
The Necromancer's Rise to the God of Death & Undead

800 years ago Earth started to undergo changes as Mana began to awaken and spread on Earth. First animals started to mutate becoming stronger and powerful, next the Earth began to grow in size causing earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters too take place all around the world. The Gods taking pity upon the human race lent them aid by giving them the ability to awaken classes, level up and learn skills but the Human race celebrated far too early. As the Earth completely advanced and fused into the next dimension, the Human race now in a new World had to fight other more powerful Races, Monsters and conquer dungeons to survive. But soon all intelligent races faced a new Disasters as Hell invaded with their demonic Beasts, Demons and Devils. But that was only the start as an even more terrifying threat soon appeared The Abyss.... -------- In the Year 836 after the fusion a young man Awakens in the body of a 10 year old with the same name and the original owners memories after his untimely death. Finding himself in this new world with infinite possibilities he works his hardest to become the strongest. Working hard for 6 years in order to increase his chances of awakening a powerful combat class he is shocked too discover he has awakened the Class Death Apprentice a low level almost completely useless class with not much potential. However that's when his luck kicks in as he gets his Golden finger a strange Grimoire, and his class changed into the very first Human Necromancer. Follow him on his journey to the top as he goes from summoning a weak skeleton to leading huge undead armies, summoning huge undead dragons, behemoths, great Lich's and other undescribable things of undeath along with Curses, Dark Magic, Soul Magic and other Magic of untold power..... ------

The_True_Will · 奇幻
89 Chs

11 - Dungeon Boss & Level 5

[ Earth Slime (Lvl 13) Killed + 250 ]

[ Ore Slime (Lvl 14) Killed + 250 ]

[Obtained: Broken Earth Slime Core × 1, Earth Shard × 2, Copper Ore × 1, Tin Ore × 1]

"It's best that we can kill the Ore Slimes as they drop different Ores and even though they aren't worth that much they add up and we might get some rare ores." Victor spoke as he placed them into his backpack.

"We are one more step closer to getting the Supreme Mana Steel Sword." Michael spoke with excitement but his words caused Victor's face to twitch in annoyance.

"Y-yeah." Watching Michael walked away with a slight spring in his step caused Victor to almost pop a nerve.

"Sigh, If it keeps him motivated then it's fine." Shaking his head Victor quickly caught up.

They moved forwards killing all Slime's that they came across for half an hour.

"Ah it's heavy." Michael complained about his backpack that was now completely full.

It's not like he's complaining because he doesn't want to carry stuff, it's just that he has to fight with it on.

"Give it to one of the Skeletons." Victor replied as if it was a simple thing.

"B-but won't they break from the weight?" Michael asked full of skepticism.

"Although they don't have much strength they should be fine if two carry it." Victor replied as two Skeletons came over to Michael and with his help they carried it, one wearing it and the other behind carrying the back.

"Oh they can! Vic your Skeletons are super useful outside of combat" He was surprised at the utility of Victor's Skeletons.

"Well of course, they aren't meant for combat but for simple tasks and manual labor." Victor replied as he couldn't help but thinking back to all of those powerful skeleton type undead he either saw in that illusion or he knew about from his other world memories.

Soon they arrived at the Dungeon's finale Boss the Metal Slime.

[ *Boss* Metal Slime (Elite) - Lvl 15 ]

A metal glob was sitting in the middle of the room not moving.

"Ok, it has only three skills, 1 attack and 2 defensive abilities. Metal Barrage where it shoots out a barrage of sharp metal spikes dealing a massive amount of damage but luckily for us it's quite easy to see coming as small spikes will appear on its back before it absorbs then back into it's body and shooting them out." Victor pointed out the signs of Metal Barrage before moving on to the other skills.

"Next is Spike Body a defensive ability, large metal spikes will appear all over it's body while it's body will harden giving it more defense."

"And last is Steel Body which increases the Boss's elemental and physical defense by 3 times."

"Now we shouldn't have any issues but Metal Barrage, so we should be all right but don't take this as it will be a walk in the park ok." Victor started to moved forward to fight.

"Yeah, I got it." Michael charged forwards and attacked without any hesitation.

"Clank!" Michael's attack only bounced off the Boss's body not dealing any damage leaving him open.

= Death Fortitude =

"Bang!" Michael blocked it's body slam with his shield before counter attacking.

= Death Slash =

This time the sword didn't bounce off but it still only slightly scratched the Boss but luckily for Michael he still did some damage to the Boss because of the skill's affects.

Sensing danger Michael backed off creating distance right as the Boss glowed as large metal spikes covered it's entire body.

= Spike Body =

Victor who was hanging back waiting for a chance used this to get within rang, as he now didn't have to worry about Metal Barrage.

= Undeath Flame =

The Boss moved forwards in hot pursuit and tried to hit Michael with it's body now covered in long sharp spikes but stopped as the sound of metal creaking came from the Boss after being hit by Victor's spell as flame covered the Boss's body.

Knowing that he couldn't attack for now Michael created even more distance and prepared to take over after the spikes disappeared.

= Undeath Flame =

= Undeath Flame =

One Undeath Flame after the other kept shooting out hitting the Boss causing it's pain to increase along with the sound of it's scream.

Victor used this chance that the Boss couldn't attack him with any ranged abilities to his full advantage.

But it didn't last long as the spikes started to be drawn back into the Boss's body, knowing what will come next Victor quickly backed off as Michael charged back up.

The spikes didn't fully disappear and having a bad feeling Victor yelled out.

"Metal Barrage!" Hearing this Michael raised his shield to Block just in time as a large amount of metal shot out of the Boss.

= Metal Barrage =

= Death Fortitude =

Using Death Fortitude Michael clenched his teeth as he held his shield with both hands in pain as the shield shook pushing him back in pain.

= Undeath Flame =

The Boss stopped it's barrage attack as the sound of metal creaking came from the Boss in pain.

Using this chance Michael pulled a potion vial from the back of his belt.

[Weak Potion of Healing]

Pulling the cork off with his mouth he downed the red liquid

Feeling the pain leaving his arms Michael got back into the fight.

Meanwhile Victor constantly attacked the Slime Boss, quickly using his Mana up casting Undeath Flame over and over again.

But it was all worth it as the Boss was nearly dead, knowing it was about to die the Boss used it's final skill while once again using Metal Barrage to attack Victor.

= Metal Body =

= Steel Barrage =

Michael ran in front of Victor and Blocked the new round of attacks as the Boss's body glowed in a metallic light as it's elemental and physical defense raised by 3 times.

But this only caused Victor to smile as all of it's defense couldn't stop Undeath Flame as it's ture damage came from attacking the targets Life Force and mind.

= Undeath Flame =

"Screech!" The Boss didn't understand why it still hurt, but what it truly couldn't comprehend was why did it hurt even more!

[ Congratulations for Defeating the Dungeon Slime Cave ]

[ *Boss* Metal Slime (Lvl 15) Killed + 500 XP ]

[ Leveled Up ]

[Obtained: Complete Metal Slime Core × 1, Metal Shard × 10, Steel Ingot × 3, Class Skill Book × 1, Iron Sword (Iron)]

[Iron Sword] (Iron Quality: Low)

- Weapon Type: Sword -

- Weight: Medium -

- Element: Metal -

- Mana Conductability: 2% - 

- Passive: None -

- Enchantment: None  -

[Restrictions: Level 5 Warrior/Tank ]

[Class Skill Book: Tier 0]

(Learn a random Tier 0 Class Skill upon use)

"We did it! We're done our first Dungeon!" Michael stretched his sore arms as he yelled excitedly.

"Victor moved over and collected the loot before giving the sword and book to Michael.

"Huh, you take the Skill Book, you need it more than me plus you did all the work." Michael threw the book back over to Victor, only interested in his new sword.

"Ok I'll take it." Victor spoke with a serious face.

Thinking of their new level up Victor opened his and Michael's status.


[Level: 5 (0.06%)]


| Constitution - 25 |

| Strength - 25 |

| Agility - 25 |

| Intelligence - 100 |

| Spirit - 75 |


[Level: 5 (00.06%)]


| Constitution - 75 |

| Strength - 75 |

| Agility - 10 |

| Intelligence - 25 + 10 (35) |

| Spirit - 25 + 10 (35) |

Thinking back to that Grimoire Victor tried to summon it as now he fulfilled the requirements.

But he immediately regretted it as pain filled his mind as a light cold blue flame covered him completely as it burned his very Soul and mind.

"Aaaahhh." Victor yelled in pain.

"W-What's happening!" Michael ran over to help Victor but as soon as he touched Victor he yelled in pain as well as the flame spread to the back on his hand all the way into his Soul burning the Magic Contact between him and Victor.

Destroying it but in it's place was a brand new Magic Array made up of hundreds of thousands of Magic Circles made of Magic Runes.

Stepping back in pain the Flame disappeared from Michael but he didn't care as he quickly moved to Victor and poured Healing Potions one after another into Victor's mouth trying to heal him.

But Quickly Victor lost consciousness, as the World went black....