
Monster from Below

"Seems like we cleaned up everything, what about your side, Fin?"

"It's also clear here."

"I'm also clear here, Captain."

"It's finally over~!!"

"I think I'm going to pay a huge amount again for the repair of my weapon."

"Mine needs to be changed, I think they can't repair it anymore."

"Mine too."

They clear all the monsters. However, the losses are still huge, not only in casualty but also in resources.

Except for the Iron that Knightwalker gathers around, almost all the weapons and armor become useless.

"What is your next plan, Fin?" Riviera asks.

"We can't continue like this, we need to go back now, and also, I hear that they got the quest object so we can call this expedition a successful one."

"That's right, Xin team got the quest object and they got a pretty heavy amount so it thinks it's fine to go back now."

"By the way, where's Captain Xin?" Fin asked.

"There?" Tiona said pointing Xin stand on the edge of the base.

"What is he doing?" Bette asked.

"I don't know-"




The ground starts to shake, almost everyone falls to the ground from the sudden earthquake.

From a distance, they see a giant object slowly coming from the dungeon floor. It's so huge that after the object comes out, they can clearly see its figure.

"Tha also comes from the floor below right?"

"Like coming up by breaking the dungeon?!"

"Don't say foolish words!"

"...hey .... If we defeat that monster, it will also spray corroding liquid everywhere right?"

"Well…. That size, if it is really like this…"

All of them shudder in fear after thinking what will happen next if they really defeat it.

"Why not aim at the Magic Stone?"

"That's too difficult, it's huge and it's an unknown monster, we don't know the place where the magic stone is."

"Wait! It's moving!"

"Lefiya, pass the staff to Riviera." Xin calmly said.

Lefiya hurried past the staff to Riviera which made her confused, but sensing the huge boost after equipping the staff, Riviera seems already to know what to do.

"Deploy barrier around the camp"


"Wait, Riviera still doesn't have enough mana!" Fin hurry shout.

"This is a fine Captain." Lefiya said.

"I'm fine, Fin."

Riviera rasei the staff and cast.

"Borg: Fortress Defense!"

A huge transparent fortress enclosed everyone, it's so huge that it covers everyone inside of the camp.

"I'm ready, Captain Xin."

"I'm going then."

Xin then jumps off the side of the base camp rushing towards the giant enemy, seeing this. She also wants to follow but everyone stops her.

"You can't."


"It's fine, just trust Xin, he can do it." Meira said.


All the girls nodded.



Seeing the huge arm of the monster coming, Xin calmly raises his staff and parries it, using the force from the parry, he jumps sideways while spinning around the monster.

Right now, Xin wants to secure the Magic Stone and not eliminate the monster, he is pretty spurious about the effect of the Magic Stone of a monster from below 51-floor that's why his plan is to eliminate it while saving the Magic Stone.

He then stops after confirming his next action.

"Staff Stance - 'Iron Bridge Blocks the River'."

Another attack from the monster is coming, Xin grip his staff highly and swings it in full circle creating a red full moon in the point of the staff.

"'Second Style - 'Killing circle' ."

"Fourth Style - 'Hundred Layered Waves'."

Xin staff turn into hundred stab towards the enemy making the Huge Monster turn into a beehive after a second.

"Let's end this," Seeing the Magic Stone clearly visible, Xin made his move again.

"Staff Intents - 'Phantom Thrust',"

Super fast and accurate straight trust hitting the head of the monster securing the Magic Stone while eliminating the Monster.


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