
The Mysterious Riddle

Ashma was a wise and intelligent girl living with her family. Strange things started happening to her one day when she was hanging out with her friends. Then a mysterious boy came into her life. He seems to know what was going on and offered help. "I can help you because I know what is going on with you. I know you have many questions but everything will be revealed to you at the right time." "How can I trust you?" "Because you have no other choice." Ashma had no other choice but to believe him. She didn't know what was going on with her. Little did she know that she would be tricked by his hands because her identity was no joke. What a perfect scheme the boy had made that he kept her in dark for so long. What was his purpose? Was it to protect her or to take advantage of her? --------- Sneak Peek "Why? Why did you do this to me!? Were you that greedy for power?" Ashma, with her heart broken and cheeks dampened by tears, yelled with all her might at Zaki. "I had to do so because I had no choice. You must understand that everything I do, I do it for the better. You must keep in mind that I'll never harm you." Zaki replied with a stern face and glowing eyes but with a concerned expression in his eyes for her. "For the better?", Ashma smirked ironically, "Yeah! For the better! You kept me in dark for the better!...You toyed with my feelings for the better!....And, you are keeping me in dungeon for the better!" She yelled at him with her broken heart and eyes that showed hatred and love for him at the same time. -------- Who do you think is the boy and what is his identity? How did Ashma got tricked and why? Will Ashma be lost in the abyss of mystery forever or will she find the answers she was looking for? -------- Thank you, please keep supporting me. Your support gives me courage to write.

Tehreem_Khattak · 奇幻言情
11 Chs

He is Strange

I was going crazy by the things happening to me but thinking that someone would be by my side in this chaos, somehow, made me comfortable. It was odd to feel relaxed with someone you've just met but somehow I felt like he meant a lot to me. I chose to believe him and accepted his aid.

In the meantime, I had certain doubts in my heart. 

"What if he has ulterior motives? What if he is just using me as a pawn in his own game? What would he do to me if I don't obey him? Just forget it, it's not like I have a choice. Even if I have doubts, I simply can not act recklessly or I would never find the true answers to my questions. Right now, he is the only one I can rely on." 

The night was ebony. I couldn't sleep but tried my best to get some rest as it would be a busy day the following day. 

I was woken up by the soothing wind, gentle chirping sound, and the pleasant chills of the dawn. I came out of the tent but saw that the handsome guy from yesterday was cooking some wild vegetables. I moved forward and took the opposite seat to him.

"So you know how to cook besides being a hero", I said and gave him a gentle smile.

"I am a mysterious person", he looked at me, "Not many people can have the honor to attain my assistance. You should consider yourself lucky." He replied with the same gentle smile. 

"You're quite a proud gentleman! Oh! Silly me. How could I forget such an important thing? Would you mind telling me your name? It's quite strange to ask too late, isn't it? Oh! Speaking of which, where are my manners, I should introduce myself first. I am…" 

"I know." Interrupting me with joyful laughter, he said " You're quite funny but cute at the same time. You're Ashma Rose, a first-year high school student.  I know you more than you know yourself." 

He said the last sentence with profound fondness. I showed him a  stunned expression.

"Hun!" I uttered.

"Nothing. I am Zaki. Nice to meet you." "Same here."

I wanted to ask him how he knew about me but I aborted the idea because I didn't want to spoil the atmosphere between us. But, at the same time, I couldn't help my curiosity.

"It's really good!"

"Have some more then. We must finish it all since there are no other people to eat it or it would be a waste of my cooking."

"Hahaha! Yeah, sure."

While having breakfast, I asked him how he knew me. 

"By the way, I am really curious. How did you know me?"

He became silent. I found his silence awkward so I didn't ask further but soon he replied with a painful expression like he was about to cry.

"You are not allowed to ask unnecessary questions."

Many questions started popping into my mind but I ignored them. After seeing that expression of his, I couldn't utter a word.

"Let's go." He said soon after having breakfast.

"Where?" I asked.

"I told you last night that today we'll modify everyone's memory. Hurry up or it'll be too late."

"Ah…yes, sure."

Although I didn't understand what he meant, I agreed. 

We went out of the forest to my home. He opened the door's lock by merely touching it. I was dumbfounded.

"Is he a burglar or something?" I mumbled.

"Sneak into your room. Make sure no one notices you."

"Ah, okay." I agreed. 

He came in as James' classmate to ask for notes. Since James went to school so it was a safe excuse. He told me to go downstairs only when I am called by my parents, but I couldn't help my curiosity and glanced out of my room. 

I saw him muttering some words and waving his fingers and hands in the air with some sort of purple light following it like magic. My parents were unconscious. "Come out!" He called me but in the fear of being caught by him, I hid. 

"I know you took a peek, curious cat! Don't pretend to be innocent." He said when I didn't come out.

"How many eyes does he have? When did he notice?" I mumbled. 

"I didn't!" I yelled at him with half my head out of the room's door.

"Just come out now. Let's take your parents to their room and wait till they wake up."

"Okay", I agreed. 

We took them to their room and laid them on the bed. They slowly blinked and opened their eyes.

"What just happened?" They asked.

"It's alright. Uncle and Auntie, you both fainted due to the accident but it's nothing serious", Zaki answered, "We called the doctor and he said that you didn't get any internal injuries and prescribed some medications. He suggested that both of you needed rest so we waited until you woke up."

"I remember we went to pick up Ashma since James and none of her friends were able to contact her but unfortunately we encountered an accident." Father said.

Hearing dad's words I felt aggressive and said in my heart, "This liar! He lied to me that he erased me from their memories. So it was just an excuse to make me obey him. Who does he think he is?" 

"Thank God that you arrived on time and rescued us. We are truly grateful." Father said with gratitude. 

"Don't mention it, it was my duty as Ashma's fiance and your future son-in-law." He replied. 

"Fiance? Future son-in-law?" I yelled, "When did that happen?" 

Father replied, "I knew you'd be surprised but trust me Zaki is a very good kid. He would be a wonderful husband for you. I am sorry we kept it a secret from you but it was already decided by Zaki's father and me since you were born. Zaki's father and I are childhood best friends. We are just like blood brothers to each other. Zaki, Ashma has been feeling very stressed lately due to upcoming exams. Would you mind giving her a walk?" 

"Sure. My pleasure." 

I yelled in my heart, "Would someone please tell me what's going on?" 

Zaki took me out for a walk. I was so confused and furious due to his lies. I started yelling at him as we came out of the house. 

"Who do you think you are? Why did you lie to me? Fiance? My foot! Don't ever think about marrying me. You said you erased their memory of me. What a joke! I can't believe I was so stupid to believe in you. You even didn't tell me about their accident? You mean tyrant!" 

I yelled all in one breath. He listened calmly. 

He responded with a serious and calm face, "Neither did I keep you in the dark nor did I lie to you. Every word I told you was true. They didn't encounter any accidents and I did erase their memory of you and placed some fake memories in their minds." 

I replied, "Then it makes sense….but what about our engagement? Is it fake? But why do you have to be engaged with me even though it is a fake memory?" 

"I have my reasons for such an arrangement of memories. Also, you must collaborate with me. Since your parent's memories are modified, others won't be a problem now."  

I took a sigh of relief and yelled with great joy, "Thank God the engagement is fake!"

Zaki looked furious when I was glad that the engagement was fake but I completely ignored him. 

"Do you think I would leave you alone? Silly girl! You can't get rid of me for the rest of your life." Zaki mumbled and smiled secretly.