
The Mysterious Journey (Multiverse)

Hiatus By a chance encounter, he became a Beyonder. = Qin Feng can travel through different worlds. (Anime, Movie, etc…) Qin Feng, of course, has the Beyonders' power and also the power system of the world he travels into. = World: (by order) Harry Potter -> Demon Slayer = Schedule: 5 Chapters per week! Read 20 Chapters Ahead: — Patreon.com/Bleam

Bleam · 漫画同人
63 Chs

Chapter 63: Infinity Castle

"Wu! Who is it…hu…hu…"

In a small and dark canal, where the light of dawn had yet to be able to break the darkness, a big figure wearing a shabby cloak leisurely kicked away a drunkard, and continued forward for a few steps and stopped before a dead end.


Pulling the hood covering its face, this mysterious figure, it was actually "Akaza" who had just "returned to life", a sealed item [2-03].

Thanks to the demon eye in its body, at this moment, the words its golden eyes once again changed into "upper-ranked 3rd".

"Upper-ranked 3rd, Akaza, had returned."

Normally unusual words were heard from Akaza's mouth, while speaking, he quickly knelt on the ground, seemingly waiting for something.

"Clack, clack, clack."

The moment the words were said, a sound of mechanical gear was heard, and a wooden screen door floated out from the empty space in front of Akaza.

These kinds of characteristics and fluctuations that appeared out of "thin air", made Maple recall the space magic he had previously learned, [untraceable expansion magic] and [apparition].

"That Nakime…seemed to really have blood demon art of space attribute."

Maple had known that, unless he was willing to abandon [Hogwarts], it was impossible for him to continue to stay in this world, and this also had another problem…

He would research whether it was possible to move between material worlds later.

Actually, Maple himself also knew, as long as he reached sequence 4, and became a saint, and could better control the power of essence, this problem of moving between worlds would immediately be solved.

But the problem right now was that he did not even know when he would reach sequence 4, and when he returned and the time converged, it would also become a "double-edged sword".

Maple did not wish that, when he returned to this world, everything would be a stranger to him.

In that case, to find a way to move between worlds while he was in mid-sequence would be even more important.

It had to be said, Nakime, who had awakened space related blood demon art, it would be a great "world pointer" if it could be turned into a "sealed item".

The characteristics of opening space, when connected with Maple's occult knowledge, he was sure that even if he had returned to the original material world, as long as there were sufficient preparations, he would be able to once again pinpoint the "space point" he left behind.

As for how he would create the "channel", that would be something that Maple would need to consider in the future, right now he did not need to be distressed about it.

In fact, after the successful creation of "sealed item", Maple had also considered whether it was possible to bring them with him, but in the end, he realized that the cost was too much.

It was like "magic power", every world had its own "uniqueness", which could affect low sequence "sealed items" and break down easily when in another world. Unless Maple was willing to use his own essence to maintain it.

However, it came back again. Who would make such a "loss" trade, using a precious high-level essence of energy to do such a wasteful thing?


Maple's inner turmoil did not cause the lowering door any pause. Soon, with a crisp, the two doors opened. The vast inner space finally entered "Akaza's" eyes.

"Truly an 'infinite' castle."

Through the puppet's perspective, this was also the first time Maple saw the "folding city" that was hidden somewhere unknown.

"A very rough method of folding space, not as exquisite as [untraceable expansion charm], but was similarly very useful."

Maple's eyes flashed with traces of spiritual aura, and dissected the space power used to maintain the "infinity castle" using his own [magical] knowledge.

However, after a few seconds, Maple immediately retracted his probing sight, and moved forward as if nothing had happened, and entered the infinity castle.

Maple knew this was not the time for study, right now every movement could affect his future plan.

Entering the infinity castle, Maple controlled "Akaza" to stand naturally in the middle of a compartment and waited for Nakime to "transfer" him to Muzan.

This detail was also the hint provided by the remaining spirit in puppet [2-03].

"Clack, clack, clack"

After [2-03] stood properly, Maple clearly felt the compartment moved by some kind of power, towards the direction pointed by [demon eye].


Soon, along with the sound of mechanical gears, the screen in front of [2-03] suddenly opened.

That demon king, Kibutsuji Muzan, finally appeared in front of Maple.

"Subordinate, had returned."

He quickly glanced at the male monster in front of him that was wearing a western attire and controlled [2-03] to perform a single knee bow, its gaze no longer looking at Muzan, and just stared at the wooden floor.

Seeing such a polite reaction, even if Muzan previously had some dissatisfaction also would not be able to notice any problem.

"Akaza, the task, why did it fail?"

Muzan's voice echoed in the room without any fluctuation, that strong oppression was caused, so Maple confirmed that Muzan definitely had the battle power of sequence 6.

Furthermore, considering Muzan's extreme regeneration, this sequence 6 would also need to be added with a suffix like "evil god of abundance".

But regardless of what Maple was thinking about right now, what he had to do now was to explain properly about the previous "task".

"Reporting to lord Muzan, after this subordinate received the order, this subordinate immediately rushed towards the mugen train, but when this subordinate reached the site, Enmu had been killed by Kamado Tanjiro and the rest. Once I realized this situation, I immediately prepared to kill Kamado Tanjiro, but was blocked by the current flame pillar.

Although the flame pillar was severely wounded and almost died, the sun had risen, and was forced to temporarily retreat.


Hearing the report by [2-03] that was basically similar to what he had seen, Muzan was noncommittal but also remained silent, a pair of scarlet just stared at the disappointed half-kneeling "Akaza".


"Subordinate is here."

"Do you know why I created the twelve-demon moon?"

"This subordinate…do not dare to be presumptuous."

"Do not dare to be presumptuous? You did not know or did not dare to speak?"


Seeing "Akaza's" silence, Muzan nodded his head, and suddenly waved his hand, a thorn whip which speed Maple could barely see approached, causing a sharp sound in the air, and immediately slashed on one of "Akaza's" arm.

Despite suffering such a horrific attack, Maple also immediately felt the order from Muzan that was transmitted by the [upper-ranked demon eye] from within [2-03] …

To temporarily seal Akaza's regeneration.

This was the absolute control possessed by Muzan, as the demon king, towards the body of his subordinate. Maple, who had noticed this, immediately showed a corresponding reaction.

Forcefully controlling [2-03], Maple suppressed the regeneration of its broken arm, preventing Muzan from realizing that he was unable to inhibit "Akaza's" regeneration, and subsequently inferred that he had lost control of "Akaza".

These two short seconds of interaction, prevented Muzan from noticing any abnormality.

"I'll remind you once again, Akaza, the twelve-demon moon I created, must be a qualified tool, if your job as a tool could not be completed, then there is no need for you to exist."

Muzan flicked away the demon blood that stained his hand, his voice was extremely cold.

"Remember, as a tool, completing my order is the most important. Next time, if there is a chance to kill Kamado Tanjiro, you must do so even if you are burned to death by sunlight."

Looking at the kneeling Akaza with his head bowed, Muzan used his blood contract to "feel" whether there was a thought of rebellion, only then could this matter have passed.

"In a week, you cannot regenerate your left arm. Akaza, I do not want to see another failure. Do. You. Under. Stand?"

"Subordinate understood. It will be fulfilled even in death."

[2-03]'s voice was calm and indifferent. As if the still flowing blood did not affect it in the slightest bit. However, this was also the normal demeanor of "Akaza" as a "battle demon".

"I hope so, now, continue the previous task, find the blue spider lily."

Muzan did not care about Akaza's reaction, and only informed it of its next task and also did not wait for Akaza's reply. He waved his hand at Nakime, while he himself turned to leave the compartment…

"Clack, clack, clack."

After receiving Muzan's order, Nakime immediately played the plectrum in its hand. Under the sound of the strange melody, the infinity castle started to turn under Nakime's blood demon art and released booming sounds that shook the ears.

Soon, under the dazzling shifting of space, "Akaza" was once again kicked to the place where the screen door floated out and once again to the dark canal.

"The nail had been buried."

Through [2-03]'s perspective, Maple solemnly looked at the gradually disappearing door and muttered softly with an extremely profound look.

Hearing Maple's soft murmur, Ubuyashiki, who was sitting opposite him, immediately stood up, his gaze extremely solemn.

"The 'nail' that Mr. Feng mentioned, is the one you mentioned previously…"

Although he was almost blind, Maple could still see from Kagaya's expression, his long-suppressed expectations and hopes.

When [2-03] went to "return", Maple and Kyojuro had returned to the demon slayer corps headquarters, after properly placing the "three little pillars", Ubuyashiki Kagaya also heard about Maple's plan from Kyojuro.

"Mr. Feng, please come forward for a detailed discussion as soon as possible!"

This was what Kagaya said immediately after hearing about the Maple's "plan" that he had not heard about. Even his wife standing beside him had rarely seen the calm and gentle man use such an excited and anxious tone to order others.

"Kagaya, please calm down, your body won't be able to take it."

Gently supporting his husband who coughed after he finished speaking, Amane spoke softly with slight heartache.

"I know that Mr. Feng's plan is important to you, but Kagaya, you also need to pay attention to your body, I think you also want to see the death of Muzan with your own eyes, right?"

"I'm sorry, Amane, it was my gaffe."

Kagaya's cough gradually stopped, and apologized to Amane and once again sat down with his back straight.

"I was…too excited."

Kagaya blinked his pair of white eyes and looked to the distance, but his god-given talent seemed to let him "see" the vague future.

"Mr. Feng, Tanjiro, Nezuko as well as all the children of the demon slayer corps…Amane, I have a premonition, Muzan's end has arrived."

Sighing lightly, it was unknown what Kagaya was sighing and mourning at.

"Amane, you are right, I must definitely see Muzan's ugly death. Only then could I comfort every martyr of the demon slayer corps as well as the children's sacrifice!"

Tightly clenching his fist that had long lost its strength due to the curse, Kagaya words were extremely firm and solemn.

"Indeed, it is Hakuji's remains which I had transformed into a demon puppet using soul breathing."

Maple nodded his head, and retracted his "gaze" that was looking at the distance, and replied to Kagaya's guess.

Although [2-03] was not created using "soul breathing", Maple also did not plan to expose everything.

Of course, soul breathing was also a whole new breathing method in this world, its detailed capabilities were only known by Maple, so, he was not worried of having his lie exposed or something.

"'Hakuji', was it Akaza's original life? Muzan…truly deserves death."

Knowing the secret about the demon, Kagaya's cognition of the Muzan's evilness was deepened.

"However, if not for Mr. Feng's puppet, I would never know that Muzan's hideout was so secretive."

Kagaya was silent for a moment, and expressed his happiness in words.

"'Infinity castle' that was hidden in another space, never thought that Muzan still had such a troublesome demon!"

After hearing the reports Maple collected through [2-03], Kagaya immediately realized the terrifying strategical nature of this blood demon art…

If Muzan and this demon were not restricted, as long as they found the gathering location of demon slayer corps, that would be a horrifying tragedy.

Furthermore, after knowing Muzan's trump card, Kagaya was not even clear how many bases of demon slayer corps had been known by Muzan.

This was almost like having a "sword of Damocles" hanging above the demon slayer corps head.