
The Multiverse Jumper

What happens when a perfect child, that grew up with a perfect childhood, in a perfect family, finds out it was all a lie and gets one of the biggest cheats in the multiverse? Guess you'll just have to read to find out. *WARNING: I don't own the cover, I just like Psylocke in that picture. *Another WARNING: This story will get gory/18+/maybe smut later in the story, so just a warning. My dude is just gonna do whatever he wants really, with a few goals here and there. Also, any and all feedback is read, so tell me all the bad stuff, good stuff and stuff I can improve on, but just telling me it's trash, well, I won't care about it unless you provide an explanation of what's trash. Enjoy~

Slammeron01 · 漫画同人
13 Chs

4 - Rebirth

There's going to be personality changes throughout the chapter, credit it to the merging of souls (their personalities) and they will change to match the character I want later. More leaning towards the psychotic side.

Grammarly premium says I only have 25 possible changes, can you find them?

Chapter words: 1156

O.O Rebirth O.O

A good hour later, and Raphael had soundly calmed down, putting a damper on the excitement of the ruler and his servant's mood.

"Are you sure you're done? Crisis averted? Sad, there goes our fun," The ruler laughed, earning a saddened nod from the creature next to it.

"What happens now?" Raphael shakily asked, now accepting the situation.

Good question, I was thinking of merging your fake life with your real one, but getting rid of the psychotic tendencies, cause that won't help you survive in the long run, and then grant you as many wishes as you want, as long as they interest me, so you may survive and put that "evil"— now chaotic— soul, to actual use."

As Raphael got his head around the fact he was going to become who he really was, albeit less psychotic, the being went ahead and shrank, so the mortal didn't feel too small asking for his desires.

"This may hurt a bit," the being continued, as he stood now at 6'2 and stared into Raphael's eyes, making him feel… nothing. No need to worship, no feelings of power, almost it was just another person, but he knew better than that. Looks could be deceiving, how do you think he got away with everything he did?

On the other hand, the ruler's body was even sharper up close than as a 50-story giant. No clothes, for there were no gender-specific parts to cover. No facial features to sense with, for they were just a hindrance at his level {Not a Gamer. The End ruler is an OC, doesn't have any system. The multiverse travelling is coming soon, don't know how I'm going to have his goals though}. It's body shape— what every boy dreams to have as well— the prime male body {It's just a muscular well built male body, without the nipples, orifices and penis, trying to keep this being as neutral as possible, apart from the speech pattern, I'm keeping that}.

After inspecting the body of the ruler, Raphael fell to the floor, screaming and screeching in anguish, falling unconscious. All while the entities next to him just watched in renewed vigour, enjoying the mortal's pain.


After a painful two hours of resting, Raphael awoke, feeling better… more complete.

"Almost forgot what mortals were like, being able to feel pain and having to physically sense, we get way too bored here, don't you say, Abraxas?" The being commented once again, finding his lost joy in mortal beings.

"Indeed we do, but Raphael— if that's what he's called now— should help satiate this desire to watch mortals do interesting things soon," replied the now named Abraxas.

"Anyway, now you're done, with all your reconnecting, you should have all your original memories. I don't know what he's done, but it should be fun."

To that, Raphael replied a strange smile upon his face, "It seems, I'm going to enjoy this as well. I did prepare for this, of course, spending a good 5 years online researching. So I wrote a document, not much on it, but I covered all I need. So, what I put on that would be great." Ending with the purest smile he could muster after merging with a psychopath.

"Yep, I see it. Hehe, interesting, you'll become a cheat existence instantly, but I like it. A few tweaks so it's more fun, and there we go. Here's your updated list of cheats, all will be granted shortly."

"Thank you, sir. I'll be off on my way shortly, just going to check 'em first," Raphael murmured. "Also, could you get rid of my first name? I don't feel like being named after an archangel of healing right now, considering I ended up like this thanks to them. So just Samael Avakala will do."

"No problem kid, I didn't like them either, especially that one, way too pure to be an angel."


What a nice dude, I'm assuming that's what he is. Anyway, let's see what he changed.


~ Reincarnation Wish List ~


\\\ Powers ///


⫦ Steal ⫣

- You can steal any concept of anything.

| Including their powers, abilities, knowledge, experience, items (not bound to the soul or body, otherwise after death), physiology, system.

| For your abilities to work, you need to either touch, see or sense whoever or whatever you're trying to copy/steal the powers/abilities/etc from them


⫦ Copy ⫣

- You can copy any aspect of anything.

| Powers, abilities, knowledge, experience, emotions, plot, items, energy, characteristics, luck, physiology, system


⫦ Save-for-later (set out like bookmarks) ⫣

- Any copies or steals you make can be placed onto this list to save for future uses.

| There is unlimited placement slots.

| Can categorise/add groups like files.

| A search function has been to added to help locate whatever it is you desire.


⫦ Upgrade ⫣

- Upgrade any aspect of your choosing.

| Be specific in how and what you want to upgrade.


⫦ Harem ⫣

- You can gain the following from any female apart of your harem:

| Whoever you have sex with (be it monster, animal, human, god, etc), you will gain their physical, magical and mental attributes, plus their powers and abilities, over a specific amount of time spent doing the activity.

| You gain empowerment based on the intensity of their emotions.

| After recognition, they are allowed into the harem palace attached to your soul.

| | This is also where your original body is placed after transmigration/reincarnation.


⫦ Gate to the Multiverse System (with changes) ⫣

- Choose what type of world you would like to travel to — The name of the world — What time and place you would like to travel to in the world — Choose if you would like to transmigrate or reincarnate into the protagonist or specific being of your choice, or travel there using your own body - Choose if you want to pause time or not in the world you were just in.


⫦ Rebirth ⫣

- Whatever you die from, you gain a slight resistance to and a power/ability similar to the way you died.


⫦ Infinite Body Storage ⫣

- You can store anything in a fold of dimension inside your body and re-materialise at will.

| Living and nonliving things absorbed are put into a temporal stasis, where they are not affected by any conditions.

| | Stasis can be turned off if chosen.


\\\ Restrictions ///


- To steal and copy abilities, powers, etc, you must be within 5 metres of the target and have visual contact with it. The range and limitations can be reduced the stronger you get.


I'm pretty happy with the changes, if anything, this harem is a major benefit for me. A constant supply of energy and power, and I can release any pent up stress I have. More benefits, it doesn't matter what race they are. Guess I can be a bit experimental then, hehe.

This is going to be a fun path of revenge.

Now… where should I go first?


< Author Notes >

Discord server link: www . discord/gg/awevXYU

Without the spaces.

I'm happy with this chapter, and we can finally get this show on the road. Comment if you actually read this far, I find Webnovel dodgy with how they record views and other stuff like it.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


It's not like anyone's going to vote anyway, no point in putting it there. Cya next time~

Slammeron01creators' thoughts