

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · 漫画同人
240 Chs

Chapter 25: Royal Selection (3)

Chapter 25: Royal Selection (3)

~Third POV~

Before the main event of the Royal Selection begins Crusch began stopping the proceedings in their tracks in a serious tone, "If I may interrupt, honorable sage, I was told by my knight that this meeting was supposed to be one meant for meeting our competitors over drinks and bonding. After all, we all want what's best for Lugnica. It'd only make sense."

Before the stunned wise man could answer, Felix spoke up in an embarrassed tone to her Duchess, "All I said was that it may be a drinking party…"

Crusch soon replied briefly apologizing, giving her face betraying no hint of amusement, "I see. I apologize for the misunderstanding, please continue."

Miklotove cleared his throat and attempted to dispel the awkward atmosphere, saying, "In that case, I, Miklotove McMahon, officially begin the Royal Selection. Lady Karsten, you seemed eager to go first; take the stand and introduce yourself alongside your knight."

However, before the Duchess could proceed, Priscilla stepped forth and loudly pridefully announced, "I will not be upstaged by some lowly noble!"

Watching Priscilla moving forward Mash whispered to Al in a curious tone, "Al, shouldn't you be up there with her?"

Al responded by shaking and replied to his conclusion from experience in a neutral tone, "If I want to keep my last arm, or my head, attached to my body then it's better not to steal her thunder."

With that Mash nodded understanding as Priscilla made her opening speech and didn't hesitate a jab on Emilia's looks causing him to shoot a glare at the [Sun Princess], "I will be brief, for your common rabble do not deserve to enjoy the sound of the divine voice. Fate has chosen me as its master, and it is I who will sit on the throne. Dragon, wise men, witch-like half-elves, none can stand in my way. As long as your filth obeys me and amuses me, then you will thrive. Such is the nature of my divinity. Your petty jeers and jests are nothing in the face of my magnificence!"

With that, she stepped back into line as Mash analyzed her but moved on to the next candidate, just in time for Crusch to take the stage, alongside Felix moving forward.

She looked over the crowd and stayed silent for a moment, eyeing them carefully. Then, she announced herself in a prideful tone to all, "Duchess Crusch Karsten, Head of House Karsten."

Felix followed up with his introduction in a determined tone, "Felix Argyle, loyal knight to Crusch Karsten of House Karsten."

Silence lorded over the room once more, everyone anticipating the announcement of a basic policy that wouldn't bring much change. The militaristic nature of Crusch herself was certainly noted, but her house was an old one, one that had supported the kingdom throughout generations. No one expected an uproar.

Yet the young duchess seemed keen on shattering expectations, dropping a verbal bomb that made what seemed like the best candidate the worst enemy for the Nobles as she simply stated, "The Covenant is obsolete. Our prosperity has in part been brought on by the Covenant, but it is hardly the sole reason for it. It is the power of the people of this nation that propelled us forward, yet it is still the Dragon that dominates our history and our culture."

All the nobles, except for Roswaal, recoiled as one, and so did many of the knights causing many to cry in outrage.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

"Take that back!"

Yet despite the outcries, Crusch didn't falter, meeting their gazes and curses head-on causing Mash to nod in approval for the right course but wrong means as she continues her speech, "Plagues, wars, famines. Nothing can seemingly touch our nation. Perhaps for the average man that is great, but the honor of our people has been erased alongside our hardships. To have a country built on the back of another… It is not joy that that should bring, but overwhelming shame. How can we call ourselves mighty when it is another's might that protects us? How can we call ourselves prosperous when the prosperity is brought about by another's power?"

However, Mikotov soon interrupted the speech from Crusch his voice in outrage at her words, "Lady Crusch! Candidate or not, I cannot permit you to speak of the Covenant in such a manner! What do you propose should be done then? Should we forsake our Covenant simply for the idea of honor?!"

Not even faltering under the glare by one of the Sage leaders she replied determined in her words and actions not flinching at his gaze, "Yes. Exactly that. Without the Dragon, this country is weak. The Great Subjugation has failed, we take no measures against famines or plagues, and you all look at the Dragon Tablet in hopes of being saved. If we cannot exist without the Dragon, then we need change to become and surpass what the Dragon can offer. Such safety inspires only weakness."

Turning her attention back to the crowd of people Crusch continues her speed pledging her campaign for the crown in a determined tone, "The Kingdom of Lugnica belongs to its people, but they have become weak, fragile. When I rule, we shall become glorious once more! The Lion Kings of old brought with them prosperity and power, and I will bring their lineage into the modern era! Life in a way so shameful as to rely on the Dragon is no life at all! When I become king, the name of our kingdom will make traitors and enemies alike tremble with fear."

Miklotove composed himself as the whispers caused by the speech slowly quieted down, "I-I see. Spoken like one of Vollachia. Sir Argyle, is there anything you would like to add?"

Felix soon responded standing by her Duchess to the end in a determined tone, "Yes, simply that there is a reason the Vollachian Empire has held an upper hand in our skirmishes. My Lady is right, as always, and history shall prove that. Undoubtedly, Lady Karsten will become the king."

The two stepped off the stage as Miklotove announced, covertly wiping the sweat from his brow from Crusch's words in a calm tone, "That was… quite a speech. Moving on, Lady Anastasia Hoshin."

The girl with the purple hair and clad in white furs took the stage alongside Julius stating to all in a proud tone gesturing to the short girl next to him, "Presenting Lady Anastasia Hoshin, head of the Hoshin Trading Company, the largest and most prosperous company in all of Karagi!"

Like that Anastasia began her introduction causing Miklotove to raise a white eyebrow at the beginning of the curious tale, "Thanks for the introduction, but you see, I wasn't always this successful. I started from the bottom of the social hierarchy. But it turned out that I had a real knack for making gold."

Julius also chimes in his words having a theatrical flair to them providing pros for his lady in the spotlight, "Indeed, I believe even Hoshin himself would cower before my lady's unparalleled financial prowess. In all honesty, I am quite envious of her divine talent for commerce."

Returning the attention towards Anastasia she began to explain her pledge as several nods met her statement preferable to Crusch extending her hands towards the crowd, "Next thing I knew, I was the richest woman in Karagi. But that probably doesn't answer the question of why I'm here. You see, I'm very greedy. So greedy, that a company isn't enough. I need a whole country. But the more I get, the more I want. So, I want this country to be bigger, and better. Once something is mine, I keep it and make it perfect. So why not give in?"

To gain even further support Mash watched as Julius opened his mouth once more trying to get the crowd in their favor playing his title around carrying weight till eventually Julius seemed to run out of praise, or realized that nobody was listening by now, and stepped back into formation, with Anastasia herself returning to the other candidates.

Miklotove, not even bothering to name the girl in the yellow dress spoke out, "Next, Sir Astrea, and his candidate."

Reinhard, with his very impressive speed, was next to Felt immediately. Unfortunately for him, his power was useless in this circumstance as Felt overlooked the nobles and said, "I don't want to rule, and you bastards are only good as walking safes! I am not going to do this dumb selection thing!"

Miklotov then asked giving Reinhard a glance in a disappointed tone, "So you are withdrawing?"

Felt replied in an obvious tone storming back next to the other candidates as she moved slightly closer to Emilia with the other candidates giving her a side-eyed glance, "Duh! Of course, I am!"

Reinhard tried to stop Felt's actions but being immature asked him to back off by her request as Mash offered the sword saint a pat on the back, saying, "You have it rough buddy."

Reinhard answered, sighing as even his patience had its limits like any other human, "In that case, although I am already in your debt, I hope I can ask for your help in the matter."

Mash could only nod as the old man argued that Felt could rejoin at a later date out of gratitude for the Astera family as Miklotove continued, "Lastly, we have Lady Emilia. Please step forth."

Emilia did as she was told as Roswaal came forward shocking the people in the process, but the people began muttering in disdain and discriminating against her of her race.

"A silver-haired half-elf?!"

"She's a half-demon!"

"How filthy!"

Mash shoots a glare at the nobles as Reinhard tries to comfort his friend reading his emotions, "It's alright, Mash, just believe in Emilia-sama."

Exhaling Mash took Reinhard's words to heart as Emilia's turn began to fidget as Roswaal took center stage, "Coming up after all those knights… It makes me feel like I'm out of place here, right?"

Upon asking this Mash thought to himself determined to assist Emilia out of her stage fright in a serious tone, 'She's withering after being exposed to all the ill will around her… the only way I can help her is to give one push of advice. I hope this doesn't come to bite me in the ass…'

Emilia looked up from the audience to see a message surprising her above made out of [Yin Magic] avoiding the noble's eyes except for the people looking in front. But once she read mentally, she was embarrassed as Mash managed to assist her even now, 'What… is this… Mash-kun…?'

Emilia read the following text as Mash sent a wink in the best regards, she could do giving her the confidence she needed from the following text shown for her to see unnoticed except for Roswaal. Smiling at this he twirled his hand casting his magic to hide the messages for all to see except for Emilia.

[Emilia don't give in to those clowns' glares or ill intent! Merely wow the crowd by summoning Puck and show them your power!]

[Please show them your confidence and never waver!]

[You fought with me against worse how can these feeble nobles ever make you tremble you?]

[You are Emilia a candidate for the throne and show them why you deserve the chance to stand.]

Bordeaux Zellgef angered by this tried to argue showing his racism towards Emilia angrily overstepping his bounds, "RO-"


Then suddenly he fell back down feeling a chill run down his spine as Mash briefly used [Bloodlust] on the old man Reinhard noticed this with a raised eyebrow as Mash replied helplessly whispering to Reinhard, "Woops? Seems like I may have slipped holding my anger there. It's rude for him to interrupt on such a baseless thing as racism against a candidate, right? Sorry, can we pretend it didn't happen?"

Reinhard blinked merely grinning lightly turning a blind eye playfully replying, "I have no idea what you mean, friend."

Mash smiled happily at this but noticed Julius shot him a look of disdain. Felix merely whistled listening to the conversation. But Roswaal noticed the intent and smiled to himself as things were going according to plan.


Suddenly enough a pillar of fire emerged in front of everyone as Puck emerged from the center stretching his body out and floating in the air, "Good grief… These humans sure have been saying whatever they want in front of my daughter. You called for me my precious little girl nyah?"

Emilia soon summoned Puck causing the Council of Wise's eyes to widen with Miklotov to respond surprised, "The Beast of the End… of the eternally frozen lands…?!"

Emilia nodded agreeing with Miklotove's words causing everyone to have a mix of emotions witnessing Puck. Some of the nobles wore an expression of awe, some of disdain, with Roswaal of course having an unreadable smirk consisting only of a smirk.

Miklotove eyes showed interest detecting the intent eyeing Mash with curiosity wondering who the person with the knights could support Emilia stroking his beard.