. Jimmy, " we want to be a Nevada. Said, Becky. "( yeah, we left the kids all night and havent been home since yesterday. So you havent heard from him, ) that really tick Sam off, not the fact, he running the family restaurant into the ground, but he had abandoned his son and daughter, " welcome to the family guys, what does your heart desire to tell you," you never as us that mom. Said, Vance, " that because from day one we have thought that you six want to be in the ring alongside your father, said. " boy you were born to wrestle and to run the studio, your heart desires and future was plan that day when she was pregnant with the twelve of you'll, said, Viktor . they pull up at the Wrestling Academy, they got out of the car, " (no, what happens?)-(" the fact he left his kids mom, i really don't like this woman he seeing.) They walked into the Academy doors, "(what! Are Becky and Jimmy okay where are they?) " Mr. And Mrs. Nevada? Said. Ronald, they shakes his hands, " i an the wrestling administrator Ronald Reagan, he introduces himself. " nice to meet you, these are our sons Vance, Volance, Vandor, Vinatone, Volume, Venton and Jimmy, boys your teacher Mr. Reagan. Said, Viktor, they said hi to him. "(They fine mom we got them, they are staying with us,) said. Kari, " ( we are on our way down, Kari do not give them back, keep them he not really to act or be a father, he has a lot to prove to the family.) said, Savannah. He show them the class which is a ring, " class A were we teach you the basis like grappling, throwing, clotheslines power slams, back breakers, sleeper holds, splashes. Said, Ronald." (See you when you get here, we have no attention of giving them back to him, bye mom.) They hang up, " any questions? They didn't say anything, they walked down to the next classroom which is a ring, " Class B where we work on styles like a brawler, Acrobat, and pretty boy, this will help build up your fan base, said. Ronald, " has she heard from him? Asked. Viktor, " no, they be here this evening Reno, said, Kari. Suddenly they pulled up at the house, " crap their graduate is now, oh my god, they got out of the car and ran inside of the house, " guys we are so sorry, come on before we missed it. Said. Parker, Jimmy Becky! He went in there rooms, Savannah and Sam pulled up, " looks who decided to show up! They got out of the car and wait for them come out, " oh my god they gone, " come on out here now James, they are staying at Kari and Viktor, you are not getting them back, i don't know why you divorce Jasmine you both are the same lack responsibility as parents, she did what you want to do first walk out in shop, they better off without you and with them, they can give them what you can't, plus you can go run off with your bimbo do what you want to do. Said, Savannah. " those are his kids!" You shut up this has no concern of you, takes a real man to be a single father to his kids, that he can be father and mother to, that he doesn't need a woman in his life to help take care of his kids, because of him he letting the family business fall, and left his kids to defend for themselves, because he refused to end it with you. Give me the kids i take it back, you are not really to have it, and you will never be welcomed in the family never, hear my words James you marry her you will be kick out the family for good, you will not be welcomed back in, he hand him the restaurant keys, that hit him in the face. Sam jerk them from him, and got in the car, " i dare you leave them in the house alone, you want them back, prove to them you ready to be their father and mother , prove to us that you are ready to act and be a father James! For now they going to be with Kari and Viktor, if that what they want to be with support it, signed over your rights over to them. She got in the car and went to a hotel, "